C/C++ :: Read Through Files Of Directory Name Passed As Argument
May 3, 2014
write a code using vs studio 8 to read a diretory name as argument and then open the directory and read each file one at a time and find the match for a string passed as an nother argument in the lines of each file. When it matches create a file and write in that output file the file name whetre the match found, the line number and line which matched.
My vis does not have dirent.h. so please use another ways to read directory call witha system acll and then then extract the fienames in a file(use some primitive way to open the the directory)
I cant do this parts
(1) read a directory
(2) create a file with only file names
(3) read file names ans open the files one at a time till the end of the file reached
Error 1 error C3867: 'std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std ::allocator<char>>::size': function call missing argument list; use '&std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,st d::allocator<char>>::size' to create a pointer to member.
I was having problems changing the value of my head node I passed it as an argument as head which would be the address. The parameter was defined as struct node *head. like this
I tried manipultaing pointer values to change head node value but it did not work. I saw some code online which used pointer to pointers(in code below) to change head node value it worked I dont fully understand why. Would like better understanding of why.
Would also like to know why the argument call needed &head instead of just head.
remove = deleteNode(&head,found); opposed to remove = deleteNode(head,found);
I'm writing a program to merge all .txt files in a directory. I had the code working and then made small change. It started crashing and I couldn't get it back to working.
If I comment that section out, the code still works. But, I know that portion of the code works to copy text from one file to another! It's actually from the Schildt complete C reference and I have tested it several times on it's own.
I tried listing files using the code given in "[URL] ..." the program listed all the files present in the current dirctory but if i change the drive and the directory to such as
"C:UsersBaaooDownloadsdirect.h function"
the program does not list files name.
#include <iostream> #include <dirent.h> using namespace std; int main() {
I'm using the following code to capture all files in a directory - but when I pass the "path" var such as "C:SomeDir" ffd.cFileName is just simply "SomeDir" and is seen as a valid folder and no more files are processed.. I'm trying to get the contents in that folder. I'm following this example here - [URL] .....
I've tried to form together the following code so that I can process multiple files from one user specified directory. However, when I run the program it works great for the first file, but all other files are blank. The problem starts on the following line:
I need to write a program that acts as a file manager for all the files and folders in the directory given as an argv parameter and all of its subdirectories. This means be able to move, rename, delete the files in the sub directories. Also I need to be able to store the structure of folders and files in a binary tree adt (I have one already). But I'm not sure what libraries to use with this and how do I open a directory is it like a file with fopen?
I'm quite new to C++ and got a problem of reading some files from a directory. All files is pure text, and I have no problem in reading these.
My problem is that I always have to read the oldest file without knowing the filename, and then move it to another directory and so on. Is it possible to use the timestamp instead of the filename to access the right file - read it and then move it to another directory?
I am posting this simplified piece of code that is a bit confusing for me. There are two functions that I call. One shows the expected results but the result of the other one rather puzzles me.
Calling the function sum1 does not change the values stored in the variables val1 and val2. The output of the program is as follows:
val1= 1 ## val2= 10 // before the call of function sum1 val1= 1 ## val2= 10 // after the call of function sum1 sumOfVals= 22
This is quite obvious and as expected and I just pasted this piece of code as an example for better clarification.
However, if I call the function buildLaplacianPyramid and apply a function for Gaussian Blurring, this also effects the cv::Mat passed to the function. The line imshow("M1, after buildLaplacianPyramid",M1); therefore shows an image that is blurred. Since I am not passing a pointer to the cv::Mat I do not understand why this should be happening. I was assuming that there would be a copy of the cv::Mat M1 to be used within the function. Therefore I was expecting the cv::Mat M1 to retain its original value. I was expecting that all changes applied to cv::Mat inputmat within the function would not have any influence on the cv::Mat M1. Just like in my other example with the sum.
I try to use passing function as argument but I'm stuck. I have two questions: First, I try to call uppercase and open .txt in tfm Second, How can I read characters from in.txt as string and assign to char content[] ?
#include <stdio.h> void tfm( char str_filename[], void(*pf_convertion)( char content[])); void uppercase(char content[]); //converts all letters to uppercase int main(){ puts("-------------------------------"); printf("tfm: "); tfm("in.txt", uppercase);
I'm trying read a binary file. A binary files is continued with bytes(ascci characters). and the 1st position is the position 0(zero).
I'm trying read just some values from ICO file:
- the 3rd value is in 4th-1 position(number of icons); (See the table: [URL] .... ) - the with is the (numberoficons*16) + 4 (the 16 is the Entries structure size) position; - the height is the (numberoficons*16) + 4 + 4 (the 16 is the Entries structure size) position.
now see the code:
int iconwidth; int iconheight; int iconcount; FILE *iconfile = fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb");//open the file fseek(iconfile,4-1,SEEK_SET); //put the file in position 6(the position starts from 0) fread(&iconcount,sizeof(char),2,iconfile);//get 2 blocks with char size(2 bytes).. i'm getting the number of icons
I am using dir object from dirent.h to read files of a folder. The code I am using in order to read all data is the following:
vector<string> directories;
DIR *pDIR; const char * c = path.c_str(); struct dirent *entry;
I am wandering when I am trying to read two times the files of the same folder, it will be stored with the same order or every time I ll read in folder it ll return different file order?
I'm trying to finish this project which is supposed to read two files, and merge them alphabetically. I've written this code, and it compiles. But it isn't actually doing anything??The console opens and closes immediately upon running.
Code: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cstdlib> #include <string> using namespace std; #define hisFamily "The Adopted.txt" //His family #define herFamily "The Originals.txt" //Her family #define ourFamily "The Big Picture.txt" //Our family
need to create a program for the following problem
1.Program takes messages as input at a rate “X” msg/sec, and outputs those messages at “Y” mgs/sec in a file.
2.The peak value of X can be 10msg/sec, and Y can be at max 5msg/sec. System should be designed in such a way that it can handle the peak input rate of 10msg/sec for not beyond 5 minutes.
3.Message contains following fields – unit id, timestamp, temperature.
4.Input data to be read from a file. Output data to be written to a file.
5.For testing design 3 types of profiles –
a.Profile 1 for 10 min – low rate, i.e. X = 4 msg/sec on an average throughout the period. b.Profile 2 for 10 min – Max rate, i.e. X = 10 msg/sec for 2 min; then a sleep of 2 min, then repeat the same pattern till complete period c.Profile 3 for 10 min - Max rate, i.e. X = 10 msg/sec for 5 min; then no traffic for next 5 min
Basically I am to create a program that will read two saved text files; one is [2x4] ~ (matrixA.txt) and another is [4x2] ~ (matrixB.txt). The program is supposed to read both text files, multiply them, and generate an output that will be saved as ~ (matrixC.txt).
C:UsersLeDerpHW1.c: In function `main': HW1.c:27: parse error before `int' //Line 28 C:UsersLeDerpHW1.c: At top level: HW1.c:34: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration //35 HW1.c:34: warning: data definition has no type or storage class //35 HW1.c:35: parse error before `for' //37