C++ :: Impact Of Interface Changed?

Oct 28, 2014

I am not 100% confident that changing the existing interfaces will not be error-prone. Should I discard the new changes for ease of use or Adapt to new changes but having a higher risk of introducing new bugs?


///ContactResultCallback is used to report contact points
structContactResultCallback {
short intm_collisionFilterGroup;
short intm_collisionFilterMask;

[Code] ....


///ContactResultCallback is used to report contact points
structContactResultCallback {
short intm_collisionFilterGroup;
short intm_collisionFilterMask;

[Code] ....

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C# :: WPF Background Changed Event?

Dec 5, 2014

I'm still at the very beginning of learning WPF and there are still countless things i don't fully understand. For instance, as I can see in my WPF project, there isn't an event that would fire when the Background property of some control is changed. Or am I just missing it? If i'm not blind after all, and it really doesn't exist, is there any way i could get notified when the Background color of some control is changed?

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C++ :: Can Endl Be Changed To End Line Twice?

Oct 13, 2014

cout << "this is a sample text " << endl << endl;
int t;
t = endl+endl; ?

looking for a single endl define to end line twice.

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C++ :: How To Check If Data In Struct Has Changed

Nov 21, 2013

I am working on this project where I need to see if data in a struct has changed and if so I need to do something. With that being said, is there a way to check to see if data in a struct has changed. My first approach was to make a copy of the struct and compare the original struct with the copy but I was having problems with the operator==.

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C# :: Performance Counter Raw Value Is Not Changed / Modified

Apr 6, 2015

I am trying to modify a PerformanceCounter I have created in C#. But it doesn't seem to be that it is being changed. This counter needs actualy to be a flag : 0 or 1.

I took the following code from the web. It created the collectors category along with the counters well. But the RawValue always shows 0!

I am working on Win7/64.

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace PerformanceCounterSample

[Code] ....

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C# :: Creating Person Changed EventHandler?

Feb 24, 2015

Im trying to create a Personchanged EventHandler..

I have this:

public class Pessoa {
private int _idade;
private bool _isDeleted;
public Pessoa() {
// TODO: Complete member initialization

[Code] ....

And I have a error: Delegate EventHandler does not take 0 arguments..

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C Sharp :: DropDown Values Are Changed When Delete A Record In GridView

Aug 6, 2012

I have a Gridview ,in that one of the Column is DropDownList .I have 10 Records in my Grid and my DropDown Values are like this 1,2,3....10.This is the format to store my DropDown values ,if i delete 4th Row ,then my DropDown Values are Changed like 1,2,3,4....9.This is my task ,but i'm getting this format 1,2,3,--,5...10.

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C# :: Static In Interface

Jul 1, 2014

I have the following scenario: I plan to have an xml configuration file.I have a trader that lunch few strategies, each have different configurations. I plan to have all configuration reside in the same file as different nodes.

Now I want that each strategy will hard code the name of node it will loop up for its parameters. Since those paramters are requered for the init and I use DI (configuration are passed in the constructor) I want to make it static.

So this would be something like.

public class Strategy: Base_strategy{
public const string _conf_name = "XXX";
public static string get_conf_name(){


Since other people will code strategies, I want each strategy to implement this static function. I wanted to do this in an interface so that anyone coding new strategy,implementing the base strategy will have to code this static function as part of the contract.

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C/C++ :: How To Interface Database With ATM Project

Jun 5, 2014

I had a project to create an ATM with a database of 100 customers, i wasn't able to interface the real program with the database. I have submitted the project already. Here is the database and the ATM program

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int account, pin;


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C/C++ :: Use Analog Device Through USB Interface

Sep 25, 2014

I am supposed to write a C program to send through USB interface to the analog device AD9914. Now I am doing the USB interface part where my computer has to detect the AD when it is plugged in and send the signals to it. I have to write the program to detect the device when it is plugged in. What kind of functions can I use? I know that the registry stores the device when it is plugged in. What functions are available to read?

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C :: Low Level Library To Interface With The Mouse?

Mar 6, 2015

I want to track the mouse movement. I know that GTk+ provides some powerful libraries for creating GUI, that will, among other things, enable me to write handlers for mouse movement events, but I'm looking for a simpler, more compact capabilities for now.

Is there a low level C library that will enable me to interface with the mouse?

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C :: How To Create Graphical User Interface

Feb 25, 2013

How can i create a graphical user interface using c

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C++ :: Create A C Wrapper Around A Interface Class?

Mar 14, 2013

I need to create a C Wrapper around a C++_Class and in between needs to be an Interface-Class. The Interface-Class is needed, cause there are more C++_Classes which are kinda equal.

Hierarchicaly it would somehow look like this:

=> XY-Process which is calling the CWrapper
==> CMeasureWrapper.c// <-- CWrapper
===> CMeasureWrapper.h// <-- CWrapper Header
====> IMeasurement.h// <-- Interface-Class
=====> CMeasure.cpp// <-- C++_Class
======> CMeasure.h// <-- C++_Class-Header

My Output after compiling.(files will follow)

// CMeasureWrapper.c | CWrapper
#include "CMeasureWrapper.h"
uint32_t gu32_objectHandle;
uint32_t gu32_measureType;
int32_t addNewMeasureObject(uint32_t u32_measureObjType)
int32_t t_status = 0;


It's the first time i'll try to build an CWrapper or even a wrapper. So maybe the Project-Properties need to fit as well.

The project itself is called "Platform" with following settings in:

C/C++ -> Advanced -> Compile As -> "Compile as C++ Code (/TP)"

This property on the CMeasureWrapper.c is switched to:

C/C++ -> Advanced -> Compile As -> "Compile as C Code (/TC)" but only on this file!

I'm not sure if it's necessary, the file is of .c type, so I wasn't sure.

what I am doin wrong? Not just depending on the error output, I mean on the whole project. Is there anything else which will not work with such a combination of CWrapper, Interface and C++_Classes? If there are any questions, just throw them at me

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C# :: Error / Does Not Implement Interface Member

Jan 19, 2015

Below is a snippet of a class I am working on. My head is swimming, but I cannot understand why I am seeing the following error:


Error1 does not implement interface member 'System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged'Medication.cs1011

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C++ :: Object That Is Passed To Function Is Changed Although No Pointer Is Passed

Mar 22, 2013

I am posting this simplified piece of code that is a bit confusing for me. There are two functions that I call. One shows the expected results but the result of the other one rather puzzles me.

//#define defineVecTyp Vec3f
#define defineVecTyp float
template <typename vecTyp>
vecTyp buildLaplacianPyramid(cv::Mat inputmat) {
vecTyp lapPyr;


Calling the function sum1 does not change the values stored in the variables val1 and val2. The output of the program is as follows:

val1= 1 ## val2= 10 // before the call of function sum1
val1= 1 ## val2= 10 // after the call of function sum1
sumOfVals= 22

This is quite obvious and as expected and I just pasted this piece of code as an example for better clarification.

However, if I call the function buildLaplacianPyramid and apply a function for Gaussian Blurring, this also effects the cv::Mat passed to the function. The line imshow("M1, after buildLaplacianPyramid",M1); therefore shows an image that is blurred. Since I am not passing a pointer to the cv::Mat I do not understand why this should be happening. I was assuming that there would be a copy of the cv::Mat M1 to be used within the function. Therefore I was expecting the cv::Mat M1 to retain its original value. I was expecting that all changes applied to cv::Mat inputmat within the function would not have any influence on the cv::Mat M1. Just like in my other example with the sum.

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C# :: Using Timer To Refresh Interface - Keep Getting Error Message

Feb 3, 2015

I've been using a timer to refresh the listview on my application, but after half a second, I get the error message at first try/catch method in RefreshPlot() in PlotComponent.cs:

Quote An exception of type 'MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException' occurred in Marketplace.exe but was not handled in user code

Additional information: There is already an open DataReader associated with this Connection which must be closed first.

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C++ :: Pure Virtual Methods And Interface Class

Jul 11, 2012

I develop add-ons for MS Flight Simulator and I use the poorly documented SDK for this. The SDK provides a .h file in which an interface class is defined (with pure virtual methods only), something like this:

class IPanelCCallback {
virtual IPanelCCallback* QueryInterface (PCSTRINGZ pszInterface) = 0;
virtual bool ConvertStringToProperty (PCSTRINGZ keyword, SINT32* pID) = 0;
virtual bool ConvertPropertyToString (SINT32 id, PPCSTRINGZ pKeyword) = 0;

In my code, I use this interface like this:
IPanelCCallback* pCallBack = panel_get_registered_c_callback("fs9gps");
SINT32 id;
pCallBack->ConvertStringToProperty(propertyName, &id);

Everything works fine, but I don't understand why... I thought the linker would stop with an "undefined symbol" error because the IPanelCCallback methods, such as ConvertStringToProperty, are declared as pure virtual but defined nowhere, and I don't use any library for linking. With such an interface class, I thought I would have to defined a subclass of IPanelCCallback and define the ConvertStringToProperty method.

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C# :: Access SIM Cards And Send / Receive Messages Through PC Interface

Nov 2, 2013

I'm gonna start a project for my own purpose. In my project I need to access GSM sim cards and send & receive messages through a PC interface. What kind of GSM Interface support for my Requirements and in feature may extend Requirements. what kind of programming language will be simple for write an pc interface to access that GSM interface device.

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C++ :: Mouse Or Keyboard Interface In Home Menu Of Console App

Feb 19, 2013

How can I design an console app such that its menu's options are used by mouse or get highlighted and enterable by using arrow keys of keyboard???

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C++ :: Linked List Interface / Implementation And Driver File

Jun 12, 2013

I am having difficulty calling the constructor in interface portion of my program. I get the error: no matching function for call to ‘Node::Node(int, NULL)’ when I try to call it on line 26 within the main function.

interface: [URL]
implementation: [URL]
main file: [URL]

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C++ :: Creating Flexible Interface For CL Application - Auto Return Type?

Nov 24, 2013

I am trying to create a flexible interface for my CL application. And what i have is this :

using namespace std;
// iplcp -i queryFile -d databaseFile
template <typename INT, typename CHARA>
class API {

vector<string> files;
vector<INT> flags;

[Code] ....

and in main :

int main(int argc, char **argv){
//set variables
API<int, char**>args(argc,argv);
cout << "In file: "<< args.GetOpt("i") << " Db file: " << args.GetOpt("h") << endl;

// first thing to be printed should be string and the second int

I know this is not probably the best way to but i am laying around and was curious if something like this could work . Are there any good C++ templates for CLI applications from which i could learn?

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C++ :: Write Interactive Text Based Menu Interface (using A Loop)

Sep 27, 2013

Write an interactive text based menu interface (using a loop) that will allow the user to

Enter a task or assignment Display all of the tasks that are in the file Find a task by Course Quit For each task, you need to keep track of:

Course Name that it is for (e.g., CS162)
Description of the assignment (e.g., Finish Lab 2)
Due date (e.g., 9/26/2009)

Allow the program to keep looping until user wants to quit. When the program starts, it should load the tasks from external file ("tasks.txt") into memory. When user enters the three items of a task, the program needs to read them in, save them in memory and eventually write them to the external data file ("tasks.txt"). The file format could look like: (The ';' is used as a delimiter or field seperator.)

Some Implementation Requirements:

Write at least four functions WITH arguments for this assignment. Use struct named Task to model task Use array of structs to model the collection of tasks. Hint: In this assignment, the description and course name may have multiple words in it. Therefore, you now SHOULD read using the 3 argument version of get. Watch out. When using the 3 argument version of get you need to make sure to remove the delimiter or newline. Therefore, anytime you read (even a confirmation message), make sure to eat the newline! Make sure to have a delimiter written between each item in the file – like a newline. This will be important when you read the information back from the file.

This is my code so far:

#include <iostream>
int main()
char cname[25],desc[20];


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C++ :: Determine Health Of A Power Transformer - Graphic User Interface?

Nov 27, 2014

I have a program I want to write that determines the health of a power transformer. I know the syntax of all the other code I might have to use but I'm not too sure of how to make it fit into a graphic interface like you see in any other windows program.

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C# :: Graphic User Interface - Dragging And Dropping Controls In Form

Mar 5, 2014

is there a difference when creating a graphic user interface dragging and dropping controls in the form and coding on source code, difference in a sense that the code will appear differently if the control is dragged then the code appears automatically on the source code as compared to typing it on source code?

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C :: Write Message Passing Interface Program For Implementing Graph Coloring?

Mar 21, 2013

write mpi-c program for implementing graph coloring?(mpi-message passing interface used for parallel programming)

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C++ :: Create Simple Input Interface On Console - Allow To Input Values To Variables

Apr 6, 2013

I am trying to create a simple interface on console to allow to input some values to some variables. For ex:

int main() {
double a = 1.5;
double b = 2.5;
double c = 3.5;
string x;

[Code] ....

However, I want these three to display at the same time (now they display one by one), and in the console window I can move the cursor between input place of a, b and c with "arrow key" of keyboard.

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