C++ :: Count How Many Times Each Word Appears - Empty Output Array File

Sep 20, 2014

I am writing this program that is supposed to read a file, put the data into an array, alphabetize, count how many times each word appears and print to an output function. I posted before on how my program had an error when I ran it but I have fixed that. Now my outputArray file is empty. It gets created but there's nothing in it.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;
//global to this file

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Search For A Number When Vector Is In Order - Count How Many Times That Number Appears

Feb 6, 2014

In this program what i'm doing is to search for a number when the vector is in order, and count how many times that number appears, the problem is that count how many times the number does not appear, but when its appear the program stays in an "standby mode" and the cursor does not move.

int buscarNumOrdenado (int x [MAX]) //MAX is the define {
int num,d, LimiteInferior, LimiteSuperior,mitad;
LimiteInferior = 0;
LimiteSuperior = MAX-1;

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Program That Count Empty Line And Display Whole File

Jan 6, 2015

I am new in c programming. I want to write a function that will count the empty line of the file and display the content.

/* ***************************
** creator: firstprint *

#include <stdio.h>
/* function that will identify if line is empty or not */
is_empty(char *buffer) {
while(isspace(*buffer)) buffer++;
if(*buffer==0x00) return 1;

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Dice Rolling - Keeping Track Of How Many Times A Number Appears?

Sep 27, 2014

I wrote a code that mimics a dice, my code so far will ask for the user to input a number at which they want to hold or no longer throw the dice, it will also ask the user how many roll simulations they would like to do.

If a 1 is rolled the turn is over and the score is 0

After this input is recieved the code goes into a loop until the values have been met.

I would to add probability to my code so I need to know how many times a certain number was rolled and this is where I am stuck.

An example of how I would like my code to work, let's suppose hold at number is 17

We role the dice until we roll a 17 or larger, but if we roll a 1, then our score is 0.

Let's suppose the number of simulations is 5 and for simulation 1 we roll

2 + 5 + 6 + 4 = 17

and for simulation 2 we roll

5 + 4 + 1, but since we rolled a 1, the score is 0,

for simulation 3 we roll

3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 18

for simulation 4 we roll

4 + 4 + 6 + 6 = 20

for simulation 5 we roll

3 + 4 + 5 + 5 = 17 so that means we got

0: 1 time 1/5 = .20
17: 2 times 2/5 = .40
18: 1 time 1/5 = .20
19: 0 times 0/5 = .00
20: 1 time 1/5 = .20
21: 0 times 0/5 = .00
22: 0 times 0/5 = .00

In other words the idea is to roll a 17 or larger (or whatever the hold number happens to be), but if you roll a 1, then your score is a 0.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;
int dieRoll();

[Code] ....

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C :: Count Characters In A File And Define How Many Times Each One Occurs

Feb 16, 2013

My problem is to count the characters in a file and define how many times each one occurs.Characters who are not found must not be included in the table; The output must be a table - like that -

”| character | ASCII- DEC | ASCI – HEX | how many times it occurs |”

This my function:

int f2(FILE *p1)
FILE *g3;
int char_count[256]={0};
char ch;
int n=0;
if(!(g3=fopen("D:zz.txt", "w"))){

[Code] ....

It must look like this:
| D | 68 | 44 | 2 |
| 2 | 50 | 32 | 1 | and so on...

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C/C++ :: Binary Tree - Count How Often Character (e) Appears In It

Feb 5, 2015

I have a binary Tree and I have to count how often the character 'e' appears in it. Then I have to print it Inorder.

My code:

struct node {
struct node *left;
struct node *right;
char chr;

[Code] ....

But I always get the Error Message "expected ';' ',' '.' or ')' befor numeric constant in this line:

struct node *mkNode(char chr, struct node *1, struct node *r)

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C++ :: Extra Empty Line Appearing Using Count

Aug 10, 2014

I am new to c++ and have started creating a dummy program to perform a simple task of writing a few strings to the console, which are first generated using random generation. When I execute the code, an extra line for each generated object appears in the console.

int gemNum;
cout << "This program calculates the value and type of gems
cout << "Please enter the number of gems: ";
cin >> gemNum;
vector<int> gemVector(gemNum);
vector<int> gemCollection = fillGemCollection(gemNum);
vector<int> gemSort = sortGems(gemCollection);
vector<string> gemResult = finalGemValue(gemNum, gemSort);
for(int i = 0; i<gemResult.size();i++){
string gemString = gemResult[i];
cout << gemString << endl;

This program calculates the value and type of gems..Please enter the number of gems: 4

10 hematite
40 carnelian
60 onyx
120 silver pearl
Press "e" and enter to end program

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C++ :: Reading From A File - Getting Empty Array?

Nov 30, 2013

I started making something for my class and the thing im getting stuck with is this function:

void ucitajOdgovore(string asocijacija[21]){
int brojac=0;
ifstream fajl;
string putanja;
/*srand(time(NULL)); int random=(rand() %5) +1;

[Code] ....

In the main, i pass real string array "asocijacije" in function which i use in it, and when i use it after this fun. i get an empty array. Its like it didnt happend and i cant see where i went wrong.

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C/C++ :: Count The Times A Shape Was Selected?

Jul 28, 2014

This is part of the program, What should i do if i want to total the number of times a shape was selected at the end?



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C :: For Every Char Of Given Alphabet - Count How Many Times In The String

Feb 1, 2013

Be given a string of chars, where each single char belongs to the following alphabet: a..zA..Z0..9 (So, in the string there are only lowercases, uppercases and digits. No blank, no comma, ...).

For every char of the given alphabet, count how many times in the string

1----- the char is preceded by its predecessor in the alphabet (consider that the predecessor of 'a' is '9')
2----- the char is followed by its successor in the alphabet (consider that the successor of '9' is 'a')
3----- the char belong to a sequence of identical chars whose length is at least three (i.e.: in the string cc74uyrpfccc348fhsjcccc3848djccccc484jd for three times the character 'c' satisfies this condition)
4----- what is the longest substring of characters strictly rising (the following is greater (>) of the previous)
5----- what is the longest substring of successive characters (i.e.: fhkjshdfruytyzABCDEfglsj => 7)
6----- the frequencies of any char (if in the string the character 'g' occurs 12 times, its frequency is 12)

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C++ :: Read Story From Input File / Separate Words And Output Lines On Which The Word Occurs

Feb 21, 2014

I have program that is supposed to read in a story from an input file and separate the words and output the lines on which the word occurs. It needs to read in another input file that has a list of words (1 per line) to ignore. i.e. skip them when running through the story. This is what I have so far, I've changed multiple things trying to get it running....


[Code] .....

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C++ :: Random Number Generator - Count How Many Times Each Number Shows Up

Sep 26, 2012

I'm running a game online and designing a program to generate Enemy Stats. Basically, it's supposed to generate 25 numbers between 0 and 7(to represent 8 Attributes on a 25 Point Buy system) and count how many times each number shows up.

Here's what the code looks like:

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int Generate() {
int r= rand();
int s= r%7;
[Code] ....

And here's two outputs.

1: Code:

12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 12133089220 Stats[0]= 25 Stats[1]= 0 Stats[2]= 0 Stats[3]= 0 Stats[4]= 0 Stats[5]= 0 Stats[6]= 0 Stats[7]= 0 Stats[8]= 0 Disallowed system call: SYS_socketcall

2: Code:

14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 14787708434 Stats[0]= 0 Stats[1]= 0 Stats[2]= 0 Stats[3]= 0 Stats[4]= 25 Stats[5]= 0 Stats[6]= 0 Stats[7]= 0 Stats[8]= 0 Disallowed system call: SYS_socketcall

Note that the number does change, but only between runs.

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C++ :: Read Multiple Text Files And Count Occurrences Of Word

Jun 8, 2013

I am supposed to read(scan) data from a folder with multiple(21578) text files, and file names are numbered from 1 to 21578,and read each word that occurs in a text file, and count the number of times it occurs in the entire folder,i.e; in all the files how do i go about it? I've tried this so far..but it isn't working..

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
void incrementString(map<string, int> &theMap, string &theString) {
if(theMap.count(theString)) {

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Count Letters From Text File Into Array?

May 10, 2014

I have to count the letters from a text file into an array so the first spot is the number of A's second spot number of B's and so on then take the array and sort it in decending order how could i do this without loosing track of where the numbers go so if there are more b's than a's they switch but how will i know where each letter has moved in the array after it has been sorted?

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C++ :: Hangman Definition Game - Extract Word Randomly Form File And User Guess The Word

Jun 25, 2014

Basically I have a text file called words. I'm supposed to extract a word randomly form the file and have the user guess the word. If they guess the word correctly in x number of tries they will receive the definition.

I'm having trouble receiving that random word and I'm getting the definitions from the file.

Here's my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;

[Code] ....

This is what is in the words.txt file
apple#the usually round, red or yellow, edible fruit of a small tree
boat#a vessel for transport by water
horse#a solid-hoofed plant-eating domesticated mammal with a flowing mane and tail, used for riding
television#a system for transmitting visual images and sound that are reproduced on screens
soup#a liquid dish, typically made by boiling meat, fish, or vegetables, etc.
bottle#a container, typically made of glass or plastic and with a narrow neck
barber#a person who cuts hair
toast#sliced bread browned on both sides by exposure to radiant heat
radar#a system for detecting the presence, direction, distance, and speed of aircraft, ships, and other objects
red#of a color at the end of the spectrum next to orange and opposite violet

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C++ :: Declaring Array To Be Empty

Jun 30, 2014

We have been assigned to create an iTunes library. Everything compiles in my other .h file but my main is not happy with my object declaration. It keeps stating "primary expression before '{'". Here is my main code:

using namespace std;
//function protocols
void read(string);

[Code] ......

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C++ :: File Created But Empty

Jul 22, 2013

A file is created but its empty. And when I first create an entry and then display all the entries, it does nothing.

using namespace std;

class comp {

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Template Encounter Empty Array

Sep 26, 2014

I wrote a template function which use dynamic array as parameter. But if parameter is a empty array, it have compile error.

#include <iostream>
int arry[] = {1,2,3};
int empty_arry[] = {};


compile error:
[zengchao@cmcc-server2 ]$g++ test.cpp
test.cpp: In function ‘int main(int, char**)’:
test.cpp:16: error: no matching function for call to ‘array_parameter(int [0])’

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C :: Create Word Search By Reading In Characters From A File Into Array

Sep 30, 2013

So the plan is to create a word search by reading in characters from a file into an array. This is my code so far, nowhere near finished but have encountered a problem already:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define ROWS 20
#define COLUMNS 20
int main()


My question is to do with the section highlighted in red... I can't really see why it is not printing out my array (wordsearch), it's probably very basic but I have no C experience so am not too confident in what I'm doing.

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C++ :: Count Function - Nested Loop Output

Feb 28, 2013

What does the following nested loop output ?

count = 1;
while (count <= 11) {
innerCount = 1
while innerCount <= (12 - count) / 2) {
cout << " ";
} innerCount = 1;
while (innerCount <= count) {
cout << "@";
} cout << endl;

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C++ :: Two Dimensional Array - Find Empty Inventory Slots

Feb 9, 2013

I made two dimensional array to represent my (game) inventory. Slot is empty if its value is 0 and 1 if not.

Now i need to find if i can put new item in my inventory that can take up 4x2 slots. I tried this but it doesn't work as i expected:

#include <iostream>
int main() {
const int inventorySlotRows = 5;
const int inventorySlotColumns = 5;
int arr[inventorySlotRows][inventorySlotColumns] =

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Filling Vector From A File - Adding Empty Element At The End

Apr 20, 2014

I'm having a problem filling a vector from a file. Basically, it is adding an empty element at the end. I'm new to Qt and haven't worked with file streams much so how to stop the stream before it adds the extra element.

void gui::get_data() {
QFile file(file_label->text() + ".txt");
QTextStream in(& file);
float m;
float g;
QString d;

[Code] ....

But, if I add another element to the vector and write that the file look like this.

//file after adding element
132654 0 02132014
132654 0 02132014
0 0
132998 22 02202014

I have it set to append at the moment so that is why the first line is repeated. I figure the problem is with if(in.atEnd()). I could fix it by deleting the last element right after adding it, but that seems like more of a hack than anything else.

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Visual C++ :: Program That Count From 1 To 12 And Print Count And Its Square For Each Count

Dec 16, 2014

4.1 Write a program that will count from 1 to 12 and print the count, and its square, for each count.

4.2 Write a program that counts from 1 to 12 and prints the count and its inversion to 5 decimal places for each count. This will require a floating point number.

4.3 Write a program that will count from 1 to 100 and print only those values between 32 and 39, one to a line. Use the incrementing operator for this program.

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C++ :: Word By Word From A Line In File?

Aug 14, 2014

ow to read word by word from a line in file into struct. Say for example:

12345 Joe Lim KH879.00
12233 Kay Suet Yee35.98


struct master {
unsigned short int IDnum;
char name[30];
float salesCustomer;

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C :: Count Lines In Input And Display Output In Terminal When Program Executed After Compilation

Feb 4, 2013


#include <stdio.h>
main() {
int c, n1;
n1 = 0;
while ((c = getchar()) != EOF)
if (c == '')
printf("%d", n1);

I have a more complicated program I'm wishing to have display the output, however, to save some time I'm using an example of a shorter version. count the lines in input and display the output in terminal when ./program is executed after compilation. To count and compute lines, words and within arrays.

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C :: Check How Many Times Numbers In Array Are Listed

Dec 24, 2013

How can I check how many times the numbers in the array are listed?

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