I am not getting all the records.... when i select the same date in both datetimepicker no record is displayed... i also want the record of the selected dates from both datetime picker..
I have to write a function that reads letters one at a time from a text file, such as (aBCdefG) using fgetc(). However, each character needs to be inserted into the array in ascending ASCII order, so it should come out as (BCGadef). I wanted to use an insertion sort, however, that would require me to pass the whole array. My professor wants me to sort the letters as they are read, though, and not as a whole array.Can you even do that?
I'm reading a binary file and I want to read all of the letters, but I have noticed that it doesn't read all of the letters and I think it is because of appears as data.
I have a secnario where I have few tab controls one ineide the other, where my real tab pages containing the data are 4 level deep. This entire structure is dynamically built from a data base.
Now I have a tick event, on whice I want to update the data in the currently selected tabpage.
How can I find it, recall that I have many tab controls, each has a tabpage with another tab control an so forth...
Two ideas I had in mind, I though I caould generate a list of all my data TabPages and itterate it, but I failed to find an indicator of the selected tab.
Another idea was to track the currently selected tabpage via an event, but I feared that I might miss somehow the track and my update the wrong tab page.
Last idea was really unelegant - Look at the main control, get the selected tab page, find the tab control on that page via searching its controls, than find this control selected page, and do the same until I reach the 4th level.
I'm trying to find an event for the combobox when its selected value changes , but I can't seem to find the right one since I've tried several events in the dataGridView that are just triggering at the wrong moments. I need to remove the selected item from that combobox so that it doesn't get selected again at the second combobox which usually have the same items .
I am developing a project that generates questions from a database, the questions are generated with multiple choice answers. On this form I have got a textbox that reds the question from the database and 4 radio buttons that reads the possible answers from the database. The radio buttons text names are updated with records from a database table each time the "next button" is clicked.
What I want this program to do is that when the user selects one of the radio buttons, I want the system to check if the selected radio button textname equals the right answer in the database table. for example in the table there are 5 columns namely: option1, option2, option3, option4 and rightAnswer. So whenever a user selects a radio button, I would like the system to check if the selected radio button's textname equals the record in the "RightAnswer" column and if so I would a messagebox to show "correct" and if not the messgaebox to show "wrong"
This is the the way I am updating the radio button text names from the database This method is called when the form is loaded
void LoadingPossibleAnswers() { Query = "SELECT * FROM AnswersTbl"; theReader = conn.ExecuteStatement(Query); while (theReader.Read()) { radioButton1.Text = theReader["Option1"].ToString();
This method is called when the button is clicked
void CorrectAnswer( RadioButton rdb) { string correct = rdb.Text; Query = "SELECT * FROM FROM AnswersTbl;" theReader = conn.ExecuteStatement(Query); while (theReader.Read())
When ever I run my code above, else condition executes even if the correct radio button is selected.
when we click on a line in text area I want to open a popup having all text from that line. I should be able to select some of its text then if I click on save button of popup then only selected text should be saved and displayed in original text area of form. I want to use this for multiple sentences of text area.
I'm trying to build an app, but i don't know which is the best language choice. For starters, the app should be able to:
1. run from context menu 2. when selecting some text from a web browser (ff, ie), that text is captured (preferably not in clipboard) and sent as argument to the program via context menu and the program starts executing...
IF statement. Really new, so this will be simple I'm sure. I'm essentially just trying to roll a 6 and 20 sided die. I want the statement to run "If 20,then display the randomly selected number for 20".
// auto dice roller #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <ctime> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std;
passing selected row in gridview to my dropdown. I have 1 gridview, 1 textbox and 1 dropdown list box. My dropdown is populated by SqlDataSource from my table Country. On my gridview, I have 3 columns, which are SELECT, NAME and COUNTRY. Under SELECT column, I have my hyperlinked Select, every time I clicked on a certain row NAME will pass in textbox (no problem with that), but in my dropdown it does not populates the COUNTRY that I choose. For example, I have Jack for name and USA for country. Beside Jack and USA, I have a hyperlink Select, when I click Select, Jack will display on my textbox and supposed to be USA will display on my dropdown but not displaying instead it says an error "'cboCountry' has a SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items. Parameter name: value".
When I use SHBrowseForFolder I can retrieve a PIDL of the selected folder and with this PIDL I can get the path with SHGetPathFromIDList.
Now, given a path to a folder, I want to retrieve its PIDL. How can I do it? I tried SHParseDisplayName() but seems that function is unsupported in VC++ 6.0
I need to make a program using public and private classes. I need to make a farm of five animals using the class Animal and the class has to contain charactaristics about animals i.e. speech or number of legs. So when I run the program it should output a number set to each animal and then it would display the characteristics of the selected animal.
My project is to make a options menu for the user to select a shape and than draw out the shape. That whole process is already done and ready to go. What i am having trouble on is totaling the number of selected shapes. For example, at the end of the program i need to prompt a message saying ("You have selected "shape" this many times "number").