C Sharp :: How To Retrieve Data From MySQL Database

Jan 17, 2013

i am student working on a project in c# to maintain the datas from a solar battery monitoring.i already imported the datas from the battery monnitoring and saved them in mysql database and retrived the data in c#.

i have problem in retriving the data in accordance with the date and time range selection.

what i am trying to do is there are more than 1000 datas in the table if i select two date and time the datas in the table should cross check these dates and show all the datas in the table in between those date&time

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C Sharp :: Display MySQL Database Table User Info?

Aug 18, 2012

I was looking at this code:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string input = textBox3.Text;


And how to rewrite the code so that it display the MySQL table data for a specific user I already have a string called username and that stores the username entered on the login form. I want the code to use the username string to search for the name and display that users info.

My table contents are: username
First name
Last name
Employee Id

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C Sharp :: Copy Data Table To MySQL Table

Mar 25, 2013

I have a C# .NET Application which get data from QuickBooks via the ODBC Driver and save the result to C# data table. So, I want to transfer this data table to a mysql table on my own server. That's the code I use:
using System.IO;
using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;
//Add mysql dll on the .NET Tab in Project's references  
string connStr = "DSN=QBTest;";  
            string myServerAddress = "";
            string myDataBase = "CostTest";

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Connect To MySQL Database

Mar 26, 2013

I have so far tried MySQL++, ODBC, SimpleDB, and the MySQL C++ Connector. All of them give me a FLOOD of errors in the output. Is there an easy way to connect?

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Visual C++ :: MySQL Database Connecting Through LAN

Dec 2, 2013

I was created the mysql database in my Pc. This database connecting with vc++ code Using MySQL C++ Connection Example in Visual Studio. I done this work in single PC. It's working good. i viewed the table values using vc++ application.

But now want to connecting the database through lan connection. I refered the below link but i'm not clear.Step # 5 Grant access to remote IP address

For your reference, (I installed)

PC1 - visual studio 2003, mysql 5.6 for win32 & mysql connector (Ver : mysql-connector-c++-1.0.5-win32), OS : XP SP2, IP :

PC2 - mysql 5.6, OS: XP SP3, IP: 192,168,100.9

Table created in PC2, database name "test". server = 'localhost', user = 'root', passwd = "".

I like to connect PC1 & PC2 through Lan & access the table using vc++ code.

How can i view PC2's database table values in PC1?

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C Sharp :: Inserting Data Into Database And Display In Gridview

Feb 12, 2014

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;


find the attachment.

Data is displaying in grid view but when i enter the particulars it's not inserting in to DB & grid view.

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C# :: How To Insert Decimal Values In MySQL Database

Feb 26, 2014

i wanted to insert Decimal Values in MySQL database, but decimal values has precision and in C# there is not option to specify precision point, the last column is size which is integer.

MySqlParameter MySqlParameterCollection.Add(string parameter Name,MySqlDBTYPE dbType,int size);

Here my Code and i get error on last Line

MySqlCommand insert = new MySqlCommand("Insert into
values(@p_id,@p_t,@p_r,@p_l);", con);
insert.Parameters.Add("@p_id", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 10).Value = p.p_id;
insert.Parameters.Add("@p_t", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 45).Value = p.p_title;
insert.Parameters.Add("@p_r", MySqlDbType.Decimal,10,2)=p.p_rate;

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C# :: Connect To Cpanel MySQL Database Remotely

May 15, 2014

I just got this new project from my employer. He asked me to create a desktop application that could remotely access our sites database in cPanel.

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C Sharp :: Pulling Data From Database In Windows Form To Make It Interactive And Pushing It?

Jul 6, 2012

I am busy with a project, it is going to consist out of 3 different windows which is logic enough for this whole code to be interactive.

It must be able to pull data into a windows form, displaying it into a textbox, and when you click on the textbox it needs to open up another window where you will have a windows form that will display data as the code loops through the questions in the database.

I am not sure how to push the data that has been selected on the database to the next window..

Here is my code for the first window:

namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
    public partial class Form1 : Form  {
        //SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection("Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=KnowledgeEssentials;Integrated Security=SSPI");
        //int intType = 0;
        public Form1()


With the second window the data in the table needs to be displayed and each row from the table needs to have a checkbox next to them, so that if the check box is checked, the relevant information of the checked row will show up in the 3rd window... so MY question is, HOW do I pull that data from that specific database and let it show in the listcheckbox?

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C# :: How To Retrieve All Rows In Database Using List

Feb 17, 2014

I wanted to retrieve all rows from database and display in listview using list<string>

MySqlCommand view = new MySqlCommand("Select Cust_ID,Fname,Mname from Customer;", con);
MySqlDataReader v1 = view.ExecuteReader();
while (v1.Read()) {
for (int i = 0; i < v1.FieldCount; i++){

[Code] .....

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C# :: How To Retrieve Only Date From Datetime From Database

Nov 25, 2014

i have a form in which i have a field date of birth , and a textbox to fill date of birth , when a person fills his date of birth like 01/01/1990 , then it will be saved into database , and when i retrieve this date form database then this comes 01/01/1990 12:00 AM , i want only date part from it.

This is my form to fillup date of birth

<td width="30%">
Date of Birth
<br />
</td> <td style="width: 1px">
:<asp:TextBox ID="txtDateofBirth" runat="server" placeholder="dd/mm/yyyy"></asp:TextBox>
</td> <td class="td2">

this is code for form.aspx.cs

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("insert into ApplicantForm(NameofApplicant, dateofbirth)" +
"values( @NameofApplicant, convert(Datetime, @dateofBirth, 103)", con);

this is code for print of this date of birth


<asp:Label ID="txtDOB" runat="server" ></asp:Label>

this is code print.aspx.cs

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select * from ApplicantForm Where ApplicantId=" + ((Request.QueryString["ApplicantId"])) + "", con);
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
txtDOB.Text = dr["dob"].ToString();

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C# :: Retrieve Image From Database And Display In Picturebox

Sep 18, 2014

I am creating an employee details project, the image is getting stored in the database but i am not able display it in the picture box.

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(Connectionstring);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select photo from emprecordtable where eid='"+comboBox1.Text+"'", con);
//SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
//DataSet ds = new DataSet();

[code] ....

In sql server i have table called emprecordtable and i have the fields eid, rfid, empname, designation, phno, addres, and photo which is the image field and i have given the datatype as image but in the database the image is getting stored as Binary Data.. So, how to display in the picturebox from the database.

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C Sharp :: Server Sending Data Then Client Receive And Store In Database Table In Windows Service

Dec 22, 2014

When server send data then client receive that data, in C# windows services where data receive continuously (Using IP Address and port number) . This below code writing in console application . i want implement same logic in windows service side. but i want data receive continuously.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;


Above code write in console application, same logic implementing in windows service, but i want data receiving continuously

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C Sharp :: Filter Excel Sheets Through C# While Importing Excel Data To Database?

Mar 1, 2013

private String[] GetExcelSheetNames(string excelFile) {  
             OleDbConnection objConn = null;
             SqlConnection objSqlConn = null;
             System.Data.DataTable dt = null;  
             try {


Now I can fatch all the excel sheet belongs to the Excel File.But How can I check "If and Only If the sheets are havin Underscore in their name(eg. student_data,teachers_data) then only the data of the sheets will populate in tha data base"

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Visual C++ :: MySQL Connector Data Dump?

Jul 31, 2013

I wrote an application so I can manage the products for my e-commerce site. It uses MySQL 64 bit. Problem is some of my stores have in excess of 3 million products. The files that contain the data are all CSV. I parse the lines... format the data... write to table. On most of the stores which contain 10 - 60 thousand products it only takes max 3 min to write it all in. I have been running it on this one store for 6 hours now and it has barely made a dent. I know there are almost 3mil products in this one but it should be going much faster given what the speed was for the 60K stores. Is there a faster approach to handling a massive dump like this? I should also add that there are quite a few indexes. These indexes are there for ordering and fulltext search once the products have been activated on the site. I cannot create the table without the indexes and add them later since there is already preexisting data that is using the indexes.

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C/C++ :: Retrieve Data From USB Device

Jun 16, 2014

I am looking to retrieve data from a USB device, this device is a fingerprint scanner. Because I bought it online and wasn't reading carefully enough, drivers and other installation programs weren't included. Send it back? Nah . . .

I want to see if it is possible to retrieve data from this device. To be honest, I don't even know if it's possible, but I would love to give it a whack.

I looked into making INF files and things Microsoft has put out, but I honestly don't know where to start simply because I have absolutely no experience doing this. I have a program set up to organize the data and such, I just need to find a way to actually get it.

What should I research and look into? Are drivers necessary?

Here is a little more information :-)

I want to save data from a fingerprint scanner.I bought a fingerprint scanner, but nothing came with it (drivers, software, etc.). I decided to not return it and see what fun I could have.

I have no code written up yet (mainly because I don't know where to start). But I looked into the device a little...Microsoft recognizes it as a "Fingerprint Scanner" but is still considered unrecognized.I have the USB identifier (at work right now, don't have it on hand)...

Is it even possible to communicate with the device without the initial drivers.Do I really need drivers for the device, or can I communicate with it as it is now.If I do need drivers, where should I start?What should I look into to get communicating with the device?

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C++ :: Retrieve Data / Files From A Server?

Feb 25, 2013

I was wondering if i had to say simply retrieve data from a server whether it be simple plain text for variables or download whole files (FTP), what would be the best method for this? I would imagine there is a pretty big difference between retrieving text and downloading files but im just wondering what the best thing would be to research for both.

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C++ :: How To Store And Retrieve Data In Class

Aug 20, 2014

I have a class I use to store column data read from delimited text files.

class column_data {
// class functions here
// initialize class members
: header(""),

[Code] ....

Each column is read into the vector of string. Next the string data is copy converted to the vector of double or the vector of int depending on the data type. There can also be additional transformations of the data (normalization, scaling, etc) and the transformed data is copied to the transformed_double_data vector. I do end up with multiple copies of the data, but I can clear some of the vectors if I don't need all the versions of the data anymore. Each column object goes into a container like a vector of objects or map of objects depending on how I need to access the column data.

There are functions that calculate statistics on the data in the columns and the results are assigned to the object variables like validate_r2. There are separate statistics for each column, so it seems logical to store the results in the column object. This works well for statistics like validate_r2 (pearson's correlation coefficient).

The current issue is that I have other statistics like "pw50" that I need to calculate and store. The statistic is the percent within +/- 50 units and the request for pw50 is passed in from the command line. The issue is that there could be several of these and they can have more or less any value like, pw50, pw75, pw100, etc. Storing data like this doesn't fit into my scheme very well because I can't pre-declare a variable to hold the result for every possible option. I don't know in advance how many, if any, of these there will be. I was thinking of adding two vectors, one of string and one of double,

class column_data {
// initialize class members
: header(""),

[Code] ....

For each of this type of statistic requested, I would push_back a label into the string vector and then put the result into the parallel position in the double vector. This seems like I would work, but there are probably some things that could be done with pointers that might be better. Another option would be a vector of objects where each object had a string value for the label and a double for the result. That would be more bullet proof as far as keeping the label and value together, but I have not ever nested objects in a class like that so I thought I would post. I don't know the syntax for declaring an object of class_b inside the definition of class_a. The need is to provide dynamic storage for an unspecified number of these statistics and a reliable way to retrieve the values using the label.

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C++ :: Linked Lists - Retrieve Data From Nodes?

Feb 9, 2013

I am working on a linked list that instead of the traditional integer value for a data, i'm using my own class. Unfortunately when i do this, i cant seem to retrieve my data from my Node.

#include "Customer.h"
class Node {
// TO DO:: Fill in.
//Constructors and destructor
Node(int atime, int ttime);
Node(int atime, int ttime, Node* nd);

[Code] .....

In my main code, I've been trying something like

Node* c = new Node(1,2)
Customer x = c->cust; // or Customer x = c->get_cust();

It should be displaying 1 and then 2, but just outputs 0 and 0.

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C Sharp :: Retrieve Records Between Dates Selected From Datetimepicker And Of Selected Date

Mar 4, 2013

I want to retrieve the records selected between from_dt and to_dt and also the records of the selected date should be retrieved...

SELECT ChallanDtl.chalID, ChallanDtl.chalTo, 
ChallanDtl.chalNo, ChallanDtl.chalDDate,
ChallanDtl.chalYourNo, ChallanDtl.chalPO_NO, 

[Code] ...

I am not getting all the records.... when i select the same date in both datetimepicker no record is displayed... i also want the record of the selected dates from both datetime picker..

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C Sharp :: TreeView To Database Or At Least DataTable

Feb 8, 2014

The main question how to fully traverse/circumvent through all TreeView, for transforming Tree structure into a Table structure.

I want to note that the TreeView may contain a different number of branches, with different depths and different names.

I found a lot of information how to populate TreeView e.g. from DataTable, but I didn't found information how to recursively traverse/circumvent a TreeView and populate/fill data e.g. to DataTable.

As sample I have following TreeView:


Necessary to convert the TreeView into e.g. DataTable:

id | Name | ParentId
1 | Aaron | null
2 | Baldwin | 1
3 | Caleb | 2
4 | Dale | 3
5 | Earl | 2
6 | Fabian | 1
7 | Gabriel | null
8 | Harold | 7
9 | Ian | 7

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C Sharp :: How To Set Database Execute Statement

Dec 21, 2012

How to set execute statement in the end of sql, Attach is my code:

     private void InsertintoDB()  {  
            string strSQL = "";  
            string strDBType = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DBType"];
            string strConn = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DB_CONNECTION_STRING1"].ToString();
            string strInsertTableName_Sql = "CIMMGR.[dbo].ANSDATA";

[Code] ....

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C Sharp :: Updating Database From Datagridview

Jul 12, 2013

I just wanna update my database with one click only.

I do for update my database from datagridview1 but it shows a error like this :

Unhandled exception has occurred in your application . If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit,the application will close immediately.

Update requires a valid UpdateCommand when passed DataRow collection with modified rows

Attached Files : WindowsFormsApplication4.zip (127.2 KB)

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C Sharp :: How To Connect With Particular Database File (MDB) While Loading App

Aug 3, 2013

I am developing a win form application with sq l server2005, in client system after install the application I created the folder for storing the database of running application, like that I have every year database separately, My doubt is how to connect the particular year database while loading the app?

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C Sharp :: Browse Database Name And Server To Connect?

Apr 3, 2013

How can i browse database name and server to connect?

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C Sharp :: Increment Value Of Textbox And Save It In Database

Dec 24, 2012

I have a text box invoice no on windows form and i need to retrieve data from database and everytime user click on the add button the invoice no should increment by 1...

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