C# :: Save Selected Text From A Popup

Apr 17, 2014

I want to select text entered in a popup and save it. I have a form that contains a text area and a button

<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" TextMode="MultiLine" Height="103px" Width="262px"></asp:TextBox>
<br />
<br />
<asp:button runat="server" text="Add" onclick="Unnamed1_Click" />

when we click on a line in text area I want to open a popup having all text from that line. I should be able to select some of its text then if I click on save button of popup then only selected text should be saved and displayed in original text area of form. I want to use this for multiple sentences of text area.

Add button will add new line.

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C Sharp :: If Checkboxlist Is Not Selected Show Save As Number 0 In DB

Sep 26, 2012

I'm working in a web aplication in c#, vs 2008, framework 3.5, I need to assign a value to a var, in this case "problemas", when I tried to save the value that I have in the checkboxlist, it does, but if don't selected, can't show 0, besides if I change the value "problemas = 9" to problemas = 111111" doesn't works.

protected void ckblProblemas_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e){
int problemas = 0; {
if (ckblProblemas.SelectedValue.Equals("9")) {
                    problemas = 9;
                } else {

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Visual C++ :: Member Function - Add Vertical Colour Text In Popup Menu

Jun 4, 2013

I was reading a c++ code written in embarcadero ide to add vertical colour text in popup menu.

While reading the code, I had seen following instructions.


void __fastcall ExpandMenuItemWidth(TObject *Sender, TCanvas *ACanvas,int &Width, int &Height);

void __fastcall DrawNewItem(TObject *Sender, TCanvas *ACanvas, const TRect &ARect, bool Selected);

The above two methods used in the code like below:

PopupMenu1->Items->Items[i]->OnMeasureItem = ExpandMenuItemWidth;
PopupMenu1->Items->Items[i]->OnDrawItem = DrawNewItem;

What is happening when we are using member function without parameters like above?

I found above code at: [URL] ....

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C++ :: Run From Context Menu With Selected Text From Browser

Jan 5, 2014

I'm trying to build an app, but i don't know which is the best language choice. For starters, the app should be able to:

1. run from context menu
2. when selecting some text from a web browser (ff, ie), that text is captured (preferably not in clipboard) and sent as argument to the program via context menu and the program starts executing...

Is this possible?

e.g. [URL] ....

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C++ :: How To Get Browse Directory Dialog To Update Text Box With Path Selected

Jan 8, 2013

I'm trying to get a Browse Directory dialog to update a text box with the path selected. I had it working fine in Unicode build but now using TCHAR - I see the variable contains the correct path, but the textbox only gets updated with a single weird character.

setting the text checking WM_COMMAND vars-


browse function when Browse button is pressed -

TCHAR& buttonPush(HWND hWnd) {
if (SUCCEEDED(SHGetMalloc(&pMalloc))) {

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Basic Settings - How To Configure Color Of Selected Text

May 4, 2014

How to configurate color of selected text. I am not sure why, but in Visual C++ it is not displayed as in other programs like notepad, which should be harder color. So I cannot find the selected text. Where can I configurate it or where to search it in desktop theme settings?

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C Sharp :: Retrieve Records Between Dates Selected From Datetimepicker And Of Selected Date

Mar 4, 2013

I want to retrieve the records selected between from_dt and to_dt and also the records of the selected date should be retrieved...

SELECT ChallanDtl.chalID, ChallanDtl.chalTo, 
ChallanDtl.chalNo, ChallanDtl.chalDDate,
ChallanDtl.chalYourNo, ChallanDtl.chalPO_NO, 

[Code] ...

I am not getting all the records.... when i select the same date in both datetimepicker no record is displayed... i also want the record of the selected dates from both datetime picker..

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C++ :: How To Save Two Arrays Into One Text File

May 11, 2013

I have a 4*4 array and a 8*8 arays in my c++ program and i would like to save those arrays in one textfile. How do i do that.

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C# :: How To Save Text From Listbox To The Txt File

Apr 19, 2014

I tried to save some data from my listbox to the text file, but didn't work... I think I tried many combination for code but still didn't work. what to do?

FileStream fs = new FileStream("tx.txt", FileMode.Create);
StreamWriter sr = new StreamWriter(fs);
sr.Write(listBox1.Text); //there is that problem, but I'm not sure how to write for success

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C :: Create A File And Save Text In It In PDF Format

Feb 13, 2014

My objective is to create a file and save some text in it. But the twist is that file should be created in pdf format.

I have written following code:


int main() { FILE *fp;
char ch;
fprintf(fp, "%PDF-1.3"); //to initiate data storage in pdf file
printf(" Enter data to be stored in to the file:");
return 0;}

Now my file is created in pdf format, but when I open it by double click on it, it is not open and gives the message like: "Error in opening document. This file is damaged and could not be repaired."

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C :: Get Text From Input And Save Each Word With Malloc

Dec 19, 2014

I want to write a program which takes a text from input and saves each word with malloc. For example for text "Have a nice a day" i want an array for each word, have,a,nice etc.

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C++ :: Correct Guesses Before Game Was Over - Save To A Text File

Feb 12, 2013

cout << "You've made 3 mistakes ! Game is now over !" << endl;
cout << "You had " << correctGuesses << " correct guesses before the game was over" << endl;
this info into a text file...

example of a guessing game code...

#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {

cout << "This is a very simple number guessing game. Each time you will be given a number of the range 0-10." << endl;
cout << "The objective of the game is to guess whether the next number is going to be higher or not. As simple as that." << endl;

[Code] ....

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C# :: Save And Upload Data Table From A Text File

Jul 12, 2014

I am having a lot of trouble trying to save and upload a data table from a text file ,the data table which is bound to a datagrid, creates its own columns at the formloading event, and everytime a user clicks a button row is added to the data table. With the loading i put this code which i thought would read a text file and put all the content my datatable however a exception pops up saying Duplicate Name exeption. Heres the loading piece of code :

string filePath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) + "\DG1.txt ";
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(filePath);
string line = reader.ReadLine();

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Add Custom MENUITEM To A POPUP?

Jul 13, 2014

I have a POPUP

POPUP "&Manager" {
POPUP "&Select Python" {

I basically want to give the POPUP an ID so I can talk with it but it does not seem to be accepting a second parameter. Once I have done that I need to send a message to it to ask it to add a new item, what are the messages I need to send for this?

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C++ :: How To Make An Image Popup

Mar 31, 2014

Our teacher wants us to make a timeline showing a picture from each year of our lives. I thought of a creative way of doing this in c++, make the user input the year they want to see, then make the image popup on the screen. Is this possible and how would I go about doing this? Here is the code I have so far:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int userInput;
cout << "Hello and welcome to my timeline!" << endl;
cout << "Please type in what year you would like to see and press enter" << endl;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Manage Popup Windows

Mar 24, 2014

I’m working on a project that has many pop up windows. They are not organized properly and things are getting messy. I’m wondering if there are any common practice or design patterns for solving this problem.

I’d like to give some concrete examples:

1. my program connects to two different tcp ports on the same ip. cutting off any of them, the user will be notified with a MessageBox. But in case of unplugging network cable, both message box will show, which is unnecessary.

2. we provide a shortcut key to display a setting dialog. However the program can also show the same dialog when certain event happens. If the user opens the setting dialog already, those event will still trigger a second setting dialog.

3. when application settings are not correct, user will disconnect from the server and an error dialog will show up and terminate the program. But if the user knows about the situation and has opened the setting dialog to fix the issue, the error dialog will terminate his work. which is bad.

I don’t know how to deal with this window management problem in a complex software project. Of course, I can solve the issue case by case by checking if certain dialog is shown before displaying another dialog. But there are too many cases, when the code base gets big, this is not practical. There must be some generic solution I think.

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C# :: Losing Image When Using Asp Popup Window

Jun 23, 2014

I am creating a website in which a user can upload an image to a sql database. It is converted to varbinary and then read into an Image object using a http handler to convert it to an image. this all works fine. When I open an popup window I am reading data from specific rows into textboxes, thus when the user confirms any changes the rest of the data stays the same. How can I hold the Image and redisplay it when returning to the main page after closing the pop up. It currently sets the image in the database to null as the file upload object has not been given a directory location all the time. This is my attempt at reading the image from the database and then reapplying it if the file upload is empty

private void ChangeFilm(int id)
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(my settings go here);


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C Sharp :: Data Save But 2nd Record Doesn't Save

Jan 28, 2015

1st when i fill the things on form then saved in database after saving record when i want add another record it shows an error. after saving it saves new record refresh doesn't work

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Visual C++ :: Unable To Save File Using Cfiledialog Save As In MFC

Nov 5, 2013

I am trying to develop a GUI using MFC, but I am having trouble using CFiledialog to save a file. The problem is, the file is not getting saved to the folder when I use the CFiledialog. Below is the code I am using.


CString szFilter = "XNRep Files (*.xnrep)|*.xnrep||";
CString s = "xnrep";
CString t = "";
CFileDialog fileDlg(FALSE, s, t, NULL, szFilter);
if(fileDlg.DoModal() == IDOK)
std::ofstream file;


After the file dialog opens up, I enter the name of the file and select OK button. But the file does not show up in the directory I am saving to.

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C++ :: How To Save File Directory To Text File Using Ofstream

Jul 22, 2013

I'm having a little problem with std:fstream - in my program, the user selects the location of a file which I want to remember. So, I have something like this:

Code: std::string fileLocation;
//Code here creates an 'open file' dialog box which lets the user choose which file to open.
//The string 'fileLocation' now contains the path to the chosen file.
std::ofstream prefs("prefs.txt");
if (prefs.is_open())
prefs << fileLocation;

This works fine if the file chosen is in the same directory as the program, however, if they try to choose a directory outside of where the program is kept, it saves the text file into that directory instead of the same one as the program. So, it looks like outputting a directory into an ofstream actually changes the location to which the file is saved.

Is there a way to save the file directory to a text file using ofstream and still have the text file save in the same directory as the program?

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C++ :: How To Read Selected Letters

Jun 1, 2013

I have a text file in which i need to read only selected letters and substitute them with integers to calculate.

In the text file

Here i need to read only the the letters f & h and substitute them with some integer and add them up.

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C# :: How To Find Selected Tap Page

Aug 31, 2014

I have a secnario where I have few tab controls one ineide the other, where my real tab pages containing the data are 4 level deep. This entire structure is dynamically built from a data base.

Now I have a tick event, on whice I want to update the data in the currently selected tabpage.

How can I find it, recall that I have many tab controls, each has a tabpage with another tab control an so forth...

Two ideas I had in mind, I though I caould generate a list of all my data TabPages and itterate it, but I failed to find an indicator of the selected tab.

Another idea was to track the currently selected tabpage via an event, but I feared that I might miss somehow the track and my update the wrong tab page.

Last idea was really unelegant - Look at the main control, get the selected tab page, find the tab control on that page via searching its controls, than find this control selected page, and do the same until I reach the 4th level.

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C :: Displaying Time When Zone Is Selected

Mar 2, 2013

I want to create a GUI using C, for displaying time when a time zone is selected.

I absolutely don't know how to write a program for that. How to get the time of a zone displayed when the zone name is given as input.

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C/C++ :: Count The Times A Shape Was Selected?

Jul 28, 2014

This is part of the program, What should i do if i want to total the number of times a shape was selected at the end?



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C# :: Find Event For Combobox When Its Selected Value Changes

Jan 28, 2015

I'm trying to find an event for the combobox when its selected value changes , but I can't seem to find the right one since I've tried several events in the dataGridView that are just triggering at the wrong moments. I need to remove the selected item from that combobox so that it doesn't get selected again at the second combobox which usually have the same items .

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C# :: Selected Radio Button With Database In It?

Feb 24, 2014

I am developing a project that generates questions from a database, the questions are generated with multiple choice answers. On this form I have got a textbox that reds the question from the database and 4 radio buttons that reads the possible answers from the database. The radio buttons text names are updated with records from a database table each time the "next button" is clicked.

What I want this program to do is that when the user selects one of the radio buttons, I want the system to check if the selected radio button textname equals the right answer in the database table. for example in the table there are 5 columns namely: option1, option2, option3, option4 and rightAnswer. So whenever a user selects a radio button, I would like the system to check if the selected radio button's textname equals the record in the "RightAnswer" column and if so I would a messagebox to show "correct" and if not the messgaebox to show "wrong"

This is the the way I am updating the radio button text names from the database This method is called when the form is loaded

void LoadingPossibleAnswers() {
Query = "SELECT * FROM AnswersTbl";
theReader = conn.ExecuteStatement(Query);
while (theReader.Read()) {
radioButton1.Text = theReader["Option1"].ToString();


This method is called when the button is clicked

void CorrectAnswer( RadioButton rdb) {
string correct = rdb.Text;
Query = "SELECT * FROM FROM AnswersTbl;"
theReader = conn.ExecuteStatement(Query);
while (theReader.Read())


When ever I run my code above, else condition executes even if the correct radio button is selected.

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