C++ :: Function Having Argument As A Pointer Passed By Reference

Dec 8, 2014

I have to write an example in which you use a function having as argument a pointer passed by reference in C++. Can you provide an example like this:

funz.h : void funz( int *&a );
funz.cpp : ? (1)
#include "funz.h"
#include <iostream>


as I write in (1) and (2) ?

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C++ :: Linked List Node Passed As Parameter / Argument Pointer To Pointer Notation

Jan 17, 2014

I was having problems changing the value of my head node I passed it as an argument as head which would be the address. The parameter was defined as struct node *head. like this

bool deleteNode(struct node *head, struct node *delptr)

I tried manipultaing pointer values to change head node value but it did not work. I saw some code online which used pointer to pointers(in code below) to change head node value it worked I dont fully understand why. Would like better understanding of why.

Would also like to know why the argument call needed &head instead of just head.

remove = deleteNode(&head,found); opposed to remove = deleteNode(head,found);

#include "stdafx.h"
struct node{


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C++ :: Object That Is Passed To Function Is Changed Although No Pointer Is Passed

Mar 22, 2013

I am posting this simplified piece of code that is a bit confusing for me. There are two functions that I call. One shows the expected results but the result of the other one rather puzzles me.

//#define defineVecTyp Vec3f
#define defineVecTyp float
template <typename vecTyp>
vecTyp buildLaplacianPyramid(cv::Mat inputmat) {
vecTyp lapPyr;


Calling the function sum1 does not change the values stored in the variables val1 and val2. The output of the program is as follows:

val1= 1 ## val2= 10 // before the call of function sum1
val1= 1 ## val2= 10 // after the call of function sum1
sumOfVals= 22

This is quite obvious and as expected and I just pasted this piece of code as an example for better clarification.

However, if I call the function buildLaplacianPyramid and apply a function for Gaussian Blurring, this also effects the cv::Mat passed to the function. The line imshow("M1, after buildLaplacianPyramid",M1); therefore shows an image that is blurred. Since I am not passing a pointer to the cv::Mat I do not understand why this should be happening. I was assuming that there would be a copy of the cv::Mat M1 to be used within the function. Therefore I was expecting the cv::Mat M1 to retain its original value. I was expecting that all changes applied to cv::Mat inputmat within the function would not have any influence on the cv::Mat M1. Just like in my other example with the sum.

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Visual C++ :: Check Type Of Argument Passed To Each Function?

Feb 24, 2015

How to check the type of argument passed to each function, checktype, in below?.

void checktype(void *p)
template <typename Type>
Type checktype(Type t) {

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C++ :: Function Passed By Pointers Or Reference?

Sep 28, 2014

I am going to read some codes about image processing and I need to understand functions like this one below?

BOOL Trans_Geo_Affine(CImage *pImgSrc, CImage *pImgDst, BOOL bMatrix,
BOOL bHvInversed, double fScale_xx, double fFlex_xy, double fSkew_yx,
double fRotate_yy, double fTx, double fTy, int nInterpolation, BOOL bResize, BYTE cFill)


two parameters, CImage *pImgSrc and CImage *pImgDst. I think they are class pointers and the function is passed by reference. What should I learn to understand this function and its parameters? How should I use this function? how to use the function with two parameters CImage *pImgSrc and CImage *pImgDst.

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C++ :: Global Arrays - Passed By Reference To Function

Mar 9, 2013

I currently have multiple functions that use globally declared arrays in my code.

I want to turn them so that arrays are no longer globally declared, but instead are passed by references to the function.

And I have a function caller inside main, and other functions are called within the function.

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C++ :: Multiple Objects Passed As Reference To Function

Apr 23, 2013

Essentially, the 'Sequence' below uses linked lists to store data. If 'result' refers to the same sequence as 'seq1' or 'seq2', I want 'result' to refer to a new sequence. This new sequence can be default constructed (no copy of 'seq1' or 'seq2' is required). I can't seem to do this correctly. Also, the prototype of the function cannot be altered.

void fun(const Sequence& seq1, const Sequence& seq2, Sequence& result) {
// Check for reference to same sequence. If they are the same,
// create new sequence for 'result' to refer to
if ((&seq1 == &result) || (&seq2 == &result)) {

[Code] ......

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C/C++ :: Array As A Function Argument By Reference Program

Feb 23, 2014

// This program should get to grades and calculate the average.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
void getGrades(double[], const int&);
void getTotalAver(double[], double&, const int&);

[Code] .....

When I compile it. I got a linker error.Undefined reference to the functions.I have problems passing data by reference.

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C++ :: Pointer Passed To Function Value Doesn't Change

Dec 24, 2014

when i pass a string pointer to a function such as string *str = new string(""); and pass that string to a handleElement() function e.g. handleElement(str), and i change the value in the function it simply doesn't change when the function exits as though it's passing it by value or something, even though it gives the pointer address.. I've now changed the code to use double pointers and pass the reference of the str pointer and it works but it seems ugly to use double pointers for this.

//handles when a new element is encountered when parsing and adds it to the parse tree
bool ParseBlock::handleElement(char cur, string *curString, int count, bool isOperator) {
countNode = new ParseNode(count);
//keep track of numbers and strings if they exist and insert them


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C++ :: Pointer Passed Into A Function Looses Address It Points To

Mar 7, 2013

Sem is a pointer to semantic which is a struct type variable. I pass the sem into function yylex so i can fill the semantic.i and semantic.s(s points to an array). The problem is that when sem->i = a; is used inside yylex function, sem->s stops showing to the array.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

[Code] ...

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C++ :: Using API Function That Has Char Pointer As Argument

Feb 5, 2014

I am using a small robotic-car that is controlled by writing C/C++ codes under Linux. I need to use a particular function from the library provided by the manufacturer. The relevant API documentation for the function is:

BASEBOARD_ERROR_KIND ZMP zrc :: :: :: Baseboard GetRS232Data (char * msg )

RS232 data acquisition.

[Out] msg Address of the acquired data.

BASE_OK RS232 data acquisition success
BASE_BASE_232_GETDATA_ERR RS232 data acquisition failure

I have trouble writing the relevant code in the main program that invokes this function. Here is a snippet of what I have tried:

# include "Baseboard.h"
int main () {
Baseboard _Baseboard; // Class name is Baseboard
char *msg ;

[Code] ......

The part where I am uncertain is how to handle the char pointer "msg" in the declaration, function call and referencing. According to the documentation, the char pointer "msg" is the output of the function so I presume that is is somehow dynamically allocated. Am I handling the char pointer properly in the declaration, function call and referencing parts?

Another related question I have is: I am printing out the value of the variable "dummy". I always get 0 for it. Since the variable "dummy" is an enum of type BASEBOARD_ERROR_KIND which can take on two values (first value represents success and the second failure), it is alright to get a integer value of 0 for it if the function call was successful ? (I do not have much experience with using enums so this is a enum-related question on whether we can get an integer value representing the first enum value) .

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C++ :: Void Pointer Argument In A Function?

Jun 11, 2014

Why does the following code compile and execute without any error? I mean, the function compareid should get 2 arguments so why does the compiler not complaining, is it because of the type of arguments?

#include <stdio.h>
int compareid(void* info, int value); // ansi declaration
int compareid(void* info, int value)

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Choose Second Argument Passed To Nth Element

Jun 18, 2013

Here is the code,

vector<int> vec;
for(int i=0;i<10;++i)
random_shuffle(vec.begin(), vec.end());
nth_element(vec.begin(), vec.begin()+7, vec.end());

No matter how I choose the second argument passed to nth_element, the elements in vec are always sorted as,

What is the use of second argument here?

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C/C++ :: Read Through Files Of Directory Name Passed As Argument

May 3, 2014

write a code using vs studio 8 to read a diretory name as argument and then open the directory and read each file one at a time and find the match for a string passed as an nother argument in the lines of each file. When it matches create a file and write in that output file the file name whetre the match found, the line number and line which matched.

My vis does not have dirent.h. so please use another ways to read directory call witha system acll and then then extract the fienames in a file(use some primitive way to open the the directory)

I cant do this parts

(1) read a directory

(2) create a file with only file names

(3) read file names ans open the files one at a time till the end of the file reached

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C++ :: Passing A Function Pointer As Template Argument To A Class

Aug 15, 2012

I have in the past written code for templated functions where one function argument can be either a function pointer or a Functor. Works pretty straightforward.

Now I am in a situation where I am actually trying to pass a function pointer as template argument to a class. Unfortunately this does not work, I can pass the Functor class but not the function pointer. Below code illustrates the issue:

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdlib>
// For demonstration
const char * external_library_call() {
return "FFFF";

[Code] .....

The idea is to have the definition of the Record class simple and readable and have a maintainable way to add auto-conversion functions to the class. So the lines I commented out are the desirable way how I want my code to look. Unfortunately I could not come up with any way that was close to readable for solving this.

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C :: Passing Argument Of Incompatible Pointer Type - Warning In Function Call In Main

Jun 4, 2013

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int size_b_row1;
int size_b_col1;


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C++ :: Vector Get Passed To A Thread By Value Instead Of By Reference

Aug 25, 2013

I have a function :

void UpdateNotefications(vector <string> &Notefic)

Where I change a vector...

I called it with a thread :

thread t1 (UpdateNotefications, Notefic);

Though I see that inside the func, Notefic has a val, and outside, it is still empty (after the function is over)...

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C# :: Get The Actual String Passed By Reference?

Apr 8, 2015

I have a list of Strings that are passed to a method consecutively by reference from a class. I want to get the string value passed to the method at a point in time. The reason is to perform an if statement.

//this is the class that holds that holds the constants.
using System;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
namespace xxx.Functional.xyz.Login {
public class Constants {
public static String Username = "paul";
public static String Code = "4";


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C++ :: Pointer - Pass Reference Variable Into Function

Oct 4, 2013

I don't understand how my code not run.

#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace std;
struct student{
char name[30];
char birthday[20];
char homeness[50];
float math;

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Const Pointer Pass By Reference In Print Function

Apr 21, 2014

I am trying use a print function to print out data in a struct. My questions are:

1. I have to use pass by reference. For the print function, I am passing the struct pointer as a reference, however, I don't want the print function to accidentally change anything. How can I make it use const to ensure that?

2. The deleteprt function doesn't look right to me. I feel like it should just be delete ptr not delete [] ptr.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct Inventory {

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Template Function Parameter Passing By Reference Instead Of Copy / Pointer

Sep 19, 2014

Basically I'm trying to pass an object as a reference to the template function, rather than a copy as it's seeing. I'm needing to do this without editing Obj::Call to accommodate a reference as its first parameter, as it'd break other calls.

You'll notice in the following code the object will be destroyed upon passing, while the object defined is still in-scope due to the infinite end loop.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Obj {
string name;
Obj(string name): name(name) {cout << "create " << this << endl;}


In the past I tried ref(), which appeared to stop this happening, however it created a blank copy of the object instead.

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C++ :: Pass Matrix By Reference Using Pointer Of Pointer

Jun 20, 2014

i really don't know why has a error in my code, that pass a pointer of pointer (name of a matrix with 2 dimensions). Here is the source code of a simple example where appears segmentation fault when execute (but compiles normal):

#include <stdio.h>
#define LINHAS 3
#define COLUNAS 5
void zeros(float **p,float m, float n){
int i,j;


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C :: Passing Argument 1 Makes Pointer From Integer Without A Cast

Mar 6, 2015

print_int_ptr(int *a){

printf(" a %i
" ,a);
printf(" &a %i
" ,&a);

[Code] .....

I get that warning : passing arg 1 of `print_int_ptr' makes pointer from integer without a cast|

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C :: Passing Argument 1 Makes Integer From Pointer Without A Cast

Mar 26, 2014

I am having some errors with pointers and passing arguments.


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX_FILE_LENGTH 20
typedef struct node_{
int value;
struct node_* next;


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C :: Modifying Linked List - Passing Pointer As Argument

Feb 27, 2015

I am having trouble modifying a linked list. I am writing a function to delete the last node from the linked list, but it gave me incompatible types error.Here is my struct:

typedef struct PCB{
int id;
struct PCB *next;
struct PCB *prev;
}PCB_rec, *PCB_p;

Here is my function to delete the last node (given the pointer is pointing at the last node of the list):

void del_last_node(PCB_p *process_list){
PCB_p temp = process_list;
if (temp->prev != NULL){
temp = temp->prev;

[Code] ....

And here is how I called the function:

Code: del_last_node(&process_list);

It gives me the following errors:
initialization from incompatible pointer type at line:
PCB_p temp = process_list
assignment from incompatible pointer type at line:
process_list = temp

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C :: Multiple Reference In One Pointer

Aug 20, 2014

Can I a have one pointer with two reference in it. Here's what I've got.

char* c;
char x='x' , y='y';
c = &x;
c = &y; -- or --
Code: char* c[2];
char x='x' , y='y';
c[0] = &x;
c[1] = &y;

If it's possible I want to apply it to make AST.

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