I don't know why, but textures in OpenGL are white. One day, I must've change something, and now my textures wont load properly. I tried rewriting my code that loads things multiple times, my textures still are white. Here is my code:
(I switched back to the FF pipeline temporarily, in my other projects I use shaders.)
I am working on image processing in C + + and opencv, I treat images in grayscale, ie the pixel values it must be between 0 (black) to 255 (white).
Mat img; img = imread (file, -1); for ( int i = 0; i < img. rows ; i ++) { for ( int j = 0; j < img. cols ; j ++) { val_pixel=img.at < double >(i,j); printf( "%d ",val_pixel); } printf( " "); }
when displaying the pixel value from two loop, I get values to 0 and it is normal for propablement black areas, but for whites I find the value -2147483648. I don't understand why this value is not 255.Is there an explanation for this has value.
as i am doing an encryption program on a playfair cipher. I am now stuck on a problem on decryption.If my string is helloworld (without a space), it will decrypt normally.However , if my string has a space in between it. Let`s say Hello World, it will not decrypt normally.How do i take into account the space that is in between hello & world?
So I have a text file named test.txt on the root of my c:/drive.
I finally managed to arrays working and reading into them, but when I started looking at the data in the array I noticed that stringstream was not "grabbing" a specified space. LINES 83-88
The text file contains the following (note that there is an intentional space after the first word):
I ' m s o r 0 y 4 D a v e , 5 12 12 12 3 7 f 11 2 i d 5 8 1 c 5 n 10 t 5 7 17 2 3 h 7 2 .
I need that space to be caught in the steam, there will always be only one space after a various first word, but I need it in my array and stringstream doesn't catch it.
if you need to run it, just copy the text to a file named c:/test.txt
When you run the code, you will see after the 3rd iteration it skips the space, is there a way to change this, so I can focus on the decryption algorithm??
im trying to write a program for class that when it reads it, it corrects all the spacing and capitalization. so for example, the phrase "the quick bRown fox jumped over the lazy dog" would be converted by the program to "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog"
here is my code:
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std;
i click run in xcode, but something goes wrong. the build succeeds but in the output screen it says (11db)
I've populate that will a bunch of 1's and 0's. The 1 represents a wall, and a 0 is dirt.
I'm looking for a way to clean up my blank spaces outside of my walls. Any algorithm I can use to identify these big areas and replace them with a '1'
for (int y = 1; y < map.GetLength(1) - 1; y++) { for (int x = 1; x < map.GetLength(0) - 1; x++) { // Inside here is where I was hoping to archive my work bool draw = true; foreach (Room room in rooms)
[Code] ....
Attached is an example of my output.As you will be able to see, there is a lot of brown. I want to fill the brown with walls, but leave space for a path between the rooms.The 'draw' bool is true when I'm outside of a room, just so I don't start throwing walls inside my room.
Example of what the array would look like (for those who don't know)
this is the code I tried in my code block 10.05.....tried code for removing all white space from a line of a txt file. this is my code it runs but i cant get the result i need.
I'm doing a project that takes in a input file with Quarterback statistics. It has their name, team, completions, sacks, touchdowns, etc. It has 16 different variables in all (17 if you count first/last name as two). So I'm trying to read them and I can't figure out how to jump to the new line after it's read the file and put the information in the variables I've created.
That's the program I've written. The loop keeps displaying the first line of the file over and over. How can I get it to go to the second line, then the third, then fourth, etc? I need it to display all the lines of the file until it reaches the end of the file.
Write a program that opens a file and counts the whitespace-separated words in that file.?
My code that i wrote for this example is as follows...
#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> int main() { string filename = "Question 1.cpp"; // File name goes in here
I have an assignment where i have to make a palindrome program. As you can see i have already done the basic palindrome prog, however i am now stuck since the program goes into a infinite loop whenever a word with whitespaces is added.
I have also tried searching for methods online however they do not seem to work for me...
void CPali::check() { length = strlen(palin); for (int i = 0, p = length-1; p>i; i++, p--) { if (palin[i] == ' ')
int main() { string filename = "Question 1.cpp"; // File name goes in here
[Code] ....
Now I am not sure if im suppose to get a msg saying : The file "Question 1.cpp" has 0 words.
im wondering is the question that im being asked, asking me to input a string of words and then the compiler when it builds and runs the program counts the word spaces.?
General Purpose: Delete all "white spaces" in text file, until the read-in char is _not_ a whitespace (mark as start of text file).
Problem: Cannot seem to shift char's over properly. (I think my problem is the inner loop - however other code may lead to this problem - I do not know)
#include <fstream> #include <iostream> using namespace std;
bool trimWhiteSpace(fstream &file, char * charMemoryBlock) { if (!file.is_open()) {
How I can make 2D games in OpenGL. I have sprites, but when I load them in game, they're all big and stuff, not pixel for pixel how I'd like them. How can I do this?
I am because I don't know what to use OpenGL or DirectX? I heard some people saying I can use both. How is this? What is better for online games? And when I choose I will need some tutorials too ....
This is my first time using opengl and I am experimenting with adding/drawing polygons/points/etc. on top of a PPM image. The image is already loaded when the application runs. My attempt to draw a square is from lines 30 - 35. The program runs but the square is not present. Just the image.
I've read up on .bmp files on wikipedia and am currently attempting to make a function that can export a .bmp file of the screen of my programs. I've already begun work on it but it isn't working. The code I have so far is:
typedef char Byte; typedef int Byte4; typedef short Byte2; struct BMP_Header {
[Code] ....
My problems are that when less then the required amount of bytes is needed to store a value in the file, the 00 bytes are skipped (Ex. The file will contain 42 instead of 42 00 00 00), and the Pixels are stored as nothing but 0D ( every value intended for storing pixel data is 0D ).
I'm printing characters on a texture map using OpenGL and GLUT with C++. The problem is that when they appear on the map the x-coordinates are correct but the y-coordinates are upside down. The coordinates are being read from an input file and are in the form x,y with a semicolon separating each xy pair. I tried putting a negative sign in front of the y-coordinates to see if that would force the characters to go in the right place but that just made minus signs appear on the screen. Is there a function in OpenGL/GLUT that can invert coordinates by a certain value?
If I wanted to design an object in SolidWorks, and then output that object (I guess as a .stl file), is it possible to open that up and manipulate using openGL? How would I go about doing that?
I am using the following code to print in SDL screen
SDL_GL_RenderText( timer, font, color, &position); sprintf(timer," Time : %d",time);
to print in SDL screen(used with opengl) , i am doing project on C++, as "sprintf" is C style function , so i can't do like this , i am trying to use" ostringstream" , but i am not sure how to use it.
What i'm trying to do is create a 3d game engine with opengl and i want to be multi platform. I'm trying to use code-blocks for this reason but i'm having trouble setting up opengl for code-blocks
I recently made a heightmap, it uses a triangle strip /row, and I try to figure out how can i color the triangles one by one. So, for example I have a color array of 9:
index array:c6->c1->c7->c2 ...cn->c(n-rwosize)->c(n+1)->cn->c(n-rwosize+1)
I draw my elements with a VAO and drawelements/row; (i tried drawrange but didnt work) ... glGenVertexArrays(1,&VertArrObj); glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER,indexBuffer); glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER,sizeof(GLuint)*v_heightIndexes.sie(),&v_heightIndexes[0],GL_STATIC_DRAW); glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER,vertexBuffer);
[Code] ....
I think it want to index my color array too, so how can i do that it only reads the 3 colors from my array, the repeat it /vertex/triangle till the end of drawing.
The shaders work fine, i changed the map to a triangle so it applied these colors, but with the map "I see only darkness before me".
with my working shader without color "in" - height coloring: [URL] ....