C :: Dynamic String Using Variable Number Of Arguments

Mar 6, 2015

I need to create dynamic string by given format(%d,%s,%f,%lf,%c) using variable number of arguments in function. This code gives me an error(main.exe has stopped working):


char *form(char *format,...);
char *form(char *format,...)


I assume the error is in functions(itoa,fcvt,ecvt).

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C/C++ :: Dynamic String Using Variable Number Of Arguments

Mar 14, 2015

I need to create dynamic string by given format(%d,%s,%f,%lf,%c) using variable number of arguments in function. This code gives me an error(main.exe has stopped working):

char *form(char *format,...);
char *form(char *format,...)

[Code] ....

I assume the error is in functions(itoa,fcvt,ecvt).

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C++ :: Functions With Variable Number Of Arguments

Apr 21, 2014

Write a function write with variable number of arguments that takes a string first argument followed by any number of arguments of type double and prints on the screen a string formatted by the rules described below. The first argument may contain formats in curly braces of the form {index[:specifier]}, where the square brackets show optional parts (this is :specifier may be missing), and index is the sequence number of an argument of type double (starting from sequence number 0).

Rules for formatting: In the printed string the curly brackets and their content will be replaced by the argument with the given index, formatted according to the given format specifier. If the format specifier is missing, the argument will be printed with its default format. For example:

write("The number {0} is greater than {1}.", 5, -3);
will print
The number 5 is greater than -3.

write("There are no format specifiers here.");
will print
There are no format specifiers here.

The format specifiers and their meanings are listed in the following table

Specifier MeaningFormat Output for 1.62 Output for 2.0
none default {0}1.62 2
ccurrency{0:c}$1.62 $2.00
escientific{0:e}1.620000e+000 2.000000e+000
ffixed point{0:f}1.620000 2.000000
iround to int{0:i}2 2

Limitations: You may limit the maximum number of arguments your function can process to a certain value, for example 10.

Suggested extensions:
-Add an optional alignment specification in the format , e.g., make the format of the form {index[,alignment][:specifier]}, where alignment is an integer specifying the width of the field in which the corresponding argument will be printed. If alignment is positive, align to the right, if it is negative, align to the left.
-Accept an optional integer after the specifier letter, specifying the required precision in the output. For example, {0:f2} will print the number 1.6234 as 1.62, but {0:f5} will print it as 1.62340.

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C/C++ :: Unlimited Number Of Arguments - Float To String Conversion

Mar 21, 2015

So, I'm supposed to do : Create a function with unlimited number of arguments, which forms a dynamic string based on the following form (%d, %s, %f, %lf, %c), with the following prototype:

char*create(char*form, ...);

The function is supposed to have the following output:

create("Peter is %d years old and is in %s-%c class.",7,"second",'A');
-> Peter is 7 years old and is in 7-A class.
create("His GPA is %lf.",4.96);
-> His GPA is 4.96.
create("His favourite subject is math!");
-> His favourite subject is math!

I've managed to do the following :

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
char *create(char *form, ...) {
char *res =(char*)calloc(1,1),*pos_int,*pos_float,*pos_str,pos_char,*pos_long;

[Code] ....

The part with %d and %s string was not that hard, but now I'm supposed to convert %f and %lf to string, I've tried using sprintf but I've had no luck so far, another problem is the fact that I've gotta use lists to complete the task. I've been trying to convert float to string for the past 2 hours, but I'm drawing a blank now.

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C++ :: Error Passing Dynamic Array As Arguments

Dec 9, 2013

I am trying to make quicksort and binary search and I get error when I am passing dynamic array to argument. It also says error during initialization of the dynamic array.

//.h file

#ifndef SortableArray_h
#define SortableArray_h

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

[Code] ....

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C :: Prototype For A Function Accepting Variable Arguments

Dec 6, 2014

what should be the prototype for the following function.

Code:void addition(int x, ...);

I am getting compilation errors. I have written the prototype as :

Code: void addition(int, va_list);

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C++ :: Creating A Variable Inside Function Arguments

May 15, 2013

In the following code:

#include <iostream> // For stream I/O
using namespace std;
int function(int a) {
return a;
int main() {
function(int b);

Why is creating a variable inside the function argument list not allowed. Any reason other then for the language syntax or just for the language syntax?

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C :: Dynamic Variable In A Structure

Feb 16, 2015

After i set the value in the first structure owners name, i set the cats name equal to it. but when i change the value in the first structure it doesn't change the value in the second structure.

So i need the dogs owners name to be equal to the cats owners name

So if i change the value of the dogs owner it also changes the value of the cats owner.

#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

struct structDog {

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Dynamic Array Of Variable-length Strings

Oct 10, 2013

I believe that everything is fine except that I can think of the condition can be inserted inside the parentheses ..

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int i=0, k=0;
char *string_n, **matrix, temp;


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C :: Function Fails On Even Number Of Arguments

Nov 3, 2013

What I have is a main function that takes input characters from the command prompt during the main function call, and coverts it to an integer array a using atoi. (starting at the 2nd character - the 1st is reserved for another call that I plan to reference later, and the 0th is obviously the ./function). A function is then called to find the mode of an array (the range of values in the array is 1-30). Now, when I run the whole thing, I get a segmentation fault (core dumped) for even number of arguments. It's late and I've been staring at it for too long...

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int get_mode(int a[], int count);


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C++ :: How To Calculate Number Of Arguments In A Function

Aug 19, 2013

i'm trying building my how Write() function:

template <typename T>
Write(T Argument1[,T ArgumentX])

how can i calculate the numeber of Arguments added? (in C we used an argument for tells how many we putted in a function, but not in these case)

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C++ :: VC Thread Arguments Number Limited?

Mar 2, 2013

I am using thread on VC 2012 (very close to VC 2010). When the argument list is short, it works fine. However, when I add a function with more arguments, the compiler indicates "no thread constructor match the argument list....etc", and when I reduce the number of arguments, it works.

Is there a limit about thread constructor? I didn't see this in ISO C++11 standard. How can I fix this limit?

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C++ :: Structure To Store Data From Database - Dynamic Initialization Of Variable

Jan 5, 2013

I created a class (let call it X) which contains the structure to store the data from my data base. Them I have a class (call Y) which will contain a list for each row in my data base. Third, I have a class with thousands variables (Z). What I am trying to do is to take the list of objects (Y) that contains the data to initialize Z. What I want to now if I can do something like that.

Imaging that one of my rows contain the following data:
Type Nameofvariable etc...
"static const double; MNFAIL ; 0; 0; 0,25"

In my list I have a node with contain this data

I want to use the field Nameofvariable to initialize the variable called MNFAIL contained in my class Z.

Is it possible in C++

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C++ ::  Storing Static Class Members Of Dynamic Variable Type In DLL

Oct 15, 2013

How I can implement it.


#include <list>
#ifdef TICKABLE_EXPORTS //Automatically defined by MSVS
#define DLL __declspec(dllexport)
#define DLL __declspec(dllimport)
#pragma comment(lib, "Tickable.lib")

class DLL Tickable{

[Code] ....

error LNK2001:
unresolved external symbol "private: static class std::list<class Tickable*,SKIPPED BITS> Tickable::subs" HUGE_SYMBOL_LIST

I know with such a tiny and insignificant class the dll export seems pointless but this class is actually intended to be a .lib ONLY. But it is derived from by .dll style classes, and through inheritance this error is the exact same as what appears in the derived class, I just imagine that the cut down version would be easier to work with.

Is it possible to hold either a static variable in a dll which is of a dynamic type, OR would it be possible to reference an external variable which is static throughout the instances and this variable can be chucked away in a namespace of mine somewhere?

I suppose my only other option (if this is possible) would be to define a maximum instance number and create a standard array of pointers but this could both waste so much memory when not in use and cause problems if I need more memory.

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C++ :: Write A Loop Assigning Variable X To All Positions Of String Variable

Sep 8, 2013

I have to write a loop assigning a variable x to all positions of a string variable and I'm stuck. I don't have extensive experience with arrays and I'm also a bit confused about C-String. The problem is below.

"Given the following declaration and initialization of the string variable, write a loop to assign 'X' to all positions of this string variable, keeping the length the same.

char our_string[15] = "Hi there!";

(Please note this is a 'C-string', not C++ standard string.)"

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C++ :: Function With 3 Arguments - Bring Back New Number Generated With Replacement

Oct 26, 2014

Write a function that takes 3 arguments. The function has to bring back a new number that has been generated with the replacement of the figure that is on a given position in the number with a figure that is been transferred as an argument(have in mind that the position of the figure is being counted from right to left,starting from one). Write a main program in which the newly formed numbers will be printed for numbers of a range written by the user.

Example: if you wrote the numbers 2276,3 and 5 the function should bring back the number 2576

If you didn't understand the text, the example shows that in the number 2276, the number has been counted from right to left by the second argument "3" and in the place of the figure "2" has been put the figure "5".

This is where I got stuck, I can't figure out how to make the replacement.

int argument(int x,int y,int z) {
return 0;
} int main() {
int a,b,c;
printf("Enter a value for a(100-999):");

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Variable Initiation - Calculate Number Of Multiplications It Took To Reach A Certain Number

Feb 19, 2014

So I have a template, part of a larger code, that is designed to calculate the number of multiplications it took to reach a certain number. The problem is, whenever I execute the program, mults is always printing out a strange number, perhaps its actual address.

template <class T>
T power3(T x, unsigned int n, unsigned int& mults) {
if (n == 0) return 1;
if (n == 1) return x;
if (n == 2){

[Code] ....

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C++ :: CString Program - Function Should Accept String Object Arguments

Feb 23, 2015

Write a function named replaceSubstring. The function should accept three C-string or string object arguments.

Let's call them string1, string2, and string3. It should search string1 for all occurrences of string2. When it finds an occurrence of string2, it should replace it with string3.

For example, suppose the three arguments have the following values:

string1: "the dog jumped over the fence"
string2: "the"
string3: "that"

With these three arguments, the function would return a string object with the value "that dog jumped over that fence." Demonstrate the function in a complete program.

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C :: Creating Dynamic String?

Mar 6, 2015


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
char * form(char *format, ...);


So, this is the code i have problem with, as far as i can see, function form actually does the same thing that printf does.It probably puts all of the arguments sent to the function together into one string.

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C :: Dynamic Array Of Pointers To String

Jun 11, 2013

I have a little problem with one of my functions. The function purpose is to get a number (n) and create an array (size n) with pointers to strings (each string length is 20 chars) and i don't know why but during the debugging i get a <bad ptr> message and this message :

CXX0030: Error: expression cannot be evaluated

This is my function:

char** getlist(int n) {
int i=0;
char **arr;
if (arr==NULL)

[Code] ....

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C :: Dynamic Allocation Of String Pointers

Mar 12, 2014

The snippet below (or similar) compiles and runs OK but I am using Visual Studio C++ compiler. Are the lines where .nameFirst and .nameLast assigned kosher in ANSI C?

Also I am concerned about the memory allocation for these string constants. Does the runtime system put them on the heap? It doesn't seem that they are really constants since they are not defined before runtime.


#include "stdlib.h"
typedef struct
unsigned id;
char* nameFirst;
char* nameLast;
} myList;


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C++ :: Dynamic Allocation For String Array

Jul 27, 2013

I coded a program that takes some strings and lexicographically orders the strings and its substrings. I have used dynamic memory allocation technique and its working fine for all strings without consecutive same alphabets.I use a list in which a string is placed in its exact position by moving the others right.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>


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C :: Directly Create Dynamic String From Stdin

Sep 14, 2014

Is it possible to create a dynamic char array on the fly directly from stdin? I do not want to create a fixed length array before hand and then copy contents of it into a malloc created array.

Code: //[1]
char line[MAX1];


I could do either [1](buffer overflow problem) or [2] and then goto [3]. But both will have a problem if the input is more than the size MAX1(use defined).

Is it possible to do something of the effect of readLine() method of BufferedReader class in Java or the Console.readLine in .NET? Is it possible to peek into stdin and see the size of the input and then creat an array of the same exact size?

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C++ :: Search Dynamic Array For A String And Return Indices

Feb 20, 2015

I need it to search a dynamic array which I build from an input file. When it finds the user-input string, I want it to store the line number, and continue searching, and record all lines that contain the user-input string.

Here is a link to my complete main.cpp, header file, and implementation file. The function I am having trouble with is "Bagger::lineSearch"

[URL] ....

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C++ :: Dynamic Function Execution Based On String Input

Jun 27, 2013

I've got some functions and macros that I want to execute based on a string input that matches the function's name. I came across as this being a possible solution that I'd like to pursue IF it is possible to do. To clarify, I want to be able to look at a string and if the string matches the name of a defined function or macro then it will execute. Is there an effective way to do this (or is it even possible)?

It has to be pretty robust and dynamic given the project's purpose. Basically there's an input file that is being parsed and functions should execute if called upon in the file. I can't simply match strings to their corresponding functions in decision statements, as this isn't robust and isn't scalable.

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C/C++ :: Converting String To Upper Case Via Dynamic Array?

May 21, 2014

I am trying to understand why i keep getting errors in my code. The errors are after the string is converted in my console window. I have to allocate and delete memory via dynamic array to do the problem.

using namespace std;
int main() {
string sentence;
int size;


I just want to know why the extra characters are at the end of my conversion and how to make them stop.

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