C/C++ :: Keep Getting 0 For Average

Feb 6, 2015

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int num_ints;
int num_doubles;
double running_total;
double average;

[Code] .....

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C :: Print Correct Normalized Value / Average And Values Above Average

Nov 14, 2013

I must write a function that has a one dimensional double array and the number of values in the array as its arguments. Normalize the values. I must also print the maximum, minimum, average and numbers of values above the average in the array.

The equation that computes the normalized value from a value x is:

Normalized x= (x-min(array))/(max(array)-min(array))

My code does not print the correct normalized value, average and values above average.

#include <stdio.h>
int findMax( double array1[], int num_elements) // This function computes the maximum value of the array
int i, max=-32000;
for (i=0; i<num_elements; i++)

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Average Negative / Positive Numbers And Total Average?

Nov 18, 2013

I am trying to average the negative numbers and positive number and of course the total average.

This will read in a list of n values, where n is not known ahead of time. The number of values read into the array will be saved in n.

vector<int> readList() {
std::vector<int> result;
ifstream inFile;
for (int x; inFile >> x; ) {


array is a one-dimensional array of integers and n is the number of elements in that array that contain valid data values. Both of these are input parameters to the function. The function must calculate 1) the average of the n integers in array, storing the result in ave; 2) the average of the positive numbers (> 0), storing the result in avePos, and 3) the average of the negative numbers (< 0), storing the result in aveNeg.

void avgs (std::vector &array, int &ave, int &avePos, int &aveNeg) {
int sum = 0, pos_sum = 0, neg_sum = 0, pos_count = 0, neg_count = 0;
for (auto i : array) {
sum += i;
if (i > 0) { pos_sum += i; ++pos_count; }


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C :: How To Get Average Of Program

Mar 20, 2013

Cannot divide the real output of the AVERAGE.:


struct student
char Name[50];


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C++ :: Getting Average Value Of Array In Function

Nov 29, 2014

How to power value in function too.

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C :: How To Get The Average Score For Each Student

Nov 10, 2013

I have to get the average score for each student. And modify my avgmarks function and write the marks to a output txt file.


int bubble(int*,int);
void filewrite();
void avgmarks();
void fileprint();
void filesort();
void rollin();

[Code] .....

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C :: Average And Total Of Six Integers

Jan 22, 2013

"Write a program that prompts the user for an integer number from the keyboard, and store it in a variable num. After each number is typed in, add num to a total.

Do this six times, each time adding num to a total. (Be sure to reuse the same variable named num for each of the six numbers entered.) When all six numbers have been entered from the keyboard, calculate an average. Display the total and average calculated. "

Here is what I have so far:

int main() {
int num, total1, total2, total3, total4, total5, total6, avg;

printf("Enter first number:");

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Display Average Of 100 Values?

May 21, 2013

Howe can i display the average of 100 values in c++ 2008....

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C++ :: Finding The Average Of Array

Apr 16, 2013

I am attempting to write a program that takes a number(picked by the user) of test scores in an array then calculates the average and outputs the number of passed and failed tests.

On a side note I am attempting to use array notation in the main function and pointer notation in the other functions

using namespace std;
int numScores;
int counter = 0;
double *scores;
//Function Prototypes


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C++ :: Average And Median Of Arrays

Apr 12, 2013

I need to calculate the average and median of an array. I do not know how to put it in code.

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C++ :: Count The Numbers Below The Average

Mar 7, 2013

I have loaded and 1d array from a .dat file, calculated the average of all the numbers. Now I need to count every number in the array that is below the average and cout that number. This is the method in the class I have so far:

int IntegerArray::countBelowAverage(int numBelowAvg) {
for(int ct=0; ct<avg; ++ct) {
return numBelowAvg;

My output from this is always 0 and I know that there are numbers below the avg.

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C++ :: Getting Number Greater Than Average?

Jul 24, 2014

using namespace std;
int main(){
int k,num,sum=0,GreaterNO=0;
double average;

[Code] .....

above is my program, I have received an assignment which the lecturer request us to find a series of k numbers then

-display the average
-display the total of numbers greater than the average

our lecturer request us do in 2 version, one is by using array, one is without using array, I have facing the coding problem when doing the VERSION WITHOUT USING ANY ARRAY to get the display the total numbers greater than the average, is there possible to get it?? because there are only one variable keep on looping, but the average will only get after get all the user input....?

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C/C++ :: How To Find Average With For Loop

Sep 14, 2014

What i need it to do is ask the user for a number of cases. The user will input numbers and the program should add the inputs until zero or a negative number is entered and then out put the average of those inputs. The amount of cases is pretty much how many times an average will be done. so if the amount of cases is 4. and the inputs are 1,3,(1+3/2)0 then it should output 2. and that would be ONE case, next inputs are 5,6,4,0(5+6+4/3) the output is 5 and that is case two. etc.

Here is my code:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
double avgVal(int, int);
int main() {
int amountOfCases;
cin >> amountOfCases;
int* numbers = new int[amountOfCases];
int input=0;

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: Program Not Producing Right Average?

Sep 3, 2014

My program works fine in all areas but adding the average every loop. It gives me a weird -1.#IND as an output, and it's supposed to calculate the total mileage each time I enter new values per trip.

// Automobile Mileage.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
//Programmer: Ryan Youngen


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C/C++ :: Get Average Of Numbers In Array

Jul 5, 2014

I was trying to make a program that asks the number of grades, get the grades and then get the average. I know I have to save the grades in an array but i don't know exactly how.

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C/C++ :: Do While Loop And Average Calculation

Dec 9, 2014

I need to create average calculating program using do while loop.

t = 1 - sin(x) when x > 0;
t = 1 + x when x = 0;
t = a + sin(x) when x < 0;
primary information:
x changes from 1 to -1 by step h = -0.5, a = -2

#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int a = -2;

[Code] ....

How this program should look that's why this probably looks just like a mess.

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C/C++ :: Calculating Grade And Average?

Dec 10, 2014

Write a program to compute average grades for a course. The course records are in a single file and are organized according to the following format: Each line contains a student's first name, then one space, then the student's last name, then one space, then some number of quiz scores that, if they exist, are separated by one space. Each student will have zero to ten scores, and each score is an integer not greater than 100. Your program will read data from this file and write its output to a second file. The data in the output file will be nearly the same as the data in the input file except that you will print the names as last_name, first_name and there will be one additional number at the end of each line: the average of the student's ten quiz scores.

The output file must be formatted such that first and last names appear together in a left justified column that is 20 characters wide where the last name comes first, then a comma and a space and then the first name. Use your read string function to read each name separately and then put them together into a larger correctly formatted string before trying to output them. Each quiz score should be listed in a right justified column that is 4 characters wide, and the average should appear in its own right justified column that is 10 characters wide.

Note that if a student has fewer than 10 scores, the average is still the sum of the quiz scores divided by 10; these students are assumed to have missed one or more of the quizzes. The output file should contain a line (or lines) at the beginning of the file providing appropriate column headings.

This is how much I have so far:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
char* read_string(char* buffer, int max_size, FILE* fp);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
FILE *fp_input, *fp_output;


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C++ :: Calculating Average Using Two Different Functions

Mar 16, 2013

When I compile my code with g++ I get the error: constructor, destructure or type conversion missing before sum.

int sum(int,int);
void sum(int,int,int&);
sum (v) // This is the line that the compiler is reporting the error occurs.
answer sum()
int main(){
int a=1;
int b=2;
int sum;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Displaying Average For Each Entry

May 3, 2013

I have to display an average for each student that is entered ....

void StudentData::displayAverageScore() {
double totalScore = 0;
double totalEx1 = 0, totalEx2 = 0, totalEx3 = 0, averageScore = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) {
totalEx1 += entries[i].getEx1();// accumulate totals
totalEx2 += entries[i].getEx2();
totalEx3 += entries[i].getEx3();
if(totalScore != 0) averageScore = (totalEx1 + totalEx2 + totalEx3) / 3; // don't divide by 0
cout << "Average Score For Exams: " << setprecision(1) << fixed << averageScore << endl << endl;

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C++ :: Pointers (Average And Median)

Apr 29, 2014

Write a program that can be used to gather statistical data about the number of movies college students see in a month. The program should ask the user how many students were surveyed and dynamically allocate an array of that size. The program should then allow the user to enter the number of movies each student has seen. The program should then calculate the average, and median of the values entered.

My problem is that i keep getting a error box that says:
Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 'sNUM' was corrupted.
and then my program shuts down!

This is what i have so far

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
void movAVG(int *, int);
void movMED(int *, int);
int main() {
int sNUM,

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Get Average Of Floats From A Vector

Apr 24, 2012

Say I have a std::vector of size 10 of float. This will be a windowing average, as each cycle I need to remove the oldest element and add a new element. I figured vector was good because I can pop_front() then push_back(). Is there any clever way to get the average of the vector without using a for loop?

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C++ :: Grade Average Passing In Functions?

Sep 3, 2013

My average is failing but I played and played with it and I still keep crashing.

Code: #include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void getScore(int score[], int NumGrades)
cout<<"How many grades do you need to enter?"<<endl;
cin >> NumGrades;
cout<<"Enter the Students Grade(s)"<<endl;
for (int i=0; i<NumGrades; i++) {
cin >> score[i];


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C++ :: Array In Ascending Order And Average

Mar 19, 2014

I am getting the hang of it pretty well. I created a program that asks the user to input arrays. Now, I need to calculate the average of the inputted arrays, and I need to place them in order from low to high. I have been struggling with doing these two parts for a while now and now decided that the book is not useful, I need some from some actual programmers. I attached my program.

My program printed here!

namespace std;


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C :: Function To Display Students Who Are Above And Below Average

Oct 30, 2013

int calcAbvAvg(int marks[10], int avg) {
int students = 0;
int i;

[Code] .....

I suck at function and linked list. The only problem i am having in this question is the function calcAbvAbg() not working! I want that function to display the students who are above and below average!

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C :: Program That Calculates Batting Average

Apr 21, 2014

I'm trying to put what i've learned into a little program that calculates batting average.

I want to store the batting averages of the players in an array and printf the best average at the end by name for example Dennis Ritchie had best batting average at .600.

I'm having trouble understanding how and what type of array to use.

int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
char playerName[20];
int totalPlayers, atBats, totalHits, x;
float battingAvg;

// Get total number of batters
printf("How many batters?

[Code] ....

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C :: Find Average Of Random Numbers

Aug 17, 2013

I have the random values down but when I try to assign randValue to another integer I get an error.I want to make an inner loop where I find 5 random number 50 times and print the average of those numbers.

I know I have the bare bones of the below, but without giving me a huge shove in the right direction can I have a poke? I have been programing for three months now. I have noticed when I do simple fun projects I learn more then what my professor assigned to me. The class is over but I want to keep building.C++ starts in one week...


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#define NUMBERS 5

int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
float randValue = 0.0;
int i;


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