C++ :: How To Create Pros And Cons Of Shared Libraries

Aug 18, 2014

I want to know:

1. Pros and cons of shared libraries
2. How to create them(any tutorial link or book will be good)
3. Compare static libraries to dynamic ones

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C++ :: Create A GUI With Open Graphics Libraries

Aug 26, 2013

I'm trying to create a GUI with Open graphics Libraries.I have made a basic GUI that exits the program or shows the instructions if a option/Polygon is marked (A bigger one is behind them)But what I'm trying to do now is the following:

0. Start the direct access on the desktop
1. Screen: Press any key to continue
2. Select one option
2.1 Option one: Go to the circuit selection menu
2.1 Option two: View the instructions (Cleared)
2.1 Option three: Exit the game (Cleared)
3. Select a circuit
4. Go to the car selection menu
5. Select a car and start the race
6. Pause menu if Spacebar has been pressed

From the pause menu:

6.1. Go to the main menu
6.2. Restart the race
6.3. Exit

I know that it is OpenGL, but what i'm looking for is C++.How I could do that? What I have cleared is with IF but I'm looking for better alternatives.

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C++ :: Create A Small Radio That Allows To Retrieve Audio From URL - External Libraries?

Apr 10, 2014

I've finished my series of tutorials and built a investment calculator with QT, now that's finished and I wanted to create a small radio that allows to retrieve audio from an URL. I wanted to use Juce but I'm clueless about it, I know how to program but I've never touched external libraries?

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C :: How To Create A Shared Library From Source Code In Autopy

Jan 22, 2013

I'm trying to find a C library for automating mouse clicks and keystrokes, something like the Python package AutoPy would be ideal.

Might have heard of Auto-it [URL] ...., which automates GUIs in Windows. Something like that would also be good, but my main OS is Linux.

I'm not sure whether it would be possible to create a shared library from the C source code in autopy.

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C/C++ :: Recursively Building Cons Cell Structure Via Recursive Descent

Apr 25, 2015

I'm currently working on a Scheme Interpreter written in C. I'm trying to create a cons cell structure via recursive descent parsing, except instead of just having the car and cons, I also have a field that holds the token that I receive from the lexical analyzer (which was provided to us). The struct for what I'm describing is as such:

typdef struct node node;
typedef node* list;
struct node {
char* symbol;
list car;
list cdr;

Thus a cons cell would be (with a node represented as [symbol][car][cdr]), [null][car][cdr], while a symbol would be [symbol][null][null].

In the top answer for a similar question on Stack Overflow, one of the suggestions was to put the tokens into a stack as the input is recursively parsed, and then from that stack input it into the cons cell structure.

This is something that I'm working towards now, as it is easier for me to understand and I already have implemented a stack in C before, but I know that I can just build the structure recursively, I'm just not sure how. The following is code that I have:

list s_expression() {
list local;
list temp;
if (strcmp(token, "(") == 0) {
strcpy(token, getToken());

[Code] .....

s_expression is supposed to return a pointer to a recursively built cons cell structure. I'm just having issues figuring out when to call getToken(), as I either call getToken in the wrong spot and unintentionally skip over a token, or I call getToken() when I'm done getting all of the tokens, thus causing my program to continue searching for a token from user input instead of continuing on with the rest of the program.

When should I be calling getToken()?

In addition, what would be better, recursively building the cons cell structure as you go through the user's input, or putting all of the tokens into a stack and then building the cons cell structure using that stack?

If needed, I can post the lexical analyzer that's been provided to us. Also, for S_expression(); showing up as S_exp<b></b>pression();, I'm not sure what happened there. I copied this post from my question on stack overflow.

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C++ :: Adding External Libraries?

Feb 5, 2013

I'd like to use the Big Integer Library [URL], but I have issues to use it. I'm using Xcode as compiler and I don't know how to include the library in my project files. When I drag all the files in the project directory and write the statement #include <BigInteger.hh> on the top of the declaration of the main function, even whiteout any other code, I get lots of build error on the .hh and .cc file.

how to include the library on my project.

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C++ :: How To Get Boost Libraries To Work With QT IDE

Mar 5, 2013

I have an issue getting boost libraries to work with QT IDE. Here are relevant lines from my .pro file...

INCLUDEPATH += c:/users/bob/desktop/boost_1_53_0/
LIBS += -LC:c:/users/bob/desktop/boost_1_53_0/stage/lib64

After adding #include <boost/filesystem.hpp> I get error...

C:UsersobDesktopqtpuntitled5mainwindow.cpp:3: error: C1083: Cannot open include file: 'boost/filesystem.hpp': No such file or directory

The IDE does not highlight the line. The error only appears on compilation.

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Visual C++ :: How To Add Boost Libraries

Oct 1, 2013

i have written an algorithm in VC++ 2010 express edition. i have used the following header files



the algorithm worked fine in vc 2010 express edition....

the following header files are not working in vc5

#include "clip.h"

Looks like some of hte boost libraries have to added with vc5.. If any one knows how to add boost libraries with vc5.

showing lot of errors in vc5... not able to run the algorithm in vc5. Our company has only vc5.... the algorithm has to be implemented in vc 2010....

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C++ :: How To Exchange Big Structures Across Libraries

Nov 6, 2014

I have written library in c++ for c++ application. Here, data exchange between library and client through structure. This structure has 20 members ( strings, integers, reals, pointers).

In some flows, library needs few members should get filled in the structure. for ex, application filled 3 integers information and passed to structure. But, in memory, whole structure is occupied.

I think, If library provides functions for every combination, then it would end up with lot of functions. I want to avoid that.

How to optimize data exchange between client and library? ( number of members may be filled sometimes 1, 2, 3, .. 20)

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C :: Date Math Using Standard Libraries?

Dec 22, 2013

Is there any way to do date math using standard C libraries? I looked around in the time.h but didn't see what I needed.

What I need to do is be able to add a certain number of minutes to a date and have it give the current date/time. For example, add 15918765 minutes to 01/01/1980 00:00 and have it tell me 04/07/2010 4:45PM. I really don't want to write this myself or go platform-specific.

Does this exist somewhere or am I SOL?

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C++ :: GCC - How To Fully Ignore Warnings From Libraries

Dec 30, 2013

I know I can use -isystem path to mark a path as containing system headers which shouldn't be included when generating warnings, and this works, but it doesn't work when the warnings are generated by instantiating templates from the library in my source code. Is there any way to ignore these template-instantiation-generated warnings too?

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C++ :: How To Make Special Purpose Libraries

Apr 30, 2014

There are many libraries in C++, but how are they made?

For example: SDL, SFML, Open CV, STK

There are no special functions in C++ from which we can create such libraries, If I wanted to create a library that processes sound signals, how would I do that? How can I access the mic, speakers and process the signals.

Open CV processes videos but which functions does it use?

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C/C++ :: How To Write A Own Library And Hide Other Used Libraries

Aug 1, 2014

I want to write a small game library that uses GLFW.

So I have for example a window class that uses GLFW functions.

To do that my window class must include the GLFW header files.But I don't want, that if I use my library later and I include my window class, that all GLFW functions are included, too.

How I can prevent this and hide GLFW from users of this library completely, so they theoretical don't notice that this library use GLFW ?

And a second question, is it possible, if I export my game library statically that the GLFW lib files are hidden in my own lib files, so that I have finally only one lib file that is needed to use my library ?

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C++ :: Installing And Using Libraries (And Including Dependencies With Binaries)

Mar 4, 2013

I've worked a lot in Java and Perl and now I'm learning C++ and working on a simple e-reader (let's not get into why I'm not just using Kindle or other existing ones). This is for me and a number of friends.

At first my project will be on OS X, then Windows and Linux, and I hope to eventually use it on Android and iOS. I know that the last two will require separate GUIs, but I'm hoping the rest of the code will port easily.

Here's the problem:

I'm using Poppler to read and display PDF files. I started installing it on my iMac and it needs FontConfig, which is turning out to be a difficult install. I would not want to walk others through this or make them have to install Poppler and FontConfig (and any other libraries I find both need).

I thought I could just compile my final binaries using "-static" but I've been reading about how some libraries can't be statically linked or compiled.

Also, since I want to eventually port this to 4 other OSes (and apparently Poppler can work on those target OSes), I don't want to do something now or depend on something that will make it hard or impossible to port to other OSes later.

With that in mind, here are my questions:

1) Why is it some libraries cannot be compiled statically? How do I know if I'm dealing with one of those libraries?

2) Am I right that I could compile this program statically, and the resulting binary would include code from Poppler and FontConfig and other libraries would be included in the resulting executable binary?

3) What do I need to watch for so I can tell if using a particular library will be a problem when I need to port my program to a new OS? (Assuming, of course, that searching shows that library will compile or has been ported to that OS.)

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C++ :: Compiling Static Version Of Boost Libraries?

Mar 6, 2013

I have been trying to compile a static version of the boost libraries, however when I try to launch the program it says fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libboost_serialization-vc100-mt-s-1_53.lib'

I have checked in the boost/stage/lib folder and that file is not there. I compiled boost with b2 link=static yet the file still isn't there.

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C/C++ :: Adding File To The List Of Link Libraries

Jul 28, 2014

I tried to add a .a file to the list of link libraries, but when I build, I'm confronted with the following;

ld.exe||<the path>: Permission denied

I'm an admin on this machine - What?

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C++ :: Shared Pointer Dropping?

Sep 19, 2014

Is their a way to completely drop a shared_ptr. Then it will delete the memory and NULL all pointers linking to it?

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C++ :: Shared Memory Between Processes

Apr 13, 2014

Say now I have a dll, loaded and run by a 32bit program. One of the things that I access from the program in the dll are several 1024x1024 int buffers. However I would like to put some data into those buffers from a external process. And I would like a separate thread in that external process for each buffer. Is there any way I can make that memory space accessible to the external process so I can use my own multi threaded memory transfers to pass that data over provided I ensure that the original process doesn't try to do anything with that data? And I would like to do this without resorting to the Read/WriteProcessMemory functions which are not threadsafe. In short, I want to set up direct memory access between the 2 programs without creating any intermediate shared memory buffers ie I want to set permissions for an existing memory space. Is this possible?

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C :: Program That Implements Audio Effect / Process Without Using External Libraries

Aug 1, 2013

The brief is to write a program that implements a musically-interesting or musically-useful audio effect/process in C without external libraries other than those prescribed (PortMedia/PortMIDI/PortSMF/PortAudio, Libsndfile).

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C/C++ :: Node Insertion Into Boost Libraries - PTree Not Working In MSVC

Dec 24, 2014

I'm currently working on a Microsoft (unmanaged) C++ project which utilizes Boost C++ libraries. It's been quite a while since I've done C++ and I have no previous experience using the Boost libraries.

We are using Boost 1.55 and MSVC 2013. We used CMake to generate the Visual Studio solutions and projects based on the original project layout.

We've successfully built and tested on other environments. In the MSVC - Windows environment, we've run into issues using Boost's Property Tree support. Specifically, the issue seem to center around trying to put properties into PTNodes.

Consider the following code snippet:

void XXX:: SomeFunction() {
PTnode ptNode;
ptNode(Mapper::KEY_INPUT, Tracer::SOME_VALUE);

[Code] ....

This work around seems insert the nodes successfully into the tree.

We are able to verify by finding the inserted items in ::SetResult().

Why this might be failing in VisualStudio C++?

Is this an issue of compiler flags?

precompiler definitions?

Linker options??

Memory mode/model??

Are there some basic behaviour differences in MSVC C++ and other C++ environments which we are unaware of?

I've tried to identify all instances of the node insert pattern and use the work around. But, we really need to find out what the issue is (as there could be other manifestations).

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C++ :: Multithreading - How To Modify Shared Object

Aug 24, 2014

class MyOwner {
int m_count;
bool b_locked;

[Code] ....

I am using an API where I create many MyObjects on the heap, and the API uses a separate thread to send messages to each object. Each MyObject contains a pointer to MyOwner.

Suppose I want to keep a count of all messages received in all MyObjects: How can I do this in a thread safe way?

I am assuming that the code I have written above will not be safe--at the very least it seems that it would potentially miss message counts when it was locked--not the worse case scenario for me. I am most concerned about not causing the application to crash.

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C++ :: Moving Objects To Shared Memory

Feb 9, 2013

I am not so experianced with c++ myself, but I need to evaluate if a certain idea might work.

I am working with a system for automation purposes that is running on a realtime OS in parallel to windows. Windows and the RTOS exchange data via shared memory. The application in the RTOS is compiled in C++. Now I would like to be able to influence the some data manipulation tasks in the RTOS application without changing the code of the RTOS application. So a concept like calling a dll.

My idea was to create a class with virtual methods in the RTOS application. The objects that are used should then be created on the Windows side with the same class prototype, but specific implementation of the virtual methods. The objects should then be moved to the shared memory, where they are used by the RTOS application.

Is something like this possible or am I completly on the wrong path?

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C++ :: Cannot Open Shared Object File

Nov 11, 2013

i'm writing a lexer, and i want to use boost::regex for it. im sure im using it right (just in case though)

if(regex_search(Start, End, Match, regex(""[^"]*""), Flags))


someone told me to download the latest source and build that so i did, by unzipping it, cding to the source, running ./bootstrap.sh, ./b2, and finally ./b2 install. when i compile i get no errors but when i run it i get ./jade: error while loading shared libraries: libboost_regex.so.1.55.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

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C++ :: File Handling Vs Shared Memory?

May 27, 2014

In interprocess communication(IPC) when processe have to share data among each other,why cant they all connect to one single file and share data with basic file handling functions such as read and write?

Why do we need

shared memory(shmget shmat(),shmdt()..etc)
mapped memory(mmap(),munmap()..etc)


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C :: How To Store Array Of Structure At Shared Memory

Jan 16, 2014

I have one requirement to store an array of structure at shared memory. Also the shared memory should have one counter to store number of elements in the array.

I tried to look at some placed but didn't find anything relevant.

So my first question, is it possible that we can store two things on same shared memory. And second if not then how to achieve the same?

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C :: Initialize 1D Or 2D Array In Shared Memory (POSIX)

Dec 8, 2014

I am trying to initialize a 2D char array of strings into POSIX shared memory to be shared between 3 other processes. There are plenty of tutorials on how to use a pointer to share a single string or an integer between processes, but I could find no examples on how to initialize 1D or 2D arrays using mmap(). I have posted what I have so far below. It is the first program, which creates the shared memory object and initialize the array char files[20][2][100] with the value files[0][0][0] = ''. What is the proper method to initialize and share an array in C?

(program initializes shared memory object and array)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>

int main (int argc, char *argv[]){

[Code] ......

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