C Sharp :: Data Is Not Getting Updated In Dropdownlist Using Dataset

Nov 26, 2013

Data is not getting updated in dropdownlist using data set:

 protected void SpecificationNameDropDownList_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)  {
            if (SpecificationNameDropDownList.SelectedItem.Text != null) {
                SpecificationValueLabel.Visible = true;
                SpecificationValueDropDownList.Visible = true;


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C Sharp :: Create A DropDownList (Hardcoding Data)

Apr 3, 2013

I am using MVC3 (C#) and I need to hard code the data in a DropDownList.

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C Sharp :: Datagridview And Listview Refresh After Data Getting Updated

Jan 9, 2013

                //user list view
                da = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [user]", con);
                DataTable t = new DataTable();
                ds = new DataSet();
                 t = ds.Tables[0];
                listView1.View = View.Details;

[Code] ....
I tried with datagridview.refresh, update but its not working can any body sugesst me what to do for refresing the data ....do timer we have to use..? if yes then how ...?

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C Sharp :: DropDownList Inside A GridView?

Aug 1, 2012

I have a Dropdownlist with in a gridview, in my grid I have 10 records, my dropdown values are 1,2,3...10. In first record drop down value is 1, second record dropdown value is 2....

1.now I changed the 5 drop down value to 2, then second drop value is changed to 3 and 3 dropdown has been changed to 4, 4th dropdown has been changed to 5

2.I changed the 5th drop down value to 8, then 8th dropdown value is changed to 7, 7th dropdown has been changed to 6, 6th dropdown has been changed to 5

Attached Files PAM.zip (7.0 KB, 87 views)

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C Sharp :: One Dropdown Selected Value Is Affected By Another Dropdownlist?

Nov 13, 2013

I have created a form (in ASP.NET and C#) which have 5 dropdown

1.3rd dropdown fill on the basis of 1st n 2nd dropdown value

2.5th dropdown fill on the basis of 4th dropdown value

I applied onselectedindexchanged event on 2nd and 4th dropdown and both are autopostback true.All values come according to the requirement.

Problem is when I select a value in 3rd dropdown and it becoming change when I select some value from 4th dropdown.

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C Sharp :: How To Cast Dataset To Strongly Typed Object

Dec 17, 2014

Following is my xml file called PropertyInfo.xml :-

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<location name="Bombay">


In above LoadPropertyInfo() method, how to cast DataSet to List<Location> locations before returning "locations" ?

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C# :: DropDownList Is Not Being Populated

Apr 11, 2014

My query APPEARS to not return any results to populate my dropdown list.

public void getColumnList() {
SqlConnection con;
SqlCommand cmd;
SqlDataReader dataReader;
con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConString"]);
cmd = new SqlCommand();


following code successfuly puts my CommandText within the DropDownList. If I copy and paste the CommandText straight into SQL server, it indeed returns the names of the columns.

if (dataReader.HasRows) {
while (dataReader.Read()) {

So if my query is correct enough for SQL Server, why can't C# and ASP.NET recognize the results returned and put it into my control?

FYI I've even tried the blow (initially) and it didn't work either.

chkbxlstColumn.DataSource = dataReader;
chkbxlstColumn.DataValueField = "name";
chkbxlstColumn.DataTextField = "name";

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C# :: WebMethod Can't See DataSet

Nov 16, 2014

I'm trying to create a web service that uses a dataset called dsPeople, but it doesn't seem to know where it is, and gives me a directive/namespace error underneath it where it occurs. Do I need to declare it somewhere or something?

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Services;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.OleDb;
namespace WebServiceTest


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C# :: Dataset Loading Most Recent Records?

May 16, 2014

what I need to do is load a dataset with the most recent record for each item in the database table. Each item has an ID, location ID and date along with some numeric data. the item ID, location ID, and date is referenced in each record of the table. So each item will have multiple records with different dates that could be anything. To make things worse there may be the same item in multiple locations. and each locations items most recent record needs to loaded in to the dateset and then displayed in a data grid. At a later time there will be a location sort as well so only items in a particular location or group of locations will be loaded. More question on the data grid to come.

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C# :: Using Dataset Result As A Variable In A Stored Procedure

Aug 6, 2014

I'm trying to pass one dataset's result as a variable in another stored procedure and this is what I have so far:

DataSet dsID = StoredProcedures.GetID((int)Session["TypeID"]);
int IDValue = Convert.ToInt32(dsID.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ID"]);
DataSet dsRequest = StoredProcedures.GetRequest(IDValue);

But I get the error: cannot implicitly convert to system.dataset.

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C/C++ :: Pointer Value Not Getting Updated

Mar 25, 2014

This is the code i have:


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Node {
int value;
Node* left;
Node* right;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Inherit Class Variable - Shrink Duplicate Dataset From CWorksheetTwo?

Mar 30, 2012

class CUser {
std::string firt_name;
std::string last_name;

[Code] .....

How would I go about shrink the duplicate data set from CWorksheetTwo? For CWorksheetTwo has both CUser and CUserEx, and I only need CUserEx, and all other classes are happy with CUser

Since there is no such thing virtual variable what are my choices? In CWorksheetTwo set users to NULL and use another exclusively? Change CSettings variable to template <class T> std::vector<T>users?

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C++ :: Show Percentage When File Is Being Updated

Jun 19, 2014

I want to update a file but I want to show the percentage when it is being updated. How can I do this? Do I need to use threads?

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C++ :: Access Variable Updated In One To Another CPP File?

Dec 18, 2012

I have two cpp files.I m updating a value of an integer in one cpp file and i want to perform a specific function in the second file as per to the value updated in the first file. ie I m initialing the variable in the constructor. I have two buttons in the first cpp file. On clicking the first button I m updating the variable as 1 and on pressing button two , I m updating the variable as 2. I m retrieving this variable in the second cpp file with respect to the object created for the class in the first cpp file.

The problem is that i m not able tot retrieve the updated value in the second file. only the initialized value is being retrieved. neither 1 nor 2 is updated.

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C/C++ :: (OpenGL) Drawing Not Updated When There Is Conditional In Code

Aug 1, 2014

I'm making a program to draw a trajectory, was using as a basis the tangent, but when I put 90 degrees, the tangent is very large, so I thought of putting an if (angle == 90) did not use the tangent.

the design is right, but after choosing it 90 degrees it stops to draw.

for example

1-30 degrees - draws
2-45 degrees ---- draws
3 draws -90 degrees ---
4-60 degrees --- not drawing
5 --- 80 degrees --- not drawing

making routine design is presented below:

void Draw() {
glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
if (ant){


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Visual C++ :: Use CEdit Control Variable Updated From Tab To Dialog Box?

Jun 24, 2014

I have one Tab called Tab4 and one main dialog box called CGrabDlg. The values of my variables are not updated when I change them.?

Here my constructor of my Tab :

CTab4::CTab4(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/)
: CDialogEx(CTab4::IDD, pParent )
, iFilter1(_T("F1_350"))


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Visual C++ :: CMFCComboBoxButton - Force Redraw Of Control To Show Updated Selection Via View

May 13, 2015

I have a CMFCToolbar containing a CMFCComboBoxButton which needs to be updated via a view. The view correctly updates the selection of the ComboBoxButton however the edit window is not updated until the control receives the focus or the entire window is redrawn.

How can I force the redrawing of the control to show the updated selection via the view

TextEditView::OnUpdateFontBox(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) routine?

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C Sharp :: How To Insert Data In SQL

Apr 2, 2013

I don't know coding to Insert data in sql with C# language and I want to save data with the click event of save button

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C Sharp :: How To Print Entire Gridview Data

Apr 4, 2013

I have a gridview in which I show report data, I wanted to print this data, so I added print functionality. This print functionality does not print entire gridview data, it only prints data which is visible on the screen and skip the data which is under vertical scroll bar.

Below is the print grid view code in c# for WINDOWS APPLICATION.
private void btnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (printDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)


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C Sharp :: Data From Datagrid To Textbox In Another Form

Apr 17, 2012

How do I order the value of the selected cell in a datagrid to textbox in another form

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C Sharp :: How To Retrieve Data From MySQL Database

Jan 17, 2013

i am student working on a project in c# to maintain the datas from a solar battery monitoring.i already imported the datas from the battery monnitoring and saved them in mysql database and retrived the data in c#.

i have problem in retriving the data in accordance with the date and time range selection.

what i am trying to do is there are more than 1000 datas in the table if i select two date and time the datas in the table should cross check these dates and show all the datas in the table in between those date&time

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C Sharp :: Inserting Data Into Database And Display In Gridview

Feb 12, 2014

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;


find the attachment.

Data is displaying in grid view but when i enter the particulars it's not inserting in to DB & grid view.

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C Sharp :: How To Validate Data If Already Exist In Table Record

Sep 24, 2014

How to validate the data if the data already exist in the table record in c#?

For example I wanted to add the student roll no. if roll no. is 134 and if we are adding rollno. 134 student then we get the warning like roll no. 134 is already exist ....

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C Sharp :: Display Data In Richtext Box In Tree Format?

Jan 31, 2013

I want to display my data in rich-text box in the tree like structure,i fetch the data from the data base MSACCESS & i want to print it on my rich-textbox, what can i do ?

exampale is :-A
| |_A1_1
| |_A1_2

like this in rich textbox

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C Sharp :: Receiving Data Using Bluetooth Dongle (BLED 112)

May 30, 2013

I am doing a project where i need to develop a C# windows application. I need to receive data in my laptop (windows 7) using BLED 112 Dongle from NRF 8001 which is Bluetooth Low Power. Actually NRF 8001 is connected to a sensor and it is streaming the sensor's data. I need to receive those data using Dongle and save those data.

I tried doing this by using the library provided by 32feet.net but using this i could only discover the device but wasn't able to connect my Dongle to NRF 8001. So i couldn't proceed further and i am stuck since couple of weeks already ....

I already tried searching in the internet but didn't find much info however i recently i got a API for my Dongle in this link

[URL] .....

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C Sharp :: Data Type Mismatch In Criteria Expression?

Feb 12, 2013

I am firing an insert query like this in C# to MS ACCESS 07 Database

var expiry = dateTimePicker1.Text;
 string instr = "insert into MST_QUOTATION values(";
instr += txtID.Text;


data type mismatch in criteria expression

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