C++ :: How To Access Base Method Via Derived Pointer

Oct 1, 2013

I would like to access (use) a (virtual) method declared in a base class via a pointer to an object belonging to a derived class, which overrides the base method. Is it possible? Up to now I have not been successful. I am including a program with a more detailed description.

// declare a base class T0 with virtual function P, and a derived
// class T1 which overrides P; declare two ptrs, to T0 and T1,
// and generate corresponding objects; calling P via the two
// ptrs gives expected result; however I would like to take
// ptr to T1 object & execute the base function (declared
// in T0); is it possible? I tried all possible casts but nothing
// works; no matter how I cast the pt1 ptr, I always end up executing
// the overriding function (declared in T1)
// actual output (debian 7, gcc 4.7.2-5):


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C++ :: Pass Method Of Derived Class As Parameter To Another Method In Base Class?

Feb 2, 2015

I have a question similar to the one here: [URL] .....

The main difference is I would like to pass a method of derived class as a parameter to some other method in its template base class.

template <typename BaseType>
class Base {
typedef void (Base::*Callback)(int A);

[Code] .....

The above is an example which does not compile. My compiler complains that the two BaseMethod() calls in DerivedMethod() are invalid uses of non-static member function.

Is this not possible to do, or is my syntax simply wrong? All I want is to be able to pass as an an argument to a method in the base class from the derived class some callback as a variable for the base class to invoke later.

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C++ :: Copy Derived Class Object Through A Pointer To Base

Jan 14, 2015

Is there a way to copy a derived class object thru a pointer to base?

For example:

class Base { public: Base( int x ) : x( x ) {}
private: int x; };
class Derived1 : public Base { public: Derived( int z, float f ) : Base( z ), f( f ) {}
private: float f;};
class Derived2 : public Base { public: Derived( int z, string f ) : Base( z ), f( f ) {}

[Code] ....

The question is whether *B[0] would be a Derived1 object and *B[1] a Derived2 object?If not, how could I copy a derived class thru a pointer to the base class?

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C++ :: Friendship From Derived Class Method To Base Class Members

Jul 15, 2014

I would like to know if there's a way to make a method from a derived class a friend of its base class. Something like:

class Derived;
class Base {
int i, j;
friend void Derived::f();

[Code] ......

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C++ :: Cast Base Class Pointer To Derived Class Pointer

Feb 6, 2015

I create an instance of a base class (not derived class) and assign it to base class pointer. Then, I convert it to a pointer to a derived class and call methods on it.

why does it work, if there is a virtual table?

when will it fail?

// TestCastWin.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
class B
B(double x, double y) : x_(x), y_(y) {}
double x() const { return x_; }

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Deleting Array Of Derived Class Objects Through Base Class Pointer

Mar 21, 2015

In this book, item 3 is about never treat arrays polymorphically. In the latter part of this item, the author talks about the result of deleting an array of derived class objects through a base class pointer is undefined. What does it mean? I have an example here,

class B
virtual ~B() {

[Code] ....

This sample code does exactly what I want. So does the author mean the way I did is undefined?

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C++ :: Access Private Data Of Base Class Without Access Modifier

Sep 9, 2013

if we don't provide the acces modifiers for base class and we need to manipulate the private data of base class in derived class. Is there anyway to acces the private data members? Here's a coding example

class A {
private :
int a;
class B : public class A {
public :
void displayA() { cout<<a<<endl; }

how i can acces the a of base class A in derived class B without acces modifiers.

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C++ :: How To Make Derived Dependent Of Base In One File

Feb 10, 2014

I have a class Base (abstract, with pure virtual) and Derived (which inherit Base). I use this:

Base* A = new Derived();

But I can do this:

Derived A;

How make Derived dependent of Base in one file?

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C++ :: Create Base Class That Is Derived (inherited) By Three Other Classes?

Apr 30, 2013

how to create a base class that is derived (inherited) by three other classes?

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C++ :: Initializing Base Class Part From Derived Object Using Copy Constructor

Feb 20, 2012

class Base
char * ptr;
Base(char * str)


Obj1 is a derived class object where base class char pointer is initialized with "singh" and derived class char pointer is initilized with "sunil". I want to create Obj2 out of Obj1. Separate memory should be created for Obj2 char pointer (base part and derived part as well) and that should be initialized with the strings contained in Obj1.

Here the problem is: Derived class part can be initialized with copy constructor. How to initialize the base class char poniter of Obj2 with the base class part of Obj1. char pointers in
both the classes are private.

I tried using initializer list but could not succeed.

Is there some proper way to do this?

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C++ ::  Inheritance Using Base Method With Other Name?

Feb 18, 2015

I have 2 classes with a Function with the same definition (both inherited from the same base class) and in my derived class I derive from both of those 2. Is it possible to use the Methods of both classes? for example with an other name?

class A {
int print(int a) { std::cout << "int A: " << a << std::endl; }
class B : A

[Code] ....

is there something like using C::print as printc;?

The Problem, I have a Sprite class that derives from a Rectangle with properties Position, Size, Origin and Angle and a Text class that derives from Rectangle. Now i have a Button class deriving from both Sprite and Text.

- The Position, when moving the Button i have to change the position of both so i Implemented a new Method which calls SetPosition from the Sprite and the Text.
- The SetSize just affects the Button so i just did using Sprite::SetSize;
- The angle affects both so i just implemented a new Method and hide the other two

The problem is here:
- The Origin: writing button.SetOrigin(-1,0) should set the Origin of the Button and writing button.SetTextOrigin should set the Origin of the text.

Should i just reimplement a Mehtod named SetTextOrigin and call Text::SetOrigin from there and hide the button.Text::SetOrigin or is there something like using Text::SetOrigin as SetTextOrigin?

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C++ :: Get Access To Functions Of A Derived Class

Jul 11, 2013

I have a big problem with searching a solution for getting access on getters and setters of the derived classes of an interface.


class IfParam

Now I have a derived class for each needed datatype. E.g.

class Int32Param: public IfParam
Int32Param(IfParam* l_param);
int getValue();
void setValue(int l_value);


My Problem now ist getting access to the getters/setters over the interface. I wish I could initialize the Params like this:

IfParam* param = new Int32Param();

IfParam* param = new StringParam();

But to have access to the getter/setter I have to declaire the functions in the interface as generic functions. But how? I tried to use temlates, but then i have to declaire IfParam as IfParam<int>. Thats a problem because in my original program I do not know which TypeParam the IfParam interface will be initialized with when I create the pointer.

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C++ :: Overriding Base Class Template Method

Jan 22, 2015

PHP Code:

class B {
     template<class T>
     T foo(){}
class D1:public B {

[Code] ....

I have that code piece and would want it to work but it doesn't.

Error "Error2error C2993: 'double' : illegal type for non-type template parameter '__formal' ....

I have no choice and have to use double and float for template typename when specializing. I tried to wrap it up like this

PHP Code:

typedef struct DOUBLE {
     DOUBLE(double d){ val = d; }
     double val;

but it's of no use.

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C/C++ :: Access Derived Classes Functions On A Vector

Jan 19, 2014

I need to access the functions of the derived classes from a vector of objects of base classes (can't believe I wrote it). Here a Diagram for you to understand:

So as you see, I need the function Use() from the Usable class, to be able to be called from the vector like:


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C++ :: Calling Method Of Specialized Template Base Class In Subclass

Feb 10, 2013

class IFoo {
virtual void Bar() = 0;

class FooAbstract {
virtual void Bar() {}

[Code] .....

How to call the Bar() method from FooTemplate in FooDerived::Bar()?

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C++ :: How To Access Virtual Base Class

May 4, 2013

How can I access the virtual base class? This is a practice exercise from c++ primer plus 6.

The problem is that the name becomes No Name instead of the name specified when creating the gunslinger, I don't know how I can call the virtual base class explicitly


#ifndef PERSON_H_
#define PERSON_H_
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using std::string;
class person


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C++ :: How To Access A Method Form CPP File

May 21, 2013

How to access a method from a .h file in another .cpp file


// main.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include "inc/one.h"
using namespace std;
int main( ){

School Tadd;
return 0;

[Code] ....

When I compile , i am getting the below error

In function main:
undefined reference to `School::AddTeacher(int)'
Build finished: 1 error

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C++ :: Access Another Library (DLL) Which Has Same Class Name And Method Name

May 27, 2013

I have 2 c++ libraries called "Lib1" and "Lib2". Both libraries have same class called "Total.h and Total.cpp"

I want to access lib1 class in lib2. since it has same class (i.e same header file), i couldn't refer lib1's members in lib2.

Lib 1 :

Total.h :
class Total {
static void Test(double);

[Code] .....

How to access another library which has same name and how to add header file ?

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C# :: How To Access Form Method From Another Class

Jan 7, 2015

Basically am trying to reference a method in a my Form1 class into another class. So far I have tried multiple different methods to try and access the method but have not managed it so far. Both classes use the same namespace. The part of my form class that I am using are as follows:

public class Form1 : Form
IContainer components = null;
private ButtonPanelThread p1, p3, p4;


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C++ :: Calling Derived Class Functions In A Function With Parameter Of Base Class

Mar 30, 2013

Say I have 3 classes:

class Player {
virtual func1();


Say in my main class, I have a function fight(Player p1, Player p2) and I would like to do something like this in the fight function, given that p1 is the human and p2 is the computer:

//function fight()
fight(Player p1, Player p2) {
//using function fight()
fight(human, computer);

When I compile the program, I got this: error: ‘class Player’ has no member named 'func2()' What can I do to allow p1 to call func2 inside fight()? I'm not allowed to use pointers as the parameter for fight() and have to use the signature fight(Player p1, Player p2).

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C++ :: Size Of Derived Class With Overriding Virtual Functions From Base Class?

Jan 21, 2014

The compiler creates virtual table for the base class and also for the derived class whether we override it or not.

That means each class has separate virtual table. when we get the size of the each class with out any data members... the size of base is -- 4 bytes(64 bit) and the size of derived is -- 1

The size of base class 4 is correct since it creates the virtual pointer internally and its size is member data + virtual pointer, but it in this case I have included any data members so it has given 4 byts.

But why in case of derived is 1 byte, since it the derived class has overridden the virtual function from base, this will also contains the virtual pointer which will be pointing to derived class Vtable, it the size of the class suppose to be 4 instead of 1 byte.

class A{


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C++ :: Transfer Values Set In Privates Of Base Class By Object Of One Derived Class To Another

Apr 26, 2014

I have my main.cpp like this:

#include <iostream>
#include "curve1.h"
#include "curve2.h"
using namespace std;
int main() {
Curve1 curve1Obj;
Curve2 curve2Obj;


Base class Score has two derived classes Curve1 and Curve2. There are two curve() functions, one is in Curve1 and other in Curve2 classes. getSize() returns the value of iSize.

My base class header score.h looks like this:

#ifndef SCORE_H
#define SCORE_H
class Score {
int *ipScore;
float fAverage;
int iSize;


You can see that I have used curve1Obj to enter scores, calculate average and output. So if I call getSize() function with cuve1Obj, it gives the right size that I took from user in enterScores() function. Also the result is same if I call getSize() in score.cpp definition file in any of the functions (obviously).

The problem is when I call curve() function of Curve2 class in main (line 23) with the object curve2Obj, it creates a new set of ipScore, fAverage and iSize (i think?) with garbage values. So when I call getSize() in curve() definition in curve2.cpp, it outputs the garbage. .....

How can I cause it to return the old values that are set in curve1.cpp?

Here is my curve2.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include "curve2.h"
using namespace std;
void Curve2::curve() {
cout << "getSize() returns: " << getSize() << endl; // out comes the garbage

Can I use a function to simply put values from old to new variables? If yes then how?

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C++ :: Creating Array Of Pointers To Base Class To Point To Derived Class Objects Dynamically

Jan 16, 2013

Please consider the following code :

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class superclass;
class subclass1;
class subclass2;

[Code] ....

As you can see I want to create a dynamically allocated storage of references to a parent class each of which can then point to a child class, how ever I do not know how to extract the child class out again from that array so i may access its variable b.

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C++ :: Derived Class Not Overwriting Base Class Function - Using Vectors

Feb 4, 2014

So I have a base class, lets call it base. In base I have a virtual function called update(), update just couts "base" then I have a class derived from base called derived;

it has a function called update(), update just couts "derived" then I create a vector called Vec it's initialised like this:

std::vector<base> Vec;

then I add an element into it like this

Derived DerElement;

then when I type:

for (int i=0; i<Vec.size(); i++) {

It outputs:

Derived DerElement2;

and it outputs this:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
class Base {
virtual void Update() {

[Code] .....

and this is it's output:

Press any key to continue . . .

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C++ :: Variable Belonging To Base Class - Tell Compiler Consider This To Be Derived Class?

Oct 12, 2013

I have an example where I have a variable belonging to a base class, but I would like to tell the compiler that it actually belongs to a derived class. How can I do this?

// base class: R0
// derived class: R1
// see function SetR1 for the problem
class R0 {
int a;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Can Base Class Call Overridden Function From Derived Class?

Aug 28, 2013

I just wondering if a base class can call the overridden function from a Derived class?

Here's an example:

//Base Class H
class BaseClass {
virtual ~BaseClass();
virtual void functionA();

[Code] ....

So basically, when I am creating a new object of Derived class, it will initialize BaseClass and the BaseClass will call functionA but I want it to call the function overridden by Derived class.

I know that if I call newObj->functionA it will call the overridden function. Right now I want the base class to call the overridden function "this->functionA(); in BaseClass" during its initialization. Is it possible to do that?

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