C++ :: Making Static Library With MinGW

Jul 5, 2012

There is a file compressor called FreeArc (that has GPL code) and a sub project called Unarc (meant for file extraction only) that is free for any use.

Their source codes can be downloaded from here: [URL] ....

Unarc has a makefile for making a dll. I am trying to make it static instead (.a file), using MinGW, but am failing.

If I use the .o files compiled by the makefile to make one .a file, the decompression methods don't seem to be recognized as they should, so I can't extract anything. These decompression methods are added through static functions called withing the .cpp files of each method, so I guess their code is not being executed.

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C++ :: Accessing Symbols In Application From Within Dynamic Library MinGW

Apr 17, 2013

I am porting an application from Linux to Windows. Since it is a GTK app most of the stuff works; I have to touch a little here and there. One problem though I cannot find the solution as it seems. The application uses a plugin system for easy expandable functionality. The interface to the plugin is very simple: an init function, a worker function, and a deinit function. The plugins shall have access to the main applicationsymbols (functions global variables). I cannot find a working (and feasible) way under Windows to make the linking work. I always get "undefined reference" errors for symbols which exist in the application. I am using MinGW 4.6.2. I made a stripped down demo application to be able to better (and faster) test the principle. I am using the dlfcn-win32 project from Ramiro Polla [URL]... for the dynamic loading stuff and it works like a charm.

Here is the project:

It tried a number of commandline options to the linker for the application (--export-all-symbols, --export-dynamic, -rdynamic (apparently not supported in MinGW)) as well as for the shared objects (--allow-shlib-undefined, --enable-auto-import, --enable-runtime-pseudo-reloc).

As you can see in the provided makefile under Linux it is just "-shared" for the .so. Under Mac OS X (Darwin) it is "-bundle -bundle_loader <app name>".

Either it is a different configuration / environment or I must have overlooked something. How to do this and if it is even possible in Windows?

Here is a .zip archive of the dlfcn stuff with modified makefile, which works on the cmd.exe command prompt; MSYS is not required. Just adjust the MinGW installation path in config.mak and type 'make" and 'make install'. dlfcn-win32-r19.zip

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C++ :: Shared Library Vs Static Library?

Jan 17, 2014

I've been reading about libraries; How to make them, how to use them, the different types of libraries, etc..

When using a shared library, does the program require that library to be installed on the computer after the program has been compiled into an .exe?

Ie.. if somebody downloaded a "Helloworld.exe" that I had compiled on my computer using a shared library (that wasn't part of a standard operating system), would they also need that shared library on their computer for the program to run without errors?

and for Static Libraries, when I compile a program using a static library, does it include in the final binary only the functions of the library that are actually used, or does the compiler add in the entire library?

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C :: Static Library Linking

Oct 7, 2014

I am trying to refresh my memory here as I did some studies many years ago but the results elude me.Also todays c/c++ compilers may have better optimizations.Say I have a static library that includes three obj modules.Each of these object modules has a number of functions. These functions do not reference any other functions within the obj module.My main app links this library but only references one function from each of the object modules.

Question: Are the complete contents of each module linked into my main app or are todays linkers smart enough to just link the functions used?

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C++ :: Build Own Library (static)

Sep 11, 2014

How to build the static library on my own using visual C++ 2008.

I used the following code to create the header file and cpp of the library.but I am unable to compile due to the following error.

// MathFuncsLib.h
namespace MathFuncs {
class MyMathFuncs {
// Returns a + b
static double Add(double a, double b);

[Code] .....

Error I get while it is compiled :
Error3error C2653: 'MyMathFuncs' : is not a class or namespace name

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C++ :: How To Link Static Library

Mar 31, 2013

How to create standalone program. For now I have simple program connecting to MySql Database and when i run it, shows me error, libmysql.dll is missing... When i put libmysql.dll in same folder works. Now my question is, how in code blocks can i compile so i won't require libmysql.dll anymore and be able to use it on any machine.

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C++ :: Linking Static Library To CPP File

Jun 20, 2013

I have a libcx3d.a which contains my VrmlParser class and other classes which are used by VrmlParser. I have a main.cpp which does this :

VrmlParser vp = new VrmlParser();
double **VOB = vp.getVOB();

When I compile using g++ main.cpp -o main -L. -lcx3d, I get the following errors :

'VrmlParser' was not declared in this scope.
expected ';' before vp.
'vp' was not declared in this scope.

There is a header file called "VrmlParser.h" in the static library. Should I include this header file in main.cpp ? If so, will include "VrmlParser.h" work ? I have the .a and .cpp in the same directory. I can't find the header file for the static library.

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C++ :: Linking To Static Library That Contains A Macro

Jul 16, 2014

I have built a static library that contains a macro. From a separate exe, I am calling this macro, but it doesn't work.

The compilation of the static library and that of the exe went okay.

Static lib contains just the macro definition.

Exe contains call to this macro.

Is there anything else that I need to do for this to work?

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C++ :: Static Linking Boost Library

Dec 17, 2014

I have written a program that uses boost in visual studio 2012. The only boost library I used is filesystem by doing.

1)Properties->Linker->General and adding the path or the .lib to the additional dependencies. The libraries, link at compile time.However when i move the exe to a different computer, it doesn't work. Therefore the libraries were dynamically not statically linked. So my question is how do I statically link the filesystem library, so that i can include boost/filesystem.hpp in visual studio 2012?

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C++ :: Using Global Variables In Static Library

Jul 22, 2014

Is it possible to use & change global variables in a Static Library? For example:

I declare a
bool test = true;

Then later in an exported function If the user wants, he can set that test to false. So the program later when checks test if it's true, will notice that it's not true, since one of my function changed it.

Is it right?

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Visual C++ :: CString Class In Non-MFC Static Library

Sep 13, 2013

I have a non-MFC static library which I share between a number of different projects, some non-MFC and some MFC. Currently the static library uses a typedef of std::wstring and std::string for UNICODE and non-UNICODE builds.

After discovering it's possible to use CString in non-MFC applications, by including atlstr.h header, I decided I'd rather that than using stl strings and having to keep converting between the different types. However, I seem to be struggling with linker errors when linking the library with a MFC application.

Can I create a non-MFC static library using CString from atlstr.h and link it with a MFC application?

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C++ :: Application That Has One Static Library Dependency - Linking Error

Feb 16, 2012

I am trying to build an application that has one static library dependency, however I am getting this error when linking:

1> All outputs are up-to-date.
1>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'TestWrapperLib.obj'

Why I might be getting that? I have the .lib in the depends line, and the directory where it is at in the include line.

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C++ :: Undefined Reference To (method Name) When Accessing Method In Static Library

Jan 17, 2013

I've been trying for more than one month to access a method found in a library called libcocosnas_static.a. I'm using Cocos2d-X version 2.0.4. The library has been used many times by my company to make games using cocos2d-1.0.1-x-0.12.0 without any problem.

This is what I've done:
1- I added the include paths of the library to both eclipse and Android.mk
2- Included the .h file using #include "NASPlatformUtil.h"
3- Added the libcocosnas_static.a file to the proj.androidobjlocalarmeabi folder
4- Added "LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES += cocosnas_static" to the Android.mk file
5- Called the function using: NASPlatformUtil:: openUrl("http://xxx.xxx.com/");

I can right click on the function, click Open Declaration and get it without any problem, but the compiler keeps on giving me that dreaded error...

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C++ :: How To Set Stack Size With GCC MinGW

Jun 3, 2014

I'm following a course with coursera (algorithm 1) and my program for the assignment crashes inexorably (many are experimenting the same thing there, the assignment asks for a recursive program for solving a big graph of 500000 nodes). I'm using a version of g++ from MinGW with the editor Geany and windows7. The current setup is:

g++ -std=c++11 -Wall -c "%f"
g++ -std=c++11 -Wall -o "%e" "%f"

How can I set the stack 'unlimited'?

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C++ :: MinGW And Export Link Libs?

Jan 5, 2012

I'm building an app using VC++. The app links to a DLL built using TDM-GCC (which uses MinGW I think). Obviously, the DLL comes with a link lib.

If the lib is linked to another MinGW app, the DLL functions get found by name. So if the DLL builder updates his DLL, the MinGW app carries on working.

However, if the same lib is linked to a VC++ app, the functions get found by ordinal value. But MinGW doesn't seem to have any means of guaranteeing that a later build of the DLL will use the same numbering scheme. So his new DLL will break the pre-existing VC++ app that used it.

In VC++ this problem could be solved by using a DEF file but that doesn't seem to work in MinGW. So my question is:- can a DLL built with MinGW be somehow instructed to export its functions only by name - or at least to export them so that any other compiler will import them by name and not by ordinal numbers?

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C++ :: Game Engine - Linking Error On MinGW

Aug 6, 2013

I want to write a game engine with MinGW and Code::blocks ide

[URL] ....

This is my project's source code

[URL] .....

This is the build log.

I can't code it here, because it's two large to add the characters!

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C++ :: Undefined Reference With Mingw (template Usage)

Apr 10, 2014

I am wondering why ToStr throws me this error. I am using mingw64 and codeblocks.


E:JackyDocumentsCode Blocks ProjectsPerfectSimXmain.cpp|35|undefined reference to `std::string ToStr<int>(int const&)'|

for (int i = 0; i < NO_CAMS; i++) {
std::string filename("E:/Jacky/Documents/Code Blocks Projects/PerfectSimX/Data/Cam");
std::string restFileName(".cam");
filename += ToStr(i);

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Installed Cygwin - Mingw Install Required In Order To Use DirectX?

Jan 20, 2014

Goal: I want to use cygwin g++ to write DirectX applications.

I know that one of the mingw packages contain directx libraries.

Now that I have installed cygwin, can I use directx also?

BTW, does netbeans open a mingw project using cygwin tool chain?

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C++ :: Do Static Functions Have Access To Non Static Data Members Of A Class

Apr 17, 2013

From my book:

"A static function might have this prototype:

static void Afunction(int n);

A static function can be called in relation to a particular object by a statement such as the following:


The function has no access to the non-static members of aBox. The same function could also be called without reference to an object. In this case, the statement would be:


where CBox is the class name. Using the class name and the scope resolution operator tells the compiler to which class Afunction() belongs."

Why exactly cant Afunction access non-static members?

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C++ :: Accessing Non-static Members Inside Static Member Functions

Sep 11, 2013

What are the workarounds for accessing the non-static member variables of some class(Say A) inside static member functions of another class(Say B)? I am coding in c++. Class A is derived with public properties of class B. Any pointers?

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C# :: Static Method Inside Non-static Class

Aug 22, 2014

Have following code:

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)


My question according to what i just wrote:

1. Is that mean that Do() is only available for use by Dog itself because Dog is 'oryginal' Dog, and if i create new dogs - instances of oryginal Dog (dog1, dog2 ...) they cant access because Do is only available fo 'oryginal' one? Is that correct thinking?

2. If i would want to have something common (e.g value) for all dogs is that good way to create static field/method for Dog instead of non-static once then all instances of Dog would access Dog static member to get/change it? Just stupid example: static method GetAmountOfLegs() which return 4 Then all instances can take/call that value from Dog. Is that correct thinking?

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C++ :: Difference Between Static Local Variable And Static Global Variable?

Aug 5, 2013

Here is the code,

class A {
A& CreateObject() {
static A a;
return a;
} static A aa;
int main() {
return 0;

So is there any difference between a defined in CreateObject and aa?

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C++ :: Making A Game With GUI

Feb 27, 2015

Here's my game, what do I need to learn to make a basic GUI? (Easiest way possible for now).

--NOTE, the code was a bit too long for me to post. I can add it if it is necessary. Basically all I want are 4 buttons on the main screen, one that says "Arena," "Store," "Stats," and "Exit."

There will of course be sub menus to each option, but we will get to that later.

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C++ :: Making DLL Of EXE Project

May 28, 2013

I have project that is on c++. it runs fine. i want to use it in my C# application as a dll. i have created its dll and but firing exception of "interprocess communication".

Is this a doable task that creating dll of an exe project and using it in C# application?

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C++ :: Error While Making DLL

Dec 17, 2013

So I tried to find some youtube videos on how to make a DLL, I found one, I also found several topics (like on msdn and stuff), but I have this code


#include <WinSock2.h>
#include <WS2tcpip.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

#pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib")

[Code] ....

And I'm getting these errors:

1>error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "private: static char * PathSocket::cBuffer" (?cBuffer@PathSocket@@0PADA)
error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "private: static unsigned int * PathSocket::socket" (?socket@PathSocket@@0PAIA)
error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "private: static void * PathSocket::hIDTask" (?hIDTask@PathSocket@@0PAXA)

WHY is there static, and what does dllimport/dllexport does? also there are NO tutorials with variables inside dll >.<

I've been following this [URL] ..... and the video I already lost, however there's no

#define MATHFUNCSDLL_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define MATHFUNCSDLL_API __declspec(dllimport)

in the video, why do we have to use that? [URL] .....

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C/C++ :: Making Tic Tac Toe Without Arrays?

Nov 13, 2014

I am trying to get this to work without arrays. At the moment all I am trying to do is allow it so that when the user presses 1 the board prints with 1 replaced by X, tell me where am i going wrong. I know its not finished.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
char a = '1';
char b = '2';
char c = '3';


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