C++ :: Linked List - Not All Control Paths Return A Value

Mar 31, 2013

'LinkedList::removeFirst' : not all control paths return a value

what does this error means? below is my code

#include <stdexcept>
using namespace std;
class node {

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Singleton Design Pattern - Not All Control Paths Return A Value

Jan 17, 2013

I have the following code where I use the singleton design pattern, but I get the warning:

warning C4715: 'CM::Instance' : not all control paths return a value

CM& CM::Instance() {
DWORD dwWaitResult = WaitForSingleObject(mutex, INFINITE);
switch(dwWaitResult) {

[Code] ....

How can I fix this warning?

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C++ :: Any Way To Have Program Control Go Some Two Paths At Once?

May 6, 2014

is there any way to have the program control go some two paths at once? For example: if my program has two functions, one that does some simple calculation that requires nothing from outside it to set the variables and another that displays text for the user to read then enter something. Is there any way to have both run at the same time?

{int a = 1;
int b = 2 ;
int c = a+b ;


There is no connection of simplefnc to anywhere else in the program so is there any way to get it to run at the same time the other function is running?

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C# :: Not All Code Paths Return A Value

Jan 14, 2014

I get a error "Not all code paths return a value" what is the reason i get this error

public String giveHint() {
int hintPossible, x, y, val;
_game.hint(out hintPossible, out x, out y, out val);
if (hintPossible == 1)
return "x: " + x + "y: " + y + "val: " + val;

giveHint() has a red underline and it says not all code path returns a value ....

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C# :: Credit Card Validation - Not All Code Paths Return A Value

Jun 16, 2014

I have written the below but I get an error when I run it. I get the below error.

$mcs main.cs -out:demo.exe 2>&1

main.cs(93,58): warning CS0162: Unreachable code detected
main.cs(85,21): error CS0161: `CreditCards.CreditCardsValidator.LuhnCheckPerformed(string)': not all code paths return a value
Compilation failed: 1 error(s), 1 warnings

The code is below:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
/**@return a Credit Card Validation Application

[Code] ......

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C# :: Read Data From More Than One File At Once - Not All Code Paths Return A Value

Apr 11, 2015

I am trying to read data from more than one file at once. The files are different types e.g. one is a text file one is an xml file like so, StudentInformation.txt, CollegeInformation.xml. The files are all stored in one place, in this case on the D drive of a local computer. I am trying to locate any files in the D drive with a file extension of .txt or of .xml (there may be more than two of these files in the future, so I'm trying to allow for that). Then I want to open all of these files, extract the information and output all the information in one display window. I want all the information from these two or more files to be displayed together in the display window.

Here is the code so far. It is throwing up errors.

//Load from txt files
private void btnLoad_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
IEnumerable<string> fileContents = Directory.EnumerateFiles("D:\", "*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
.Select(x => new FileInfo(x))
.Where(x => x.Extension == ".xml" || x.Extension == ".txt")
.Select(file => ParseFile(file));}

[Code] ....

The error it throws up is:
Error 1 'BookList.Mainwindow.ParseFile(System.IO.FileInfo)': not all code paths return a value

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C :: Function To Return First Element Of Linked List Queue

Feb 23, 2013

I am trying to write a function to return the first element of a link list queue. I am not real sure how to implement this. I have include a copy of the struct for my Node & queue.


typedef struct event_Node {
void *data;
double arri_time;
double serv_time;
double depart_time;
double start_o_serv;


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C++ :: Creating A Linked List Of Common Elements From Two Other Linked Lists

Apr 29, 2013

I'm trying to write a function that takes two linked lists and creates a third one with only the common elements.

It assumes the first list (the caller) has no dups, but it doesn't seem to be working. The program doesn't crash, it just hangs when it is supposed to display L3 (the third list)..everything else runs and is displayed fine.

template <typename T>
LList <T> LList <T>:: common (LList <T> &B)//common fct
Node <T> *hunter1 = Head;


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Visual C++ :: MFC List Control Position?

Feb 4, 2015

I have a mfc project with a List Control (Report View).

When I run the project, the list control appears in the middle of the window instead of appearing where I placed it.

Is there a qay to make it stay where I need it?

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C :: Insert Linked List Into Another Linked List

Jun 29, 2013

I have a linked list comprised of chars like so...


node1 - "p"
node2 - "o"
node3 - "p"

I need a function that will take in three perameters...node *replaceChar(node *head, char key, char *str)Stipulations of this function. head is the head of the list, 'key' and 'str' are guaranteed to contain alphanumeric characters only (A-Z, a-z, and 0-9). str can range from 1 to 1023 characters (inclusively). So if I call this function with these perameters..


node *head == /*the head of the list to be examined*/
char key == "p"char *str == "dog"The new list will look like this...
node1 - 'd'
node2 - 'o'
node3 - 'g'
node4 - 'o'
node5 - 'd'
node6 - 'o'
node7 - 'g'

All instances of 'p' were replaced with 'dog' I have a toString function which takes in a string and converts it to a linked list and returns the head. So assume that you can call the function on str = "dog" so...


toString(str) == /*this will return the head to the list made from the str*/

If it's unclear what my question is...I am stumped on how to write the replaceChar function the one that takes in three perameters..

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Visual C++ :: List Control Column Data

Jan 31, 2013

I am trying to populate a list control with the filename and maybe some other thing when i push the OK button....

void CThisDlg::OnOK() {
int iItem = 0, iActualItem = 0;
WIN32_FIND_DATA data2;
int iNum = 0;
hFind = FindFirstFile("*.*", &data2);

[Code] ....

When i push ok, no files get loaded. I also attached a image

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Visual C++ :: What Is The Correct Behavior Of List Control

Aug 29, 2014

There is a list control in Windows.

When I create a list control I can assign an image list to it with the ListView_SetImageList().

By default, when just created there is no image list assigned as can be checked with ListView_GetImageList().

Now, what should happen when I do following call:

Create list control.
Create an image list
Get the current image list
Assign an image list to list control
Display some items
Assign an old image list to list control.

Does strings on the list control should be indented?

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Visual C++ :: Selecting Subitem In A List View Control?

Aug 7, 2013

How would I go about selecting a subitem in a listview control with just pure Win32 API? I know it's possible with MFC... but I can't use MFC for this project. Right now, when you click on a subitem , it selects only the first column of the row . I used the following by referring internet. But its not working.

HTML Code:

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Visual C++ :: Get The Path For A Selected Item In A List Control?

Jan 29, 2013

How do I get the path for a selected item in a list control?

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C :: Linked List / Adding Element To Beginning Of List

Dec 31, 2014


// Write a function called insertEntry() to insert a new entry into a linked list.

Have the procedure take as arguments a pointer to the list entry to be inserted (of type struct entry as defined in this chapter), and a pointer to an element in the list after which the new entry is to be inserted.

// The function dveloped in exercise 2 only inserts an element after an existing element in the list, thereby prenting you from inserting a new entry at the front of the list.

(Hint: Think about setting up a special structure to point to the beginning of the list.)

#include <stdio.h
struct entry1 {
int value;
struct entry1 *next;


This is a working version of the exercise, but I don't think I'm doing what's asked. I was able to add an element to the beginning of the list using an if statement, not creating a special structure that points to the beginning of the list. How would I go about creating a special structure that points to the beginning of the list to add a new element at the beginning of the list?

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C++ :: Linked List Delete List?

May 30, 2013

I'm working on a linked list and was wondering how this looks to everybody else for a deleteList function.

void deleteList(Node* head)
Node* iterator = head;
while (iterator != 0)


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C++ :: Return Parameter List Of A Function

Jan 11, 2015

Is there any function which can return parameter list of a function.

For example : get_param(f(int x,char y )) return parameter x-> int y-> char

and f_name ->f

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C++ :: Return A List Of Defines Given A Range

Apr 30, 2015

I have a bunch of defines with values from 1-100.

I want to provide some sort of function that takes in a range and returns a list or map (like a python dictionary) of items that fall under that range. E.g.

#define BOB_AGE 10 // this is how existing defines are and I cant change them.
#define BILL_AGE 13
#define TIM_AGE 22
#define TOM_AGE 30

I would want a python like dictionary that is returned, where I can have map like functionality and request the value (age) from this returned list.

At the moment, I have a master map list where I add all defines within the constructor. I was thinking of creating another list and returning that within the get function.

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C :: All Paths Between Two Nodes In Matrix

Jun 9, 2014

I have a adjacency matrix. (router adjacency matrix in network). The result should be the router ID.I mean, print all the possible paths from source router to target router(ROUTER id>> 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 so there are four one router). I get the error in the output.)

/* graph: Pointer to the starting of mXn matrix
i, j: Current position of the robot (For the first call use 0,0)
m, n: Dimentions of given the matrix
pi: Next index to be filed in path array

[Code] .....

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C# :: Change Form Control Properties From User Control

May 24, 2014

I have researched quite extensively, experimented, and still cannot seem to change the properties of a control on an active winform from a user control.

So I have a user control which populates each dynamically added tab page in a tab control.

I have a textbox in the user control which I would like to type in, capture the text_change event, and change the text of the label in the winform.

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C# :: Bind DatePicker Control To DataGrid Control (column)?

Apr 25, 2014

How do I bind a DATE column in a DataGridView Control to a DatePicker control (using C#)? I already have the DataGridView control bound to a database stored procedure which takes a DATE value as a parameter and selects joining table based on the results.

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C++ :: Find Vertical Paths Of Length

Jul 24, 2014

I'm trying to find vertical paths of length n through a 2D grid of numbers. Paths may connect orthogonally or diagonally. An example grid and an example possible path looks like this:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

0 2 4 6 4 1 3 4 5
1 5 3 5 8 6 6 6 6
2 3 4 2 1 1 2 5 3
3 3 2 3 3 1 3 4 5
4 3 6 1 1 5 2 5 4
5 2 5 4 2 4 5 6 2
6 6 6 1 1 5 1 4 5
7 1 5 6 4 2 4 2 3

A example possible path of length n = 3 is running from (3,2) to (3,4) - All 1s ...An example of n = 4 is the run of 3s (1,1) (0,2) (0,3), (0,4)

What is an efficient algorithm for solving this kind of problem? I would like to solve (ideally) millions of grids, giving a list for each grid of all possible paths of length for n = 3-6.

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C :: Doubly Linked List

May 15, 2013

I need to make the functions using these function prototypes. I am mainly having problems with GetFirst() and SwapData() but how to do it..

Header File with Prototypes
* @file
* This file provided a doubly-linked list implementation capable of storing any arbitrary data.
* The list implementation relies on a chain metaphor: a list is merely a sequence of links
* (ListItems) and there is no separate construct to represent the entire list, each ListItem in it


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C :: Linked List Search

May 7, 2013

I read an article on linked list here: C Linked List Data Structure Explained with an Example C Program


struct test_struct* search_in_list(int val, struct test_struct **prev)
struct test_struct *ptr = head;
struct test_struct *tmp = NULL;
bool found = false;


What is "if(prev)"? Wouldn't "prev" always have the same value? Secondly, if tmp is NULL (which will be the case when the loop if(ptr->val == val) finds a match the first time it is run), is *prev assigned a NULL?

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C :: Double Linked List

Jan 2, 2014

I'm having a small issue here with my linked list.I built a linked list with strings and it worked perfectly.Now since i'm using strtok() to separate the string.for now here's what i've got:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct dict_word *word;
typedef struct node *Node;
typedef struct double_linked_list *DLL;


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C :: Static Linked List

Jan 6, 2014

I have the codes for the functions: "Given the functions that we have discussed and defined in the class and the code that we have created, create the code for the Delete Node function and the Search function. Create an application that will incorporate all the functions that we have discussed and the new ones that you need to create. The application should allow the linked list to be built initially from a text file. The application should then allow for the user select an operation to perform. The acceptable operations are

- to search for an item
- to delete an item
- to enter a new item
- to exit the application

After the initial build and loading of data from the textfile, the application should print a listing of each item in the list and the node that it is located in. after a delete or insert, the application should display an output of the list again showing each item in the list and the node that it resides in.

The data item for this problem will be the inventory structure that we created in class and the data is in the inventory file that you already have downloaded."

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