C++ :: Using A Library Function?

May 9, 2013

I have been trying to find a way around the following:

I am using a library functor to solve the root of a non linear equation. It passes two doubles and the name of a function that contains the equation to be solved.

Its xtor and operator are

RootFind(double tL,double tR,double (*fn)(double t));

void operator()(double tL,doubleR,double (*fn)(double t));

I want to be able to send another variable to function fn; I don't know what the value of the variable will be ahead of time.

How do I get the library functor to take an extra variable in the function passed?

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C :: Creating A Library Function

Jan 27, 2015

I want to create a C library function that i can directly call in my code from any .c file having main program.following are codes...code of library function "foo.c"


#include "foo.h"
int foo(int x) /* Function definition */ {
return x + 5;
} header file "foo.h"


#ifndef FOO_H_ /* Include guard */
#define FOO_H_
int foo(int x); /* An example function declaration */


to use this i have to compile the file in below manner...

Code: gcc -o my_app main.c foo.c

My concern here is that i want to compile the main.c and use function without compiling foo.c with i.e.

Code: gcc -o my_app main.c

any user of this function should only compile his program and should be able to use the function, the foo.c file should remain hidden from him

my system is Linux 2.6.18-308.4.1.el5 #1 SMP Wed Mar 28 01:54:56 EDT 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

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C++ :: Calling A Function Of A Library

Apr 6, 2012

I have a code like this below in /root_project/main.cpp:

#include "theoraplayer/TheoraVideoClip.h"
unsigned int tex_id;
TheoraVideoManager* mgr;
TheoraVideoClip* clip;
std::string window_name="glut_player";
bool started=1;

[Code] ....

and the TheoraVideoClip.h file is in /root_project/include/theoraplayer/.

Inside of TheoraVideoClip.h there is this:

Code: TheoraVideoFrame* getNextFrame();

And when I try to compile using g++ -o app main.cpp -lGL -lglut -lGLU -ltheora -ltheoradec -ltheoraenc I'm gettin this error:

main.cpp.text+0xac2): undefined reference to `TheoraVideoClip::getNextFrame()'

Ubuntu 11.10

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C/C++ :: How To Find Address Of Library Function

Nov 30, 2012

I want to find the address of printf() in c.

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C++ :: Converting Cmdline Into Normal Function So Can Put Into Library

Apr 23, 2013

I need to convert this code into a normal function that can be put into a library.


#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>


Like on line 21&22, I need to get the stuff from within the program, not through cmdline.

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C++ :: Handy Function (or Library) For Converting Between Different Text Formats?

Feb 3, 2015

know of a handy function (or library) for converting between different text formats? I've heard of a library called iconv but I've no familiarity with it. However, it looks promising (from what little I can find out about it...)

Specifically, the text %20 is often used in hypertext to indicate a space character - so the string "Hello There" would get changed into "Hello%20There". How can I easily change between one and the other?

Obviously I could use string replacement functions but that'd need me to anticipate every potential hypertext code sequence.

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C++ :: Operator Overloading In Library - Definition Of Dllimport Function Not Allowed

Aug 1, 2014

VAR_EXPORT QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &p_stream, QSharedPointer<Data>& p_data)

[Code] ....

Above compile and build ok. But when i build another library that use the above, i was shown with all errors complaining operator << and >> definition of dllimport function not allowed

error C2491: 'operator >>' : definition of dllimport function not allowed
error C2491: 'operator <<' : definition of dllimport function not allowed

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Visual C++ :: Creating Program To Make Sine Function Without Any Library Other Than Iostream?

Nov 10, 2012

My assignment is to create a C++ Program to find the sine of a number without any library other than iostream by using Taylor Series:

sin (x) = (x/1!) - (x^3/3!) + (x^5/5!) - (x^7/7!) + (x^9/9!) ...... (x^n/n!).

Here is what i have done till now:

#include <iostream>
double fact (int f); //declaration of factorial function
double power(double x, int y); //declaration of power function
double sin(int x); //declaration of sine function
//double cos(int x); //declaration of cosine function
//double tan(int x); //declaration of tangent function


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C++ ::  typedef As Data Type For Specialized Template Function In Class From Shared Library

Jul 19, 2013

I have a class "Result" with a single template function Set(const std::string& arName, T& val) and a specialization of this function Set<Real>(const std::string& arName, Real& val) where Real is a typedef for double. The class is in a shared library and I use it in my main program. If I do result->Set<GLOBAL::Real>("U", 100.0); the wrong template function is called!

I check this by the output with std::cout.

Maybe it's a problem with the typedef.

If I link the object file of the Result class directly to my main program (no shared library), it works.

namespace GLOBAL {
typedef double Real;
} results.hpp
#include <iostream>

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Shared Library Vs Static Library?

Jan 17, 2014

I've been reading about libraries; How to make them, how to use them, the different types of libraries, etc..

When using a shared library, does the program require that library to be installed on the computer after the program has been compiled into an .exe?

Ie.. if somebody downloaded a "Helloworld.exe" that I had compiled on my computer using a shared library (that wasn't part of a standard operating system), would they also need that shared library on their computer for the program to run without errors?

and for Static Libraries, when I compile a program using a static library, does it include in the final binary only the functions of the library that are actually used, or does the compiler add in the entire library?

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C :: How To Install GMP Library

Feb 19, 2013

How do you install the gmp library.How do you use it?

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C++ :: GMP Library Memory

May 11, 2013

I'm trying out the gmp library by building a simple pi calculation program (original, I know!). On a million digits of Pi I've debugged the program and seem to have about a megabyte too much of memory at the end of the program (I start with around 250k before any allocation begins and end at around 1200).

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
//set a//
int digitsofpi =1000000;
mpf_set_default_prec(log2(10) *digitsofpi );

mpf_t a;
mpf_init (a);
mpf_set_ui (a,1);


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C++ :: How To Set Bullet Library To GCC

Jul 11, 2013

I would like to set the bullet library to GCC. I downloaded source code of bullet but i don't know how to set that.

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C++ :: How To Use Library Opensteer

Nov 5, 2014

I use the library opensteer, but I do not know where you should start.

Opensteer is a library written in C ++. My problem is figuring out whether to create a blank project in visual studio and import the library or directly import the library.

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C++ :: UDP Socket Library On Linux

Jan 29, 2014

I'm attempting to write a little UDP socket library in c++ on linux so a user can just create a new instance of a UDPSocket class, specify destination ip and port, and just connect. Then the user should be able to call send() or receive() in any order they want.. and here I encounter a little problem..

Most of the tutorials for udp socket sending out there include a bind() call when you create your "server" that is supposed to receive data, but the code that send data does not need one. Because I also want my library to support unicast/broadcast/multicast, I have read that I need to set the socket option SO_REUSEADDR on my sockets (since multiple sockets will need to be connected to same destination IP/port for broadcast/multicast)

My question is.. do I need to create 2 socket handles per "UDPSocke in order to make this work? One for sending and one for receiving data? In my code when I try to work with only 1 socket, it is only able to receive stuff from itself on unicast.. Or should I just remove the SO_REUSEADDR when in unicast mode, then try to bind with both sockets, accept that the bind will only work on the 1st socket, and take it from there?

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C :: Graphic Library For Plots (2D And 3D)

Dec 28, 2014

Any common and good library for plots ? (2D and 3D)

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C :: Static Library Linking

Oct 7, 2014

I am trying to refresh my memory here as I did some studies many years ago but the results elude me.Also todays c/c++ compilers may have better optimizations.Say I have a static library that includes three obj modules.Each of these object modules has a number of functions. These functions do not reference any other functions within the obj module.My main app links this library but only references one function from each of the object modules.

Question: Are the complete contents of each module linked into my main app or are todays linkers smart enough to just link the functions used?

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C :: Library For Loading Images In PNG?

Jan 29, 2015

What's the best performance library for loading images in PNG?

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C :: Using PlPlot Library In Code

Mar 8, 2013

I am in try to use PlPlot library (for plotting) in C with code::blocks IDE (ver 10.05) on windows-7 plateform. I downloaded "plplot-5.9.9.tar" and unzipped it. In documentation it is not very clear to me (I am not expert in using third party lib.), how this library can be used with code::blocks i.e. where I have to save the lib, what should be added in compiler and debugger settings etc. It also seems from document that "makefile" (linux type!!) is necessary for Windows also? I am also unaware of MSYS makefile generator (given on Wiki page) on windows?

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C :: How To Create A Library Using Xcode

Feb 2, 2013

I'm completely new to C, and I don't know how to create a library using Xcode.

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C++ :: Allegro5 Library Compilation

Feb 5, 2015

I have a problem with compiling the Allegro5 library:

"Cannot find allegro-5.0.10- monolith.mt"


#include <allegro5/allegro.h>
#include <allegro5/allegro_primitives.h>
#include <cmath>
int main() {

[Code] ....

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C++ :: List Library - How To Traverse Through A And B

Aug 22, 2013

I'm trying to make a list that contains other lists. I want to use the <list> library /not my own implementation/. Here is what I do:

list<list<int>> Lists; //I create the main list
list<int> A, B; //Then I create the other lists
//After I fill them with data I add them to the main list

The problem comes when I try to go through A and B. I make an iterator of the main list:

list<list<int>> Iter = Lists.begin();

Then I need to make an iterator to traverse through A and B. But I can't make it. I do this:

list<int> Iter2 = Iter.begin() //But the compiler says it is not possible

How can I traverse through A and B?

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C++ :: How To Use Regex Library To Use It In CLI Game

Jan 18, 2015

I want to use C++ regex library, to use it in my lil' CLI game. The aim is to create the template(not C++ template :)) for command(like "go north"). Then, if player writes anything that contains "go", and "north" appearing after that(examples: "go north" "please go north" "Let's go north!" "Princess, I insist that we go to the north") would all be interpreted as simple "go north". I have used a bit of regex in Linux system, but not this ECMAScript regex that C++ uses.I've checked in some online regex tester, that if I write: ".*go.*north.*" then anything I want will be matched; however, I'd like these to be specifically separated by space(the rule is: between north and go there must be at least one character: a space, so that gornorth won't be interpreted as command.).

Bonus points: if it's possible to do that without some kind of black magic, I'd like to achieve following goals:

1)Before go, there can be any amount of characters, but if there is 1 or more characters, the character just before go must be space.
2)In between go and north, there must be at least one character, space. If there are more, then characters right after go and just before north have to be spaces.

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C++ :: Compile A Library In Windows?

Mar 7, 2013

I have download the SOIL library [URL] for loading textures in OpenGL, however it doesn't come with a SOIL.lib file but a file called libSOIL.a and it says I need to compile it myself.

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C++ :: How To Dynamically Link Library

Jan 3, 2014

I've recently integrated a scripting functionality into my game engine (squirrel), but I can't figure out how to dynamically link the library.I have to dynamically link some libraries for licencing sake, but I'm forced to statically link Squirrel. How can I statically link Squirrel, but dynamically link the others?

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C++ :: Genetic Algorithm Library?

Jan 28, 2014

Genetic Algorithm Library in C++? I looked for in the web, there are a lot of them, have you tried some? Is there one up to date or with a good community?

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