C# :: Using Check Boxes To Find Total Value?

Mar 1, 2015

Basically, I am designing a form that shows all of the services a mechanic performs, and then it is supposed to calculate the total based on the selections made.

HOW do I use those check boxes to calculate a total? I am supposed to use value-returning methods that solve for the parts cost, flush charges, tax charges, misc costs, etc. Ive attached a picture of the form thus to make sense of what I'm trying to describe.

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C++ :: Void Functions - Passed By Value To Find A Total

Dec 4, 2014

I missed last class on doing void functions because I got sick and im completely lost! ive being using the texts book example for a reference but its not running !

The output should look similar to this:

how much was your shirt?
shirt 20.00
tax =1.20
the total 21.20


include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

void getShirtCost(double shirtCost);
void calculate(double shirtCost,double taxAmount, double total, double taxamount) ;
void printReceipt(double shirtCost, double taxAmount, double total, double taxamount);

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Find Total Gross For Department Entered

Apr 24, 2013

I am trying to find total gross for department entered but it keeps giving me a total gross for every department and I don't want that. I think its maybe just one word I am missing but not sure. Here's my code

// display record by searching by dept number
void searchByNumber(Staff s[] ,int row) {
double GrandTotalPay=0.0;
cout << "this is Search

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Create A Program That Will Find Total Of All Elements In Array

Aug 28, 2013

I need to create a program that will find the total of all the elements in array. I need to use for loop and the array size is 10.The output should be like this: i used user input

Input array 0 : 2
Input array 1 : 4
Input array 2 : 6
Input array 3 : 7
Input array 4 : 8
Input array 5 : 9
Input array 6 : 10
Input array 7 : 12
Input array 8 : 16
Input array 9 : 20

Sum of 10 numbers in an array is = 94..Press any key to continue..I have a code but the output is not like that. Here is the code,

// Program to store 10 integers array
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
int getArray(int x[]);


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C :: Array Add Total Rows And Total Columns

Apr 16, 2013

Code: i am trying to display the information in the array as a table and add the total rows and the total colums separately

int main(void)
int row, col;


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C++ :: Distributing Quantity R In M Boxes

Feb 24, 2014

I have an array of size m and r resources. What would be an efficient (or just any) way of distributing them in the way shown in the table? The highest amount of resources must be concentrated in the middle of the array and all the resources must be distributed.

I'm not really set on exactly how steep the "slope" must be, I just need a way of approaching the problem.

Example with m=9 and r=13

box resources
0 0
1 0
2 2
3 2
4 4
5 2
6 2
7 1
8 0

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C# :: Proper Validation Of Text Boxes?

Dec 1, 2014

So I am writing a multiform multiclass project for a class and I initially set out to create a validate class to check all of my text boxes. However after writing a few simple boolean functions to check if the box was empty or not, or if it was indeed an integer, decimal ect. I realized I was going to have to call these functions for every text box and also have all of my decision making based on the returned boolean variable still in the code portion of my form. I was wondering how do most people do it, should I write a class that validates the entire form at once(one form has 7 text boxes, one has 9). I suppose I am asking what would the industry standard be, how would a professional do it? While my simple functions would work, and while I could write one large function that validates them all at once both paths leave something to be desired in terms of re-usability for the entire form validation, and compact/cleanliness of code for the simple functions.

My validate class currently stands like this:

class Validate {
bool isValid = true;
int trash;
bool valid_string(string input) //parameter is textbox.text property {
if (input == string.Empty)

[Code] ......

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C# :: Why Multiple Entries In Combo Boxes

Oct 3, 2014

Why multiple entries in combo boxes?

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
try {
OleDbCommand command=new OleDbCommand();
string query="select * from korisnici,dogadjaji";


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C/C++ :: How To Randomize Images In Multiple Picture Boxes

May 9, 2014

Here's what i'm searching for: I have a form with 3 pictureBoxes (pictureBox1,2,3). The form also contains one button.

What I want is that when the user clicks the button (so button_click event) that the 3 pictureBoxes each show a different picture. And when I click the button again again 3 different pictures will load.

I already found out that I need to make an arraylist for the pictures (there are about 100 pictures). A System.Random
to select random images. But I have absolutely no clue on how to write this code.

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C Sharp :: Assign Webcams To Picture Boxes

Sep 10, 2012

I have a c# form that has two pictureboxes on it. I use two webcams I want the first webcam to allways show it's image in picturebox 1 and the second webcam to allways show it's image in picturebox 2.

How can I write this and stop that annoying popup dialog asking me to select a webcam each time it runs.

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C++ :: Input Length / Width And Height For 3 Boxes - Sum And Average Volume

Dec 6, 2013

How would I make it so that I can have someone input the length, width and height for all 3 boxes and then have it output the sum and average volume? Here's an example of what I would like:

INPUT - Enter Box 1 (Length, Width, Height): 10.1 11.2 3.3
INPUT – Enter Box 2 (Length, Width, Height): 5.5 6.6 7.7
INPUT – Enter Box 3 (Length, Width, Height): 4.0 5.0 8.0
OUTPUT – The sum of the volume is 812.806
OUTPUT – The average volume is 270.935

Here's my original code:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
double box(double length, double width, double height); // use double data
int main() {
double sum;
sum = box(10.1, 11.2, 3.3) + box(5.5, 6.6, 7.7) + box(4.0, 5.0, 8.0);

[Code] .....

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C# :: Unable To Use Public Class And Private Subs With Combo Boxes?

May 18, 2014

I've finally managed to do something with the combo box but knock down one wall it's like there's another one five inches behind it. What I mean is I've figured out how to add items to the combo box and have them show images in my picture box. Only problem is when I went to debug my combo box kept looping it's options over and over and over.

Private Sub
xpmaleskincolorselect.Items.Add("Tone1"); malesprite.Image = My.Resources.Resources.XP_Female_clear;
xpmaleskincolorselect.Items.Add("Tone2"); malesprite.Image = My.Resources.Resources.XP_Male_tan;
xpmaleskincolorselect.Items.Add("Tone3"); malesprite.Image = My.Resources.Resources.XP_Male_dark;
End Sub

The subs, I know they aren't right but its just to show I know where they go. Anyway using Private Sub and End sub doesn't seem to work. I'll type them in then at the error box at the bottom it'll say that it doesn't exist in the namespace. Same thing happened when I tried to add public class beforehand to see if that would work same thing about the name space.

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C# :: Bingo Calling Machine / Changing Numbers To Different Text Boxes?

Dec 28, 2014

I've recently started creating a bingo caller application. I need in changing numbers to different text boxes. When a number is called it will be displayed in a text box and the last four numbers previous to that. However the oldest number needs to delete and for the remening numbers to move when a new number is called.

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C Sharp :: Compile SQL Table Using Dropdown List Boxes Into TextBox

Sep 11, 2012

I am completely new to SQL server i know a few of the basics. I have a VS2010 asp.net c# application with two dropdown listboxes and a textbox. I need to calculate the numbers e.g 3 + 3 = Medium, using the table below to calculate the answer so i can insert the output value into a textbox.

Drop down Listbox3Drop down Listbox3


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C Sharp :: Show Results From Values In Text Boxes On Clicking Or Pressing Tab Button

Feb 21, 2013

I am developing application software.entering two textbox value,while click or pressing tab button in third textbox, the result needs to show in third textbox.

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Visual C++ :: Creating Static Text Boxes Dynamically - Assigning Unique Control ID?

Dec 16, 2012

I'm using CStatic inherited class in my code and creating static text boxes dynamically. Now for assigning unique control ID I'm creating a static control from resource editor and destroying it before calling CStatic::Create() and using its control ID say ID_STATIC_SAMPLE.

If I do not use this parameter of Create(), the static control is also being created, so what is the use of this unique ID. And any other better way to assign a ID for dynamically created static controls.

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C++ :: Total Is Not Adding Up?

Jan 14, 2015

Every time I run if(color=="1") it's supposed to add 1 to redTotal. However, every time I run if(color=="1") if get 1 for redTotal every time.

(Write a program that provides the option of tallying up the results of a poll with 3 possible values. The first input to the program is the poll question; the next three inputs are the possible answers. The first answer is indicated by 1, the second by 2, the third by 3. The answers are tallied until a 0 is entered. The program should then show the results of the poll—try making a bar graph that shows the results properly scaled to fit on your screen no matter how many results were entered.)

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()


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C/C++ :: Getting Total Value Of 2 Arrays?

Mar 9, 2014

I am trying to write a function that accepts two arrays as arguments.

The result is to get all values in both arrays and return the total value to the calling program.But when I run the program the total value is not what I expected.

#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX 3
int array_1[MAX], array_2[MAX], count;
int total(int narray_1[], int narray_2[], int lenght);
int main(void) {
for (count = 0; count < MAX; count++)


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C :: Average And Total Of Six Integers

Jan 22, 2013

"Write a program that prompts the user for an integer number from the keyboard, and store it in a variable num. After each number is typed in, add num to a total.

Do this six times, each time adding num to a total. (Be sure to reuse the same variable named num for each of the six numbers entered.) When all six numbers have been entered from the keyboard, calculate an average. Display the total and average calculated. "

Here is what I have so far:

int main() {
int num, total1, total2, total3, total4, total5, total6, avg;

printf("Enter first number:");

[Code] .....

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C++ :: How To Total The Values That Are Put In During The Loop

Oct 23, 2014

How to total the values that are put in during the loop. For this program I need to add up the values the user inputs and then display them after the loop. Here is what I have:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
const int firstQuiz = 1, lastQuiz = 4;
int quiz, quizGrade;
for (quiz = firstQuiz; quiz <= lastQuiz; quiz++)


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C++ :: Can't Total Up The Results Calculated

Apr 8, 2013

i am doing a sales commission program to run a counter on the commission calculated, but the answers can't show on the counter

here's what i've done so far:
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>


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C# :: How To Add Number To Previous To Get Total

Feb 7, 2015

decTotalAmountOwed = decAmountOwed + decAmountOwed;

This is what i've tried so far. The numbers are supposed to be added together once placed in listbox.

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C++ :: Program That Can Draw Total Of Passed Value

Feb 4, 2014

Draw the total of a passed value, or value in general, without checking how many values there are individually.

Here's a pseudo-example:

int aliens = 10; // This should be changed as desired.
void drawaliens(int value) {
aliens.draw(value); // Instead of having a test of how many to draw, draw the amount there is from one check

I want to draw the amount of aliens passed or called to the alien draw function.

However, I don't want the function to check every possible value of aliens which could be passed before drawing, and just check the value once and draw that value.

IF x ALIENS, DRAW x ALIENS instead of...

.... and so on.

If there can be hundreds of aliens, it seems impractical to check every single possible value before drawing, and just check the value and draw that value.

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C++ :: Printing Total Number Of Even / Odd Integers

Feb 28, 2013

The program requires the user to enter 10 integers then print the total no. of even integer,highest even integer, lowest even integer then total no. of odd integer,highest odd integer, lowest odd integer

I already got the total no. of even integer and total no. of odd integer. But I don't know how will i get the highest even integer, lowest even integer and highest odd integer, lowest odd integer.

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C++ :: Adding Total Cins Entered?

Sep 30, 2013

If I entered multiple cin say for variable x, how do I total them all up at the end?

Example: x being the variable.

cin 45
cin 50
cin 22

The total would be 117 but how would I write that in c++?.

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C++ :: Cout Total Element In Array

Feb 28, 2013

I am beginner in C++ programming. I having a problem to show the output of all the element i store at a array called total_price. the output become unreadable.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main () {
float price[1]={0};
int qty;

[Code] ....

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