I can't get the sum of two randomly generated numbers - I don't believe the program is adding wrong what I think might be happening is upon hitting enter its adding two new randomly generated numbers -
Code: // Program functions as a math tutor #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <ctime> using namespace std; int main() { // Constants const int Min_Value = 1;
The program is supposed to be printing 21 different numbers that are randomly generated. Why am I getting the same number 21 times? Using dev C++ compiler.
/*prints random numbers between 1 - 99*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h>
How do i define a new color that is randomly generated in allegro.
I have this code here in the header file.
//FILE : circledefs.h //PURP : Define some constants for circle & background #ifndef CIRCLEDEFS_H #define CIRCLEDEFS_H #define NUMCIRCLES 3 //The frames per second for the timer #define FPS 60
And what i want to do here is learn how to create a random number gen. Now a few questions if you don't mind telling me is.
1 - can I create 3 random generators in this header file? Or do I have to do this in main.
2 - If I do have to do this in main can I still create this defined RANDOM as a color.
3 - I am sooooo new to this all i know is cin and cout code for C++, so will i need to know more about pointers to do this.
4 - for fun how hard would it be to make a game in allegro that uses music to define how the enemy moves and attacks. (yes that would be the final project.
So we're having an assignment for school where you code a Roulette game which simulates you playing and you can choose how many times you "play" to check how many times you'd win (if that makes any sense, im german :P)
Anyways, the problem is how do i store all the random generated numbers in an array while NOT doing this (it's just a snip):
void randomzahl(void){ int i; int zahl5[5]; int zahl10[10]; int zahl100[100]; int zahl1000[1000]; int zahl10000[10000]; if(runden == 5)
I have a error with one of my programs. I'm supposed to get rid of negative numbers when there are numbers that are randomly generated. Here is the middle part of the code.
{ int vectorLength = 10; vector<int> bothSigns(vectorLength); cout << " Input vector: "; for (int i = 0; i < vectorLength; i = i + 1) { bothSigns[i] = rand()%201 - 100;
[code] .....
The part where i'm supposed to start is after the /////'s. However, whenever I input a number for the random numbers(not put in part of code), i keep getting a segmentation error.
//This code gives randomly generated alphabets and if equal will cout the alphabet which is equal
1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <cstdlib> 3 #include <ctime> 4 using namespace std; 5 int main() 6 { 7 int a; 8 char array[10];
[Code] .....
My question is how to check that randomly generated alphabets are equal e.g in 22 number line it should give output of equal alphabets if they are equal but it does not give equal alphabets what wrong in this code mention the wrong statement, how will i get right answer?
I've been trying to create a roguelike, and I was trying to create randomly generated rooms like in Rogue. I'm seperating my map array into sections and giving it a 50% chance of spawning a room, but right now it doesn't do anything but spawn solid rock. What am I doing wrong?
int MapSizeX = 100; int MapSizeY = 100; char map[100][100] = {}; char wall = 178; int ViewDistance = 10;
I haven't found anything that small for Matrix multiplication i was just going to ask about how i would multiply to matrices together in c++ as easy as possible, so for example say a i have the following
[2 0 1 0 * [3 0 6 -1 0 2] 0 3 1 2 3 1]
How would i multiply these together. Here is the example
I am writing sample programs for graph problems like Dijkstra or Bellman-Ford algorithms. In Dijkstra, for instance, when I input my program a set of vertices and edges, ask to find shortest path from Vertex A to Vertex B, my program currently outputs shortest path from A to B. I want to display graph and have a visualization of the output generated. Is there a way to display nodes and connecting lines? What C++ classes would required achieve this?
I tried writing a cofactoring routine for n x n matrices and my code works but it shouldn't. Like, at all. But it does. Idk how and it's consistent.
Basically, my error is when assigning the sub-matrix for the cofactorization method I'm using from here :
Mathwords: Cofactor Matrix
My assignment routine should not work for the sub-matrix because of how I address the rows. under is always 0 and yet it'll assign values to the proper row. Idk how, it's magic.
Code: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> long double det(long double **x, int rank) { /* Determinant calculator routine */ /* We initialize the resulting determinant to zero */
The program below should add two matrices using function. I have problem in the third function (the summing function). It's saying that something wrong with the array! I'm new to arrays and functions.
#include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; int matrix1 (); int matrix1 (); int add ();
I am currently trying to pass a matrix (multidimensional array) from my main into a function in a class. As usual, you have to include all array sizes, except the first. Unfortunately, the size saved under a variable. When I write it in the square brackets, it doesn't work.
//main int main () { int n = 5; random object; object.declare_variable(n); int array [3][n]; object.pass_matrix(array);
I also tried, putting the variable 'var' in the public section above the void and declaring it as static, but still there are error messages; fewer, in my case:
...not an integer constant
So what should I do? Id like to repeat that the int n will vary, which is why I can't just directly write down the size.
Two different matrices will be read from text files (input1.txt, input2.txt) and they will be stored in two dimensional arrays (matrix1, matrix2) and one dimensional arrays (array1, array2). Our aim is to obtain the matrix multiplication using two dimensional and one dimensional arrays.
You are asked to write the main and the following functions. The definitions of the functions are given in the skeleton code.
int read_file(ifstream& in_file, int &row, int &col, double *array, double **matrix) int write_file(ofstream& out_file, int row, int col, double **matrix) void print_matrix(double **matrix, int row, int col) void print_array(double *array, int row, int col) void multip(double **matrix1, double **matrix2, double **result, int k, int m, int n) void multip_array(double *array1, double *array2, double *array_result, int k, int m, int n)
You are going to obtain the input and output files as command line arguments
input1.txt : 3 4 2 3 4 5 1 3 5 4 0 4 4 7
The first element in the first line represents the number of rows (3) and the second element represents the number of columns (4) of the matrix (the result file will have the same format).
thats my homework and here is the code i wrote from the sceleton code they gave me :
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; int read_file(ifstream& in_file, int &row, int &col,/* double *array,*/ double **matrix)
[Code] ....
I didn't understand the array part but even when i exclude the array part i get the program has stopped working message. My os is windows7 ultimate with mingw installed and i compile the program using g++ command in cmd with the arguments input.txt input2.txt resultt.txt
Write a function that takes 3 arguments. The function has to bring back a new number that has been generated with the replacement of the figure that is on a given position in the number with a figure that is been transferred as an argument(have in mind that the position of the figure is being counted from right to left,starting from one). Write a main program in which the newly formed numbers will be printed for numbers of a range written by the user.
Example: if you wrote the numbers 2276,3 and 5 the function should bring back the number 2576
If you didn't understand the text, the example shows that in the number 2276, the number has been counted from right to left by the second argument "3" and in the place of the figure "2" has been put the figure "5".
This is where I got stuck, I can't figure out how to make the replacement.
int argument(int x,int y,int z) { return 0; } int main() { int a,b,c; printf("Enter a value for a(100-999):"); scanf("%d",&a);