C :: Simple Version Of Find

Oct 28, 2013

Just wondering about how to write extremely simple version of 'find' in C: It just lists the path names of the files in the specified directories and all subdirectories.For example,


$find_version .


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C :: Simple Regex To Find Word But Not Containing Some Other Words

Sep 13, 2013

I've been trying to do a RegEx, but I just can't seem to find the solution for it.

Do the following to find Test:

Test55: Will be allowed
TestABC: Will NOT be allowed

Basically, if Test is followed immediately by anything else other than a case-insensitive letter (not [a-zA-Z]), then it will pass.

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C++ :: Specific Iterator Type - Find Distance By Simple Subtraction

Sep 24, 2014

I have a templated container that defines a forward iterator.

Calling std::distance on these iterators will generate code that will count the number of iterations it takes to get from the first parameter to the second, by repetitively incrementing.

Internally, the iterators can easily find the distance by a simple subtraction.

What I want to do is overload std::distance for these iterators so that it will take advantage of the simple calculation rather than repetitive increments.

The simple solution of course would be to make the iterators random access, but this would require that they support functionality that is not 'logical' for the container. Access to the container only makes logical sense when iterating one item at a time in the forward direction.

#include <iterator>
template <typename T>
class Container {
class iterator : public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, T> {

[Code] .....

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C :: Determine Compiler Version And Which Standard It Uses?

Jul 18, 2013

Is there any code I can use to determine my compiler version and which Standard It uses? I know the following code determine that my compiler followed ANSI But how about a version of that? ****My OS is now Ubuntu

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void){
printf("File :%s
", __FILE__ );
printf("ANSI :%d
", __STDC__ ); //return 1 if it follow ANSI but version?
return 0;

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C :: Version Number Stored In EXE File

Feb 24, 2015

I am/we developing in C and we have a number of different programs. We also have problem to keep track of different versions of a specific exe file.

Is there any way to add version number when build a file so the version is added in the properties.

I doing this in a MFC c++ project in a .rc file. Is there a way (or a similar way) of doing this in C? Here its stored in the details section with product version 6.0.8:

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C++ :: Standard Way To Add Version Number To Code?

Apr 15, 2014

Just wondering if there was a standard way people add a version number to their c++ code? I can just define a variable or #define and write the version number to that, but wanted to know if there is a standard method people use?

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C++ :: Change The Version Info Of The File?

Jan 18, 2013

im trying to make a tool that can change the version of the file (.exe)


i know how to update the rcdata of the resource

my problem is i dont know what to insert to it using (LPVOID) lpBytes is it a .txt ? .rc ? is it a binary ? etc.

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C++ :: Version Numbers For Programs And Projects

Sep 16, 2013

When you are creating a project or program, how do you number your versions?

Like when you release it, it becomes v1.0, am i right?

then every release or build after that might become v1.1 or v1.0001 or v1.0.1.2

Is there a certain global system for how you Number your versions or is it just up to the developer?

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C++ :: Compiling Static Version Of Boost Libraries?

Mar 6, 2013

I have been trying to compile a static version of the boost libraries, however when I try to launch the program it says fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libboost_serialization-vc100-mt-s-1_53.lib'

I have checked in the boost/stage/lib folder and that file is not there. I compiled boost with b2 link=static yet the file still isn't there.

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C/C++ :: How To Print Colored Output In Borland Version 4.5

Feb 26, 2014

I am using borland turbo c++ version 4.5 and for printing a coloured output i used textcolor() but it is showing error that call the undefined function 'textcolor' in main, so what can i do now to print a coloured output???

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Visual C++ :: Algorithm Recursive Version Implementation?

May 19, 2013

I have a problem to implement a recursive version of an algorithm that I made, I get different values. Here is the code so Iterative (OK) and Recursive code form that is not OK.

The data sets do not give equal:

The algorithm is given two source and target positions on a board, find the number of paths between them...

Input Example: 5
2 3
4 4

Output Example: 5

Iterative Algorithm ( OK )

#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string.h>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;
int n , dp [1000][1000], x, y, xx, yy;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Embedding Version Strings At Build Time

Dec 11, 2013

I have a set of projects. Each one builds either a static library or an executable. What I'd like to do, is at build time I want to embed a version string representing the version of the executable as well as the version of each library. These version strings will come from an external source (in my case it's based on a "git describe" call, but that's beside the point). Embedding such strings can be highly valuable for traceability. (Versions of 3rd-party libraries are not necessary.)

I'm using qmake as my build system, but this should work more or less similarly with any build tool. What I'd ideally like to do is define this process in such a self-contained way that a an absolutely minimal amount of additional code is required in order to leverage it. Preferably, nothing more than an include(version.pri) in each project's .pro file in order to collect the versions. (Retrieving them later, such as to respond to a --version command-line flag, can be done via traditional C++ methods.)

What I've done so far is to define a singleton VersionTracker class, and then tweak the build system so that "MODULE" and "VERSION" are preprocessor symbols defined at build time. I've also tweaked the build system so that a file in each project, version.cpp, is rebuilt (and regenerated if necessary) on every build regardless of changes. This source file can capture the information in the preprocessor symbols into each static library and the executable.

Now, here's the problem. How can I get the information from those version.cpp files into the VersionTracker class? I thought I could use a global object's constructor to do it, but it turns out the symbols are stripped out when the static libraries are linked so I only get the executable's version. I also found a page on stackoverflow detailing a very clever way to call a registration function at class definition time, but again the class definition appears to be stripped out if it's defined in the version.cpp file of a static library and not referenced elsewhere.

Everything I've read basically says you either need to use linker flags to prevent symbol stripping entirely, which is probably an adoption-killer for this hack, or you need to use an explicit registration function called from the executable. I'd prefer to avoid this since it is just another thing a programmer could forget to update when a library dependency is added or removed.

My last idea, which I haven't tried yet, would be to put each version.cpp into a separate static library from the one it is describing. This version-only library could be linked without symbol stripping. I don't love this concept but it might work.

I haven't yet figured out how shared libraries can be worked into this framework at all. I'll worry about that after I get static libraries working.

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Visual C++ :: How To Extract Machine / Hardware ID And OS Version

Nov 19, 2014

Is there a way I can extract Machine / Hardware ID and OS Version using VC++?

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Visual C++ :: How To Set Property For Using Static Lib File (2003 Version)

Jan 15, 2013

Later i used trial version of vc2010 and created a static library using the below link. Its worked. [URL] .....

But now I'm using VC2003.Details as follows,

Microsoft Development enviroinment 2003 Version 7.1.3088
CopyRight @ 1987-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Microsoft .Net Framework 1.1 Version 1.1.4322
CopyRight @ 1998-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

I used the same procedure & created the Static lib. But couldn't use this lib file in my main project.B'cos the project's property window doesn't have the :

Common Properties -> Framework & References

Couldn't find. Here with i attached missed property in VC2003. How can i set this property? Is any other way to use static lib in main project (application)?

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C Sharp :: Auto Increment Version Number In Text File?

Oct 9, 2014

I have a version.txt file and it looks like

build date=yy.mm.dd

need a batch script or C# code increment the version if i trigger a build and expected output as

build date=yy.mm.dd (Current date)

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Visual C++ :: Launching Current Version Of IE To View HTML File From Program

Nov 29, 2012

I tried to do this with _spawnl(), but first of all I'm not sure how to properly ask for the path to iexplore.exe, as I'm sure it will change every time MS gets a whim to move it. I know there's a GetWindowsDirectory() call, but that's not where IE resides (its in "C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe" in XP, Lord know where on win 7 or 8).

Also, even temporarily hard coding the path to make it launch with spawnl(), I can't seem to get my html document to display. I know the path to that is right (since I put it there ).

char * pFile = "someFile.htm";
char * pCmd = "C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe";

int res = _spawnl(_P_NOWAIT, pCmd,pCmd, pFile, NULL); // also tried without specifying pCmd 2x
if (res == -1) MessageBox("Can't Open File.");

So my second question would be, how to you PROPERLY pass the file to view as an argument.

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C++ :: Simple AI That Follows Player

Apr 10, 2014

I'm having some problems with implementing an AI. It should be just a simple AI that follows player. Here is the code that I got so far:

(float)DirectionX = Circle->GetX() - AI->GetX();
(float)DirectionY = Circle->GetY() - AI->GetY();

(float)Hyp = sqrt(DirectionX * DirectionX + DirectionY * DirectionY);

DirectionX /= Hyp;
DirectionY /= Hyp;

x += DirectionX * 3;
y += DirectionY * 3;

This is what I got so far. It creates a vector in a direction I want to move, then just normalizes the vector. Simple as that. But I'm having 2 problems..

AI moves towards player only when Im at like the end of screen and the AI is on the other side, I must keep a certain distance for it to be able to move towards me. Basically, its not constantly moving towards the player. I also tried it with trig, using atan2 for angle and sin / cos for speed. Also didn't work, same result.

The other problem is when I want to add i.e 5 more AIs. For each new AI it creates, it makes a new update.. So, to kinda clear it up. If I'm in middle of the screen and an AI is spawned above me, it will move towards me. But when after that one, 2nd AI spawns beneath me, both 1st and 2nd AI move up. Basically, previous AIs take the update from last one that is created. For updating I'm using lists, objects and iters.

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C++ :: How To Play Simple MP3 Through Mic

Jul 21, 2014

How do I play a simple mp3 through my mic. I plan on using this to just play annoying sounds through skype and games(on windows 7 btw).

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C++ :: How To Make A Simple Program EXE

Feb 12, 2014

I would like to know how can I make a simple program .exe so that I don't have to open it through code blocks every time.

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C++ :: Simple Calculation Going To 0 Every Time

Aug 8, 2013

I tried to write a simple program to calculate monthly yield, APR, and principle in various directions. Anyway, here's some code to get the APR from the principle and monthly yield. When I run it though, it spits 0 at me every time! What the problem is; the other functions work just fine and the code line for the APR calculation is just what it ought to be - I see neither a math nor tech problem here.

Here is the offending function:

void calculateAPR() {
int principle, monthlyYield, apr;
Please input the principle:";


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C :: Simple Increment Operation

Jan 27, 2013


int i=5,j;
j=++i + ++i + ++i;
printf("%d",j); //22
j=i++ + i++ + i++;
printf("%d",j); //19 Shall not it give 21 and 18 respectively?????

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C :: Simple File Parser

Oct 5, 2013

I am writing a simple file parser for use in another project (for config file). The trickiest thing seems to be skipping unwanted characters (comments, spaces). It works partly, but after the second line of an inputed file processes only the first three characters.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define TEXT_FILE "data.txt"

NOTE: Currently I am just trying to process and remove unwanted data, the actual processing of extracted data should be much simpler.

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C :: Simple Reading In A File

Feb 28, 2013

So im just trying to read in an pgm file and store it in an array,


int** imageArray;
//allocate the image array
imageArray = (int**) malloc(row * sizeof(int*));
for(i = 0; i < row; i++)
imageArray[i] = (int*) malloc(col * sizeof(int));


It stores about 1/3 of the file into the array, and then starts printing 6815940 6819608 followed by a bunch of 0's.

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C :: Simple Loop Program?

Feb 27, 2014

3. Write a program that reads a sequence of positive integers and prints out their sum, except that if the same number occurs several times consecutively, ignore all but the first. Assume an input of 0 marks the end of the input. For example, if the input is 3 8 5 5 4 9 1 1 1 1 8 0 then you should print 38 (i.e., ignore one of the 5's and three of the 1's).

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C :: Simple Use Of Malloc And Realloc

Jan 27, 2013

i want to improve my knowledge about the dyn allocation of char pointers... with this code i wanted to type a string and insert the string in a array created dynamically:


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
char c;
char *test=NULL;
unsigned int len;


why there are these 3 initial character '' ')' ':' that i didn't have typed...

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C++ :: Simple Calculation Of Char?

Dec 17, 2013

void viewWasteReport(){
char wasteid[5],wastetype[31],month[11],wastequantity[13],wasteweight[11];
//double wastequantity[13];
//double wasteweight[11];

[Code] ....

I want to obtain the the product of wastequantity*wasteweight, but i get error.

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