C++ :: Coin Program Not Taking In Amount Of Cents In Input

Mar 1, 2013

I'm currently working on a program to take the user's input as DDDD.CC and then converting it to the least amount of coins using quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies. I was told to not use any doubles or floats as they would produce errors. And supposed to the use the library function atoi() after I take the input user's amount as a string to convert it into an integer.

So far the string input has worked and it produced the right number of quarters but it leaves off the cents. For example, I put in 352.23 and it gives the right amount of quarters but leaves off the 23 cents.here's my code:

#include <iostream> // Allows the program to perform input and output
#include <stdlib.h> // Atoi
#include <string>
using namespace std ; // Enables a program to use all the names in any Standard C++ header
int main() // Start of program execution {
string line ;


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C++ :: How To Read Input Of Arbitrary Amount Of Numbers Instead Of Specific Amount

Feb 25, 2015

I'm trying to make a program that allows the user to input an arbitrary amount of numbers and finding the largest of all the inputs but I keep having problems with the output.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class comparator {

[Code] .....

And regardless of what numbers I enter, I always get the output of 10. Also I got the EOF idea from my textbook so if there is a better way of doing this I'd like to hear it. I don't know any clear ways that looks nice to end the while loop when the user doesn't have any more numbers to enter.

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C++ :: Program That Will Input Amount Of Chairs Sold For Each Style

Sep 10, 2014

Write a program that will input the amount of chairs sold for each style. It will print the total dollar sales of each style as well as the total sales of all chairs in fixed point notation with two decimal places.

The program runs fine I am just have problems with the output. I have tried a few different methods for the fixed point notation, but I am getting results like 324.5 rather than 324.50?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
//Declares variables for chairs
float americanColonial;
float modern;
float frenchClassical;


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C++ :: Create A Program That Will Let User Input Amount In Form?

Jan 4, 2014

Figure this out using [TURBO C]

Create a program that will let the user input an amount in the form (367). The Program should determine the no. of coins for each dominations : 50,25,10,5,1. (using Turbo C)

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C++ :: Dollar To Coin Value Program?

Jan 26, 2014

I am currently using Xcode on a Mac to compile a c++ program. My class uses Codeblocks and I am having issues with the variable names and commands.

The assignment is to write a program that calculates the quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies needed to input the amount of money. We have to apply the largest value coins first and use modulus for the remainder.

the input for turning in is: 398

This is idea I am getting...

#include <iostream>
int input;
int quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies;
cout<<"Enter dollar amount: ";
cin>> input;
quarters = inputquarters/.25;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Taking Input File And Doing Calculation

Dec 13, 2014

I am trying to work on a C++ program to calculate the quadratic formula using input files and classes. I have written my class, but I am trying to find a way to take an input file with unknown number of lines of coefficients. How do I take each integer from each line and set that value as "a" and "b" and so forth, then start over on the next line?

This is what i have so far.

fstream inputfile;//users input quadratic coefficients file
ofstream outputfile;// outputs a file with solutions
int main(int argc, char *argv[])// argc is argument count, char *argv[] is array of array of characters for arguments {
string dataline;
getline(inputfile, dataline);


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C++ :: Program To Determine Coin Change

Oct 20, 2013

I have a current assignment for C++ involving us to make a program to determine coin change for example if you input the number 127 you would need 2 half dollars 1quarter and 2 pennies I have no way how to program this.

This is my code that doesn't do what i want it to

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ( ) {
float change;
int half_dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies; // declare variables

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Program To Simulate Coin Toss

Nov 14, 2013

Write a program that simulates coin tossing. For each toss of the coin, the program should print Heads or Tails. Let the program toss the coin 100 times and count the number of times each side of the coin appears. Print the results. The program should call a separate function flip that takes no arguments and returns 0 for tails and 1 for heads. [Note: If the program realistically simulates the coin tossing, then each side of the coin should appear approximately half the time.]

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Visual C++ :: Taking Decimal Input From The User

Feb 21, 2015

I want the input for the price in decimal format(15.00). If the input is in integer format then I want to convert it to decimal format.

The maximum price for a sale is 999.99 and minimum is 0.00.

I have tried so far:

using std::cout;
using std::cin;
void main(){
float eventPrice;

[Code] .....

A valid input will be:


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C/C++ :: Taking String As Input And Making It As Whole Array (string Literal)

Oct 19, 2014

Very new to programming, and I know that there must be another way on inputting a string into each array cells not by just inputting it one by one, but as a whole. My code at the meantime is: [URL]

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C :: Read Amount Of Order From Standard Input / Compute And Print Total Price After Discount

Apr 13, 2014

A Bookseller makes special discount for multiple orders of a book as follows:

AMOUNT and DISCOUNT as follows.

5-9 5% 10-14 10% 15-19 15% 20+ 20%

Write a C main function to read the amount of order from the standard input and compute and print the total price of the given order after the discount. Assume that unit price of a book is 10.00$

My problem is that.When i start with this

#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void)
int number;
float TotalPrice;
printf("enter a number:");

[Code] ....

I get 0 if i enter a number between 0 and 4(0 and 4 included). I don't know where I am doing a mistake. I also want to know if i can handle this buy just if statements. or how can i do it by while and for loops ?

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C++ :: Getting Optimal Change In Cents

Sep 4, 2014

On one of my assignments I have to find the optimal change. For example, if I were to have 70 cents and had only quarters, dimes and pennies, the best way to receive change using less coins all together would be 2 quarters and 2 dimes (4 coins all together should be displayed).

All in all, I understand my assignment, however there is something I don't know how to do (or can't recall how to) and that is finding the the highest number in an array to use in a function and be able to compare it.

using namespace std;
//function in which amount = money, changeArray is the array where money is stored,
//and numCoins the amount of coin types there are available in the array

int optimalChange(int amount, int * changeArray, int numCoins) {

[Code] .....

What I'm stuck with, is that I don't remember how to get the highest number from the array that way I can compare it with the total amount when I'm building my function. Also, the function has to call itself recursively.

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C :: Program That Allow To Enter Certain Amount Of Values

Sep 29, 2014

How to write a code that will let me input how many variables I want.

Write a program that will enable you to enter a certain amount of values

Eg. 4

And then add the corresponding integers. Ex.

Choice: 4 12 34 56 78

The sum of the integers is: 180.

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C :: Changing Cents Into Individual Denominations

Sep 16, 2013

I haven't actually learned how to use arrays yet but I know the basic principle of it and decided to try and implement one to improve my code. I'm sure the thing is a bug ridden mess but I would particularly like to point your attention to the function sortDenomination(). Is what I am trying to do in the loop possible?

The reason why I want to do it this way and not with if statements for each denomination is because I can then easily apply this to the second part of the assignment which sees us split a double into dollars and cents and then process each separately. All I would have to differ for each is change the money_loop variable to include the last two denominations in the array.

#include <stdio.h>
/*Reads cents input from the user.*/
void getCents(int &read_cents) {
printf("Please enter the amount of cents between 5-95:

[Code] .....

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C++ :: How To Make Program That Presses Key After Certain Amount Of Time

Mar 9, 2013

Say I want to leave a program running and it stops when I press F9 for instance, I'm looking for something like (and note this is just a generalization).

#include blah
using namespace std;
/wait 2 hours
/key.press = F9
return 0;

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C++ :: Cents Calculator - Declaring Values Of Dimes And Quarters

Feb 1, 2013

How to declare the values of the the dimes and quarters in my program. The purpose of it is to add up the total number in cents while at the same time making sure the program is universal to be used with different numbers.

Here is my code.

/*Take the number of dimes and quarters and get the total ammount of cents*/

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ( ) {
int dimes,quarters,result,amount_1,amount_2
int result;

[Code] ....

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C :: Generate A Program That Will Allow User To Enter Data For A Stock And Calculate Amount Of Stocks

Oct 5, 2013

Okay, so my assignment for my C class is to generate a program that will allow the user to enter data for a stock and calculate the amount of stocks that ended up being positive, negative, and neutral.I tried to do this using one stock, here is my code;

#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>


void main()
float Neg;
float incst;
float shrs;
float bpps;
float crnt;
float crntcst;
float yrfes;
float pft;
float tpft;


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C++ :: Flipping A Coin Using Srand?

Aug 11, 2014

I'm just starting to learn C++ with Jumping into C++. In Chapter 9, we are asked to create a coining flipping program. My code runs, but I can't figure out why it keeps printing tails. Not very random. My thing was that I can pick heads if the random number generated from rand() is even, and tails if it is odd. But it just keeps printing tails.

Here is my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int rand_num;


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C++ :: Calculate Percentage Of Times Coin Flipped Either Heads Versus Tails

Feb 10, 2015

I'm having trouble getting the program to calculate the percentage of times it flipped either heads versus tails. I realize what I currently have doesn't work because above I initialized heads and tails by giving them values of 0, but I'm unsure of how to fix it.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
int main () {

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Taking A Screenshot In OpenGL

Sep 14, 2013

I've read up on .bmp files on wikipedia and am currently attempting to make a function that can export a .bmp file of the screen of my programs. I've already begun work on it but it isn't working. The code I have so far is:

typedef char Byte;
typedef int Byte4;
typedef short Byte2;
struct BMP_Header {

[Code] ....

My problems are that when less then the required amount of bytes is needed to store a value in the file, the 00 bytes are skipped (Ex. The file will contain 42 instead of 42 00 00 00), and the Pixels are stored as nothing but 0D ( every value intended for storing pixel data is 0D ).

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C# :: Button Taking To Another Page

Nov 12, 2014

I decided to code my own GUI menu. getting to another page from a button click. I have added the event handler I think (click="Button_click") then in the event handler I have added this:

private void Button_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e);

After researching it says either to use
Neither of these work, underlining "Response" and "Server" as an error saying "A namespace cannot directly contain members such as fields or methods."


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C++ :: Increment In Variable Not Taking Place

Oct 27, 2013

I have created this code; it is a taxi management system. I've made a class 'List' which handle a linked list structure of the waiting taxis and waiting passengers. The class has a public int variable: waiting, which keeps track of the number of waiting taxis/passengers.

using namespace std;
class Queue{ //Class for indivdual taxis and passengers, which will be members of linked list.
string id;
Queue *next;
Queue (){

[Code] .....

But when I run the code and type in a new taxi number, the code does not increment the number of taxis by one the linked list by one. I can't seem to find the problem.

BTW, in the 'int main', I've added "<< taxi_list.waiting" at the end of the line after the user inputs the new taxi registration number, so that I can see how many taxis are now on the list. This is what is being shown as zero, no matter what.

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C++ :: Class Taking Integers Or Doubles

Nov 18, 2014

Ok so I have a class that takes integer fractions and I want it to be able to take doubles also depending on what the user inputs. How would I go about this? I was thinking templates ...

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C/C++ :: Taking True Bool And Having It Display Statement Instead Of 1 Or 0

Dec 4, 2014

I am again a bit confused with bool since we have not used them much. I understand it is suppose to return a true or false value that is represented by 0 and 1. so I have these two bool's

bool Triangle::isRight() {
if (pow(largestSide(), 2) == (pow(smallestSide(), 2) + (pow(middleSide(), 2)))) {
return true;
} else {
return false;

[Code] ....

and then I cout to display them

cout << "Is this a right triangle: " << t2.isRight() << endl;
cout << "is this a Triangle: " << t2.isTriangle() << endl;

and i get this
"Is this a right triangle: " 0
"Is this a triangle: " 1

Which i know is correct but I want to replace the 1 and 0 with my own string but the things iv tried tweaking with has not worked.

Also in the file attached has some requirements from my teacher but i was confused at the second last one, --- bool isEqual(Triangle &other) and it says return true if triangles are equal and false if triangles are not.

I dont know if this is just simply if one triangle equals another (however you determine that) or if its for the two bool's, isTriangle() and isRight() or what.

Attached image(s)

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C/C++ :: Taking In File Path Names From User

Jul 22, 2014

How can I take in a path name like "C:myfolderfile.txt" where the user enters exactly that? I've tried putting the arg into a string, then looping through the string to find the '\', but by that time it is too late as c++ considers the '' as a escape character.

Is this even possible? I've googled it and everyone just says to make the user input the path with double \ or with a /.

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C++ :: Coin / Money Change Code Doesn't Give Exact Change

Feb 20, 2013

My coin/money change code works when there can be an exact change each time, i.e. when the 1 cent option is available. However, when the change options are only $10, $5, $1, 25 cents and 10 cents, it does not give me what I want for instance, I wanted to get change for $237.80, I was expecting to get:

23 10's, one 5, two 1's and 8 dimes. However, the code below is giving me 23 10's, one 5, two 1's and 3 quarters (there is no option left for the 5 remaining cents).how to fix it?

using namespace std;
void change(double cents, int a[]);
int main() {
double Dollars;
double cents;


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