C :: Making HTML Shapes

Oct 13, 2014

So basically I have to write a C program that, when opening the html file in a browser, looks essentially like this: (Size, position, color of the shapes doesn't matter so long as I have one of each shape and the box surrounding them. Words up top dont matter either.)

This is what I have so far:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define FILENAME ("A4P1.html")

Anyways i can get the individual shapes, but I don't know how to get all the shapes to appear at once..

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C :: Different HTML Shapes With Random Attributes

Oct 21, 2014

This time I need to generate random shapes (circles, rectangles, squares, and ellipses) with random attributes with C, to html.

I am able to create specific shapes with random attributes, but I am unsure how to have the function create a random shape...

Also, the function "box" is meant to create a black border around the shapes. It does this, but I do not know how to make it so that the other shapes do not show up along the lines of this "box."

I guess it appears that certain shapes are "layered" over top of others? ie. My circles/ellipses always show up on top of the rects/squares/box.Currently I have this:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

#define NO_SHAPES 10
#define X_RANGE 797
#define Y_RANGE 397

[Code] .....

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C++ :: How To Use Mouse In Drawing Shapes

May 3, 2013

i have to make an application called " paint " in c++ . It should facilitate user to draw different shapes using a mouse. Now the biggest hurdle i am facing is the usage of mouse .. what is the header file for usage of mouse ? i am using visual studio 2010 . the syntax is creating problems ..

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C/C++ :: How To Draw Shapes Using Loop

Apr 11, 2014

How can I draw thus shape using loop for
0 1
0 1 2
0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 4
0 1 2 3 4 5

Also this shape

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C++ :: GetImage Function - Save Other Shapes Except Rectangle?

Jan 11, 2012

GetImage func give up this parameters :

getimage(int left,int top,int right,int bottom,void far *bitmap);

so Getimage save a rectangle shape on *bitmap.

Is it possible that we can save the other shapes except rectangle? circle,or star, or...

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C++ :: Calculate Surface Area Of Various Shapes - Symbolic Constant For The Value Of PI

Mar 2, 2013

This error keeps coming.

CSCI 240 Program 5 Part 2 Spring 2013

Section: 1
Date Due: 3/1/13

Purpose: This program uses functions to calculate the surface area of various shapes. It is an exercise in learning to write functions.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
#define PI 3.14
//Symbolic constant for the value of PI

int Menu();
int getValue( string prompt, int lowerBound, int upperBound );

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Application To Calculate Area And Perimeter Of Geometric Shapes

Oct 18, 2013

How would this look like in C? Develop an application to calculate the area and perimeter of geometric shapes. First the user is asked to enter a letter representing the shape. We use C for circle, R for rectangle and S for square. After the user chooses the shape, the program prompts for the appropriate dimensions of the shape accordingly.

For instance, if the user has chosen a square, the program will ask for a side. If it's a circle, the program will ask for radius. If it's a rectangle, it will ask for length and width. Upon receiving the appropriate dimensions, the program will calculate the area and the perimeter of the requested shape and print it on the screen. And again, the code will ask for another letter. If the user enters 'Q' the program terminates.

Please Enter Shape (C: Circle, S: Square, R: Rectangle Q:quit) >S
Please enter the side of the square > 8
The area is 64 and the perimeter is 32
Please Enter Shape (C: Circle, S: Square, R: Rectangle Q:quit) >R
Please enter the width of the rectangle > 5
Please enter the length of the rectangle > 7
The area is 35 and the perimeter is 24
Please Enter Shape (C: Circle, S: Square, R: Rectangle Q:quit) >Q

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Visual C++ :: Fill Color In Shapes Using FLTK Doesn't Work For Circles

Aug 28, 2014

I installed FLTK 1.3.X from [URL] on my visual studio 2012 compiler and use PPP book for C++ programming [URL]. My problem is about filling a Shape in.

#include <Simple_window.h>
using namespace Graph_lib;
int main() {
Simple_window win(Point(100,100), 1000, 600, "Binary_tree");
Graph_lib::Circle c(Point(200,200),50);


When I run the program, All three Shapes are drawn on window but only the Rectangle is filled in! Why? set_color works for the three and apparently the set_fill_color is defined for all Shapes and it too should work but why it doesn't for Circle and Ellipse?

This [URL] is the .CPP and .h files ( )

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C++ :: Web Browser - How To Run HTML Within Program

May 4, 2014

I am making a web browser and I have successfully made it so it shows the actual html but I want to know how to run the html within the program. I am using mac so it can't be the #include "windows.h" stuff and preferably I would like it to be cross-platform.

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C :: Inject HTML Into Firefox Process / IE?

Oct 24, 2013

is this possible? How do i inject html into a process like firefox.exe or iexplore.exe? any tutorials/ starting point?

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C++ :: Coloring Cells In HTML Table

Apr 25, 2013

For this program i had to create an HTML with the cosine similarities. I got everything, i just need to color in the lowest and highest amount in the table, but I don't know how.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;

const int NUMBER_OF_FILES=8;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Reading Text In HTML Page

May 11, 2014

I am trying to make a simple c++ program that will read some text in the html page. Here is the source of the html i want to read.

This is a test message.

My expected result in c++ in an string array like this:


I tried to look around and I came across a function called InternetReadFile but I can't find any example similar to what I want.

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C++ :: Document File To HTML Conversion

Sep 14, 2013

I have a program that converts document files to html , however there's a very strange issue with the program, it is only converting files that i open within the program using fstream i.e. ofstream out("test.doc"); now ill have to copy the contents from another document that i want to convert to this test file and it would convert but if i try converting a document that has not been implicitly created it would give me a garbage .html file.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cassert>
#include <string>
#define tab "    "

// file extensions that the program can handle
// you can add more extenssions if needed
using namespace std;
char *fileExt[] = {".doc", ".c", ".cpp"};
void convert_to_html(string fileName);

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Calling Library From HTML Page

Jun 12, 2014

I would like to be able to call c++ library from HTML page. So on HTML page I have area for some possible input (url, name, email, etc) and that info is passed to c++ and calculated info and may email someone; or pull info from text file and display on html page. Realizing PHP or something similar would be easier, I really want to make these calls from HTML pages. ???

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C# :: How To Populate HTML TextBoxes With SQL Results

Mar 9, 2015

I have an HTML5 form with a number of text boxes on it. I would like these textboxes populating with data retreived from an SQL database, using inline C#. I have a stored procedure that returns the data.

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C Sharp :: Reading HTML Tag Using XML Reader?

Nov 25, 2014

I need to know how to parse the html tag using xmlreader.

This is my input. How to parse this input html file

<html> <body> <p><b><i>Hello</b>World</i></p> </body> </html>

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C++ :: Read HTML Page Text File

May 26, 2013

How can I read text from a webpage asynchronously,from within C++. After you first connect to the internet using usual means, you enter the string

e.g. "[URL] ...." and the C++ program reads the information: "<title>BBC Website</title><body>This is the BBC website...." from the internet.

Here I want to connect to website every 60 minutes and fetch only first 100 lines of the run.txt file as mentioned above. How can I do this using C++ and asynchronous winsock ???

#define WIN_OS
#define _DEBUG_PRINT(X) /* X */

//For commn
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Store HTML Codes For Different Characters In Array

Jul 17, 2013

I am trying to store the HTML codes for different characters in an array, but I am not sure how to do this, so that when using the keybd_event it can be plugged in.

If you try to do it with a string for storing the HTML code, you get this error.

string HTML[1];
HTML[0] = "A"; //A
keybd_event(HTML[0], 0, 0, 0);

I could do it in a very long if/else statement, but this would be much easier to call and get data from, and take up less space.

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C# :: Convert A HTML (text Actually) File To Excel

May 10, 2014

convert this file to an excel or ms access file?

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C :: Checking Balance Of Brackets In HTML File Using Stack

Mar 24, 2014

I had a quick question about how to check the balance of brackets in an HTML file using a stack (pushing and popping). I understand pushing and popping. I get lost when it comes to the logic of having to actually check what is in the brackets, and making sure those are nested correctly.

So while


is correct and

<title> <b> THIS FILE </title> IS </b> NOT NESTED CORRECTLY.

is incorrect;

How do I check for the actual tags inside the brackets, keeping in mind that there are single sided tags as well.

(ex. <img src="a.jpg"/>)

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C++ :: Load HTML File - Display Window With Contents

Oct 22, 2013

I want to:

1. Load HTML File (or take stuff from string)
2. display window with content of that html

so yeah, basically something like a browser, is there some lib that will just load html and do it for me? I dont need whole browser, I just need to show really simple html pages in my app....

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C# :: Fill A TextBox On WebPage Using OnKeydown HTML Element

Oct 31, 2014

Is it possible to fill a textbox on a webpage using the onkeydown html element in c# using the web control built in. i am totally aware of the normal methods of doing this but the normal methods have failed to work....

i am referring to this [URL] .....

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C Sharp :: How To Fill In HTML Textbox From Windows Application

Apr 19, 2012

1. Open a browser and navigate to a URL (manually)

I would like to do the following from a windows application:

2. I will click "Fill data" button from Windows screen,

3. We have to identify what are the browsers opened in the PC and which browser has correct URL

4. Once the correct browser is identified with the URL, we have to fill in data (received from scanner) in the html page opened in the browser.

How to achieve above functionality.

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Visual C++ :: CDHtmlDialog - Changing HTML File Dynamically

Apr 9, 2014

I am using CDHtmlDialog in my MFC application to create a UI with HTML, CSS & JavaScript.

In my project there's one dialog created from CDHtmlDialog and a corresponding HTML file for that dialog.

Now during run time i want to change the contents of the HTML file.

Not just the HTML part, i want to change the CSS & JavaScript too.

So basically what am trying to do is, change the entire content of the default HTML file.

Is this possible? If yes, how can i do that?

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Visual C++ :: MFC Dialog / Changing Images (JPG / PNG) Dynamically In HTML Page?

Sep 6, 2013

I created a MFC dialog using CDHtmlDialog and added a HTML page with many controls and one of them is a IMAGE tag. I got a default image loaded from the hard drive displayed in the HTML page. Up to this part, everything works fine.

Now what i want to do is, dynamically change the image based on the user click on one of the HTML buttons. I don't want this image source to be hard coded in the HTML nor the image source send from the MFC app.

What i want is for the MFC app to send the image data to the HTML in some (binary) format and then the page to display the image.

The possible option i was thinking of was to read the image file which is already in my hard drive as a binary file and send the binary data across to the HTML as a memory buffer, and then use JavaScript to decrypt this binary data and display the image.

Basically what i want is for the HTML page to display a image from the memory. how to do this?

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C++ :: Read HTML Code - Count / Sort And Print Out Only First 10 Frequently Used Attributes

Mar 14, 2013

I have to write a c++ program to read html code and do bunch of stuff. One thing that i have to do is to count the no of attributes and sort them in descenting out and print out only first 10 frequently used attributes. I counted them using maps and sorted them using multimaps but now dnt knw how to print only 10 elements

for(std::map<string, int>::iterator it = Element.begin(); it != Element.end(); ++it)
Elements.insert(pair<int, string>(it->second, it->first));
for(std::multimap<int, string>::reverse_iterator it = Elements.rbegin(); it != Elements.rend(); ++it) {
cout << "Element: " << it->second << " : " << it->first << endl;

This is how i did it . How to display only 10 elements and not all the elements.

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