C++ :: Return Parameter List Of A Function

Jan 11, 2015

Is there any function which can return parameter list of a function.

For example : get_param(f(int x,char y )) return parameter x-> int y-> char

and f_name ->f

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C/C++ :: Get Return Type Of Function In Template Parameter

Jul 27, 2012

Is this really the preferred way to get the return type, for use in a derived class, of a function defined in the template parameter?

template<class PARAMETER> class C {
            typedef typeof (reinterpret_cast<PARAMETER*>(0))->function() returntype;

This works just fine for me, but seems inelegant.

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C++ :: Using Initializer List As Function Parameter

Nov 26, 2014

#include <iostream>
#include <initializer_list>
using namespace std;
void doSomething(std::initializer_list<int> list) {
} int main() {
return 0;

I write a small piece of code like above. But I can not compile it successfully. I try it both with and without the line "using namespace std", but nothing worked.

The error list: Symbol 'initializer_list' could not be resolved

I use Eclipse CDT and GCC 4.9.1.

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C :: Function To Return First Element Of Linked List Queue

Feb 23, 2013

I am trying to write a function to return the first element of a link list queue. I am not real sure how to implement this. I have include a copy of the struct for my Node & queue.


typedef struct event_Node {
void *data;
double arri_time;
double serv_time;
double depart_time;
double start_o_serv;


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C++ :: Function Parameter Scope - NumArray Not Recognized As Valid Parameter

Sep 28, 2014

My errors are at the end of the program in two function calls within the definition of the InsertByValue function. g++ does not seem to recognize NumArray as a valid parameter.

#include <iostream>
#include <assert.h>
using namespace std;
const int CAPACITY = 20;

/* Displays the content of an int array, both the array and the size of array will be passed as parameters to the function
@param array: gives the array to be displayed
@param array_size: gives the number of elements in the array */
void DisplayArray (int array[], int array_size);

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Return Different Variables Based On Parameter Value?

Dec 4, 2014

Say I have a GetSomething(char type) function which returns two different variables based on what you pass it, like so:

float Flashlight::GetSomething(char type){
if(type == 'x'){
return velocityX;
} else if(type == 'y'){
return velocityY;
} else {
std::cout << "Debug: Programming error getting flashlight velocity
"; } }

On a scale of null pointers to (insert something notably good), how good or bad is this practice? Just asking out of pure curiosity.

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C :: Will Return Root Statement At End Ever Return Value Other Than Value Passed To Function?

Mar 29, 2013

I'm writing some functions pertaining to binary trees. I've used recursion once before while learning quicksort but am still quite new and unfamiliar with it. And this is my first time touching a binary tree. So my question: In my addnode function, will the return root statement at the end ever return a value other than the value passed to the function?


#include <stdlib.h>
struct tnode
int data;
struct tnode * left;
struct tnode * right;


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C++ :: Syntax Error In Function Call - Type Mismatch In Parameter In Function Sort

Jul 6, 2014

error says "cannot convert 'int*' to 'int' in function main()
and also
type mismatch in parameter in function sort(int,int)

Heres the code:
void main() {
void sort(int,int);

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Return A List Of Defines Given A Range

Apr 30, 2015

I have a bunch of defines with values from 1-100.

I want to provide some sort of function that takes in a range and returns a list or map (like a python dictionary) of items that fall under that range. E.g.

#define BOB_AGE 10 // this is how existing defines are and I cant change them.
#define BILL_AGE 13
#define TIM_AGE 22
#define TOM_AGE 30

I would want a python like dictionary that is returned, where I can have map like functionality and request the value (age) from this returned list.

At the moment, I have a master map list where I add all defines within the constructor. I was thinking of creating another list and returning that within the get function.

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C++ :: Linked List - Not All Control Paths Return A Value

Mar 31, 2013

'LinkedList::removeFirst' : not all control paths return a value

what does this error means? below is my code

#include <stdexcept>
using namespace std;
class node {

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Use Function Name As Parameter

Oct 28, 2013

I have a class as below:

// RemoteControlMonitor.H
typedef void (*keyaction)(unsigned int key);

class RemoteControlMonitor {
keyaction rph;
keyaction rrh;

[Code] .....

But I got compile error as below:

RemoteControlMonitor.H:58: invalid type `void *' for default argument to `void (*)(unsigned int)'
rcx1.C: In function `void __static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int)':
rcx1.C:54: ANSI C++ forbids implicit conversion from `void *' in default argument

What can I do?

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C++ :: How To Delete A Parameter In A Function

Apr 17, 2014

How I can delete a parameter in a function .

int *buildTrail(int antIndex, int start, double *pheromones) {
int *trail = new int[tabu];
bool *visited = new bool[tabu];
trail[0] = start;
visited[start] = true;

[Code] ....

If I comment all lines includes visited word , no exception occurs , Otherwise , exception throws.

Simply put , How can i delete visited parameter as long as its role has been finished?
delete visited ;
return trail;

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C++ :: Passing Function As Parameter?

Jan 7, 2015

gcc v.8.3 -std=gnu++11


I'm trying to pass a function as a parameter and failing. It seems simple, until I get the error messages.

Here is the code:

class MinimalSolver {
typedef double (*func)(double sum, double char);
void driver();


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C/C++ :: FILE As Parameter To Function

May 17, 2013

void foo(FILE *f1, FILE **f2) {
    fputs("...",  f1);
    fputs("...", *f2);
} int main(void) {
    FILE *fp1 = fopen(...),
         *fp2 = fopen(...);  
    if(fp1 && fp2) {
        foo(fp1, &fp2);

Forever, I've passed FILE objects into functions like the first parameter; I've never had an issue reading or writing files using that form - no file errors, no compiler warnings, etc. Recently, I saw the second parameter form, and wondered why that was?

I still don't quite get this part of pointers. What's the second parameter form doing differently than the first when the first version *appears* to work as intended??

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C :: Passing Array As A Parameter To Function

Oct 6, 2014

How come when we pass an array as a parameter to a function, the entire array is copied and is available to function?

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C++ :: Passing Array Into Function As Parameter

May 2, 2013

Write a program that inputs 10 integers from the console into an array, and removes the duplicate array elements and prints the array. By removing, I mean that you should make it appear as if the elements hadn't been there. You may assume that all the integers are between 0 and 100, Write at least 1 function in addition to the main function, and pass an array into that function as a parameter. e.g.

Please enter your 10 numbers: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 The array contains: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Please enter your 10 numbers: 1 1 3 3 3 6 7 8 9 9 The array contains: 1 3 6 7 8 9

Please enter your 10 numbers: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 The array contains: 1

The bolded area is where I'm having trouble. How I can go about doing this, passing an array into the function as a parameter?

Here is my code:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main () {
const int MAX = 10;
int a[MAX] = {0};
int i;


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C++ :: Passing A Function As Template Parameter

Dec 26, 2013

template<typename T /*, some parameter for member_function */>
class Foo {
void someFunction() {
T t;
} }

I'm trying to make the call to T::member_function a templated value because member_function might vary by name in my scenario. Since std::mem_fn isn't a 'type', i can't do something like Foo<std::string, std::mem_fn(&std::string::clear)> foo;

I also want to take into account that member_function might have more than one parameter. That is, the first parameter will always be something known but there might be other defaulted parameters.

The only thing I can think of is to make a proxy structure, something like this:

template<typename T, T> struct proxy;
template<typename T, typename R, typename... Args, R (T::*member_function)(Args...)>
struct proxy<R (T::*)(Args...), member_function> {
R operator()(T &obj, Args.. args) {
return (obj.*member_function)(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
} }

Which would then allow me to do (for example) this:

Foo<std::string, proxy<void(std::string::*)(), &std::string::clear> >

when Foo is implemented like this:

template<typename T, typename member_function>
class Foo {
void someFunction() {
T t;
} };

That implementation works for me.

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C++ :: True / False About Function Parameter

Sep 11, 2014

is it true or false

a function like void myfun(int num){} can receive type "int var" but can't receive type "const int var"


a function like void myfun(const int num){} can receive both type "int var" and also type "const int var"

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C++ :: Array Into Function As Parameter Pass

May 2, 2013

I have been working on this all day, and its due in like an hour and a half. I have done everything the program wants except the last part. Here is the assignment:

Write a program that inputs 10 integers from the console into an array, and removes the duplicate array elements and prints the array. You may assume that all the integers are between 0 and 100, Write at least 1 function in addition to the main function, and pass an array into that function as a parameter. e.g.

Please enter your 10 numbers: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The array contains: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Please enter your 10 numbers: 1 1 3 3 3 6 7 8 9 9
The array contains: 1 3 6 7 8 9

Please enter your 10 numbers: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
The array contains: 1

The bolded part is what I cant get to work. I have tried this and it keeps telling me I have not identified the items when I have.

Here is my code:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;


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C++ :: How To Pass A Void Function As Parameter

Oct 20, 2013

How can I pass a function as a parameter? I have a class that I'm trying to reuse and one of the methods in this class need to take three parameters, two ints and a function. In other words I want to be able to call a custom function every time this method is invoked when used in other classes. The function I want to call will not return any values, its a void function.

In my Class:

void Utility::someFunction(int var1, int var2, void customFunction) {
int num1 = var1;
int num2 = var2;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Function Pointer With Object As Parameter?

May 30, 2013

I'm making a code that uses a Function pointer. The problem is, when I try to compile appears an error like:

error: no matching function for call to 'rnVector::rnVector()'

Here's part of the code:

phiFunction::phiFunction(double (*f)(rnVector), rnVector (*df)(rnVector)) {
//... Here comes the code stuff...

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C++ :: Passing A Function Parameter By Reference?

Sep 25, 2012

I created the following code to pass the the variable 'inputVoltage' by reference to the function 'input'. It certainly works when I run the program, but I dont think it is a standard way of doing it, i.e. the use of '*' and '&' is not according to convention ? Or perhaps the way did it is acceptable ?

int input (double *inputVoltage);
int main ( {
double inputVoltage;


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C++ :: Pass 2 Arrays Into Void Function And Return Values To One Function?

Feb 12, 2014

I'm trying to pass 2 arrays into a void funtion, and return values to one function.

this is the the program I'm working with, after I'm done I have to split it into 3 files, a header, a main, and a separate cpp file for the functions to live in.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void processArrary(int numberCount[], int Numbers[], int intnumberSize, int numberCountSize);
int main() {
int Scores[26] = {76, 89, 150, 135, 200, 76, 12, 100, 150, 28, 178, 189, 167, 200, 175, 150, 87, 99, 129, 149, 176, 200, 87, 35, 157, 189};
int numberCount[8] = { 0 };


The goal of this program is to separate and count the groups of numbers then output the amount of numbers in each group. Near as I can tell, everthing should work, but I'm getting all zeros to be displayed in each group.

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C++ :: Linked List Node Passed As Parameter / Argument Pointer To Pointer Notation

Jan 17, 2014

I was having problems changing the value of my head node I passed it as an argument as head which would be the address. The parameter was defined as struct node *head. like this

bool deleteNode(struct node *head, struct node *delptr)

I tried manipultaing pointer values to change head node value but it did not work. I saw some code online which used pointer to pointers(in code below) to change head node value it worked I dont fully understand why. Would like better understanding of why.

Would also like to know why the argument call needed &head instead of just head.

remove = deleteNode(&head,found); opposed to remove = deleteNode(head,found);

#include "stdafx.h"
struct node{


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C :: Function That Gets As Parameter File And Folder Path

Oct 18, 2014

I'm writing a small function that gets as parameter a file's path and a folder's path, and copies the given file to that folder.

int copy_file(const char* source, const char* folder) {
char copy[PATH_MAX];
strcpy(copy, folder);
strcat(copy, "/");
strcat(copy, source);

[Code] ....

Basically, this function purpose is to make a backup of source in folder every X minutes (depending on user's input).

The problem is the second call to open():

This call attempts to open the file for writing, and creates it if it is not already exist.

It also truncates it before writing to it - and that's my concern:

Let's say this is the second time this function runs, so copy is already exist. open() will then truncate it, and then one of the system calls in the while loop fails.

In this situation, I might be left with no backup file.

The problem also arises for when source is a read-only file:

If source is a read-only file, and copy is not already exist (meaning - it's the first backup attempt), then everything's fine, but, if source is a read-only file and copy is already exist, then I have to first remove copy altogather, and make a fresh copy of source.

Making a backup with new name for copy every time copy_file() runs, will solve this problem, and how can this be accomplished?

I should say that I'd really prefer that copy and source will have the same names when copy_file() returns...

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C :: How To Call A Function That Takes A STRUCT Parameter

Feb 23, 2015

I just want to call the function : outputboo(), but I dont know how

Code: /*Enthusiastic
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
struct Books{
char title[50];
char author[50];


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