C++ :: How To Check If Data In Struct Has Changed

Nov 21, 2013

I am working on this project where I need to see if data in a struct has changed and if so I need to do something. With that being said, is there a way to check to see if data in a struct has changed. My first approach was to make a copy of the struct and compare the original struct with the copy but I was having problems with the operator==.

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C++ :: Loop To Read In Data And Check Data

Oct 8, 2013

struct receivers
{string fname, lname, team,;
int receptions, yards, TDs, longest,rec20, fumbles, yac, firstdown;
double, averagepergain, averageperrec

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C++ :: Check Wrong Input Data

Jan 20, 2013

i'm making a for loop for a mini game which required the user to enter the input number.Let say if the user accidently entered a character instead of integer the whole program will go haywire so is there anyway to check for the error and prompt the user to input the data again?Here is the simple program...

printf("Enter Row%d:",row);

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C++ :: Data Structure - To Check If A Set B Is A Subset Of A Or Not

Feb 9, 2013

To check if a set B is a subset of A or not. Which data structure to be used to store set A for quicker response(linked list/hash map)? What if I want to check intersection also?

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C++ :: How To Check For Data Type When Input Value Into Program

Apr 11, 2013

How would I check for proper data type when someone is to input a value into the program? Ex:

int i;
string a;
cout << "Enter a number: ";
cin >> i;
cout >> "Enter a string: ";
cin >> a;

How would you check to make sure that int i would be an actual number and not a letter like "a"?

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C# :: WPF Background Changed Event?

Dec 5, 2014

I'm still at the very beginning of learning WPF and there are still countless things i don't fully understand. For instance, as I can see in my WPF project, there isn't an event that would fire when the Background property of some control is changed. Or am I just missing it? If i'm not blind after all, and it really doesn't exist, is there any way i could get notified when the Background color of some control is changed?

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C++ :: Can Endl Be Changed To End Line Twice?

Oct 13, 2014

cout << "this is a sample text " << endl << endl;
int t;
t = endl+endl; ?

looking for a single endl define to end line twice.

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C++ :: Impact Of Interface Changed?

Oct 28, 2014

I am not 100% confident that changing the existing interfaces will not be error-prone. Should I discard the new changes for ease of use or Adapt to new changes but having a higher risk of introducing new bugs?


///ContactResultCallback is used to report contact points
structContactResultCallback {
short intm_collisionFilterGroup;
short intm_collisionFilterMask;

[Code] ....


///ContactResultCallback is used to report contact points
structContactResultCallback {
short intm_collisionFilterGroup;
short intm_collisionFilterMask;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Outputting Associated Data In Struct

May 2, 2013

So this is the last part of a program I've been working on for four weeks now. This question may be a tough one considering the amount of files included in the program.

The program is to read in a file of requests between two cities, read in a file of flights and cities that occur between the cities. It then checks to see if there is a path between the flights and output an itinerary. I have the correct itinerary outputting, but when attempting to output the associated flight number and price according to the city, I am getting odd data. How can I output the correct flight number and price associated with each flight on the itinerary.

I'll post out the output I am currently getting and the section where I am outputting the data. I'm sure I'll need to post more files so the program can be understood.

Don't want the code done for me, just a point in the right direction! I don't want to let this program defeat me!

Output: Code: Request is to fly from Atlanta to San-Diego.The flight itinerary is:
Flight # From To Cost
10 Atlanta Chicago $134529069
10 Chicago Miami $134529069
10 Miami Dallas $134529069
10 Dallas San-Francisco $134529069
10 San-Francisco San-Diego $134529069
This function finds a path between cities. Code: bool flightMap::IsPath(string originCity, string destinationCity){
StackClass aStack, bStack;
flightStruct flightRec;
string topCity, nextCity;
bool success;
int index = 0;


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C# :: Performance Counter Raw Value Is Not Changed / Modified

Apr 6, 2015

I am trying to modify a PerformanceCounter I have created in C#. But it doesn't seem to be that it is being changed. This counter needs actualy to be a flag : 0 or 1.

I took the following code from the web. It created the collectors category along with the counters well. But the RawValue always shows 0!

I am working on Win7/64.

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace PerformanceCounterSample

[Code] ....

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C# :: Creating Person Changed EventHandler?

Feb 24, 2015

Im trying to create a Personchanged EventHandler..

I have this:

public class Pessoa {
private int _idade;
private bool _isDeleted;
public Pessoa() {
// TODO: Complete member initialization

[Code] ....

And I have a error: Delegate EventHandler does not take 0 arguments..

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C :: Initialize Data Member In Struct

Mar 28, 2013

I was looking at some linked list material and was wondering something. Can you initialize a data member inside a struct like in C++? i.e.

typedef struct node
int data;
struct node * next = NULL; // this is the line in question
} LLnode;

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C++ ::  Accessing Struct Data In A Queue

Mar 24, 2013

I have a queue of structs. I would like to access one of the two pieces of data at the front of the queue that each struct maintains.

Here is some of my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;

[Code] ....

What I am asking is how do I get the priority of the struct item at the front (lane1.front()), in this case?

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C :: Binary Search Tree - Struct Data

Oct 24, 2013

I was working with binary search tree and came up with the solution:

typedef struct data {
int x;
struct data *left;
struct data *right;

[Code] .....

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C :: Working With Files / Struct And Manipulating Data

Dec 17, 2013

I have the following code and I am trying to do simple math calculations to the data. I need to take the car price (y) minus down payment (z) and then divide that quantity by 12 times "yearsx" That answer is then assigned to x. The problem is that x will not print the correctly!I also noticed that if I increase the "count" to amnything higher than the number on lines in the file, I get the correct value for x but only on the last set of the struct..my file reads as follows:

last_name first_name car_price down_payment years
johnson bill 10,000 2,000 3

When I printf the struct to the screen, i need to do the following:

x = (10,000 - 2,000)/(12*years);

but this is the math part that wont work. I have checked and doubled checked number types and I cant get it right.


#define FILENAME "file.txt"
#define SIZE 100


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C++ :: Program To Search Soccer Players Data To Check Whether Name Supplied By User Is On That List

Oct 29, 2014

Write a program that will search soccer players data to check whether a name supplied by the user is on that list. For doing the search, the user may provide either the player’s full last name or one or more starting letters of the last name. If a matching last name is found, the program will display the player’s full name and date of birth. Otherwise, it will display “Not found”.

Requirements specification:At the start, the program will ask the user to enter information about 10 soccer players constituting soccer player data. Each soccer player data will consist of the following fields:

Last name
First name
Birth month
Birth day
Birth year

The user will be asked to enter each soccer player data on a separate line with the field values separated by a space.

Once the data is entered, the program will display a menu of choices as below:

Chose an option:

(1 – input data, 2 – display original data, 3 – sort data , 4 – display sorted data 5 – search by last name 6 – exit the program )

If the user chooses option 1, the program will ask the user for a data and populate the array of structures that will hold the data for each of the soccer players.

If the user chooses option 2, the program will display data in the order provided by the user (original data).

If use chooses option 3, the program will sort data by last name.

If user chooses number 4 the program will display the data sorted by last name.

If the user chooses option 5, the program will ask the user to enter one or more starting letters of the soccer player’s last name. It will then search the soccer player data for the matching last name. If a match is found, it will display the first player found with the matching pattern. If a match is not found, the program will display “Not found”. If the user enters two forward slashes (//) for the last name, it will no longer search for the name. Instead it will display the main option menu.

If the user chooses option 6, the program will display “Thank you for using this program” and will end.

Why my program isint executing correctly. Here is what i've so far . . . .

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct data {
string lname;
string fname;
int birthmonth;
int birthday;
int birthyear;


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C++ :: Initializing Const Struct When Data Is A String Literal

Feb 23, 2015

I have a struct like this:

struct String{
char* data;
std::size_t size;

I would like to be able to create const variables of this type for string literals.

const String message;

Is there an elegant way to create a const String like this when data is a string literal?

I tried this:

const char *string_data = "Hello";
size_t string_size = strlen(string_data) + 1;
const String string = {string_data, string_size};

The problem with that is that string.data isn't considered const during the initialization of the String struct so the compiler throws an error. It doesn't feel very elegant to do it like this either way.

Is there an elegant solution to this problem? I would like to avoid making a copy of the string literal.

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C++ :: Multi Data Types In A Line And Read To Struct?

Aug 14, 2014

How can I read this file in to my struct?

12345Joe Lim KH879.00
12233Kay Suet Yee35.98
23781Leong Jing Yang 10.00
67543Woon Tian Yi500.50
struct master {
unsigned short int IDnum;


not working

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C++ :: Struct As Variable - Zero (init) Data In Class Constructor

Feb 8, 2013

at my work we use a static analysis tool and it is pointing out some uninitialized variables. One of which is a class member variable which is a C struct. Now, that variable is already declared in the header file for the class.

Currently in the class constructor I am doing:

memset( &thestruct, 0, sizeof( thestruct ) );

Is there a C++ way to do this? I Googled this but all I really found was:

StructDef thestruct = {};

Which doesn't really apply here.

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C Sharp :: DropDown Values Are Changed When Delete A Record In GridView

Aug 6, 2012

I have a Gridview ,in that one of the Column is DropDownList .I have 10 Records in my Grid and my DropDown Values are like this 1,2,3....10.This is the format to store my DropDown values ,if i delete 4th Row ,then my DropDown Values are Changed like 1,2,3,4....9.This is my task ,but i'm getting this format 1,2,3,--,5...10.

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C :: Parsing Binary Data File By Casting A Buffer - Accessing Double From Struct

Jan 4, 2014

I am parsing a binary data file by casting a buffer to a struct. It seems to work really well apart from this one double which is always being accessed two bytes off, despite being in the correct place.


typedef struct InvoiceRow {
double GROSS;
char VAT_NUMBER[31];
} InvoiceRow;

If I attempt to print GROSS using printf("%f", row->GROSS) I get 0.0000. However, if I change the type of GROSS to char[8] and then use the following code, I am presented with the correct number...


typedef struct example {
double d;

example *blah = (example*)row->GROSS;
printf("%f", blah->d);

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C/C++ :: Sizeof (struct) Returns 6 More Bytes Than Actual Struct Size?

Sep 14, 2014

#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX_USERS 20
struct {
char ID[10];
char Name[40];
int Pos;

[Code] .....

I was attempting something weired with address to move data around when I discovered that the size of the array is not what I expected. I am passing this structure as &Users to a function that declares it as a void *, then I can deal with chunks of data (memmove) and not have to worry about index or things like that. However...sizeof is returning something I do not understand.

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C++ :: Object That Is Passed To Function Is Changed Although No Pointer Is Passed

Mar 22, 2013

I am posting this simplified piece of code that is a bit confusing for me. There are two functions that I call. One shows the expected results but the result of the other one rather puzzles me.

//#define defineVecTyp Vec3f
#define defineVecTyp float
template <typename vecTyp>
vecTyp buildLaplacianPyramid(cv::Mat inputmat) {
vecTyp lapPyr;


Calling the function sum1 does not change the values stored in the variables val1 and val2. The output of the program is as follows:

val1= 1 ## val2= 10 // before the call of function sum1
val1= 1 ## val2= 10 // after the call of function sum1
sumOfVals= 22

This is quite obvious and as expected and I just pasted this piece of code as an example for better clarification.

However, if I call the function buildLaplacianPyramid and apply a function for Gaussian Blurring, this also effects the cv::Mat passed to the function. The line imshow("M1, after buildLaplacianPyramid",M1); therefore shows an image that is blurred. Since I am not passing a pointer to the cv::Mat I do not understand why this should be happening. I was assuming that there would be a copy of the cv::Mat M1 to be used within the function. Therefore I was expecting the cv::Mat M1 to retain its original value. I was expecting that all changes applied to cv::Mat inputmat within the function would not have any influence on the cv::Mat M1. Just like in my other example with the sum.

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C++ :: Creating A Struct Within Struct Node?

Feb 28, 2015

Im having trouble creating a struct within a struct node. the program suppose to hold students firstname, lastname, and gpa in a node therefore creating my linked list. Line 26 keeps saying that cannot convert parameter 2 from 'studentType to std::string

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct studentType{
string firstname;
string lastname;
double gpa;


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C++ :: Accessing Inside Structure Via Struct Pointer To Struct Pointer

Jun 5, 2012

#include <stdio.h>
struct datastructure {
char character;
void function(struct datastructure** ptr);

[Code] ....

These codes give these errors:

error: request for member 'character' in '* ptr', which is of non-class type 'datastructure*'
error: request for member 'character' in '* ptr', which is of non-class type 'datastructure*'

These errors are related to
printf("Ptr: %c",*ptr->character);

I want to access "character" data inside the structure "trial" by a pointer to pointer "ptr" inside function "function",but I couldn't find a way to do this.

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C++ :: Struct Inheriting From A Class Or A Class Inherit From A Struct?

Mar 9, 2012

I just read and have known for a while that classes are private (members and inheritance) by default and structs are public. But my question then comes what if.. a struct inheriting from a class or a class inheriting from a struct?

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