C++ :: Class Which Loads Bitmap Image Into One Dimension Char Array

Aug 27, 2013

I am writing a class which loads a bitmap image into a one dimension char* array.

This class has methods to allow for resampling and cropping the image before saving the bitmap image. It works perfectly for all images in which the width is divisible by 4. However when the width is not divisible by 4 the resulting bitmap is all mixed up.

I have spent much of the day googling this problem but to no avail. I know it is a problem with making sure the scanlines are DWORD aligned, and I believe I have done that correctly. I suspect that the problem is that I need to take the padding into account during the crop for loops but am lost to how to do this.

BTW: Coding on Linux using GCC

The following code is a cut down version from my bitmap class. I have removed methods which are not needed to make reading a little easier.

#include "BMP.h"
// FIXME (nikki#1#): Portrait bug on images of specific sizes
// TODO (nikki#1#): Memory leak checks
bool BMP::saveBMP(string fileName, string *err) {
FILE *filePtr;


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Visual C++ :: Using 2D Array - Displaying Bitmap Image With Scrolling

Mar 11, 2014

My requirement is,

Read *.bmp image and displaying bitmap image with scrollbar in a MFC dialog application.

I was done using this

I was read the *.bmp image as a pixel data and stored by 2D Array,

Now i want to Display this 2D array as bitmap image with scrollbar separately in the same dialog. How can i display bitmap with scrollbar using 2D array?

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C++ :: Char Vector - Fixed Size Two Dimension Array

Jun 9, 2013

I want to save the char[8][8] // fixed size 2 dimension array

to a vector

such as

vector<?????> temp;

is there anyway to approach this?

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C :: Resize A Bitmap Image

Aug 22, 2014

I am trying to re-size a bitmap image for a class.They gave us two options to use to do the program with: an array or move the file position indicator. I want to use the file option. All the bitmap header info is checking out. The file after being re-sized should be 822 bytes but it is 1.6 KiB and the image is distorted.


#include <stdint.h>
* Common Data Types
* The data types in this section are essentially aliases for C/C++
* primitive data types.


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C++ :: Negating A Bitmap Image

Jan 21, 2012

Writing a program to negate a bitmap image. The program as I have it is asking the user to input a value for the RGB values. But how do I set it up to give the negative of each colour? It has been suggested using the & operator to negate the image inside nested loops.

Also, the RGBQUAD structure was copied into my main program from a BITMAP.H file we were given. However, is it okay just to leave that in the .h file, and just call it from my main program ....if that makes sense?

Anyway, here is my code so far

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream> //Used for file I/O
#include <cstdlib> //For exit
#include <string>
#include <algorithm> // for remove_if
#include <cctype> // for iswspace

[Code] ....

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C :: Create Console Based Application That Can Join And Split Bitmap Image

Jun 27, 2013

i have to create a console based application in c language that can join and split bitmap images. the requirements of the application are as follows :

1. Split Image
Enter number of parts:
Enter source image path:
Enter destination folder:
2. Join Images (all images should be of same width and height)
Enter image path:
Join more Image (y/n):
3. Exit

Take care of following things:

- Application should show number of images processed while running.
- Acceptable Image format is BMP only.
- Application should give all the validations for correct image name, type, size, path, etc.

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C++ :: Dynamically Allocating One Dimension Of 3D Array?

Jun 14, 2013

I am trying to figure out the syntax to dynamically allocate a single dimension of a triple dimensional array. Basically i have a 2D array of structs. but each struct is an array (basically rows of the information). The rows of this structure need to be allocated dynamically, but the height and width of the overarching structure are static.

Basically: Struct * ts_FieldInfo[100][100] = new Struct[Class.returndataitems()];

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C++ :: Initializing Local One Dimension Array?

Jul 31, 2013

Want to initialize a local one dimensional array. How can I do the same without a loop?

Found from some links that
int iArrayValue[25]={0};
will initialize all the elements to ZERO. Is it?
If yes then can we write below code to initialize the elements to a non-ZERO value?

int iArrayValue[25]={4};

Do we have some other way to initialize an array to a non-ZERO value? Memset can initialize the element to ZERO.

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C++ :: Copy Middle Of 2 Dimension Array Into Another Array

Aug 14, 2013

I want to copy the middle of 2dim array into another array. who knows how i can do it. for example I have:

int A[4][2] = {{1, 2} ,{5, 6} , {7, 8} , {3, 4} };

copy the second and third rows into another array to have the following array:

int B[4][2] = {{null, null} ,{5, 6} , {7, 8} , {null, null} };

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C/C++ :: Store C-style String In Third Dimension Of 3D Array

Jan 24, 2015

I am trying to read in data from a text file and store it inside a 3D array. The text file looks like this:
bar bell orange
bell bell 7
lemon cherry cherry

I can read in the data fine, but how to store it inside the array. My array looks like : [ Char slotMachine[10][3][8]; ] T

he dimensions are Row, Column, and symbol. There are 10 rows and 3 columns inside the file. The third dimension is supposed to hold the symbols as a C-style string.

This is what I have been trying:

char symbol[8];
int rowIndex = 0, colIndex = 0;
fin >> symbol;
slotMachine[rowIndex][colIndex][] = symbol;

I know that i'm not storing the symbol right. How to correctly store it inside the third dimension.

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C++ :: Dynamic Char Array For Class Constructor

Nov 14, 2013

I'm writing a class that has two constructors. However, I can't get them to work quite right. One constructor has a parameter of an int (with a default value of 0) and the other has a parameter of a C-style string.

First of all, are these function prototypes correct for the constructors?

MyInt(int n = 0);// first constructor, int param, default value 0
MyInt(const char * c);// second constructor, c-style string param

Both constructors work fine in some cases but don't work in all cases. Here are some potential calls to these functions that are supposed to work:

// These two work fine
MyInt x(12345),
// The array assignment doesn't work when the value is negative
// I'm not allowing negative numbers, but I want to create the object and assign the array to 0

[Code] .....

Here's the private data from the class (from the header file):

int currentSize,
char* digits;// Pointer to an array of digits

// Increase the size of digits array by 5
void Grow ();

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C++ :: Read All Pixels From Bitmap Into One Big Array

Oct 21, 2013

I need to be able to take a bitmap e.g. "untitled.bmp" (bit depth: 24) and loop through every pixel from top left to bottom right and find the rgb (or hex) value for each pixel e.g. (255,255,255) for white and store this rgb (or hex) value in a two-dimensional array depending on its [column]and[row].

How to read bitmap data in in c++ . Also, I'm reluctant to use windows header files as I'd prefer it to be cross-platform.

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C++ :: Create Main Function With One Dimension Dynamic Array With Float Data Type

Dec 4, 2013

I need to create a main function with a one dimension dynamic array with float data type. The total number of array elements must be controlled by a user input from the keyboard. Test data is three different lengths 3,6,9 of the array. The lengths have to be set up at run time from users input. I understand how to create dynamic array but not where the user inputs the length of the array. How would I implement this?

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C++ :: Read Text File Char By Char By Using Vector Class

Oct 29, 2014


cout<<"Enter Filename for input e.g(inp1.txt .... inp10.txt):"<<flush;
ifstream inpfile;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Comparing Char Array To Char Always Returns True

Dec 23, 2014

I've made a code to check whether or not a save file has been created correctly, but for some reason it always returns this line: readdata[qa]=='1' as true. in which qa is the counter I use in a for loop and readdata is a character array consisting of 50 characters that are either 0, 1 or 2.

this is the entire code:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;


at first is also went wrong at line 22 and also returned that as true, but then I added brackets and it worked.

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C++ :: Concatenate Two Char Arrays Into Single Char Array?

Sep 29, 2014

I am trying to concatenate two words from a file together. ex: "joe" "bob" into "joe bob". I have provided my function(s) below. I am somehow obtaining the terminal readout below. I have initialized my memory (I have to use dynamic, dont suggest fixing that). I have set up my char arrays (I HAVE TO USE CHAR ARRAYS (c-style string) DONT SUGGEST STRINGS) I know this is a weird way to do this, but it is academic. I am currently stuck. My file will read in to my tempfName and templName and will concatenate correctly into my tempName, but I am unable to correctly get into my (*playerPtr).name.

/* this is my terminal readout
joe bob
<- nothing is put into (*playerPtr).name, why not?
joe bob joe bob
seg fault*/
//This is here to show my struct/playerInit


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C :: Char Array With A Phrase To Char Word

Nov 28, 2013

I need to do a function that copy every word from a text to a char word. How can i do it?

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C++ :: Design Image Class Which Should Work With Various Data Types (Multidimensional)

Dec 2, 2013

I have been thinking about this all day and I am yet to come up with a good solution. So, I need to design an image class which should work with various data types (int, float, double etc.) and can also be multidimensional (2, 3, 4, 5). So, what I did was generate a template image class as follows:

template<typename T, int dimensions=3>
class Image {
T * data;

Anyway, now I have various image formats that I want to support, so the easy thing to do is create a Factory sort of object which will call eventually generate the correct image.

So I want to create various image classes called ImageType1, ImageType2 etc. which will take the input image and generate the correct Image object. However, I do not want these objects to be templated because they need to be passed from functions and be used in a generic way.

So, at run time I will need to be able to do this…

class ImageType {
ImageType() {
PolymorphicImage * image = new Image<float, 3>();
PolymorphicImage * image;

So, I want my ImageType classes to contain the Image object and be able to generate it with the right template arguments at run time. Is there any way to do this without having multiple specialised definitions for ImageType?

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C/C++ :: Get Dimension Of Pixel In Mm?

Apr 17, 2012

I have an image of size 640x480 pixels. It's possible to obtain the dimension in mm of one pixel from that image given only that size?I do not have the size of the image in mm,however.

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C :: Read A 24 Bit Image Using 2D Array

Oct 29, 2013

I am trying to read a 24 bit image but I'm getting errors when I'm tryting to read the pixels.

-The reading part looks bad because I'm reading both headers field by field. But I'm sure that it is reading both headers correctly.

-Right now my biggest concern is to get it to read successfully an entire bmp image

I'm using this calculation to get my padding bytes:

padding bytes = [4-(3*width)mod 4]mod 4

When I use a 2x2.bmp file to test it, I get an error that the [1][1] pixel was not read. When I use a bigger image it gives me the same error after about 100 rows and then every pixel is an error from that point on. This is what I got so far:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
const size_t cSizeofPixel = 3; //size of struct tPixel
typedef struct{
unsigned char blue;
unsigned char green;
unsigned char red;


I read this post Reading 24 bit BMP file into a 2d array.

I still don't know if my error is when I allocate memory to my 2d array, or if I'm doing the padding bytes wrong or if it is something else.

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C :: Reading PPM Image Into 1D Or 2D Array

Apr 4, 2013

I have an assignment where I need to take an assigned image, rotate it 90 degrees to the right, flip it upside down, and turn it to grayscale; each with different outputs.

I was thinking if I can read in the image into a 2d array //array[height][width] or even just an array with the values of each pixel (r, g, b), I can just modify the array and spit it out when done.

if i can just get it into the array, I think I'll be fine. We've done similar assignments with modifying arrays for grayscale images and the other two I can probably figure out. But how am I going to read in each pixel into an array with three different values in each slot? This is my code so far:


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C++ :: Use 3D Array To Create Image

Sep 16, 2014

My assignment is use a 3D array to create an image. Use an array of the form arr[300][200][3]. For this homework, you need to use an array of the form arr[3][400][500]. It will have 400 rows and 500 columns. You need to first initialize the array as described in class and after that write the array to a ppm image file. When viewed using Gimp, it should display USM. The letters would be 200 pixels high and 100 pixels wide each. Use at least 15 pixels for the width of the stroke. Use different colors for each letter and a different color for the background.This is what I have so far.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

void initialize(unsigned char a[][200][3], int nrows, int ncols, int nc);
void printAll(unsigned char a[][200][3], int nrows, int ncols, int nc);


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C++ :: How To Create A Rectangle With 3X5 Dimension

Nov 2, 2013

I am trying to create a rectangle with 3*5 dimension which would look like:


I wanted to use for, and do while loop for that programming. I couldn't been able to create my desired dimension of 3*5.

//complier directives
using namespace std;
//main body
int main () {
//local identifiers
//complier directives

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Matrix With Unknown Dimension?

Feb 18, 2014

I try to write code for one problem which is worked with the matrix.I have written in specific size 5 by 5 and I know the general formula for these matrix based on dimension,I want to write a general form that take the matrix size and then create my favor matrix.However,when I write like below the following error is appeared

int m;
int A[m][m];

Error: m must be constant

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C# :: Compare The Image Of A Button To Another Image In Visual Studio

Jul 3, 2014

Im trying to compare the image of a button to another image in Visual Studio like so...

Image active = Image.FromFile("C:\Users\Ethan\Desktop\StarWars Status\active.png");
Image stunned = Image.FromFile("C:\Users\Ethan\Desktop\StarWars Status\stunned.png");


btnStatusPlr1.Image SHOULD come back as True.Then I realized it might not be the same as setting the buttons image in the properties (Which is what i did to get the original image (the one being compared to))

I do have a feeling ive done something wrong here (Yes im a noob /> )

Variable active, is the same image as the buttons default (Well should be)

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C :: Reading PPM Image Into 2 Dimensional Array

Nov 29, 2014

I'm trying to read a PPM image into an array. The header will have already been read in and I'm trying to put in a 2-d array to make manipulations easier. This is the code I have so far with LOTS of errors and warnings and I honestly don't know what almost any of them mean.


int imageArray( FILE *input, struct pixel *theArray ){
int i, j;
int col, row;
int *imageArray = (int**)malloc(row * sizeof(int*));
for(i=0; i<row; i++){


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