C++ :: Increment In Variable Not Taking Place

Oct 27, 2013

I have created this code; it is a taxi management system. I've made a class 'List' which handle a linked list structure of the waiting taxis and waiting passengers. The class has a public int variable: waiting, which keeps track of the number of waiting taxis/passengers.

using namespace std;
class Queue{ //Class for indivdual taxis and passengers, which will be members of linked list.
string id;
Queue *next;
Queue (){

[Code] .....

But when I run the code and type in a new taxi number, the code does not increment the number of taxis by one the linked list by one. I can't seem to find the problem.

BTW, in the 'int main', I've added "<< taxi_list.waiting" at the end of the line after the user inputs the new taxi registration number, so that I can see how many taxis are now on the list. This is what is being shown as zero, no matter what.

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C++ :: Taking A Screenshot In OpenGL

Sep 14, 2013

I've read up on .bmp files on wikipedia and am currently attempting to make a function that can export a .bmp file of the screen of my programs. I've already begun work on it but it isn't working. The code I have so far is:

typedef char Byte;
typedef int Byte4;
typedef short Byte2;
struct BMP_Header {

[Code] ....

My problems are that when less then the required amount of bytes is needed to store a value in the file, the 00 bytes are skipped (Ex. The file will contain 42 instead of 42 00 00 00), and the Pixels are stored as nothing but 0D ( every value intended for storing pixel data is 0D ).

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C# :: Button Taking To Another Page

Nov 12, 2014

I decided to code my own GUI menu. getting to another page from a button click. I have added the event handler I think (click="Button_click") then in the event handler I have added this:

private void Button_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e);

After researching it says either to use
Neither of these work, underlining "Response" and "Server" as an error saying "A namespace cannot directly contain members such as fields or methods."


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C++ :: Taking Input File And Doing Calculation

Dec 13, 2014

I am trying to work on a C++ program to calculate the quadratic formula using input files and classes. I have written my class, but I am trying to find a way to take an input file with unknown number of lines of coefficients. How do I take each integer from each line and set that value as "a" and "b" and so forth, then start over on the next line?

This is what i have so far.

fstream inputfile;//users input quadratic coefficients file
ofstream outputfile;// outputs a file with solutions
int main(int argc, char *argv[])// argc is argument count, char *argv[] is array of array of characters for arguments {
string dataline;
getline(inputfile, dataline);


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C++ :: Class Taking Integers Or Doubles

Nov 18, 2014

Ok so I have a class that takes integer fractions and I want it to be able to take doubles also depending on what the user inputs. How would I go about this? I was thinking templates ...

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C/C++ :: Taking True Bool And Having It Display Statement Instead Of 1 Or 0

Dec 4, 2014

I am again a bit confused with bool since we have not used them much. I understand it is suppose to return a true or false value that is represented by 0 and 1. so I have these two bool's

bool Triangle::isRight() {
if (pow(largestSide(), 2) == (pow(smallestSide(), 2) + (pow(middleSide(), 2)))) {
return true;
} else {
return false;

[Code] ....

and then I cout to display them

cout << "Is this a right triangle: " << t2.isRight() << endl;
cout << "is this a Triangle: " << t2.isTriangle() << endl;

and i get this
"Is this a right triangle: " 0
"Is this a triangle: " 1

Which i know is correct but I want to replace the 1 and 0 with my own string but the things iv tried tweaking with has not worked.

Also in the file attached has some requirements from my teacher but i was confused at the second last one, --- bool isEqual(Triangle &other) and it says return true if triangles are equal and false if triangles are not.

I dont know if this is just simply if one triangle equals another (however you determine that) or if its for the two bool's, isTriangle() and isRight() or what.

Attached image(s)

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C/C++ :: Taking In File Path Names From User

Jul 22, 2014

How can I take in a path name like "C:myfolderfile.txt" where the user enters exactly that? I've tried putting the arg into a string, then looping through the string to find the '\', but by that time it is too late as c++ considers the '' as a escape character.

Is this even possible? I've googled it and everyone just says to make the user input the path with double \ or with a /.

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Visual C++ :: Taking Decimal Input From The User

Feb 21, 2015

I want the input for the price in decimal format(15.00). If the input is in integer format then I want to convert it to decimal format.

The maximum price for a sale is 999.99 and minimum is 0.00.

I have tried so far:

using std::cout;
using std::cin;
void main(){
float eventPrice;

[Code] .....

A valid input will be:


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C++ :: Increment And Decrement - No Loops

Sep 29, 2014

Parts of this program are missing. The last few lines are confusing, since the variable 'a' gets incremented then decremented. But there are no loops. I understand that the value of 'a' is passed to 'c' before 'a' is changed in both cases.

But where, and when, do the changes take place? Is the decrement ever processed? Is there a better way to write these lines?

main(){ int a = 21;int b = 10;int c ;
c = a++;
cout << "Line 6 - Value of c is :" << c << endl ;
c = a--;
cout << "Line 7 - Value of c is :" << c << endl ;
return 0;}

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C++ :: Increment And Decrement In The Same Loop?

Sep 25, 2014

Is it possible to increment and decrement in the same loop? I can do it with 2 loops but id like to do it with just one loop.


Is there a way to do both operations with one loop?

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C++ :: Reverse A String In Place

Jan 12, 2014

I was browsing the web looking for simple yet fun programming challenges and crossed this one. I figured out how to reverse the string in place but I want it to read "blue is house the". I approached it in two ways for the heck of it. My idea was the second one, the first one I googled. I didn't know a simple rbegin() could do that, pretty neat.

I found the question here.[URL] ....

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
std::string phrase = "The house is blue.";

[Code] ......

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C :: LCD Increment And Decrement For Display

Feb 25, 2014

I am trying to call Display menu. If up key is pressed Displayed has to be incremented and stay in particular window if Decremented, go to previous Display function and show previous Display function. LCD & Keypad Shield Quickstart Guide | Freetronics

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);
static int button_counter=0;


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C :: Simple Increment Operation

Jan 27, 2013


int i=5,j;
j=++i + ++i + ++i;
printf("%d",j); //22
j=i++ + i++ + i++;
printf("%d",j); //19 Shall not it give 21 and 18 respectively?????

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C++ :: Determining Index To Place New Value

Dec 9, 2013

I need function to determine where to place new element in sorted array. I want to use binary search to find index where element should be placed, when push all others.

Prototype should be something like

int WhereToPlaceElement(ElementType hash); // uses private atribute ElType** elements

I have tried my best to write, but all tries ended in inf loops and reading invalid locations of array.

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C++ :: Increment / Decrement Operators

Apr 27, 2014

I have two files NumDays.h and ClientProgram.cpp

clientprogram.cpp basically has the main module below

int main(){
// Initialized UDT object Declarations
NumDays hoursWorked_John; // Instantiate with Default Constructor
NumDays hoursWorked_Sue(36.9); // Instantiate with Initializing Constructor
NumDays hoursUsed_Sue(4.5); // Instantiate with Initializing Constructor

[Code] .....

I can't figure out anything to put in for NumDays.cpp so it's not there.

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C++ :: Increment / Decrement Operators

Sep 5, 2014

In the following program.

void main() {
int a=1;
cout<<a++<<" "<<++a<<" "<<a++<<endl;

If I execute the above program i should get 1 3 3. But I'm getting different values when I executed this program. The values that I get after execution are 3 3 1.

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C++ :: Statement Not Appearing At The Right Place?

Aug 25, 2014

I have an issue with my codes as according to what I created the fitness level have to appear right after I enter the time take to 3 miles. However it only appears once after repeating five times.

My codes

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>


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C# :: Cannot Place Controls On Layout

Feb 1, 2015

When I drag a control onto the Xamarin studio layout the control just slides back into the toolbox again. The only way to add controls is to edit the .axml file which is not at all ideal.

I have tried re-installing all the components again multiple times and even tried out using a different computer, still no luck. How to use the mono framework on the Visual studio IDE and build the apk using Xamarin studios?

Details -

Xamarin studio 5.7
Tested on Windows 8, 8.1 and 7

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C/C++ :: Increment And Decrement Operator

Sep 23, 2013

What is the answer and reason for the value of a and b

void main()
{int a=3;
int b = ++a + a++ + a-- + --a;
 enter a:"<<a;
 enter b:"<<b;

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C++ :: Coin Program Not Taking In Amount Of Cents In Input

Mar 1, 2013

I'm currently working on a program to take the user's input as DDDD.CC and then converting it to the least amount of coins using quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies. I was told to not use any doubles or floats as they would produce errors. And supposed to the use the library function atoi() after I take the input user's amount as a string to convert it into an integer.

So far the string input has worked and it produced the right number of quarters but it leaves off the cents. For example, I put in 352.23 and it gives the right amount of quarters but leaves off the 23 cents.here's my code:

#include <iostream> // Allows the program to perform input and output
#include <stdlib.h> // Atoi
#include <string>
using namespace std ; // Enables a program to use all the names in any Standard C++ header
int main() // Start of program execution {
string line ;


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C++ :: Taking Data From Files And Output Information To Another File

Apr 2, 2014

Whenever I run my program, It should be taking this string of information:

Shampoo 10 8.75 87.50
Pen 3 2.50 7.50
Headphones 5 20.99 104.95
MacAir 1 879.23 879.23

Raspberries 6 4.99 29.94
Oranges 5 2.79 13.95
Apples 3 3.85 11.55

From one file and outputting it to another, the finished product should look like:

Shampoo 10 8.75 87.50
Pen 3 2.50 7.50
Headphones 5 20.99 104.95
MacAir 1 879.23 879.23

cheapest item = Pen
most expensive item = MacAir
total cost = 1079.18
shopper = Mary Kay

Raspberries 6 4.99 29.94
Oranges 5 2.79 13.95
Apples 3 3.85 11.55

cheapest item = Oranges
most expensive item = Raspberries
total cost = 55.44
shopper = Winnie B. The Pooh

When I run my code however, it doesn't get past shampoo and will continue to add shampoo to the total cost infinitely. How can I change the code to produce the proper information?

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <float.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
ifstream input_file;
ofstream output_file;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Dispatch Message Taking Frames Away While Moving Window

Oct 29, 2014

lets start with the code:

if (PeekMessage(&msg, win->win_handle,0,0,PM_REMOVE))


I have created a basic window and i discovered that while resizing or moving my windows, the myframe() don't get any calls at all.

Is there anyway possible that myframe gets at least someof the calls while those things are happening

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C :: Unary Increment Operator Execution

Nov 28, 2013

how the output for the program below comes to 45 and 46 respectively.

void main()
int x=10,y=10;

[Code] ....

The output obtained for the above program is 45 and 46.

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C++ :: Place Two Asterisk Triangles On Top Of Each Other But Only Using 3 For Statements

Oct 19, 2014

I have to place two asterisk triangles on top of each other BUT only using 3 for statements. I have gotten the first one:

for(int a=1;a<=10;a++) {
for(int b=1;b<=a;b++)
cout << "*";
cout << endl;

I need the output to look like this:

The only kicker is I can have a total of 3 nested for loop statements.

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C/C++ :: How To Reformat Entered String With Odd Then Even Place

Oct 15, 2014

The question I am given is this:

Given a line of words (total character number is less than 100,
start from odd position 1,
and end with newline char "

Write a program to reformat it that new output is formed by each char from its odd position first, then its even position char.

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C/C++ :: Where To Place Text File For Ifstream When Using DLL

Feb 3, 2014

I have a text file that ifstream opens and fills some fields with the data. I've been able to get at the file, by using the precise path, but that path would be incorrect on other computers I'll be working on the project at. So, is there default location I should drop the folder in, and route to with the path? If not which Directory listing in Visual Studio 2013 should I use so the project can find the folder?

This is how I've formatted the string for ifstream.


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