C# :: Parsing A String In Double Quotes From A String?

Feb 2, 2015

So imagine you have this string:

"somedata here "some data here" some more data here"

I need to parse this:

somedata here "some data here" some more data here

I tried to do it with Regex and was capable of parsing

[0] = somedata here
[1] = some data here
[2] = some more data here

Here is my current code:

string Buffer = string.Empty;
foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches(strLine, "".*?""))
Buffer = match.ToString();

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C++ :: Add Double Quotes Into String

Mar 1, 2013

How to add double quotes into string.I want to prepare command into following way with string.

awk 'BEGIN {printf "x
%10s %10s
", "Vol", "Current"}{if($1+0==$1){printf "%10.5f %10.5f
", $2, $3}} END {printf "y

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C++ :: String Compare Program - How To Put Input In Quotes

Nov 30, 2013

I am working on a String compare program and i got the program to work properly i was just wondering how to put user input into quotes.

here is my programming

int main {
const int LENGTH = 40;
char s1[LENGTH], s2[LENGTH];
cout << "== String Compare ==" << endl;
cout << "Enter a word" << endl;

[Code] ....

the input is :

the output needs to look like this:

"Dorito" comes before "dorito".

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C# :: Parsing String Into IP Address

Oct 1, 2012

So im trying to parse a string into a Ip Address but i have a problem, the IPAddress.Parse method only works for ipv4 address's how do i parse ANY Ip address into a string, if i use the IPaddress.Parse method on my public(remote) IP it throws an exception but on ipv4 local ip it doesn't how do i parse ANY ip address the user inputs as a string as an Ip Address?

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C++ :: Parsing String To Contain Inputted Int

Sep 10, 2014

I have been here for almost 3 months looking for answers in my C++ problems.here's some type of code for this.

cout << "Enter value of x: " << endl; //Let's say 5.
cin >> x;
cout << "Enter equation: "; //Let's say x+1
cin >> equation;

Then the program analyzes that this character "x" has an initial value of 5.I already have the parser for the equation functions (+,-,*,/)This is the only thing lacking. Is there some type of function that i missed?

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C :: Parsing String And Capturing In Variables

Nov 3, 2013

I have an input file that contains any number of lines. Each line will follow the same structure. There will be 5 fields, separated by 4 commas. Fields 1 and 3 will be single characters, fields 2,4,5 will be integers. Example:

<A, 123, B, 456, 789>

I need to iterate over each line, parse out the fields, and capture each field value into a separate variables.

header file: Code: #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>


I've used similar code to this before, but this time I'm getting the dreaded pointer from integer error on my strtok lines:

warning: passing argument 2 of 'strtok' makes pointer from integer without a cast'

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C++ :: Parsing String To Recognize Trigonometric Functions

Sep 14, 2014

How do I create a function that can understand trigonometric functions?


if I am to input: x^2 + sin(x)

The program will understand the the value between parenthesis preceded by a string "sin" will be computed as the sine of x. of any function in case.

I have the program here.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
enum types { DELIMITER = 1, VARIABLE, NUMBER }; //DEL = 1; VAR = 2; NUM = 3.
class analyzer {

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Reading Specific Input Syntax - String Parsing

Apr 21, 2013

I need reading a specific input syntax.

something like

<Input> :: R C <Content>


.3. .15 9.2
.1. ..6 ...
6.5 7.. ...

... .5. ..9
4.7 .8. 1.6
9.. .6. ...

... ..1 7.4
... 6.. .9.
5.1 49. .3.

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C/C++ :: Parsing String Data Separated By Pipe Delimit

Mar 7, 2014

i tried to parse the string data seperated by Pipe('|') delimiter, here i am getting some error.Please find the below code.

[char* getData(){
char* string = "1355|||250|New";
char* tok1[10],tok2[10],tok3[10],tok4[10],tok5[10];
printf("%s %s %s %s %s",tok1,tok2,tok3,tok4,tok5);

I want to print the Value 250 in my string, but it was displaying some garbage values.

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C :: Convert String To Double

Mar 6, 2015

I want to convert string to double. I refered this strtod() - C Library Function Example


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main() {
const char string[] = "$$GPRMC,013732.000,A,3150.7238,N,11711.7278,E,0.00,0.00,220413,,,A*68";
char term;
const char delims[] = ",";


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C++ :: Converting A Double To A String?

Dec 7, 2014

I'm trying to find a way to accuratley convert a double in the form of a bank account number stored in a file into a string representing the number returned by a file.

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C++ :: Converting A Double To A String

May 2, 2013

i think i need to convert a double to a string, we are working in visual studio doing a program. when i run the calculator i'm not getting the answer i need instead its giving me 0.0 when it should be reading 0.5, here is the code i'm using

{int width;
int height;
int area;
double gop;
String ^strWidth;
String ^strHeight;
String ^strArea;
String ^strGop;


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C++ :: Convert String To Double?

Dec 28, 2013

In the below function, it muliplies "10.0 * val". Why does it use 10.0? If you remove the 10.0, the return value will still be a double.

#include <ctype.h>
/* atof: convert string s to double */
double atof(char s[])


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C++ :: How To Obtain A Double From A String

Jan 17, 2014

I would like to convert the string without losing the decimal part and obtaining the same accuracy... This is my code:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int _tmain(int argc, char* argv[]){
string param = "1.65";
double L3;

If I use atoi L3 = 1.00000; and if I use atof L3 = 1.6499999999;

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C++ :: String To Double Function

Jul 3, 2014

Because MinGW C++ doesn't have the atod() or atoi() functions for some reason, I had to code a string to double function myself.

double stringToDouble(std::string input) {
bool isDecimal;
int decimalLoc;
double output = 0;
double n;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Float / Double To String Conversion

Oct 22, 2013

I want a code that can convert floating/double value into string/char array(char arr[]) and also it can be run on Boreland C++ 5.02

Here I've a code but it doesn't show all the numbers. Instead, it's showing in exponential form which I don't want!!

int main() {
char* str = new char[30];
float flt = 2.4567F;
sprintf(str, "%.4g", flt );
cout<<str<<endl; //Exponential form even after 6 digits without decimal
return 0;

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C++ :: Replacing Doubles In String With Another Double

May 19, 2014

Take this string for an example, "asdf 9.000 1.232 9.00 23.1 545.3"..Is there a way to replace any of the doubles with another double? Example: Replace the first "9.000" with a "10.0". I am aware that string::replace will do the trick, but how do I make it work for arbitrary cases? By arbitrary I mean that I don't know the size of the string to be replaced, I just want to be able to replace any number with a given number.

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C++ :: Converting String Into A Long Double

Mar 11, 2013

I have a problem with converting a C++ string into a long double. In order to do this, I used the function strtold, but the result I get is only the integral part, that is: if for example the input string is 12.476, I only get 12 as the converted long double value. This happens with atof too.

Here is my code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
string test = "12.345";
long double test_longd = strtold(test.c_str(),NULL);

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Converting String Into Double Array

May 18, 2014

I am having a lot of trouble extracting values from a string into a double array.

I have a string that looks something like this: "asdf 1.320 1 234.43 5.00000 3"

All I want to do is extract the doubles and store them in an array of doubles.

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C++ :: Finding Location Of Double In String

May 19, 2014

I know how to find the occurrences of a character in a string, but I have a more specific problem.

For example, consider the string:
" C 1.3825 4.0000 12.0000 1.9133 0.1853 0.9000 -1.1359 4.0000 "

I want to extract a vector that contains the positions of every first character for each number.

For the example above, the output should be a vector with elements [6 15 23 33 etc...]. These are the positions of the first character for every number.

I need to be able to do this for any arbitrary string with any arbitrary amount of numbers and characters in it (I also need to account for negative numbers).

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C/C++ :: Converting String To Long And Then To Double

Jun 15, 2014

So I have problem with my code, I'm trying to convert string to long and then string to double, but I get this when I compile it:

terminating with uncaught exception of type std::invalid_argument: stod: no conversion

I was thinking if there is a way to do this without using (stol) or (stod)

Market::Market(string filename)
string line, word, date, stockprice;
long realdate;


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Visual C++ :: String To Double Conversion?

Nov 22, 2013

I have the following piece of code:

string ss = findNodeValue( str, "Horizon");
cout << "ss is: " << ss << endl;
double dd = atof( ss.c_str());
cout << "dd is: " << dd << endl;

When the value of 'ss' is printed, I find it prints 1.0, but when the value of 'dd' is printed, it prints 1 whereas it is supposed to print 1.0.

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C :: Parsing Binary Data File By Casting A Buffer - Accessing Double From Struct

Jan 4, 2014

I am parsing a binary data file by casting a buffer to a struct. It seems to work really well apart from this one double which is always being accessed two bytes off, despite being in the correct place.


typedef struct InvoiceRow {
double GROSS;
char VAT_NUMBER[31];
} InvoiceRow;

If I attempt to print GROSS using printf("%f", row->GROSS) I get 0.0000. However, if I change the type of GROSS to char[8] and then use the following code, I am presented with the correct number...


typedef struct example {
double d;

example *blah = (example*)row->GROSS;
printf("%f", blah->d);

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C++ :: How To Convert String To Double Without Changing Actual Data

Jun 3, 2013

I have to convert string to double. i'm using "atof" function to achieve same.

I have string as "0.0409434228722337" and i'm converting with "atof" But i'm getting double value as "0.040943422872233702". Why it adds 02 additionally at the end?

More example :

"0.0409434228722337" converts to "0.040943422872233702"
"0.067187778121134" converts to "0.067187778121133995"

Is there any other possibility to convert string to double without changing data ?

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C++ :: How To Convert Void Pointer To Int / Double / String Pointer

Mar 7, 2013

I have a function:

const void insertStuff(const void *key, const int value){
// I want to convert the void pointer into one
// of three types of pointers(int, string, or double)
case 0:
int *intPtr = key;

[Code] .....

But this causes an error of: "crosses initialization of int*intPtr"

What's the correct way of implementing this?

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Visual C++ :: Retrieving Size Of Each String In Order To Produce A New Buffer For Concatenated String

Feb 25, 2013

What is the efficiency of the two assignments (line 1 and 2), i.e. (function calls, number of copies made, etc), also the Big O notation. I know there are function calls for retrieving the size of each string in order to produce a new buffer for the concatenated string...any difference between line 1 and 2 in terms of efficiency?

String s("Hello");
String t("There");
1. s = s + t;
2. s += t;

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