C :: How To Access Name And File Name Members

Sep 8, 2014

How to access the name and file name members on line 42 and 43?


typedef struct {
char * name;
char * filename;
FILES * files[256];


How to access the name and filename from within function?

*files[count].name = chTmp;

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C :: How To Access Members Of Referred Array

Sep 11, 2014

#include "include/types.h"
#include "include/gaussian.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>


I need to access the members .name and .filename to allocate memory and copy strings in there.

files[count]->filename=malloc(64); SIGSEGV error

How to make the reference working?

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C++ :: Access Other Members Within Same Nested Class?

Jul 12, 2013

It's hard to give a precise title but here is the question in detail: I have a class, something like this:

class classA{
void fnA();

and another class that contains objects of classA:

class classB{
classA A1;
classA A2;
classA A3;
vector<classA*> vA;
classB B1;

Now is it possible to access B1.vA from B1.A1.fnA() through some kind of pointer chain like this->parent->vA ? If so

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C++ :: How Could Object Access Its Private Data Members From Outside

Nov 12, 2013

How does an object access its private data members in copy constructor.

The relevant part of the code: Code: C::C(const C &obj)
x = obj.x;
y = obj.y;

Normally the object1 called "obj" cannot access its private data members outside. But in this situation it can access. How can it be explained?

Here are the complete code:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class C{
C(const C &);

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Cannot Access Protected Members Of Parent Class

Oct 22, 2014

I am doing C++ data structures exercises, and I am still learning some of the more basic concepts. I have a parent class:

template<class T>
class linkedListType {
int count;
nodeType<T> *first;
nodeType<T> *last;

Derived class:

#include "linkedListType.h"
template<class T>
class orderedLinkedList: public linkedListType<T> {
void mergeList(orderedLinkedList<T> &list1, orderedLinkedList<t> &list2) {
first = list1.first;
} private:

There is more code in my mergeList() function, but I included the line that is giving me problems. The error that my CodeBlocks compiler is giving me is that 'first' was not declared in this scope.

Strangely enough, if I change it to this->first, the error disappears.

1. Why does it not recognise 'first'?
2. Why would this->first work at all? Is the 'this' object a smart pointer?

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C++ :: Template Operation - Cannot Access Non-Public Members

Feb 5, 2015


template <size_t s>
class foo {
template <size_t l, size_t r>

[Code] .....

The above doesn't want to compile.

error C2995: 'foo<l+r> operator *(const foo<s> &,const foo<r> &)' : function template has already been defined
see declaration of 'operator *'
see reference to class template instantiation 'foo<s>' being compiled

If I change the operator to return a foo<s> it does compile (but that's not the behaviour I need).

if I move the operator to outside the class (removing the 'friend') it does compile and behaves how I need, but I can't access non-public members so I can't write the implementation correctly.

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C++ :: Do Static Functions Have Access To Non Static Data Members Of A Class

Apr 17, 2013

From my book:

"A static function might have this prototype:

static void Afunction(int n);

A static function can be called in relation to a particular object by a statement such as the following:


The function has no access to the non-static members of aBox. The same function could also be called without reference to an object. In this case, the statement would be:


where CBox is the class name. Using the class name and the scope resolution operator tells the compiler to which class Afunction() belongs."

Why exactly cant Afunction access non-static members?

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C++ :: Accessing Private Members From Header File

Dec 27, 2013

i have seen many c++ programs, where the private members from a header file are accessed in the source file. why is happening? As to my knowledge a private member cannot be accessed until it is friend function or member.

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C :: How To Do Arithmetic On Structure Members Read From A Text File

May 19, 2014

I am trying to use arithmetic on structure members read from separate text files into separate functions. I'm trying to do the math in the main function after calling the other two functions. I'm trying to divide nato_attack by pact_defence.

The warning I'm getting is: both are being used uninitialized in this function.

The goal is to read/write the info in the text files and to use them as any other variable, i.e. add, subtract, etc. in other locations in my code, i.e. functions, modules.

I "borrowed" most of this code from a youtube lesson and modified it for my needs.

Below is the contents of the two text files and my code.

This is for NATO
12 4th_mech_div mech div 14 16 7
12 5th_mech_div mech div 10 8 7
12 3rd_mech_div mech div 5 6 6
12 1st_mech_div mech div 4 6 7
12 2nd_mech_div mech div 12 14 7
12 6th_mech_div mech div 8 12 6

This is for Pact
10 1st_Guards armor div 12 8 6
10 2nd_Guards armor div 12 9 6
10 3rd_Guards mechanized div 10 9 6

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct {
char *unit_id;
char *unit_type;
char *unit_size;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Put File Data Into Members Of A Class - Array Transferring

Mar 10, 2013

I'm trying to put file data into members of a class. Remember to type in the file name you want to open. Cool feature right? I just had Dbase.txt so I chose that.

Fixed stuff in the .txt. Now I need to figure out why it only does 1 set and then ends.

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
class INFO {

[Code] .....

Little Brother

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C++ :: Formatted TXT File And Store Data Into Their Respective Members

Apr 16, 2014

The program is supposed to read a formatted .txt file and store the data into their respective [Class] Members. It will then output the data collected onto screen.I overloaded ifstream and istream. When I call for file>>ptr[i] to read the data, something goes wrong. It prompts me to input data (which is in istream overload).The Data in .txt file is as follows;

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;


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C :: How To Generate List Of Struct Members Using Header File As Input

Jun 25, 2014

I need to create a list of all members of a struct using the sturct definition as input. The struct is NOT part of the program, but is the input to the program.

The struct that I am using changes over time as features are added. I need the complete, fully qualified field names to then generate a table with all names with their offsets, type and length.

This information then allows me to create readers of the data that will run on different architectures, compilers and operating systems.

The struct currently has 800+ lines and uses typedef and embedded structs.

Perhaps this could be done creating LEX, YACC, Perl, SED, AWK or other language system.

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C++ :: Create File With Given Size And Then Randomly Access File To Populate It

Feb 17, 2015

I am interested in creating a file of a given size and then randomly accessing the file to populate it. Is there a way to quickly create, for instance, a 4 GByte file in C++, initially populated with garbage?

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C++ :: Access Private Data Of Base Class Without Access Modifier

Sep 9, 2013

if we don't provide the acces modifiers for base class and we need to manipulate the private data of base class in derived class. Is there anyway to acces the private data members? Here's a coding example

class A {
private :
int a;
class B : public class A {
public :
void displayA() { cout<<a<<endl; }

how i can acces the a of base class A in derived class B without acces modifiers.

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C++ :: How To Access File Properties

Jun 29, 2014

Is it possible to access file properties from c++ program? For example, user could drag file to program and then it displays a detailed information about file like date modified, size, type and etc..

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C++ :: How To Access A Method Form CPP File

May 21, 2013

How to access a method from a .h file in another .cpp file


// main.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include "inc/one.h"
using namespace std;
int main( ){

School Tadd;
return 0;

[Code] ....

When I compile , i am getting the below error

In function main:
undefined reference to `School::AddTeacher(int)'
Build finished: 1 error

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C# :: Blocking File Action Access?

Apr 20, 2014

My problem: I want to make an application that is going to block the action of some files (It is anticheat files actually).

how do I make code to block the application's action?

Maybe there is another way to do that? I need to use Cheat Engine in game, and anticheat blocks it, so I thought if I'll block the activity of the anticheat it couldn't detect the Cheat Engine...

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C/C++ :: Access Variable Using Extern In A Particular File

Sep 2, 2013

I have 3 files: f1.c f2.c and f3.c

I have declared variable int a; in f1.c and int a; in f2.c.

Now I want to use the variable int a; in f3.c . But this variable corresponds to the variable in f2.c .

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C++ :: Access Variable Updated In One To Another CPP File?

Dec 18, 2012

I have two cpp files.I m updating a value of an integer in one cpp file and i want to perform a specific function in the second file as per to the value updated in the first file. ie I m initialing the variable in the constructor. I have two buttons in the first cpp file. On clicking the first button I m updating the variable as 1 and on pressing button two , I m updating the variable as 2. I m retrieving this variable in the second cpp file with respect to the object created for the class in the first cpp file.

The problem is that i m not able tot retrieve the updated value in the second file. only the initialized value is being retrieved. neither 1 nor 2 is updated.

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C :: Updating Record In Random Access File

Nov 5, 2014

I have been searching through the forums and found a couple snippets of code and from that i came up with this. What i want to do is search for the specific movie code and then update the movie status from inactive to active (for argument sake).

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct SYSTEM_MOVIE{
int movie_code;
int movie_dur;
char movie_title[25];

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Change Access To The Folder On File System?

Aug 27, 2014

I want to delete the folder from the file system, but I am getting error of access permission.

I want to change the permission of the folder so my program can delete it.

The problem I am facing on google search is I am getting results mostly for MFC code which is windows specific. However, I want to write a code in core C++ that works on all platforms like unix and windows.

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C Sharp :: How To Access Raw Image Data In Resource File

Nov 14, 2012

I have a .png file that my console app reads and puts into a structure that is saved as a file. The png is always the same so I thought I could just add it as a resource image to a resource file so it would be included in my program and not as a separate file. When I did that, the png shows up as a "SystemDrawingBitmap". If I examine this resource in a watch I see "Base" and "Static" members. Expanding those properties does not give me anything useful such as a pointer to the raw png data and its length in bytes.

If worse comes to worse, I can always make a hex dump of the png contents and then put the hex code into a CS file using static initialization.

Surely there is some way I can access the raw data internally and read the bytes into a byte array using C#

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C :: Search A File For Specif Data And Update It (random Access)

Nov 9, 2014

The file name is "movie.dat" and currently i was able to save data into the file in this order:

[movie_code] [movie_dur] [movie_title] [movie_rating] [movie_dir] [movie_genre] [movie_status]

[12345] [120] [Movie] [PG13] [Director] [Comedy] [Active]

I want to search for the "movie_code" and change the [movie_status] from Active to Inactive.

So lets say for example i have a movie code 12345 saved in my movie file. I want to change the value from "Active" to "Inactive"for argument sake.

This is the code i was trying to do it with:

FILE *movie_fp;
movie_fp = fopen("movie.dat", "r+b");
int m_code;
MOVIE movie_data;
printf("*** Welcome to the movie updater! ***


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C# :: Upload MS Access Database File To Server From Client Program

Sep 29, 2012

i have to upload a ms access database file to the server from my client program. The server program should connect to this database and read the data. What's the easiest way to upload the file? Is it FTP? i tried sockets, but it only allows like 9kb of data transfer capacity.

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C++ :: Cannot Access Private Member Declared In Class (header File)

Apr 1, 2014

I am currently doing the assignment about linked list. Here are some details information about what I am doing.. This program is C++ and should run on Visual Studio 2010. And it contains three file, two datastructure header and one main cpp file.

This program is trying to arrange and show some sports records. The main program which contain the functions such as reading the result text file(each result text file contain several records of athletes), removing a file, arranging the totalresult and printing it out. And the main program is already given and I cannot overwrite it.

But when I finished and try to build the solution and run it, I am not able to run the program and it give me somethings like these...

warning C4172: returning address of local variable or temporary
error C2248: 'Datastructure1::Datastructure1' : cannot access private member declared in class 'Datastructure1'
see declaration of 'Datastructure1::Datastructure1'
see declaration of 'Datastructure1'
This diagnostic occurred in the compiler generated function 'Result::Result(const Result &)'

And I have tried to comment each function part of the header file and see if can run or not. But I still fail to do so. Here are my codes...

class Datastructure1 {
Datastructure1( );

[Code] ....

There are two header files and look quite long. They are all some linked list functions . I have read and learn linked list data structure before I complete this programs. However, when I complete the functions required, the function cannot be compile....

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C++ :: String Stream Object And Text File Data Access

Jan 21, 2014

I have two puzzling issues I am dealing with.

Issue 1: I am using a stringstream object in a block of my program that needs to be visited repeatedly depending on a user's selection from a menu. I want the contents of this stringstream object to be cleared any time control gets to this part of the program. I have tried the clear and flush functions to no avail.

Issue 2: I am reading data from a source text file that would be regularly changed during the course of program run. After the program run is over, I am supposed to save the results(which is basically the source text file AND all updates) in a destination file. This destination file would then serve as the source file when next the program is run. In other words, I want a scenario where my results overwrite the original contents of the source file; implying that my source and destination files are now one, pretty much. How can I do this?

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