C Sharp :: One Dropdown Selected Value Is Affected By Another Dropdownlist?

Nov 13, 2013

I have created a form (in ASP.NET and C#) which have 5 dropdown

1.3rd dropdown fill on the basis of 1st n 2nd dropdown value

2.5th dropdown fill on the basis of 4th dropdown value

I applied onselectedindexchanged event on 2nd and 4th dropdown and both are autopostback true.All values come according to the requirement.

Problem is when I select a value in 3rd dropdown and it becoming change when I select some value from 4th dropdown.

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C Sharp :: Passing Selected Row From Gridview To Dropdown

May 17, 2013

passing selected row in gridview to my dropdown. I have 1 gridview, 1 textbox and 1 dropdown list box. My dropdown is populated by SqlDataSource from my table Country. On my gridview, I have 3 columns, which are SELECT, NAME and COUNTRY. Under SELECT column, I have my hyperlinked Select, every time I clicked on a certain row NAME will pass in textbox (no problem with that), but in my dropdown it does not populates the COUNTRY that I choose. For example, I have Jack for name and USA for country. Beside Jack and USA, I have a hyperlink Select, when I click Select, Jack will display on my textbox and supposed to be USA will display on my dropdown but not displaying instead it says an error "'cboCountry' has a SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items. Parameter name: value".

I have tried the codes below:

protected void GridView2_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
txtname.Text = GridView2.SelectedRow.Cells[1].Text;
cboCountry.Text = GridView2.SelectedRow.Cells[2].Text;

Only the textbox os working, no luck at all in dropdown...I'm using c# and asp.net.

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C Sharp :: Retrieve Records Between Dates Selected From Datetimepicker And Of Selected Date

Mar 4, 2013

I want to retrieve the records selected between from_dt and to_dt and also the records of the selected date should be retrieved...

SELECT ChallanDtl.chalID, ChallanDtl.chalTo, 
ChallanDtl.chalNo, ChallanDtl.chalDDate,
ChallanDtl.chalYourNo, ChallanDtl.chalPO_NO, 

[Code] ...

I am not getting all the records.... when i select the same date in both datetimepicker no record is displayed... i also want the record of the selected dates from both datetime picker..

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C Sharp :: DropDownList Inside A GridView?

Aug 1, 2012

I have a Dropdownlist with in a gridview, in my grid I have 10 records, my dropdown values are 1,2,3...10. In first record drop down value is 1, second record dropdown value is 2....

1.now I changed the 5 drop down value to 2, then second drop value is changed to 3 and 3 dropdown has been changed to 4, 4th dropdown has been changed to 5

2.I changed the 5th drop down value to 8, then 8th dropdown value is changed to 7, 7th dropdown has been changed to 6, 6th dropdown has been changed to 5

Attached Files PAM.zip (7.0 KB, 87 views)

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C Sharp :: Data Is Not Getting Updated In Dropdownlist Using Dataset

Nov 26, 2013

Data is not getting updated in dropdownlist using data set:

 protected void SpecificationNameDropDownList_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)  {
            if (SpecificationNameDropDownList.SelectedItem.Text != null) {
                SpecificationValueLabel.Visible = true;
                SpecificationValueDropDownList.Visible = true;


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C Sharp :: Create A DropDownList (Hardcoding Data)

Apr 3, 2013

I am using MVC3 (C#) and I need to hard code the data in a DropDownList.

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C Sharp :: How To Bind DropDown List

Feb 16, 2013

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Group_Id"> 
<ItemTemplate> <asp:Label ID="G1" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Group_Id") %>'></asp:Label> 
</ItemTemplate> <EditItemTemplate> <asp:TextBox ID="G2" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Group_Id") 

[Code] ....

on running i find this error

Compiler Error Message: CS1061: 'ASP.webform12_aspx' does not contain a definition for 'Group_Item_Name_SelectedIndexChanged' and no extension method 'Group_Item_Name_SelectedIndexChanged' accepting a first argument of type 'ASP.webform12_aspx' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Source Error:

Line 143: </EditItemTemplate>
Line 144: <FooterTemplate>
Line 145: DropDownList ID="G3" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True"
Line 146: onSelectedIndexChanged=" Group_Item_Name_SelectedIndexChanged" Width="133px">
Line 147:</asp:DropDownList>

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C Sharp :: Convert Dropdown List To Int Datatype

Mar 16, 2013

I am need to compare 2 items from 2 separate drop down lists. These values are of int type. Say for example 2 drop down lists showing years. Now i need to find out these 2 years selected is greater or nearer to the current year.

I tried converting the values i receive from the drop down lists to int variables. But i am getting error then. I gave it like below.

int tmp = Convert.ToInt32(ddl_1.SelectedItem.Text);

this gives an error like this - Input string was not in correct format.

I need to know how to put an item from a drop down list to a variable of int data type.

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C Sharp :: DropDown Values Are Changed When Delete A Record In GridView

Aug 6, 2012

I have a Gridview ,in that one of the Column is DropDownList .I have 10 Records in my Grid and my DropDown Values are like this 1,2,3....10.This is the format to store my DropDown values ,if i delete 4th Row ,then my DropDown Values are Changed like 1,2,3,4....9.This is my task ,but i'm getting this format 1,2,3,--,5...10.

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C Sharp :: Compile SQL Table Using Dropdown List Boxes Into TextBox

Sep 11, 2012

I am completely new to SQL server i know a few of the basics. I have a VS2010 asp.net c# application with two dropdown listboxes and a textbox. I need to calculate the numbers e.g 3 + 3 = Medium, using the table below to calculate the answer so i can insert the output value into a textbox.

Drop down Listbox3Drop down Listbox3


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C Sharp :: How To Get Selected Row Value From Datagridview In Richtextbox

Feb 18, 2013

i have 10 column in my datagridview. i want to get whole value from row(which row i'll select). i have this code but it's shows only one cell value,

richtextbox.Text = dataGridView1.CurrentCell.Value.ToString();  

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C Sharp :: How Selected Value In Combobox Return String

May 29, 2013

string st=combobox1.selectedvale.tostring();

combo box return 2 item ,


The value of combo not type of(int),the value type (string)

How value ofcombobox return data with type(string)?

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C Sharp :: If Checkboxlist Is Not Selected Show Save As Number 0 In DB

Sep 26, 2012

I'm working in a web aplication in c#, vs 2008, framework 3.5, I need to assign a value to a var, in this case "problemas", when I tried to save the value that I have in the checkboxlist, it does, but if don't selected, can't show 0, besides if I change the value "problemas = 9" to problemas = 111111" doesn't works.

protected void ckblProblemas_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e){
int problemas = 0; {
if (ckblProblemas.SelectedValue.Equals("9")) {
                    problemas = 9;
                } else {

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C Sharp :: Scan Directory Selected From Treeview Control

Jan 20, 2015

I am doing "Virus Tracking System" Project. I have to scan the directory selected from treeview ....

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C Sharp :: How To Set Rootpath Of Application Which Is Path Of A Selected Item In Listbox

Apr 4, 2013

I want to set the rootpath of an executable application. This rootpath should be the same as the path of an item that I select from a ListBox. The code for selecting the item is as follows.

namespace Menu {
    public partial class Form1 : Form {  
        private Button button;
        private ListBox listBox1;
        private string selecteditem;

[Code] ....

Now what I want is: Whatever I get the output as in the :

Console.Writeline(path + selecteditem),

I would want to set this as a rootpath for an application so as to do rest of the measurements or steps only in that path/folder. Is it possible to do something like this?

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C++ :: Pointer Value Seems To Be Affected By Value Preceding It

Apr 23, 2014

In my current workflow I am exporting a 3D model along with various information (vertex colors, UV coordinates e.g.) from Blender through Python. This is stored in a binary file which can be read in C++.

Consider the following code:


ar = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
with open('model.bin', 'wb') as file:
file.write(struct.pack('%si' & len(ar), *ar))
u32* ar = (u32*) model_bin; //model_bin is already declared externally
for(int i=0; i<5; i++){
", ar[i]);

This works! However, my file contains more than just one list of data. It contains a lot of data of different types. I keep track of this with different pointers at the start of each new "element". I.e.:

rgb* vcols = (rgb*) model_bin;
u32* uvco = (u32*) ((char*) vcols + 2*numVcols)

Here is the full "stack": [URL] ....

Right now, everything checks out, except for the first value of my UV textures. Setting it to 0 in my export script makes my C++ application read it as -566558720.

If I export and read the UV coordinate numbers as shorts however, everything works fine.

But it gets better! When I set the value of my last vcol[] element to 0, I can read the written int just fine! Setting the final vcol to 1 makes the first uvco read out as 65578.

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C# :: DropDownList Is Not Being Populated

Apr 11, 2014

My query APPEARS to not return any results to populate my dropdown list.

public void getColumnList() {
SqlConnection con;
SqlCommand cmd;
SqlDataReader dataReader;
con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConString"]);
cmd = new SqlCommand();


following code successfuly puts my CommandText within the DropDownList. If I copy and paste the CommandText straight into SQL server, it indeed returns the names of the columns.

if (dataReader.HasRows) {
while (dataReader.Read()) {

So if my query is correct enough for SQL Server, why can't C# and ASP.NET recognize the results returned and put it into my control?

FYI I've even tried the blow (initially) and it didn't work either.

chkbxlstColumn.DataSource = dataReader;
chkbxlstColumn.DataValueField = "name";
chkbxlstColumn.DataTextField = "name";

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C# :: Set A Checkbox On Dropdown Menu Items?

Sep 14, 2014

I'm using winforms and I want to set a checkbox on a dropdown menu item, but I don't know how to access the dropdown menu items.

I know ToolStripMenuItem items are attached to ContextMenuStrip items but I'm not sure how to navigate into the ToolStripMenuItem section to read/set those menu items.

ToolStripMenuItem listbox_font_size;
cmsListBox = new ContextMenuStrip();


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C# :: Select Next Item In Combobox Dropdown?

Mar 14, 2014

I'm having issues with selecting the next item in sequence in a combobox dropdown. The dropdown consists of letters A-Z and there is a timer that I have running to change the letter every x minutes. What I need to do is if, for example, letter A is selected, when the timer goes off, it will change to letter B, etc. If it's at letter Z, it needs to go back to the first item, letter A.

letterCode.SelectedIndex = letterCode.SelectedIndex + 1;
if (letterCode.SelectedIndex >= 26)
letterCode.SelectedIndex += 0;

I have the above, but I keep getting an error:

InvalidArgument=Value of '26' is not valid for 'SelectedIndex'.

how to get this working (letter changing logic block).

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C# :: Flat Style Dropdown Menu Not Drawing Correctly In XP

Apr 23, 2014

I'm having issues with drawing a flat style dropdown menu in XP.

Here is the custom dropdown menu element:

public class FlattenCombo : ComboBox {
private Brush BorderBrush = new SolidBrush(SystemColors.WindowFrame);
private Brush ArrowBrush = new SolidBrush(SystemColors.ControlText);
private Brush DropButtonBrush = new SolidBrush(SystemColors.Control);
public Color HighlightColor { get; set; }

[Code] ....

Here is what it looks like in XP:

And here's what it should look like (this is how it's rendered in Windows Vista/7):

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C++ :: How To Read Selected Letters

Jun 1, 2013

I have a text file in which i need to read only selected letters and substitute them with integers to calculate.

In the text file

Here i need to read only the the letters f & h and substitute them with some integer and add them up.

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C# :: How To Find Selected Tap Page

Aug 31, 2014

I have a secnario where I have few tab controls one ineide the other, where my real tab pages containing the data are 4 level deep. This entire structure is dynamically built from a data base.

Now I have a tick event, on whice I want to update the data in the currently selected tabpage.

How can I find it, recall that I have many tab controls, each has a tabpage with another tab control an so forth...

Two ideas I had in mind, I though I caould generate a list of all my data TabPages and itterate it, but I failed to find an indicator of the selected tab.

Another idea was to track the currently selected tabpage via an event, but I feared that I might miss somehow the track and my update the wrong tab page.

Last idea was really unelegant - Look at the main control, get the selected tab page, find the tab control on that page via searching its controls, than find this control selected page, and do the same until I reach the 4th level.

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C :: Displaying Time When Zone Is Selected

Mar 2, 2013

I want to create a GUI using C, for displaying time when a time zone is selected.

I absolutely don't know how to write a program for that. How to get the time of a zone displayed when the zone name is given as input.

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C/C++ :: Count The Times A Shape Was Selected?

Jul 28, 2014

This is part of the program, What should i do if i want to total the number of times a shape was selected at the end?



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C# :: Find Event For Combobox When Its Selected Value Changes

Jan 28, 2015

I'm trying to find an event for the combobox when its selected value changes , but I can't seem to find the right one since I've tried several events in the dataGridView that are just triggering at the wrong moments. I need to remove the selected item from that combobox so that it doesn't get selected again at the second combobox which usually have the same items .

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C# :: Selected Radio Button With Database In It?

Feb 24, 2014

I am developing a project that generates questions from a database, the questions are generated with multiple choice answers. On this form I have got a textbox that reds the question from the database and 4 radio buttons that reads the possible answers from the database. The radio buttons text names are updated with records from a database table each time the "next button" is clicked.

What I want this program to do is that when the user selects one of the radio buttons, I want the system to check if the selected radio button textname equals the right answer in the database table. for example in the table there are 5 columns namely: option1, option2, option3, option4 and rightAnswer. So whenever a user selects a radio button, I would like the system to check if the selected radio button's textname equals the record in the "RightAnswer" column and if so I would a messagebox to show "correct" and if not the messgaebox to show "wrong"

This is the the way I am updating the radio button text names from the database This method is called when the form is loaded

void LoadingPossibleAnswers() {
Query = "SELECT * FROM AnswersTbl";
theReader = conn.ExecuteStatement(Query);
while (theReader.Read()) {
radioButton1.Text = theReader["Option1"].ToString();


This method is called when the button is clicked

void CorrectAnswer( RadioButton rdb) {
string correct = rdb.Text;
Query = "SELECT * FROM FROM AnswersTbl;"
theReader = conn.ExecuteStatement(Query);
while (theReader.Read())


When ever I run my code above, else condition executes even if the correct radio button is selected.

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