C++ :: How To Access A Method Form CPP File

May 21, 2013

How to access a method from a .h file in another .cpp file


// main.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include "inc/one.h"
using namespace std;
int main( ){

School Tadd;
return 0;

[Code] ....

When I compile , i am getting the below error

In function main:
undefined reference to `School::AddTeacher(int)'
Build finished: 1 error

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C# :: How To Access Form Method From Another Class

Jan 7, 2015

Basically am trying to reference a method in a my Form1 class into another class. So far I have tried multiple different methods to try and access the method but have not managed it so far. Both classes use the same namespace. The part of my form class that I am using are as follows:

public class Form1 : Form
IContainer components = null;
private ButtonPanelThread p1, p3, p4;


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C Sharp :: Create Instance Of Form Into Non Form Class To Access Button / Label

Nov 23, 2014

I have a non form class. I want to update label/ check status of check box etc.. in non form class ( here resides functions that contains logic). How can i do that ?

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C# :: How To Access User Control Form One Of The Child Form

Apr 22, 2014

I hav created mdi parent form that contain one user control. I want to access that user control from one of the child form

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C# :: Calling Method In One Form From Another Form?

Dec 6, 2014

I have a program which when a button is clicked on Form1 it runs a vision system operation on an image in a window on a Form1. There are also other buttons on the Form1 which can change things like threshold levels so the inspection can be run again with different settings. It all works fine but I want to change it to remove the buttons from Form1 so that when the user clicks on a button on Form1 it opens up another form, Form2, and all the buttons which were on Form1 are now on Form2 and the image analysis should run on Form1 when the buttons are used on Form2. I have taken over all the code from Form1 to Form2 and I'm trying to make this happen by creating a new oject on Form1 which calls a method on Form2 which contains the code which was in Form1 and called when the button was clicked on Form1 - not working!! I have a constructor in Form2 but I think I have become monumentally confused.

This was the code which was on Form1 when the inspection button was clicked.

private void cmdInspectOnce_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
iReturn = VisionSystem.InvModeSet(IpeEngCtrlLib.I_MODE.I_EXE_MODE_ONCE);
if (_imgEngines!=null && _imgEngines[0]!=null)

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Visual C++ :: Windows Form - Create Method With Parameters

May 16, 2013

I am wanting to separate the logic from the visual, but I'm having problems when calling the method that controls the actions of the progress bar timer.


class Progress_bar{
void set_Progress(ToolStripStatusLabel^ label,Timer^ time){

[Code] ....

The way that I'm calling this method on Form1.h

void set_Progress(toolStripStatusLabel1 ,timer1);


Error1error C2182: 'set_Progress' : illegal use of type 'void'h:cry_devprogrammingc++school_mediaschool_mediaForm1.h277
Error2error C2078: too many initializersh:cry_devprogrammingc++school_mediaschool_mediaForm1.h277
Error3error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'System::Windows::Forms::Timer ^' to 'int'h:cry_devprogrammingc++school_mediaschool_mediaForm1.h277

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C++ :: Access Another Library (DLL) Which Has Same Class Name And Method Name

May 27, 2013

I have 2 c++ libraries called "Lib1" and "Lib2". Both libraries have same class called "Total.h and Total.cpp"

I want to access lib1 class in lib2. since it has same class (i.e same header file), i couldn't refer lib1's members in lib2.

Lib 1 :

Total.h :
class Total {
static void Test(double);

[Code] .....

How to access another library which has same name and how to add header file ?

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C# :: Build A Web Application That Uses P/invoke To Access A Method?

Nov 26, 2012

I am trying to build a web application that uses p/invoke to access a method. Similiar to the one used here - [URL] However I keep getting the following error message - Unable to load DLL 'MyDll.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E) I read say to change the output directory to match that of the Mydll directory I have tried that and it still does not work.

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C++ :: How To Access Base Method Via Derived Pointer

Oct 1, 2013

I would like to access (use) a (virtual) method declared in a base class via a pointer to an object belonging to a derived class, which overrides the base method. Is it possible? Up to now I have not been successful. I am including a program with a more detailed description.

// declare a base class T0 with virtual function P, and a derived
// class T1 which overrides P; declare two ptrs, to T0 and T1,
// and generate corresponding objects; calling P via the two
// ptrs gives expected result; however I would like to take
// ptr to T1 object & execute the base function (declared
// in T0); is it possible? I tried all possible casts but nothing
// works; no matter how I cast the pt1 ptr, I always end up executing
// the overriding function (declared in T1)
// actual output (debian 7, gcc 4.7.2-5):


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C++ :: Using Variables To Access Objects In Windows Form

Dec 4, 2014

Alright, so I'm making a windows form with a few hundred buttons, and one button will change color based on data the program receives over a socket. This is what I have, and it kind of works, but I don't want to have to make another if statement for all 260 buttons.

void hitmiss(std::string u){
std::string^ ind = reccdata2();
if (u == "button6"){
if (ind == "1"){
this->button6->BackColor = System::Drawing::Color::Red;
this->textBox2->Text = L"hit";

[Code] .....

What I want to do is make it more like

void hitmiss(System::String^ u){
std::string^ ind = reccdata2();
if (ind == "1"){
this->u->BackColor = System::Drawing::Color::Red;
this->textBox2->Text = L"hit";

[Code] ....

But it returns the error that u is not a part of Form1.

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C++ :: How To Access Class Member And Methods From Static Method (signal Handler)

Dec 4, 2014

I am writing my program on C++ language. I have one promblem. I need to set signal handler for my process. As the signal is related with the process on system level I have faced the problem.

My program consists several classes. They are connected together. But it doesn't metter in this case. The problem is that I need to access to member and methods of the class from my signal handler. For instance , I have class named Foo at it has some members and methods.

So from my handler I need to call its function and change members.

I understand that compiler should know that this class instances will exist during all program execution.

I have tried to set static member class Foo instance in another class , but this didn't solve the problem.

What is correct approach to do this. How to correctly implement signal handling in such case.

Here is example of my code

class MyContainer{
std::vector<Foo> container;
int removeFromContainer(Foo* aFoo) {

[Code] .....

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C# :: Access To Other Form Once User And Password Validation Granted Subform

Aug 24, 2014

What I want is just to make a validation of the users and passwords already set within my array and go to the other form. By the way this form I already made it my start up form on program.cs with the same command I am trying to back to MainForm.

void Button1Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
string error = "denied";
string[,] usrpass = {{"User1", "pass1"}, {"User2", "pass2"}, {"User3", "pass3"}, {"User4", "pass4"},
{"User5", "pass5"}};

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Const Method Accessing Private Data Member Giving Access Violations

Oct 17, 2014

My code is here [URL]

void Player::Display() const
cout << "
Player Name: " << GetName() <<
Grade: " << GetGrade() << "
G.P.A. " << GetGPA() << endl;

The problem occurs in here, I get access violations, is there a way to this while keeping Display const or is this code valid and my problem is somewhere else and not being caught in the debugger? I tried to make the return types const - but that didn't work .....

//Getters need const twice for this to work?
const char* Player::GetName() const {return m_name;}
const int Player::GetGrade() const {return m_grade;}
const double Player::GetGPA() const {return m_gpa;}


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C++ :: Undefined Reference To (method Name) When Accessing Method In Static Library

Jan 17, 2013

I've been trying for more than one month to access a method found in a library called libcocosnas_static.a. I'm using Cocos2d-X version 2.0.4. The library has been used many times by my company to make games using cocos2d-1.0.1-x-0.12.0 without any problem.

This is what I've done:
1- I added the include paths of the library to both eclipse and Android.mk
2- Included the .h file using #include "NASPlatformUtil.h"
3- Added the libcocosnas_static.a file to the proj.androidobjlocalarmeabi folder
4- Added "LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES += cocosnas_static" to the Android.mk file
5- Called the function using: NASPlatformUtil:: openUrl("http://xxx.xxx.com/");

I can right click on the function, click Open Declaration and get it without any problem, but the compiler keeps on giving me that dreaded error...

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C++ :: How To Call Class Method / Function From HXX File In CPP File

Feb 11, 2014

How do I call a class method which is defined in a .hxx file separately to a .cpp file? Is it any different from how we normally do it (using the scope resolution operator after the class name and then the method name with parameters) ?

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C# :: Login Then Close Form And Open Main Form

Aug 25, 2014

This is more of a Application Design question, Let's say I have Form1(Login), this is opened from Program.cs, when the user enters details, the Event Handler makes a instance of a class, adds the data and stores the instance within Program.cs class.

So the best thing to do here, is to close the Form1(Login) and open Form2(Main) via Program.cs so that I can send the List<Login> object with my Login instance objects to said form. This form will remain open throughout the applications use as it's like the main GUI for all the programs functions.

When I close this form, I may want to save some information before the application is terminated, so I may as well store the Login instances in Program.cs anyway.

Main stepping stone: Multiple (usually around 3 max) users can login this system if need be, which will mean closing Form2(Main) and then opening Form1(Login) so that once Form1 is closed it can recreate the From2(Main) form and pass the new List<Login> to that form.

What's the best way to do this, at the moment i'm creating the Form2 instance like so:

//Detect the Login form being closed
loginForm.Closed += new EventHandler(OnLoginClosed);
//Open the main form when the login is closed
private void OnLoginClosed(object sender, EventArgs e)

[Code] .....

This seems like it will work and do the job, but is there a better and cleaner way? The List<Login> will be passed to Forms which are created via Form2(Main) as this information will be needed. It's just that ive been told not to use Forms for too much data containment.

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C# :: Sharing Variables From Login Form To Another Form

Mar 10, 2015

I have a form with 2 text boxes (Email and Password)

The user fills in the text boxes and clicks on the Log in button. The code behind the log in button does the following, First connects to a table (Users) in phpmyadmin. Next runs a SQL query (SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE Email = '" + sEmail + "' AND Password = '" + sPassword + "'") sEmail being the variable created from the text entered in Email text box and the same for password.

Next if the record count == to 1 it opens up the main menu form and if the record count == 0 it fails and the user does not get to the main menu.

All of the above is fine and working however what I want to do is take over a variable from the log in form to the other forms.

The code is below for the sign in button as all my code is behind that (I think this may be where I'm going wrong).

public partial class WelcomeForm : Form{
public static string connStr = "server = localhost; " +
"database = ppw5; " +
"uid = James; " +
"pwd = buster;";

[Code] .....

And the Main menu form where I'd like to take a variable over with me, lets assume the variable is the UserID from the database table that I pull from the dTable I created.

public partial class MenuForm : Form {
//Call the CloseProgram class and create a new method called ClassClose.
CloseProgram ClassClose = new CloseProgram();
WelcomeForm User = new WelcomeForm();
public MenuForm() {

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Linked List - Method To Add To File

Feb 21, 2013

I am trying to write a program which involves linked list. i have to create a method called add_aa( str ). I am reading from a text file. in the text file it just contains the values for str. what I am trying to do is create the method add_aa( str ) and add what corresponds to str from the file. here is what the output should look like. and what i have is very basic. here is what i have

inline void LList:: add_aa(const string _str) {
    cout << " p = " << std::hex << p << std::dec << '

I'm thinking using a for statement, but how to incorporate it

Attached Images : sample.JPG (35.2 KB)

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C# :: Using Split Method To Parse Line In CSV File

Jun 6, 2014

I'm using the Split method to parse line in a csv file. The following code works if there are no commas in the text of my data.

string csvLine;
string[] splitLine;
csvLine = "Jim Borland,1234,Never dreams in code";
splitLine = csvLine.Split(',');

But if I have commas in the some of the text as below I get then wrong output. So I need split on a commas which are not enclosed in double quotes.

string csvLine;
string[] splitLine;
csvLine = ""Jim,C,Borland",1234,"Never dreams in code"";
splitLine = csvLine.Split(',');

The output I want is:

Never dreams in code

I found this :

If your strings are all well-formed it is possible with the following regular expression:

String[] res = str.split(",(?=([^"]|"[^"]*")*$)");

The expression ensures that a split occurs only at commas which are followed by an even (or zero) number of quotes ... and thus not inside such quotes).

Nevertheless, it may be easier to use a simple non-regex parser.

But the .split gives me an error and .Split doesn't work either.

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C++ :: Implementing Static Templated Method In Cpp File

Apr 16, 2012

I declared a member method to a class in its header file and implemented it in the cpp file. When I build and run the project in XCode, everything works fine. When I try to do it with a makefile, I get undefined symbols linker errors.


#include <string>
#include "variable.h"
namespace ninja_game_engine {

[Code] ....

The exact makefile looks like this:


[Code] ....

I'm pretty sure that there is a weird namespace gotcha that I'm unaware of that LLVM (default OSX compiler) is compensating for that g++ isn't. Or maybe something weird with the optimization? I want the tests running at that level to make sure everything that is volatile is declared as such.

Rest of the code located here: [URL] ....

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C++ :: Create File With Given Size And Then Randomly Access File To Populate It

Feb 17, 2015

I am interested in creating a file of a given size and then randomly accessing the file to populate it. Is there a way to quickly create, for instance, a 4 GByte file in C++, initially populated with garbage?

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C/C++ :: Loading File In Windows Form - Richtextbox

Feb 7, 2015

I want to load a file to rich text box component. I have this line:

richTextBox1->LoadFile("StudentaiRez.txt", RichTextBoxStreamType->PlainText);

But I get an error when I try to pass second parameter. It says : type name is not allowed.

I probably write it wrong, but I can't remember the correct way. In examples I only see that instead of -> dot is used, but it doesn't work either.

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C# :: How To Apply XAML File In Windows Form

Dec 7, 2014

I need to apply theme file in windows form but I can't. When I use the code below I get error because there is no System.Windows.Application

StreamResourceInfo sri = System.Windows.Application.GetResourceStream(
new Uri("App.xaml", UriKind.Relative));
var resources = (System.Windows.ResourceDictionary)Load(sri.Stream); ;
var app = new System.Windows.Application();

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C# :: Method Of Mapping Text File Dictionary To Class Fields

Jan 21, 2014

So I'm rewriting an old project of mine, and I'm trying to determine if there's truly any better way to map the data taken from a text file "dictionary" into the correct class fields for further processing. For example:


In each of these, I'd need the "value" (MY_FIRST_NAME, MY_LAST_NAME, etc) from the "keys" (FNAME, LNAME, etc) to be mapped to the proper class fields. Say, for example, I had this:

Class DataProcessing {
public string Address;
public string FirstName;
public string LastName;
public int TotalCalls;

I would need DataProcessing.Address to be set to the value in the ADDR key/value pair. The same would be true for each other field. The problem is that based on the text file's source (which isn't under my control, and won't be changed anytime soon), the key/value pairs are not always in the same place...so a second file could have the data as such:


Any smarter way to do this than looping through each line that was read in from the file, and determining where it belongs, such as (pseudo code follows):

//Assign to TotalCalls field
//Assign to Address field
ELSEIF FieldName == (You get the picture...)
//Do thing N_Field

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C# :: Selection From 1 Form DatagridView On Second Form

Sep 5, 2014

I have 3 Windows Form: frmMain, frmFirstForm, and frmSecondForm.

frmMain is the form that will load when the application is started with 2 tabs to access frmFirstForm and frmSecondForm.

Here's my problem:

After making a selection from a combobox on frmFirstForm, I would like a datagridview header to change based on the selection made. Here is a list of items on one combobox: Item1, Item2, Item3, Item4. When somebody chooses Item one, the header on the datagridview on frmSecondForm should display: JohnItem1, PaulItem1, BradItem1 and so on. Those items are not part of the comboboxes, but they will be shown as header text on the datagridview on the second form either automatically or after clicking OK from frmMain. There's no OK button on frmFirstForm, but on frmMain.

The only code I have right now is the if statement on the form load on frmSecondForm. Here's what I have:

private void HeaderTextLoad() {
if(comboboxonfirstform.text = "Item1") {
datagridview1.Columns[0].HeaderText = "ItemJohn";
datagridview1.Columns[1].HeaderText = "ItemPaul";
... And so on.

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C++ :: Read All Values / Strings Form Unknown File

Nov 4, 2014

For an assignment I have to write a program which basically converts 8 bit binary numbers to ASCII and outputs the assembled text. Here's the catch:

The 8-bit binary numbers are provided by some external file (which only contains 8 bit binary numbers); the name and hence length is not known. The external file is called with a pointer upon execution

(./"conversion program" < external_file.in).

I'm getting the 8 bits as a string, calculate/convert decimals, output char type. HOW do I know when to stop the loop? If I just pick an insanely high number I get random stuff at the end; no boundaries obviousely lead to an infinite loop. Can I determine the lenght of this random ext file somehow nonetheless?

Is it possible to create a vector which dynamically adjusts itself until there are no more strings = end of the file?

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