C++ :: Float / Double To String Conversion

Oct 22, 2013

I want a code that can convert floating/double value into string/char array(char arr[]) and also it can be run on Boreland C++ 5.02

Here I've a code but it doesn't show all the numbers. Instead, it's showing in exponential form which I don't want!!

int main() {
char* str = new char[30];
float flt = 2.4567F;
sprintf(str, "%.4g", flt );
cout<<str<<endl; //Exponential form even after 6 digits without decimal
return 0;

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C++ :: Type Conversion - Float Or Double Variable Into Unsigned Char Variable And Back

May 10, 2013

I would like to convert a float or double variable into unsigned char variable and back.

float number_float = 23.453f;
unsigned char* number_char = (unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(float));
number_char = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*> (&number_float);
float* number_float_0 = reinterpret_cast<float*>(&number_char);

I am not getting the same value back.. why?

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C/C++ :: Unlimited Number Of Arguments - Float To String Conversion

Mar 21, 2015

So, I'm supposed to do : Create a function with unlimited number of arguments, which forms a dynamic string based on the following form (%d, %s, %f, %lf, %c), with the following prototype:

char*create(char*form, ...);

The function is supposed to have the following output:

create("Peter is %d years old and is in %s-%c class.",7,"second",'A');
-> Peter is 7 years old and is in 7-A class.
create("His GPA is %lf.",4.96);
-> His GPA is 4.96.
create("His favourite subject is math!");
-> His favourite subject is math!

I've managed to do the following :

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
char *create(char *form, ...) {
char *res =(char*)calloc(1,1),*pos_int,*pos_float,*pos_str,pos_char,*pos_long;

[Code] ....

The part with %d and %s string was not that hard, but now I'm supposed to convert %f and %lf to string, I've tried using sprintf but I've had no luck so far, another problem is the fact that I've gotta use lists to complete the task. I've been trying to convert float to string for the past 2 hours, but I'm drawing a blank now.

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Visual C++ :: String To Double Conversion?

Nov 22, 2013

I have the following piece of code:

string ss = findNodeValue( str, "Horizon");
cout << "ss is: " << ss << endl;
double dd = atof( ss.c_str());
cout << "dd is: " << dd << endl;

When the value of 'ss' is printed, I find it prints 1.0, but when the value of 'dd' is printed, it prints 1 whereas it is supposed to print 1.0.

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C++ :: 32 / 64 / 80 Bit Float Conversion?

Feb 14, 2012

I am looking for a math/big num library, that allows me to convert 32/64/80 bot float numbers to string and vice versa.

Precision & accuracy is of importance here, and since this is an IEEE standard, i have high hopes that there are libraries for this out there, which would save me the hassle of trying to implement this myself...

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C :: Float / Integer Conversion

Oct 14, 2013

why does the following code output "0.000000" instead of "1.000000"?


#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int x=3, y=2;
printf("3/2 is %f
", x/y);
return 0;

the code was compiled and run using gcc 4.4.7 and glibc 2.17 on linux kernal 2.6.32 running on a PC with an intel i5-2500k cpu(sandy bridge)

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C++ :: Byte Array To Double Conversion?

Dec 5, 2014

I'm trying to understand why a conversion from a byte array (unsigned char) to a double works when done one way and not antoher.

In the example code I test by hard coding an unsigned char array of the same bytes that the double consists of.

When I copy the bytes to a long long and cast to double the result is not the original double but if I use a struct the bytes can be set and the conversion happens.

Seems to me that both ways should work. I'd just like to know what is going on with the "struct way" that makes the conversion correct. I see in debugger that the bytes in memory are the same for piAsLong and u.bytes.

My compiler is VS 2012 and a long long and double are both 8 bytes (tested with sizeof). This is learning activity only.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
union {
double d;


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C :: Program Works With Float But Not Double?

Sep 8, 2014

I tried writing a program for finding the area of a circle, and I'm wondering why it only works when i define it as 'float', but not as a double?

#include <stdio.h>
#define pi 3.14159

[Code] .....

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C++ :: How To Template Float / Double Constants

Nov 19, 2014

I have a templated class that can either use float or double as type.

My question is now: What do I do with constant numbers in the code?

Let's assume I have a multiplication by 0.5:
In the case of float type, I want: 0.5f
In the case of double type, I want: 0.5

One answer would be to check for every constant the type and doing an if/else, but this is very annoying with lots of constants.

The code using these constants infer their type automatically by the assignment, that's why I have to take care of the constants.

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C++ :: Cout Double Or Float Without Additional 0?

Jun 30, 2013

I m working calculating stuff in files, input and output data, etc..., the question is the following: I output double numbers with:

myFIle << fixed << setprecision(10) << double;

The problem i got is that when a numer is like 193123.2 it prints like 193123.200000..., so finally, ¿how can i print it with any additional 0 that i need?.

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C :: Putting Float Numbers Into Double Array

Jan 29, 2014

So I have a double array, where I'm inputting float numbers to certain points in an array. Sometimes, the numbers that are printed out are completely different from what I put in.Here is the part of the code:

Code: .

while( token != NULL ) {
num = atof(token);
test[j][i] = num;
printf( "
%s, i is %d, j is %d
", token,i,j );
printf( "number is %f
value test of i,j is %f


Why the float num prints out fine, but when put into an array becomes garbage?I'm taking string values from a csv file and turning them into floats, but no problems seem to crop up there.I reset i when appropriate and increment j when needed, so I don't think my problems are from incorrect array values (though they might be)

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C++ :: Possible To Use Data Type Double Or Float For Array?

Mar 9, 2014

Can you use data type double or float for an array? ie

double n[];
float a;
float m[a];

My code wont accept me changing the data type..will on accept int data type. I get the following error when I try to change the array to double or float..

3310E:C++vector.cpp[Error] invalid types 'double [1000][double]' for array subscript

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C/C++ :: Built In Formula For Calculating The Range Of Float And Double?

Oct 26, 2013

I want to get the direct formula for calculating the range of double and float datatypes in c,if any.

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C++ :: Float And Double Data Types - Cannot Store Infinite Numbers

Sep 6, 2013

I was working on float and double data types and to see the results i wrote this program:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
ofstream outputF("output.txt");
double a = 1;
double outcome;

[Code] ....

Well I understand the part it cannot store infinite numbers. but if you take a look at the output for example (since it is too long i just added some of the outputs)

for the value of : 001
for the value of : 002
for the value of : 003

[Code] ....

if you look carefully at the value "5" and "10" results. it is awkwardly abnormal. which is something i couldnt understand. also it is the same with value "20", "25", "40", "50" and so on.

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C/C++ :: Number Conversion To String

May 22, 2014

I'm writing a small pice of code that takes numbers and convert it to string. So that's what I got

int main() {
char letter;
char letter1;
char letter2;
cin >> letter;
cin >>letter1;
int sum = letter * 128 + letter1;

[Code] ....

Then it asks the user to enter a letter, say 'w' , which it's value is 119

Then enter another letter, say 'o' which value is 111

then it do the equation, which is take the value of the first letter multiple it by 128 then add it to the value of the second letter.

How can I make it does this process in a For loop, or any kind of loop??

Then I have the second part which is the other way around. That is when the user enter a numbers then the code convert these numbers to a string.

251394404 - "d"
1964018 - "rd"
15343 - "ord"
119 - "word"

so what's happening here is the it divide each time by 128. But I can't do that in a code.

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C++ :: Conversion Between Char And String

Jun 7, 2013

I have a question on conversion between char & string. I have cut & pasted the part of the code from my C++ code and my function "decryptPwd" uses C style code with "char" etc.

I need to pass a string (mypwd) somehow to this function after conversion & then compare it to another string (newmypwd).

I tried - "decryptPwd(mypwd.c_str())==newmypwd.c_str()" but it did not work.

#include <string>
char* decryptPwd(char hash[64]);
main () {
string mypwd;
string newmypwd;
if (decryptPwd(mypwd)==newmypwd)

[Code] ...

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C# :: Parsing A String In Double Quotes From A String?

Feb 2, 2015

So imagine you have this string:

"somedata here "some data here" some more data here"

I need to parse this:

somedata here "some data here" some more data here

I tried to do it with Regex and was capable of parsing

[0] = somedata here
[1] = some data here
[2] = some more data here

Here is my current code:

string Buffer = string.Empty;
foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches(strLine, "".*?""))
Buffer = match.ToString();

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C++ :: Numeric Conversion - How To Convert Int Into String

Jun 3, 2013

How to convert int into string ? I had done conversion string to int.

My code :

/*Convert string into int using stringstream */
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "console.h"
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;

[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: How To Use ATL 7.0 String Conversion Macros

Feb 5, 2014

I have a problem in using ATL 7.0 string conversion macros.

My codes looks like this, which uses ATL 3.0 string conversion macros in the past:

Void Myfunc()

LPSTR lpszA;
If (...) {
CString strText;
If (...) {
If (bUnicode)


But since 3.0 macros do not support large strings, I want to switch to 7.0 macros, but have problems. Based on the [URL]... samples, I should declare CT2A pszA(strText) or CT2W pszW(strText) within the if and else bodies, as below:

Void Myfunc()
LPSTR lpszA;
If (...) {


However, in such a case, after running to the codes using lpszA or lpszW, both CT2A and CT2W will be destructed so lpszA and lpszW will be invalid. How to solve this problem?

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C++ :: Converting String Value Into Float

Feb 21, 2015

In my project i have to take the string valve and convert it into float

For example
100 will be 100.00
100.0012 will be invalid
100.00 will stay as it is
99 will be 99.00

I am thinking of using stof but i m stuck on how to set the precision of 2 ....

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C++ :: Convert Float To String?

May 17, 2014

I have to convert my netpay which is a float to a string So if i have 356.26 it should output the sum of three hundred fifty-six and 26/100 dollars my program function works for the sum of three hundred but after that it spits out garbage.

void convertNetPay(float netPay, char *netPayString)
int numHuns, numTens, numOnes;
char OnesTable[9][8]={"One","Two","Three","Four","Five","Six","Seven","Eight","Nine"};


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C++ :: Deprecated Conversion From String Constant To Char

Aug 6, 2013

I have this old c function that takes as an argument a char*. but my app is written in cpp so i used std::string to store my strings. to pass a char * to the function i tried :

char *input = new char[args.i.length() + 1];
strcpy(input, args.i.c_str()); and then Code: function (input);
function ( (char *)input);

But I still get this warning message which i would like to fix:

Warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to "char*" [-Wwrite-strings]

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C++ :: Explicit Conversion From String To Class Reference?

May 10, 2013

following code that I'm reading out of the book "The C++ Standard Library".

class C
explicit C(const std::string & s); // explicit(!) type conversion from strings.


Now I understand that they are saying that an explicit conversion isn't allowed but what I don't understand is what explicit conversion would be happening if there was one allowed.

Specifically I don't understand the const C & elem syntax. How does this work since the collection holds strings. What would be the syntax for how this:

const C & elem

gets strings. I was thinking it was a class reference that someone how converts to a constructor function pointer or something but i'm really confused.

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C/C++ :: Deprecated Conversion From String Constant To Char?

Jul 15, 2014

I wrote the following code but i got this error: Deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*':

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <winuser.h>
int Save (int key_stroke, char *file);
void Stealth();

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Deprecated Conversion From String Constant To Char

Aug 23, 2013

I have 1 struture:

struct SetText{
int PosX;
int PosY;
char *Text;

And heres how i add the values:

SetText *x=new SetText;x->PosX=5;
x->Text ="hello mother";

why i receive that warning in: x->Text ="hello mother"; ?

"deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]"

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C++ :: Converting String Variable To Float

Apr 11, 2014

I would like to convert a string variable to float.When acquiring data from text file, I use:

while( getline( ifs, temp )) {
string::size_type stTemp = temp.find(separateur);


the matrix that I obtain is of type vector<Vec> where Vec is a vector of strings.I want to convert each element of matrixe to a float.

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