C++ :: Find Vertical Paths Of Length

Jul 24, 2014

I'm trying to find vertical paths of length n through a 2D grid of numbers. Paths may connect orthogonally or diagonally. An example grid and an example possible path looks like this:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

0 2 4 6 4 1 3 4 5
1 5 3 5 8 6 6 6 6
2 3 4 2 1 1 2 5 3
3 3 2 3 3 1 3 4 5
4 3 6 1 1 5 2 5 4
5 2 5 4 2 4 5 6 2
6 6 6 1 1 5 1 4 5
7 1 5 6 4 2 4 2 3

A example possible path of length n = 3 is running from (3,2) to (3,4) - All 1s ...An example of n = 4 is the run of 3s (1,1) (0,2) (0,3), (0,4)

What is an efficient algorithm for solving this kind of problem? I would like to solve (ideally) millions of grids, giving a list for each grid of all possible paths of length for n = 3-6.

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C++ :: Find Every Permutation With Length From 1 To N?

Jan 29, 2015

I need to be able to find every possible permutation using all possible values of a char. But I have to make it be able to form permutations from a length of 1 to variable N. For example, if N=3, I need it to be able to come up with

0x00 0x00
0x01 0x01
0xff 0xff 0xfe
0xff 0xff 0xff

How could I do this. (I would like to avoid recursion, since N might be as large as 50 or 60 and using recursion would most likely cause a stack overflow)

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C++ :: How To Find Length Of String

Jul 6, 2014

int t;
string a;
int len=a.length();
cout<<a<<" "<<len;


why is the length 0?what can I do to get the correct length of the input string?

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C/C++ :: Find Length Of String

Dec 15, 2014

I am stuck here.

printf(" Enter a line of Morse Code for decrypting");
for(a=0;a<36;a++) {
if(strcmp(phr, morse[a])==0)
printf("%c", alpha[a]);
};printf(" ");

The output :

[output] Enter line to encrypt:
..... -.... --...

5 [/output]

It should read all code, including null. between coded letter one space, between coded word three spaces.

The output should be:

56 7 [/output]

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C :: Find The Length Of Char Array

Sep 25, 2014

I am working on a c-programm. In this program I have to convert the amount of money I read on two variables into the corret format. I got Euros and cents on 2 ints. But now I want to add both of those variables in a String (char array). Also i want to find out the length of the new char array.

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C++ :: For Loop To Find Vector Length

Jul 21, 2013

Ok my assignment has me doing vector math with some canned code provided for me by the instructor This is the header file to the class I'm working with and the .cpp file as far as I've gotten it.

#pragma once
#include "Scalar.h"
class Vector2D {

Vector2D( const Vector2D& ) ;// copy constructor
Vector2D( Scalar element[2] ) ; // initialize with an array

[Code] ....

I'm having trouble seeing which data members I'm multiplying together and what the initial state, continuing state, and after loop action I'm supposed to be using in the for loop.

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C/C++ :: Find Length Of First Sentence In Input String

Feb 13, 2015

I have a question about finding the length of first sentence in an input string.

For example, let the input string be: dream in code. community learning

The length of first sentence is 13 (blanks are included). My question is how to create conditions for multiple punctuation signs (!,?)? If while loop goes like:


it gives me an error for infinite loop.

int main() {
char str[100];int i=0,br=0;
printf("enter a string:");

[Code] ....

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C :: All Paths Between Two Nodes In Matrix

Jun 9, 2014

I have a adjacency matrix. (router adjacency matrix in network). The result should be the router ID.I mean, print all the possible paths from source router to target router(ROUTER id>> 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 so there are four one router). I get the error in the output.)

/* graph: Pointer to the starting of mXn matrix
i, j: Current position of the robot (For the first call use 0,0)
m, n: Dimentions of given the matrix
pi: Next index to be filed in path array

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Any Way To Have Program Control Go Some Two Paths At Once?

May 6, 2014

is there any way to have the program control go some two paths at once? For example: if my program has two functions, one that does some simple calculation that requires nothing from outside it to set the variables and another that displays text for the user to read then enter something. Is there any way to have both run at the same time?

{int a = 1;
int b = 2 ;
int c = a+b ;


There is no connection of simplefnc to anywhere else in the program so is there any way to get it to run at the same time the other function is running?

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C# :: Not All Code Paths Return A Value

Jan 14, 2014

I get a error "Not all code paths return a value" what is the reason i get this error

public String giveHint() {
int hintPossible, x, y, val;
_game.hint(out hintPossible, out x, out y, out val);
if (hintPossible == 1)
return "x: " + x + "y: " + y + "val: " + val;

giveHint() has a red underline and it says not all code path returns a value ....

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C++ :: Linked List - Not All Control Paths Return A Value

Mar 31, 2013

'LinkedList::removeFirst' : not all control paths return a value

what does this error means? below is my code

#include <stdexcept>
using namespace std;
class node {

[Code] ....

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C# :: Credit Card Validation - Not All Code Paths Return A Value

Jun 16, 2014

I have written the below but I get an error when I run it. I get the below error.

$mcs main.cs -out:demo.exe 2>&1

main.cs(93,58): warning CS0162: Unreachable code detected
main.cs(85,21): error CS0161: `CreditCards.CreditCardsValidator.LuhnCheckPerformed(string)': not all code paths return a value
Compilation failed: 1 error(s), 1 warnings

The code is below:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
/**@return a Credit Card Validation Application

[Code] ......

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C# :: Read Data From More Than One File At Once - Not All Code Paths Return A Value

Apr 11, 2015

I am trying to read data from more than one file at once. The files are different types e.g. one is a text file one is an xml file like so, StudentInformation.txt, CollegeInformation.xml. The files are all stored in one place, in this case on the D drive of a local computer. I am trying to locate any files in the D drive with a file extension of .txt or of .xml (there may be more than two of these files in the future, so I'm trying to allow for that). Then I want to open all of these files, extract the information and output all the information in one display window. I want all the information from these two or more files to be displayed together in the display window.

Here is the code so far. It is throwing up errors.

//Load from txt files
private void btnLoad_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
IEnumerable<string> fileContents = Directory.EnumerateFiles("D:\", "*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
.Select(x => new FileInfo(x))
.Where(x => x.Extension == ".xml" || x.Extension == ".txt")
.Select(file => ParseFile(file));}

[Code] ....

The error it throws up is:
Error 1 'BookList.Mainwindow.ParseFile(System.IO.FileInfo)': not all code paths return a value

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C++ :: Singleton Design Pattern - Not All Control Paths Return A Value

Jan 17, 2013

I have the following code where I use the singleton design pattern, but I get the warning:

warning C4715: 'CM::Instance' : not all control paths return a value

CM& CM::Instance() {
DWORD dwWaitResult = WaitForSingleObject(mutex, INFINITE);
switch(dwWaitResult) {

[Code] ....

How can I fix this warning?

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Visual C++ :: Include Library Paths In VS 2012 Through The New Property Pages?

Jan 30, 2013

I am trying to include library paths in VS 2012 through the new property pages.I downloaded and installed mpich2-64 bit libraries under "C:Program FilesMPICH2include" and set the include path in Microsoft.cpp.x64.user property file so the path now looks like

"$(VCInstallDir)include;$(VCInstallDir)atlmfcinclude;$(WindowsSDK_IncludePath);C:Program FilesMPICH2include;"

But somehow it fails to find the files.


fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'mpi.h': No such file or directory

The file is definitely there, so what could be the problem ?

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C :: Scaling Y Axis - Vertical Histogram

Mar 6, 2015

Scaling the yaxis on my histogram for one of my class projects. I've gotten mostly everything but stuck on scaling. I'm pretty sure it's something simple to do, but I'm having trouble, and I've tried everything to my knowledge to get it scaled from 0.1 - 1, like this:

Here is my code:

#include<stdio.h> //include all preprocessor directives
int main(void) {
int MAX = 0; //initialize and declare variables
int allcounts [10] = {0}; //store an array of integers for
int yaxis, xaxis = 0;

[Code] ....

I'm close, but every time I try and change my y axis in the for loop from 1 going down to 0.1, it doesn't give me a right output.

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Visual C++ :: Vertical Spacing On CMenu

Sep 20, 2012

I have an MDI MFC application which has a menu at the top. Nothing particularly unusual about that, but for some reason my application seems to have a vertical spacing about 30%-40% bigger than "normal" on the drop down menus (when compared with Visual Studio itself).

I've looked thru the options for CMenu, CMFCMenuBar, CMFCVisualManager, but can't seem to find anything to explain why my menu has such a large vertical spacing between options, nor how to change it.

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C++ :: Calculate Product Of 4 Vertical Values In Matrix

Jun 1, 2013

I am attempting to create a program which calculates the product of 4 vertical values in the matrix. The numbers are supposed to be randomly generated and the size of the matrix is given through the command window.

However I seem to have either not pointed my matrix through all of my functions correctly, or my logic is off somewhere as I keep getting this output regardless of the size of matrix I put in:

"the location of the highest horizontal line product is: 5 0 and is the number: 0

The overall max value is 4196352 at the above coordinates."

using namespace::std;
int h_line(int**, int, int);
int v_line(int, int,int);
int diagnol_left(int,int,int);

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Calculating Vertical Position Of Scroll Bar For A List Box?

Aug 16, 2013

im trying to code a simple list box for my self made GUI but i seem to be stuck at the scroll bar. I already finished with the calculation for the scroll bar size but how I could calculate it's current vertical position depending on the current item on top of the list box.

My current code looks like this

ListBox struct:
struct MenuListBox {
int PosX;
int PosY;
int Width;
int ItemsVisible; //Items visible at the same time
int CurrentItem;


Additional vars in the menu class:

MenuListBox* MenuListBoxes;
int ListBoxCount;

How could i calculate this:

New->CurrentScrollBarPosY = ; ?

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C++ :: Enter Name Then Output Name In Vertical Position Using For Loop

Feb 21, 2013

How to fix this when i run the program and enter my name then output my name in vertical position using the for loop and press enter the program do not stop

main() {
char name,n;
printf("Enter Your Name:");

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Vertical Size / Height Of Control Bar In MDI App?

Jan 28, 2014

In a MDI-app with some toolbars and statusbar I created also a controlbar which can be docked to the left side. My problem now: how do I get the exact height of the controlbar?

In CalcDynamicLayout I set the height for the docked state to the height of the mainframe. This value is too big, but it will work basically.

But how can I get the exact height of the controlbar?

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C++ ::  Vertical Histogram - Variables In For Loop To Print Stars

Dec 6, 2013

I want to create a vertical histogram in my code. I already made it go vertical but not the way I want it.

I want it like this:

Range1 Range2 Range3 Range4

And asterisks under each one, depending on the user input. (My code is below and doing it on here doesn't make it come out correctly)

But what I've managed to do is this:





Which I don't want. I want everything else to stay pretty much the same since I can only use some features such as Arrays and really basic functions.

Here is my code: (Worked fine last time I used it and I am doing it on Visual Studio 2010 (at uni) and 2013 (on my laptop)).

#include <iostream> //Start of code
using namespace std;
int MarkValueInput; //Mark entered by user
//Counter variables for ranges in While Loop
int counterlow; //Counter for low range
int countermidlow; //Counter for mid-low range
int countermidhigh; //Counter for mid-high range
int counterhigh; //Counter for high range

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Input A Name Horizontal And Display Output In Vertical Position

Feb 9, 2013

Program that input a name horizontal and display the name in vertical position using looping any kind of looping?

INPUT:Enter A name:John

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C++ :: Utilizing Arrays Create Vertical Asterisk Graph?

Jun 25, 2013

This program needs to display a vertical graph of asterisks showing production for each plant in the company ...

Here is what I have so far:

This program will read data and
display a vertical graph showing
productivity for each plant.
Reference Display 7.8 pg. 401-3
#include <iostream>


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Visual C++ :: Custom Control And Vertical Scrollbar - Repaint?

Apr 8, 2015

I'm having a custom control and I added a vertical scroll bar to it. After scrolling down and then up what all controls are added are disappeared. Controls added are (checkboxes, editboxes, browse button).

Scroll works fine. Looks like painting problem but unable to resolve the issue.

code snippet:
void MyCustomControl::OnVScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar* pScrollBar) {
int minpos, maxpos;
GetScrollRange(SB_VERT, &minpos, &maxpos);
maxpos = GetScrollLimit(SB_VERT);

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Member Function - Add Vertical Colour Text In Popup Menu

Jun 4, 2013

I was reading a c++ code written in embarcadero ide to add vertical colour text in popup menu.

While reading the code, I had seen following instructions.


void __fastcall ExpandMenuItemWidth(TObject *Sender, TCanvas *ACanvas,int &Width, int &Height);

void __fastcall DrawNewItem(TObject *Sender, TCanvas *ACanvas, const TRect &ARect, bool Selected);

The above two methods used in the code like below:

PopupMenu1->Items->Items[i]->OnMeasureItem = ExpandMenuItemWidth;
PopupMenu1->Items->Items[i]->OnDrawItem = DrawNewItem;

What is happening when we are using member function without parameters like above?

I found above code at: [URL] ....

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