C/C++ :: Conditional Jump Or Move Depends On Uninitialized Value(s)

Nov 24, 2014

I am getting this message from Valgrind, As far as I can see what it points to is initialized. The memory it is referring to is freed in unload and I was not getting this error until after I added the check function. Valgrind was happy. Here is the code and the error message from Valgrind. I am trying to create a spell checker for an assignment for a online class I am taking. I just want to get this table working correctly before I add it to the rest of the program. The code seems to run fine but I have come to see that dos not mean much in C.

#include "hashTable.h"
#include <stdbool.h>
table_node hash_table[TABLE_LENGTH];
bool loaded = true;
//assigning letters a-z to table nodes for buckets
void key_hash_t( )

[Code] ....

Valgrind error:

arortell@gentoo ~/Development/Projects/C_Projects/Data_Structures/HashTable $ valgrind --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes ./hashTable
==11360== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==11360== Copyright (C) 2002-2013, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==11360== Using Valgrind-3.9.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==11360== Command: ./hashTable

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Conditional Jump Depends On Uninitialized Value Valgrind

Jan 10, 2013

I have airport class which should navigate planes, in its list to runways, with method move, theres a method prepare which changes the direction of flight to all planes, always before move is called, move just increments decrement x and y of plane in its list. But after calling two times in row airport->move(), I get screwed and I really dont know wheres the problem. Have I badly initiazed something? Iterator gets invalidated.

Valgrind Stacktrace
Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==26207== at 0x409601: plane::move() (in /home/xnovak11/Downloads/airport/main)
==26207== by 0x401FBD: airport::move() (in /home/xnovak11/Downloads/airport/main)
==26207== by 0x405FE1: io::start(std::istream&, std:stream&, std:stream&) (in /home/xnovak11/Downloads/airport/main)

This is how I add planes into list in airport

list<plane*> planes;
list<plane*>::const_iterator planeIterator;
list<plane*>::iterator planeIteratorMoj;
bool airport::addPlane(const plane& p) {

[Code] .....

This is the method where it fails. When I call it once, no problem, after second call I get instead of normal number in cout<<after move<< s1 i get like 8795456 ....

void airport::move() {
for(planeIteratorMoj = planes.begin(); planeIteratorMoj!= planes.end(); planeIteratorMoj++) {
plane * p1 = (*planeIteratorMoj);
int s,w;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Why Cannot Jump Out Of For Loop

Jun 6, 2013

I got code like this:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
const long nx(3);
const long ny(3);
const long seal(-1);
long TotP(0);
class pore {


I can print out all those TotP, but cannot get Finish loop print out, why? If I put any statement below, which seems won't be executed, it is like it never jump out from the loop and die inside.

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C :: Trying To Scanf A Char And Code Just Jump Over It

Jan 25, 2014

I'm doing a code to calculate the final grade of students. This is a work for college, and I need to keep this structure.

My problem is that last scanf, it is ignored when I compile the code. It "works" if I try to scan a string, float or int.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void nfinal(float NOTA1,float NOTA2,float NOTA3,char MEDIA){
int NOTA;


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C# :: How To Jump From One TextBox To Next When Press Enter Key

Apr 13, 2014

How can i jump from textBox to next texBox when i press enterKey in c# , what i the event for that .....

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C/C++ :: Jump Table Instead Of Switch Cases?

Aug 14, 2012

I have an issue with switch case. There are about 32 cases to be handled in switch. each case just assigns a hexadecimal to a local variable.

#define ADFV 0x0301
case 1:
var = ADFV;

can i use jump table for above issue to reduce the code size.

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C++ :: Uninitialized Variables In Structure

Aug 7, 2013

I have a structure

Code: struct time{
char hours;
char minutes;
char seconds;
char dummy;

I have kept dummy as the data to be aligned.I will update hours, minutes, and seconds , but will not use dummy in any case.

If I don't initialize 'dummy' does it make any errors ?

Do I need to initialize hours, minutes, seconds as well before I use the structure ?

If so is there any particular reason ?

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C :: Uninitialized Variables Inside A Structure

Aug 7, 2013

Let me say I have a structure

struct time{
char hours;
char minutes;
char seconds;
char dummy;

I have kept dummy as the data to be aligned.I will update hours, minutes, and seconds , but will not use dummy in any case. If I don't initialize 'dummy' does it make any errors ? Do I need to initialize hours, minutes, seconds as well before I use the structure ? If so is there any particular reason ?

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C++ :: Error Stating Variable Is Uninitialized?

Jan 8, 2015

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
struct WeatherStats {
double total_rainfall;
int high_temp;
int low_temp;
int avg_temp;

[Code] ....

When I run this program I am able to input data for the three months but after inputting everything I am prompted with a run time error that states: Run time check failure#3: The variable 'temp' is being used without being initialized. I've underlined the statement that the compiler says is causing this error, yet there is no variable 'temp' in that statement.

Computer are very specific right? So in the problem statement total_yearly_temp = total_yearly_temp + temp.avg_temp; there is a variable called total_yearly_temp and one called temp.avg_temp, but there are none called temp. It can't be complaining about the WeatherStats variable I defined in the first line of the function called temp because I did the exact same thing in the previous function and there are no errors concerning that.

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C/C++ :: Uninitialized Local Variable Errors

Sep 7, 2014

I keep getting the "Uninitialized Local Variable" error. But for my code it's says it's the variable 'pay' in my Manager Function. This is the only error that is popping up.

I've tried setting pay to 0 but when I do, I get a bunch of external errors. I've also tried assigning pay to WeeklySalary like this:

double pay = WeeklySalary;

//Calculating pay for a company

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

//Function prototypes
double managerFunction();
double hourlyWorkerFunction();
double commissionWorkerFunction();

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Compiler Auto Correct Uninitialized Variable?

Jul 13, 2012

I had a flawed function like this:

char c;
if (runFirstTime){
#ifdef VC
... // c is used in the rest of the function to construct some pathnames

The problem is that the value of c is not defined the 2nd time the function is called (and subsequently). It somehow worked fine under CygWin compiled with gcc. So I didn't spot the flaw until it ran incorrectly under Windows complied with VC++ 2010. Then I found the error and changed the code to something like

#ifdef VC
const char c='';
const char c='/';

So now it works correctly under Windows. Then I re-compiled the new code with gcc and to my surprise gcc produced exactly the same binary! How can this be? Does the gcc compiler see my flaw and fix it for me somehow?

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C :: How To Use Conditional Operator

Jan 25, 2013

i know

Code: (condition) ? true-clause : false-clause

but how do you use an array as the condition, how will the code look?For example i want to write


string numbers[5] = {"one","two","three","four","five"};
numbers == "one" ? thumb : again; thumb and again will replace something else. Don't worry about them.

how do i say that if the numbers array is representing "one" then it replaces as "thumb", otherwise "again".

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C :: Uninitialized Value Was Created By A Heap Allocation / Memcheck With Valgrind

Aug 2, 2014

I discovered valgrind and started using it for my c code. But I get following error message at almost every malloc position, :

==19505== 40 errors in context 10 of 12: ==19505== Use of uninitialised value of size 8 ==19505== at 0x10000416E: my_method (main.c:662) ==19505== by 0x10000159E: main (main.c:182) ==19505== Uninitialised value was created by a heap allocation ==19505== at 0x47F1: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:302) ==19505== by 0x100001C21: my_method (main.c:333) ==19505== by 0x10000159E: main (main.c:182)

and I really don't understand what it means. I already googled it but I didn't find out what is my mistake.SO here i just put one example:


int main(int argc, char** argv) {

//i declare my variables at this position
Uint *used, *forbidden_jumps, *forbidden_jumpsV,

/*now i want to allocate one of them, this is my line 333 from the error message*/

//a_num is set during the execution of the program,
ALLOC(used, Uint, a_num);


Is there any support page for the output of valgrind? I found it on the homepage.

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C++ :: Nested Conditional Operations

Feb 4, 2014

So I think I am having syntactical problem with my code.

int main() {
vector<int> ivec;
int score;
[Code] ....

I get an error from my compiler on the ?10th? line (Nested condition line) that says |19|error: invalid operands of types 'int' and '<unresolved overloaded function type>' to binary 'operator<<'|

The purpose of the program is to take input and store it in a vector and then change the value to be between 1-6. I made this for the purpose of learning about nested conditional operations.

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C++ :: Getline As Conditional Of While Loop

Aug 1, 2014

I am trying to use getline as the conditional for a while loop as seen below.

string filename, guard_name;
int call_number;
vector <Seniority> SeniorityList;
ifstream SeniorityFile;

[Code] ....

However, when I compile the code, I get the following error message on the line with the while loop.

error C2780: 'std::basic_istream<_Elem,_Traits>
&)' : expects 2 arguments - 3 provided

The program will be reading in a .csv file, so I need my program to be able to deal with values separated by commas. Is there a reason why it will not accept that conditional statement?

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C++ :: UDP Protocol In A Conditional Statement?

Nov 4, 2013

I'm facing a serious problem with udp protocol. I have Master & Slave devices.I did implement the class as the follow pseudo code states

In Master side

while (true)
1-send data to slave;
2-get data from slave;
3-apply force;

In Slave side

1-get data from master;
2-if (collision happnes)
send force to the master

the problem is in line 2 in Master side. Once I include the line I can't send or receive data. What do you think the problem is?

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C# :: Valid To Use And / Or When Using Conditional Operator

Jan 31, 2014

I want to know if it's valid to use and/or when using the conditional operator.


value = textBox1.Text;
decimal? qty = (value.Equals("0") || value.Equals("0.0")) ? null : (decimal?)decimal.Parse(value);

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C/C++ :: Conditional Multiple Entry Points?

Nov 16, 2014

I'm playing with my final year project, building a game boy emulator in C, and I wanted to try out something to streamline my code base. I'm building against Win32, GNU C and Googles Native Client.There are no platform specific headers or functions in use. What I'm trying to do is have a file that conditionally includes the entry point (so _tmain for Windows etc) based on a preprocessor directive being set/not-set.

[note] I realise I could write both entry point classes in one file and use the preprocessor directive in there, but it's not as neat as a single file calling in one or the other. I figure this should work because I can conditionally include headers for Win/NaCl (providing the signatures match, of course).

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C++ :: Declaring Variables (Conditional) At Runtime?

Jan 22, 2014

I am looking for a way to declare variables at run time which being a static language shouldn't happen. I will explain my situation.

I am upgrading a legacy program that modifies executables (non malicious). I am trying to add 64bit support.

It is a huge project and I understand the majority of it but my issues with how it handles the input data.

It has a struct that certain parameters of the input file is loaded into:

typedef struct DATA {
etc, etc its a huge list.

My problem lies in the fact that I need to change IMAGE_NT_HEADERS_32 to IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 at runtime.

That DATA struct gets called at least 110 times during runtime.

How I might tackle this? Having a conditional statement repeated that many times seems ridiculous.

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Visual C++ :: Code Error C4700 - Uninitialized Local Variable Eligible Used

Mar 27, 2015

In Visual Studios I keep getting this error. cpp(36): error C4700: uninitialized local variable 'Eligible' used

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
void Getinput(int& Loantype, double& Income, double& Totaldebt, double& Loanamount);

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Newline Character Not Being Picked Up In A Conditional Statement

Jan 15, 2014

I have the following code:


while (lineread != "

In essence, it reads an input file, line by line until it hits a line only containing a newline character. So if the input text file is:



It should exit the while loop after hitting line 6. What happens however is that it goes into a perpetual loop and doesnt exit the while loop upon reading line 6.

What I did was changed the code to:

Code: while (lineread != "*")
} and the input file to:


and finally it stops after line 6. In this case, merely changing the " " conditional character to a simple asterisk character "*" fixes the problem.

However I wish to keep the input text file as is with the newlines, so how do I make it exit the while loop when detecting a as a line?

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C/C++ :: (OpenGL) Drawing Not Updated When There Is Conditional In Code

Aug 1, 2014

I'm making a program to draw a trajectory, was using as a basis the tangent, but when I put 90 degrees, the tangent is very large, so I thought of putting an if (angle == 90) did not use the tangent.

the design is right, but after choosing it 90 degrees it stops to draw.

for example

1-30 degrees - draws
2-45 degrees ---- draws
3 draws -90 degrees ---
4-60 degrees --- not drawing
5 --- 80 degrees --- not drawing

making routine design is presented below:

void Draw() {
glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
if (ant){


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Visual C++ :: Conditional Compilation Based On Whether It Is Windows 7 Or 8?

Apr 10, 2013

I want to do conditional compilation based on whether it is windows 7 or windows 8. Here is the code below.

#if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0602) //Condition to check whether it windows 7 or 8 .Based on this we can load msxml 3 or 6.
#import <msxml6.dll>
#import <msxml3.dll>

Im building the above code in windows 8 machine.

Issue here is _WIN32_WINNT should have a value 0x0602, it means it is running in windows 8 machine.Instead it has a value 0x0601 (Means it is taking windows version as windows 7 defined in sdkddkver.h).Im not sure after installing windows 8 sdk im not able to see any include or lib files in the path below C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SDKsWindowsv8.0A . but i can see all include and lib files of sdk version v7.0A available although i did not installed it.

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C++ :: Move A Character Around 2D Map?

Mar 3, 2013

How can I move a character around a 2D map? After some research and a bunch of work I made a function for movement:

unsigned int gamespeed = 100;
unsigned int stage = 1;
void controls()


Maps are stored in a different .cpp file

So this code works, but is complicated, ugly and evil (I have to make a pointer to the first map and change the pointer to the next map every time the user reaches the exit, without the pointer this code is, of course, incompatible). How can I reduce this code to be less evil/ugly or at least smaller?

Also it would be nice if the user could move around with arrows as well as with WASD

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C++ :: Can't Get Program To Move Forward

Feb 24, 2014

After I enter in the 8 digit account number the program just stops and I can't find where the logical error is

Code: #include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
bool validateLength(string);
bool validateDigit(string);
void calculateA(string);
void calculateB(string);
void calculateC(string);
bool validateService(string);


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C :: How To Move A Character In 2D Array

Jan 27, 2015

I want to move a character in a 2D array This Character should move vertically in a 2D Array To exemplify it for Exam in Snake Game A character automatically moves Please Write a example code that works

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