C++ :: Utilizing Arrays Create Vertical Asterisk Graph?

Jun 25, 2013

This program needs to display a vertical graph of asterisks showing production for each plant in the company ...

Here is what I have so far:

This program will read data and
display a vertical graph showing
productivity for each plant.
Reference Display 7.8 pg. 401-3
#include <iostream>


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C++ :: Asterisk Bar Graph

Feb 12, 2014

i have to make a programs that prompts the user to enter quiz grades and add them up. For examples the user enters 6 test grades they are out of 5 so he enters 0-5 and i store them in the array. This part works great but now i have to print out a bar of vertical asterisks for every part too. So if at the end we have one test grades that are 2 grades of 1 points, 1 grade of two point, 2 grades of three point and 1 grade of 5 point it will have to display them as this

There are 2 grades of 1
There are 1 grades of 2
There are 2 grades of 3
There are 1 grades of 5

i need to do for loops but i am stuck on what to count too and what to print i know i will need cout << "*" and a couple of spaces.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main (){
int size;
int tests;
int a[6]={0};

cout << "How many quiz scores will you enter: ";
cin >> size;


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C :: Create ASCII Bar Graph Of Die Rolls

May 24, 2013

for an assignment we need to create basically a program that asks the user for the result of standard six-sided die rolls (numbers from 1 to 6). The program will prompt the user with "Enter a die roll or 0 to exit " for the first entry and Next die roll? for all subsequent entries. The program will continue reading die rolls from the user until the user enters 0. At this point, the program prints two newline characters (one blank line) and finally, the bar chart showing the number of times each die roll has been entered, and then terminates.If the user enters an invalid number, the program will just ignore it, and ask for another number. Only numbers 1-6 inclusive and 0 are valid.

Example output Enter a die roll or 0 to exit 6 Next die roll? 6 Next die roll? 7 Next die roll? 4 Next die roll? 0


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C :: Utilizing Type Casting Construct

Apr 13, 2014

This code i made, utilizing the type casting construct, isn't outputting what i wanted. The output for 'Dollars' and 'Cents' are returning '0' for both. instead all i want it to do is seperate the two. for example changing the float value of amount to an integer, giving a dollar value.


#include <stdio.h>
int main()


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C/C++ :: How To Make Food Ordering Program Utilizing Voice Commands

Apr 19, 2014

I was interested in making a food ordering program utilizing voice commands. I hope to build a GUI with items listed on one side, and with voice commands picking up on key words that will add the food to the right of what you chose.

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C :: How To Create Array Of Arrays

Nov 3, 2014

I wanted to do this: Accept a line of input from user and save it to an array1 and copy its contents to other array in a set of arrays and then input another line to array1 and then copy it to next array in the same set and so on.... I know it is confusing but I can put it like that I want to create an array of arrays (Set of arrays). How can I do so?

I wrote a code to input the line in an array and tried to copy it another array of pointers, but pointers are just addresses so the same adress is copied again and again so, all the pointers of the array point to one address only. The code doesn't print anything when I try to print all the lines that were saved.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define MAXLEN 1000
#define MAXSIZE 100

int getline(char [], int );
void storage(char line[]);

[Code] .....

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C :: How To Create Functions With Arrays

Jun 12, 2013

how to create functions with arrays :/

You have to write a single C program that creates a one dimensional array of size MAX(to be declared as a declarative constant using directive #define MAX 10), initializes its elements with a given value using the function InitArray, then populate the array with some random numbers between 1 and MAX inclusive, and finally search the array for certain keys.

The structure for this C program is as follows:

int main() {
//array A to be locally declared here
size = MAX;


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C/C++ :: How To Create Payroll System Using Arrays

Feb 21, 2015

Create a payroll program to store and calculate the payroll for a small company with a maximum of 20 employees.

Program parameters are as follows:

1. Create a menu with the following options (use a do-while loop):
A or a to add employee info
D or d to display employee info
T or t to display total payroll
S or s to display the info of all employees
Z or z to exit program

The information for each employee is: employee number, hours worked, pay rate per hour, tax deduction.

2. Use an array of doubles to store employee information.

3. Menu option A or a: ask the user for the employee information one value at . a time and store it in the array.

Please enter employee number: 2190
Please enter hours worked: 32.50
Please enter pay rate: 9.25
Please enter tax rate deduction: 5.50

4. Option D or d: ask the user for an employee number as integer and display . the information for the corresponding employee (cast the employee number

. in the array to integer and then compare). If employee number does not . match, output a msg. indicating "no such employee". If the employee number . is a match, output all the employee information stored in addition to the . calculated deduction and salary.

Output sample:
Info for employee number: 2190
Hours worked: 32.50
Pay rate: $ 9.25
Tax deduction: 5.50 %
Total pay: $ 284.89

5. Option T or t: calculate and output the sum of the total pay of all
. employees.

6. Option S or s: display the information for all employees in the same
. format as in option B.

7. Option Z or z: exit the program.

#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX [20]
int main(void) {
int i;
for (i=0;i<=20;i++) {
char MenuOption=0;
int EmployeeNumber;

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: 2D Dynamic Arrays - How To Create And Give Values

Apr 23, 2014

I cant get with part of it is wrong, i want to sum every row, too.

// Color Number.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"


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C++ :: Create A Function That Uses Dynamic Allocated Arrays Instead Of Vectors?

Feb 9, 2014

I'm trying to create a function that uses dynamic allocated arrays instead of vectors because I want to see how they work. Basically, this function asks the user to input how many people they are going to enter followed by their name; then, they enter how many of these people want to register for an ID followed by their phone #.

For example:

"How many customers will you like to enter? " 3 //user inputs 3
Bob Allen //user input
Ellen Michaels //user input
Jane Andrews //user input


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C :: What Is Left Most Asterisk Doing

Apr 1, 2014

I encounter this from a library:

( *(reg8 *)(pinPC) |= CY_PINS_PC_DATAOUT)

From my understand the cast (reg8 *) applies to the result of the bitwise OR. But what is the left most asterisk doing?Is it just dereferencing the casted pointer?

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C :: Scaling Y Axis - Vertical Histogram

Mar 6, 2015

Scaling the yaxis on my histogram for one of my class projects. I've gotten mostly everything but stuck on scaling. I'm pretty sure it's something simple to do, but I'm having trouble, and I've tried everything to my knowledge to get it scaled from 0.1 - 1, like this:

Here is my code:

#include<stdio.h> //include all preprocessor directives
int main(void) {
int MAX = 0; //initialize and declare variables
int allcounts [10] = {0}; //store an array of integers for
int yaxis, xaxis = 0;

[Code] ....

I'm close, but every time I try and change my y axis in the for loop from 1 going down to 0.1, it doesn't give me a right output.

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C++ :: Find Vertical Paths Of Length

Jul 24, 2014

I'm trying to find vertical paths of length n through a 2D grid of numbers. Paths may connect orthogonally or diagonally. An example grid and an example possible path looks like this:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

0 2 4 6 4 1 3 4 5
1 5 3 5 8 6 6 6 6
2 3 4 2 1 1 2 5 3
3 3 2 3 3 1 3 4 5
4 3 6 1 1 5 2 5 4
5 2 5 4 2 4 5 6 2
6 6 6 1 1 5 1 4 5
7 1 5 6 4 2 4 2 3

A example possible path of length n = 3 is running from (3,2) to (3,4) - All 1s ...An example of n = 4 is the run of 3s (1,1) (0,2) (0,3), (0,4)

What is an efficient algorithm for solving this kind of problem? I would like to solve (ideally) millions of grids, giving a list for each grid of all possible paths of length for n = 3-6.

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Visual C++ :: Vertical Spacing On CMenu

Sep 20, 2012

I have an MDI MFC application which has a menu at the top. Nothing particularly unusual about that, but for some reason my application seems to have a vertical spacing about 30%-40% bigger than "normal" on the drop down menus (when compared with Visual Studio itself).

I've looked thru the options for CMenu, CMFCMenuBar, CMFCVisualManager, but can't seem to find anything to explain why my menu has such a large vertical spacing between options, nor how to change it.

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C :: How To Change The Numbers Into Asterisk

Oct 10, 2014

i have my basic C program here (i'm new to C language):


#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int grade;
int A=0;
int B=0;
int C=0;
int D=0;
int E=0;


As you can see, it's only for counting how many students got the grades from A to E, but the problem is that i need to change it from numbers into asterisk

for example: 4 students got the grade A, and 3 students got the grade B

instead of displaying


i want it to display


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C++ :: Calculate Product Of 4 Vertical Values In Matrix

Jun 1, 2013

I am attempting to create a program which calculates the product of 4 vertical values in the matrix. The numbers are supposed to be randomly generated and the size of the matrix is given through the command window.

However I seem to have either not pointed my matrix through all of my functions correctly, or my logic is off somewhere as I keep getting this output regardless of the size of matrix I put in:

"the location of the highest horizontal line product is: 5 0 and is the number: 0

The overall max value is 4196352 at the above coordinates."

using namespace::std;
int h_line(int**, int, int);
int v_line(int, int,int);
int diagnol_left(int,int,int);

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Calculating Vertical Position Of Scroll Bar For A List Box?

Aug 16, 2013

im trying to code a simple list box for my self made GUI but i seem to be stuck at the scroll bar. I already finished with the calculation for the scroll bar size but how I could calculate it's current vertical position depending on the current item on top of the list box.

My current code looks like this

ListBox struct:
struct MenuListBox {
int PosX;
int PosY;
int Width;
int ItemsVisible; //Items visible at the same time
int CurrentItem;


Additional vars in the menu class:

MenuListBox* MenuListBoxes;
int ListBoxCount;

How could i calculate this:

New->CurrentScrollBarPosY = ; ?

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C++ :: Enter Name Then Output Name In Vertical Position Using For Loop

Feb 21, 2013

How to fix this when i run the program and enter my name then output my name in vertical position using the for loop and press enter the program do not stop

main() {
char name,n;
printf("Enter Your Name:");

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Vertical Size / Height Of Control Bar In MDI App?

Jan 28, 2014

In a MDI-app with some toolbars and statusbar I created also a controlbar which can be docked to the left side. My problem now: how do I get the exact height of the controlbar?

In CalcDynamicLayout I set the height for the docked state to the height of the mainframe. This value is too big, but it will work basically.

But how can I get the exact height of the controlbar?

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C++ :: How To Change Password Input To Asterisk

Mar 6, 2015

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main()

[Code] ....

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C :: Nested Loops - Asterisk Diamond

Jul 11, 2013

Getting close but I think I am stuck on the second loop. The input you put in will be doubled (and it's not supposed to).

int main() {
int n, i, j, k;
printf("What would you like the height to be? (Positive odd integer)
scanf("%d", &n);

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Place Two Asterisk Triangles On Top Of Each Other But Only Using 3 For Statements

Oct 19, 2014

I have to place two asterisk triangles on top of each other BUT only using 3 for statements. I have gotten the first one:

for(int a=1;a<=10;a++) {
for(int b=1;b<=a;b++)
cout << "*";
cout << endl;

I need the output to look like this:

The only kicker is I can have a total of 3 nested for loop statements.

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C++ :: Asterisk Diamond Is Printing Out Wrong

Sep 6, 2014

I feel as if I'm so close and I'm just messing up a value somewhere, but I am at a loss as to what I should change. Here is my code:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) {

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Produce Password Field With Asterisk

Sep 2, 2014

void Log_In() {
gotoxy(30, 30);
time_t now;

[Code] .....

How to produce a password field with asterisk ****** .....

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C/C++ :: Printing Asterisk Along A Function Of Y Columns

Jun 18, 2014

The assignment is to plot the functions, by implementing a function having the following prototype:

void plotPoint(double y);

This function should print a single "*" symbol, in a position determined by the value of y, and then a newline. The position of the * symbol can span over 80 columns: each column should represent a delta of length 0.1 in the value of y, and the zero should be placed on the 40-th column.

For example:
• placePoint(0) should print the * symbol on the 40th column
• placePoint(0.1) should print the * symbol on the 41st column
• placePoint(1) should print the * symbol on the 50th column
• placePoint(-1) should print the * symbol on the 30th column

Here is what I have so far:

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
int a;
int b;
int x;
int y;
int Func1(double a, double b )/>

[Code] ....

I'm lost now as to where to go to plot. I know that depending on the option chosen I call the corresponding function to return a value for y which is just then plugged into a function to plot it on columns of y.

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C/C++ :: Stopping Case For Asterisk Pattern?

Dec 1, 2014

So, I'm going to write a recursive function for a asterisk pattern but I'm stuck figuring out how to create a stopping case for it, better yet, I'm unable to describe the pattern completely.


( - represent white spaces )

What I've been thinking:

* Every odd row has 1 * with 1 incremented white space

* Every "pair" of asterisks equals 8 total (EX. 8 one pair *'s, 4 two pair *'s, 2 four pair *'s)

Unfortunately, that's all I got. how I can represent this as I function. Once I figure out what my stopping case should be, I think I can do the coding on my own.

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