C++ :: Adjacency List Graph Representation?

May 3, 2014

"My Programm is crashing and i dont know why?"

using namespace std;
int arr[3];
struct edges {
int edge_data;
edges *next;


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C++ :: Implementing Adjacency List?

Mar 1, 2014

Today I am refining my skills on graph theory and data structures. I decided to do a small project in C++ because it's been a while since I've worked in C++. I want to make an adjacency list for a directed graph. In other words, something which looks like: 0-->1-->3 1-->2 2-->4 3--> 4-->This would be a directed graph with V0 (vertex 0) having an edge to V1 and V3, V1 having an edge to V2, and V2 having an edge to V4, like this:


I know that in order to do this, I will need to create an adjacency list in C++. An adjacency list is basically an array of linked lists. Okay, let's see some pseudo C++ code:

#include <stdio>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct graph{

[Code] ....

This pseudocode is currently far from the mark. And that is what -- pointers and structs in C++ have never been my strong suit. First of all, this takes care of the vertices that a vertex points to -- but what about the vertex itself? How can I keep track of that vertex? When I loop over the array, it will do me no good to only know what vertices are being pointed to, rather than also knowing what points to them. The first element in each list should probably be that vertex, and then the elements after that are the vertices it points to.

But then, how can I access this first element of the list in my main program?. I would like to be able to loop over this adjacency list to do some cool things with graphs. For example, to implement some graph theory algorithms (sorts, shortest paths, etc) using the adjacency list representation. (Also, I had a question about the adjacency list. What is different than just using a list of arrays? Why can't I just have a list with an array at each element in the list?)

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C :: Linked List Or Hash Table For Matrix Operations And Representation

Jul 21, 2014

I have matrix in C with size m x n. Size n isn't known. I want to have operations on matrix such as : delete first element and find i-th element. (where size m woudn't be too big , from 10 to 50 columns).

What is more efficient to use, linked list or hash table? How can I map each column of matrix to different element of linked list or hash table; depends what I choose to use?

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C++ :: Dijkstra Algorithm - Adjacency Lists

Feb 28, 2014

So I have been trying to implement the Dijkstra Algorithm for shortest path in a directed graph using adjacency lists, but for I don't know what reason, it doesn't print out the results (prints the minimum distance as 0 to all nodes).

The code I wrote is:

#include <fstream>
#include <functional>
#include <climits>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <list>
using namespace std;

struct node {
int vertex;
int weight;

[Code] ....

The input data was:
5 7
1 2 10
1 3 2
1 5 100
2 4 3
3 2 5
4 3 15
4 5 5

It means there are 5 nodes, 7 arcs (directed edges), and the arcs exist from node 1 to 2 with the cost of 10, from 1 to 3 with the cost of 2, and so on.

However, the output is wrong. Where the program might fail. I took the main idea from here: [URL] ....

(At the end it gives the idea for Dijkstra's Algorithm using a priority_queue).

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C :: Base Number Representation

Jul 23, 2014

I am using MCC18 for use with MPLAB.

0bnnnnnnnn means a binary representation.
0x00 means a hex number representation.

What does sd001 means? signed decimal 1? if so how do I represent a -1 using this sdnnnn format?

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C :: Unsigned Integer Representation

May 15, 2014

Consider this piece of code from the following website: [URL] .....

unsigned intx = 50;
x += (x << 2) + 1;

The website above says the following about the code:

Although this is a valid manipulation, the result of the shift depends on the underlying representation of the integer type and is consequently implementation-defined.

How exactly would a legal left shift operation on an unsigned integer result in implementation-defined behaviour?

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C :: How To Convert Number 75 To Base 4 Representation

Mar 6, 2015

How to convert e.g. number 75 to base 4 representation? The result should be 1023. I plan to use uint32_t

x = a3.43 + a2.42 + a1.41 + a0.40 = a3.64 + a2.16 + a1.4 + a0

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C++ ::  Need Time Representation That Cannot Be Adjusted And Can Be Serialized

Jan 24, 2015

I'm looking for something that can hold the current time, but is independent of the user adjusting the OS's time, and that can be converted to a std::string and back and that meets the requirements of LessThanComparable and EqualityComparable, I search online but I couldn't find anything suitable.

I can't use The C++ Standard Chrono Library because:

std::chrono::system_clock you can change the OS's time
std::chrono::steady_clock and std::chrono::high_resolution_clock cannot be converted to a std::string and back

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C++ :: Floating Point Representation - Comparing With Zero

Nov 1, 2014

I'm currently trying to learn about floating point representation in depth, so I played around a bit. While doing so, I stumbled on some strange behaviour; I can't really work out what's happening...

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main(){
float minVal = pow(2,-149); // set to smallest float possible
float nextCheck = ((float)((minVal/2.0f))); // divide by two

[Code] ....

Essentially what's happening is:
- I set minVal to be the smallest float that can be represented using single precision
- Dividing by 2 should yield 0 -- we're at the minimum
- Indeed, isZero2 does return true, but isZero returns false.

What's going on -- I would have thought them to be identical? Is the compiler trying to be clever, saying that dividing any number cannot possibly yield zero?

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C :: Compact Table Representation - Data Structure

Jul 19, 2013

Data structure problem. I have a table of the following format:

C/R 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ...
1 x x x
2 x
3 x
4 x
5 x x x
... s

So my column and row names are integer numbers if an outcome of some game for a certain column and row lable is a match then we have an x on that position. The size of the integer names for both column and row name is quite large (let us imagine that it is so large that you would need a machine with 500GB of RAM memory to hold this type of table even if x's are treated as regular char's) . In every row there is at least one x and for every column the same holds for the columns. However, the number of x's for a row or a column can be bigger then 1. How to store this table efficiently? (using as less memory as possible).

The data structure should be efficiently accessed in the column fashion that is, if i want to get all values for column 4 I should be able to do that in O(N) time where N= the number of rows.

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C++ :: Creating String Representation Of Unsigned Char Bits

Mar 5, 2014

I need to convert the bit representation of an unsigned char into a string.

so like 254 would be "11111111"

I'm having some trouble where no matter what number I try to convert I get 01111111.

string bin2string(unsigned char N) {
string sN(8,'0');
unsigned char X;
unsigned char Y = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Converting Two Digit Hexadecimal Number To Binary Representation

Jan 25, 2014

The program is supposed to convert a two digit hexadecimal number to its binary representation. My code runs without any problems but I do not know how to limit the user's input to two digits only. For example the person can input "1ABC" and the program will give the binary representation and I need it to only accept two digit only like for example "1A".

#define MAX 1000
int main(){
char binaryNumber[MAX],hexaDecimal[MAX];
long int i=0;
printf("Enter a two digit hexadecimal number: ");

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Read In Numeric Representation Of Date And Prints It Out In Formatted Manner

Oct 13, 2014

Write a program that reads in the numeric representation of a date and prints it out in a formatted manner as the box below.

1. If the user entered an invalid number for the month it should display "Invalid Month"
2. If the user entered an invalid number for the date it should display "Invalid Date"
3. Check to see if the day is outside the range for that particular month

An example of the input and the output:
Enter the date: 1 24 2013
The date you entered is: 1242013

Im not sure on how to go about this problem, but this is what I have.

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int a, b, c;
int status;
printf("Enter the Date");
status = scanf("%d,%d,%d",&a, &b, &c);
printf(" The Date is : %d",status);
return 0;

Am I going about this right? Is there an easier or better way to go about it? All that happens is that the program reads the first number and spits that back out.

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C++ :: Asterisk Bar Graph

Feb 12, 2014

i have to make a programs that prompts the user to enter quiz grades and add them up. For examples the user enters 6 test grades they are out of 5 so he enters 0-5 and i store them in the array. This part works great but now i have to print out a bar of vertical asterisks for every part too. So if at the end we have one test grades that are 2 grades of 1 points, 1 grade of two point, 2 grades of three point and 1 grade of 5 point it will have to display them as this

There are 2 grades of 1
There are 1 grades of 2
There are 2 grades of 3
There are 1 grades of 5

i need to do for loops but i am stuck on what to count too and what to print i know i will need cout << "*" and a couple of spaces.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main (){
int size;
int tests;
int a[6]={0};

cout << "How many quiz scores will you enter: ";
cin >> size;


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C :: Depth-first Search Of A Graph

May 18, 2013

You have to implement a data structure to represent graphs,directed or undirected,that tries to avoid the wasted space in the representation of a graph with adjacency matrix and the difficulty of searching the edges with adjacency list representation.We consider that the vertices are numbered from 1 to nverts and the exit degree of each vertex is at most MAXDEG. If deg[i] is the exit degree of the vertex i then the neighbors of the vertex i can be saved at the matrix edge[i][j], 1<=j<=deg[i].

Write a program that reads the datas from a file: if the graph is directed or undirected(1 or 0), the number of vertices (nverts),the number of edges (nedges) and the first and the last vertex of each edge.Write the function dfs that, with argument the data structure that you implemented before for the representation of a graph, prints the edges by the depth-first search of a graph. What I've done so far is: I wrote a program that reads these information from a file, calculates the exit degree of each vertex and creates the matrix edge[i][j]. What data structure do I have to implement???

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C :: Program Finding Max Of Graph

Oct 29, 2013

this is my first year programming, and in my class, each week we have to write a program. last week we wrote a program in c that made random value point and made a graph of the random points that continued on forever. this week, we have to use statistical functions to find the sum, mean, max, and min of the graph. below is the code i have so far.


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "SwinGame.h"


so, as you can see from the code, the parts i need are finding/ coming up with a function to find the max min sum and mean of the functions.

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C :: Create ASCII Bar Graph Of Die Rolls

May 24, 2013

for an assignment we need to create basically a program that asks the user for the result of standard six-sided die rolls (numbers from 1 to 6). The program will prompt the user with "Enter a die roll or 0 to exit " for the first entry and Next die roll? for all subsequent entries. The program will continue reading die rolls from the user until the user enters 0. At this point, the program prints two newline characters (one blank line) and finally, the bar chart showing the number of times each die roll has been entered, and then terminates.If the user enters an invalid number, the program will just ignore it, and ask for another number. Only numbers 1-6 inclusive and 0 are valid.

Example output Enter a die roll or 0 to exit 6 Next die roll? 6 Next die roll? 7 Next die roll? 4 Next die roll? 0


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C++ :: Fill Between Lines Of A Graph (koolplot)

Apr 16, 2014

I am using koolplot plot graph and able to plot two lines in a graph. My question is how to fill between the lines? Is it possible to do so with koolplot? or i should use another library?

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C++ :: Making Bar Graph By Comparing Two Vectors

Jan 5, 2014

I am trying to compare two vectors and make a bar graph. I have tried sorting it and pushing it into another vector but this issue is when I go to output it. My logic is wrong.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>

int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {

[Code] ....


22 *
44 *
22 *
45 *
33 *
44 *
18 *
34 *
33 *
12 *
3 *
5 *
34 *
33 *
5 *
7 *
22 *
44 *
49 *
9 *
18 *

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C++ :: Graph And Binary Tree Traversal

Mar 30, 2014

I used a BFS to simulate graph-join structure in a C++ code, and had a binary tree that asks the user e.g. to insert a node in the tree among other options, anyhow, I reached a point where I should pass a set of vertices from the graph to the tree, but how to do so. So I wanted to ask is such a thing possible? i.e. passing vertices from a graph to a tree automatically (no user involvement is needed)?

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C++ :: Complete Graph Data Structure

Apr 13, 2013

I need building a complete graph from a file. The format in the file is as follows.

[ vertex 1] [ x_coordinate 1] [ y_coordinate 1] [cityname 1]
[ vertex 2] [ x_coordinate 2] [ y_coordinate 2] [cityname 2]
. . .
[ vertex n] [ x_coordinate n] [ y_coordinate n] [cityname n]

What kind of data structure shall I use in order to store date in a complete graph so there is an edge between every pair?

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C++ :: Finding The Longest Path In A Graph

Dec 29, 2013

I was asked to find the longest path in a graph. I was thinking about using Dijsktra's algorithm after multiplying all the weights with -1 and run the program in normal way and find the shortest path. And then I'll multiply with -1 again and get the longest path. I think this should give me the longest path, do you think it would work? And also, I'm dealing with considerably big data, such as 1.000.000 nodes and many more edges. etc. and I have a time limit of 2 seconds and memory limit of 128mb. Any other data structure instead of Adjacency Matrix? Because I'm pretty sure it will exceed the limits.

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C++ :: DFS Algorithm Malfunction - Graph Is Consistent

Apr 18, 2012

I wrote class DFS - Depth-first search. This algorithm check that this graph is consistent. Below is code of class

#ifndef DFS_H
class DFS{
std::stack<int, std::vector<int> > stos;//stos do przechowywania wezlow w dfs'ie
int *odwiedzony;
int liczbaWezlow;

[Code] ....

When i initialize dfs i use 2 parameters. On the next step i would like show all content array odwiedzony. Regardless of the given parameters of the array always has a value of zero. Where i made mistake and how to repair?

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C++ :: Graph Class - How To Provide Virtual Iterators

May 29, 2013

I have a 'Graph' class, which has derived classes for Adjacency Matrix and Adjacency List representations.

How do I provide iterators for traversing vertices and edges, when the iterator classes would have different implementations for the different derived classes ?

The following way is the only one I can think of, but seems quite cumbersome.

class Base {
class BaseIterator {

virtual const BaseIterator& begin();
virtual const BaseIterator& end();

[Code] .....

Or is there a pattern for doing this that I'm not aware of ? Would composition be a better idea here compared to polymorphism ? I mean, I can think like..a Graph can 'have' several representation 'objects' within it.

All the involved classes are templates,not sure if that makes the situation different.

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C :: Excel Graph - No Result When Try To Open File

Jan 14, 2015

Is not the first time I upload this program i know, but the problem now is that i try to export files, because i need to create an excel graph. But when I try to run it, I don't have any result, no file and no result of the program.


#include<stdio.h>#include <time.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <math.h>
int randfun(double arrX[], double arrY[], int size);
int cenfun(double arrX[], double arrY[], int size);
int rotatefun(double arrX[], double arrY[], int size, double center_x, double center_y, const double angle);

[Code] .....

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C :: Make A Live Price Chart Graph

Dec 14, 2013

The only language I know so far is C. Is there any way I can use c programming to display a live chart for a price graph including volume in different time intervals that I want to select. I want it to look like this URL....

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