Visual C++ :: Debugging Library / CXX0017 Error - Symbol X Not Found
Dec 20, 2012
I am debugging a library. I can step into the code however the watch window doesn't show the values of any variables. It will display a message in the value field:
m_pParentCXX0017: Error: symbol "m_pParent" not found
Interestingly it does show values for local variables in that function but not member functions. Most of my data members are member function though that I want to debug. I am using VS2010.
I'm getting an error message that I can't seem to fix. The error clearly states that during the link aspect of the debugging and build there is an error that says that the stdio.h file is either missing, invalid or corrupt. When I try to program using any of the other headers I'm getting the same error. The files are there I can see them in the include folder, so I'm asking what can I do to fix all these headers and beware I am a beginner at programming and using any kind of compiler.
This is the error I receive. 1>------ Build started: Project: hello, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1>LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt ========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped =========
This is the compiler I am required to use for an online course and all instruction is given for the Microsoft visual 2010 express edition. Also the only file I think that's being referenced is the #include <stdio.h>.
I have the following code. however, when I debug it gives an error saying" vector subscript out of range"
Vector based mufti-dimensional arrays
Vectors are a STL container that allow you to store pretty much anything in them. When used correctly they can be very powerful containers.
They provide an added benefit that they will automatically remove the memory they use when they go out of scope. This means that objects stored within a vector do not need to be de-allocated (but pointers to objects do). You can also do some interesting things with dynamic multidimensional arrays with vectors.
For example, if you only allocate the first dimension, then use the .push_back() to add records to the 2nd dimension it's no longer a grid, but an array with a dynamically sized 2nd dimension (much like a street of buildings each with a different amount of floors).
This functionality can be achieved using pointers, but is much harder to do.
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include<conio.h> using std::vector; using namespace std;
I think my linker needs an additional #include to be able to deal with int& anterior and int& posterior. I'm not sure as I'm new to C++. My version of Dev-C++ is Orwell V5.8.3.
"fatal error LNK1169: one or more multiply defined symbols found"
Here's my code:
#include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { cout << "Avoiding Technology" << endl; bool status = true; int location; int a,b;
When running my code in Visual Studio, there is a particular point in the code where my program is crashing. To debug this, I am adding a break point in Debug mode just before that point, and observing what happens as I step through the code. However, to get to this break point in the code takes about a minute of running the program. So I'm wondering if there is a tool in Visual Studio to reload the state of a program's memory from a previous run, so that I can immediately get to the break point without having to wait for a minute each time?
I am creating a pizza program for ordering a pizza and I have removed all the errors except for two. I have tried everything I can think of to fix this problem so it will compile, but to no avail. The only errors left are:
1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: Pizza Order App Midterm, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1> stdafx.cpp 1> Pizza Order Midterm.cpp 1> Pizza Order App Midterm.cpp 1>c:usersindia-n-jerrydocumentsvisual studio 2010projectspizza order app midtermpizza order app midtermpizza order app midterm.cpp(57): warning C4390: ';' : empty controlled statement found; is this the intent?
[Code] ....
The entire code is listed below seperated into 1 header and 2 cpp files.
// OrderPizzaApp.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//
I am currently working on an Account login system and when I run the program I receive this error message:
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
If you want to see the full code of the source file just ask
const int NUM_OF_ACCOUNTS = 1; Account *account = new Account[NUM_OF_ACCOUNTS]; int AccountSearch(int number, string password); foundAccount = AccountSearch(aNumSearch, passSearch); int AccountSearch(int n, string p); { int x = 0;
I am making a MFC application with VC++2012 with receiving data from Serial Port and the data is stored in a Listbox, then after processing (convert into numbers) and get these data to draw a sine wave on the chart. (I intend to make a virtual oscilloscope).
Everything works ok at the beginning, but after receiving about 300 items or above (in the Listbox) the value seem stucking (or lagging) and work very slowly.
I receive data by the SerialPort_DataReceived() method, and process of converting and drawing chart also in this method, I think this makes the system overload!!
I see there's something called a manifest file but VS C++ EXPRESS seems different than non-express. The solutions I've seen show applets/tabs that I don't have in Express.
In one of my physical DEBUG folders are some .manifest. files and some a .res and .rc file.
I know you need to edit the XML and change asInvoker to requiredAdministrator (or something like that).
The confusing part is if I go into Project Properties, MANIFEST TOOL caret/tree, under INPUT AND OUTPUT, it shows this .manifest file is OUTPUT. It's as if it rewrites it every time with some defaults? I have edited it, but I see it's back to asInvoker. There is a spot to put in a ADDITIONAL manifest file (or .res file).
Does a manifest somehow affect the physical .exe file (something is imbedded in it??)?
How do I change my project to make sure that the .exe always runs as Admin? Will doing this ALSO allow me to DEBUG it in VS C++ EXPRESS without having to do anything different (play with manifest or run VS outright with Admin level)?
When I try to compile a program from a C book I am following I am getting these errors, I have looked for ways to resolve it but I wasn't able to.
Error3error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _druk_instructiesC:UsersIvoDocumentsVisual Studio 2012ProjectsConsoleApplication2ConsoleApplication2Handspel.objConsoleApplication2 Error4error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _speler_keuzeC:UsersIvoDocumentsVisual Studio 2012ProjectsConsoleApplication2ConsoleApplication2Handspel.objConsoleApplication2 Error5error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _machine_keuzeC:UsersIvoDocumentsVisual Studio
I am working on building a set of templated data structures for my own learning and have run in to an error when instantiating my templated linked list. I receive the following error:
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall LinkedList<int>::~LinkedList<int>(void)" (??1?$LinkedList@H@@QAE@XZ) referenced in function _main
--LinkedList.h-- #ifndef LINKEDLIST_H #define LINKEDLIST_H template<class T> class LinkedList {
I'm trying to create a public and static field in a class called ResourceManager. But when trying to access the field even from inside the class it wont work. I'm getting this error message:
Error 1 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: static int ResourceManager::num" (?num@ResourceManager@@2HA)
Here's my code: ResourceManager.h
class ResourceManager { public: static int num; static void loadContent();
I'm building a cross-platform library which links to some other 3rd party libraries at run time (i.e. on Windows, the other libs will be available as DLLs whereas on Linux / OS-X etc they'd be shared objects, which are similar). For the sake of argument, one of those libraries is called "jack".
Obviously, our app can't guarantee which version of the other libs will be on the user's system (or even that they'll be installed at all). So our code is littered with statements like this:-
Code: if (!jack_port_type_get_buffer_size) { warning << _("This version of JACK is old - you should upgrade to a newer version") << endmsg; } else { some_var = jack_port_type_get_buffer_size(); }
We link to the latest version of jack, where that symbol is declared like so:-
Code: size_t jack_port_type_get_buffer_size();
One problem is that it doesn't even seem to be an exported symbol (although that wouldn't affect the other platform builds). But apart from that, our customer might have an old copy of jack installed or even no copy! We seem to be making the assumption that if our customer has an up-to-date version, jack_port_type_get_buffer_size will be set to a valid address - but in all other case it'll be magically set to zero (there's nothing in our code that sets it to zero).
The project builds on Win32 platform, but not on x64.
Full error message: dllentry.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "class CFactoryTemplate * g_Templates" (?g_Templates@@3PAVCFactoryTemplate@@A)
The dllentry.cpp (a DirectShow base class) compiles on both platforms. It contains the external declarations:
extern CFactoryTemplate g_Templates[]; extern int g_cTemplates; g_Templates[] is then used in two functions: __control_entrypoint(DllExport) STDAPI DllGetClassObject(__in REFCLSID rClsID, __in REFIID riid, __deref_out void **pv)
myClass.cpp contains the definitions for the two externals in dllentry.cpp, at top level, just after the includes:
CFactoryTemplate* g_Templates=0; int g_cTemplates=0;
myClass.cpp also compiles by itself, but the project does not build. I checked all the libraries in the project settings and all seems to be OK, the 64 bit versions are used.
What should I do to make the project build for x64 platform?
I downloaded Oracle and and extracted both to c:oracle I then went into visual studio 2013 and created a Win32 Console application with all default parms.
I then went into project -> properties -> C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories and added my include path C:oraclesdkinclude
I then went into project -> properties -> Linker -> General -> Additional Library Directories and added C:oraclesdklibmsvcvc11
I then went into project -> properties -> Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependancies and added oraocci12.lib
The program compiles but when I debug i get a RUNTIME error that says "The program can't start because oraocci12.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem. But I know the file exists in C:oraclesdklibmsvcvc11oraocci12.lib
This is the code if it makes a difference
Code: #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <occi.h> using namespace std; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])