Visual C++ :: Const Char Returned By Various Functions

May 13, 2013

What is the programmers responsibility with respect to const char * returned by various functions, like the C++ string class c_str() function which returns a const char * to an c style string array? In VC++ I cannot delete a const char * which holds a string literal. Take the following code for example:

void func() //a useless function with illustrative code {
string s1("abcd");
string s2("efgh");
const char * cc1 = s1.c_str(); //c_str() returns a const char * c style string pointer
s2.c_str(); //this returns a const char *, which must be allocated on the heap right?
delete cc1; //produces run time error in Release mode in VC++

The problem with the above code snip is that space is allocated on the heap (or so I believe) for the const char *'s returned by the 2 calls to c_str(). The delete attempt fails and there is no opportunity to delete the space allocated by const char * because its not assigned to anything (however I see c_str() used this way extensively)

So, if I cannot delete a const char *, how does the memory get recovered? Perhaps the string objects s1 and s2 themselves have pointers to the items on the heap made by c_str() calls and they get deleted by the destructors of s1 and s2 when the function ends?

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Visual C++ :: Const Member Functions

Jan 24, 2013

class Editor {
// c'tors etc
Gtk::EventBox canvas_event_box;
void functionA();
void functionB() const;

[Code] ....

When I try to compile functionB in Visual C++ it gives me this error:-

glibmm/refptr.h(199) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'const Gdk::Window *' to 'Gdk::Window *'
Conversion loses qualifiers

And this is the code from glibmm/refptr.h

// The templated ctor allows copy construction from any object that's castable. Thus, it does downcasts:
// base_ref = derived_ref
template <class T_CppObject>
template <class T_CastFrom>

[Code] .....

I don't actually want to change anything in the member variable canvas_event_box. I just want to be able to call one of its functions from my 'const' member function. Is there any syntax I can use to tell VC++ that I'm not actually changing the variable - just using it.

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Visual C++ :: How To Assign Const Char Return Value Of A Function To Label In Windows Form

Sep 30, 2013

I am a newbie to C++ and VS ++. I have created a windows form application by dragging and dropping button, label..etc. i wish label text to be appeared as return value from a function. The function returns ' const char* '.how this returned string pointer can be used to display label text.?

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C++ :: How To Convert Char To Const Char

Jun 3, 2013

I have a file which contains a year and the name of an associated file to be read. I need to extract the data in the txt file and perform some calculations.

( year data file)
2004 2004data.txt
2005 2005data.txt
2006 2006data.txt

Here is what I do. I first declare "char yeardata" and then pass "2004data.txt" to it. Then I call yeardata in ifstream to extract the data inside the file "2004data.txt". The problem is that char yeardata is not constant so I cannot pass the file to it. It doesn't work if I change "char yeardata" to "const char yeardata".

int oldnewcomp_temp(char* lcfile) {
using namespace std;

int year;
char yeardata;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Use Const Char As Buffer?

Feb 5, 2014

I want to use a const char* as a buffer. I am reading values from a file and adding them to a buffer. How to extract the values is simple enough. I am reading through a filestream, reading each character into a char pointer and progressing that char pointer every time. I have another char pointer marking the start positon


char *mychar = new char;
char *char1 = new char;
char *char2 = new char;
const char *constchar ;
char2 = char1;
while(,1) {
*char1 = *mychar;

Then I get this problem: constchar = mychar; // const char* = char*.

Constchar does not catch all the data in other words. At some stage some data is lost due to zeros in the data.. How can I put values into a const char and get around this problem? The const char* will //only record everything up until the first zero.

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C :: Getting Const Char Array From Function

Jun 7, 2013

Now I am stuck with getting const char* array from function to main.


const char* values[3];
", values[1]);
", values[2]); function: Code:
const char* strings_to_array()


First, I cant get strings printed out in main.

Second, is here way to get number of such elements which array contains like higher languages have "count" or "ubound" or such?

Third, next function which need that array assumes that array of const chars* is 1 based. Can that be set in C or here are allways zero based arrays?

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C++ :: String To Const Char Error

Jan 15, 2013

I'm currently finishing up an assignment that was half written by my professor. Below in the testGrades section of code there are two errors both are the same message.

Error: no matching function for call to Grades:: Grades(const char [15])

Test Grades

//Purpose: Test program for the class Grades
// Create stu1 Grades object
// Add 5 grades to stu1 - only 3 can be stored in stu1 - other 2 discarded
// Create stu2 Grades object
// Add only 2 grades

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include "Grades.h"

using namespace std;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Convert Int To Const Char (for A File Name)

Jan 20, 2014

i found a lot about how to convert int to const char * but non of them explain correctly or sometimes dont even work.

Here is my code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int main () {
int i =0;
char c1 =0;
char c2 =0;


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C++ :: Wild Output From Const Char Array

Nov 20, 2014

I have data that is coming into my buffer via popen (process data, not a file). Every seven records is a new set [0-6]. I am trying to 'print out the array line/element value' and 'change the value of element [2] to 0', but my loop appears to be looping through every character and not just every line?


char* Data(){
char buff[BUFSIZ];
FILE *fp = popen("php order.php 155", "r");
std::string::size_type sz;
while(fgets(buff, sizeof buff, fp) != NULL)


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C++ :: Wild Output From A Const Char Array?

Nov 20, 2014

I have data that is coming into my buffer via popen (process data, not a file). Every seven records is a new set [0-6]. I am trying to 'print out the array line/element value' and 'change the value of element [2] to 0', but my loop appears to be looping through every character and not just every line?


char* Data(){
char buff[BUFSIZ];
FILE *fp = popen("php order.php 155", "r");
std::string::size_type sz;
while(fgets(buff, sizeof buff, fp) != NULL) {
const char * cstr2 = buff;
for(int i = 0; i < 6; ++i){


expected output:

2014-11-16 10:09:34
Found String!
2014-11-14 15:10:10
Found String!
2014-11-14 15:10:13
Found String!
2014-11-14 15:11:14
Found String!

raw inbound data [URL]

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C++ ::  Initializing Const Char Member Variable In Constructor?

Jan 23, 2015

I have a class that defines a window (a popup dialog of sorts), and I want the name of that window to be constant. The only problem is that the name of the popup needs to match the title of the parent window, and I get the name of the parent in the constructor. So how do I go about defining this member variable to be constant and initializing it with a value in the constructor?

I want to do something like this, but I know this isn't allowed:

/* class.h */
class foo {

[Code] .....

I should mention that yes the name of the parent window is const char *, and I would like to keep it this way.

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C++ :: Calling Const / Non-const Overrides

Oct 5, 2013

Are there other ways of calling a const/non-const override? I want to defined some functions in terms of others, particularly accessors which might or might not require constness- in order to not copy & paste code. This is my current solution:

struct dumbArray {
dumbArray(unsigned int size):
m_array(new int[size]){
delete m_array;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Difference Between Const And Static Const

Dec 7, 2013

difference between const and static const, more effectively. I know the basic concept of const and static but I need clear explanation of declaring "const" and "static const"


const int a;
static const int a;

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C++ :: Casting Non-const Variable To Const

Jun 19, 2013

Is there any way to cast a non-const variable to const one?

I want to read variable n from file and then use it to declare array "int arr[n]", but because n is non-const, the compiler doesn't allow me to do that.

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Visual C++ :: Operator Overload Not Defined Error When Type Accessed Through Const Struct

Oct 17, 2012

I have a basic vector/point class where I've overloaded a bunch of arithmetical operators:

#pragma once
class point {
point() {
point(float p_x, float p_y, float p_z) : x(p_x), y(p_y), z(p_z)

[Code] ...

I can use it fine like

point p(50,50,50);
point q(50,50,50);
point t = p * q + q;

However when I put this point type into a struct and try to access the members after passing it through by const reference:

struct sextic {
point a,b,c,d,e,f,g;
inline static sextic sexticDifference(const sextic &p_sextic1, c

[Code] ....

This gives me an "operator not defined" error for compilation.

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C/C++ :: Overloading Functions With Different Types (char / Int)

Apr 24, 2014

For my project, my professor is going to test each of our functions. And the functions of type string, he is going to input a value from 1-1 billion(from our calling program) and it should work. However it is not working. I tried putting in a value greater than 9, but it only prints out 1 + x. It should print whatever value I decided to input.

// COverloadingProj.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "OverLoadingHeader.h"


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C++ :: Passing Char Arrays Between Functions Of Same Class

Nov 16, 2013

I'm having trouble with passing a character array between functions of the same class. I have a function, buildGraph, that calls function getNextLine. The getNextLine essentially just retrieves the next line of an input file and stores it into a "char line[80]". However when I try to use "line" in my buildGraph function, it has nothing in it.

Here's my code:

#define NUMNODES 10
using namespace std;
#pragma once
class Prog3Graph

[Code] ....

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C++ :: The Difference Between Const And Non Const Key

Jul 13, 2013

So I start thinking about what's the difference between this 2 code

map<const int, float> map_data;

map<int, float> map_data;

But it seems I can't find the difference, is there any difference between this 2 code ?

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C++ :: Error With Value Being Returned

Nov 18, 2013

I am working on my final project for my class and after finally getting it to compile with no errors to finding examples/tutorials and following skeleton code I cam encountering a problem.

The program runs, asks all the correct questions but when it displays the base pay and total pay for all 3 employees it comes back as ( -1.0743 blah blah )

When they work over 40 hours it works correctly but when they work under 40 hours it displays those weird numbers in those sections.

// Kevin Johnson -- Overtime Pay -- Final Assignment
// Created 11/14/2013 // Edited 11/17/2013
#include "stdafx.h"


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C++ :: Why Can't Void Be Returned

Apr 22, 2012

Why is it not okay to return void? Most compilers will probably let you (gcc does) but it gives you a warning that you aren't supposed to. Most languages allow you to return void.

Something like

void log(const std::string & txt){ std::cout << txt << std::endl; }
//C++ way to do it
void bar(int i){


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C++ :: How To Use The Value Returned From Int Type Function

Aug 28, 2014

I have this int type function that returns a number. It returns the value 2 for now but later it will return more variety of values. How do I use the value it returned? I'm not sure of the proper syntax.

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C :: Quadratic Equation - ID Returned 1

Oct 18, 2013

This is my code:

#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
float a,b,c,root_1,root_2;
printf("Please enter value a from the quadratic equation

[Code] ......

And I keep getting this error:

/tmp/ccgtUIun.o: In function `main':
assign345.c:(.text+0xc7): undefined reference to `sqrt'
assign345.c:(.text+0xef): undefined reference to `sqrt'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

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C :: Same Error Returned For All Code

Mar 11, 2014

I've had with visual studio but nothing seems to be working. No matter what I do even with simple programs, like Hello World, I'm always getting an error about a .pch header file.fatal error C1083: Cannot open precompiled header file: 'DebugConsoleApplication1.pch': No such file or directory

This is only for one of the programs I've made but I'm pretty new to programming and I've not even used the header files for anything so I have no clue how to resolve this problem.

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C/C++ :: Indices Returned In Bsearch

Jul 14, 2014

I have some struct which contains: void *elems (basically a pointer to an array of contiguous memory).

I want to use bsearch to return a pointer, and then somehow figure out where in the array that value is. Having a pointer in this case isn't enough, I need to know what the index is. I've tried a number of things:

int index;
void *value = bsearch(key, start_ptr, cv->count, cv->elemsz, cmp);
index = &value - &start_ptr;
return index; [
Replacing the second line with:

// in the first instance
index = (char*) value - (char*) start_ptr;

// in other instances...
index = ((char*) value - start_ptr))/cv->elemsz)

But nothing works.

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C :: How To Save Returned Of Unknown Length

Sep 15, 2014

I call a function that returns a string, and I can print it out fine, but I want to test the result of the function to see if it returns 0. But I can't just call the function again (GetNextToken(b)) because it will generate a different token. I can't allocate space for the string because I'm not sure what the size of the returned string is going to be.

Basically I want to see if the GetNextToken(b) returns 0, and if it doesn't then print the string. And running GetNextToken(b) again will give a different result.

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
SomeStruct* b = CreateStruct(argv[1],argv[2]);
printf("HERE %s", GetNextToken(b));

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C :: How To Get Address Returned By Malloc Function

Dec 6, 2013

So, I'm in the midst of implementing my own malloc() and free() functions, but I'm having a hard time with the syntax of getting the address that malloc returns. Whenever I check the address, it's 0 Here's the code:

char *word = malloc(10);
int address = *word;

The reason I want the address is so that I could store it in a data structure for further usage when I'm dealing with different cases for the free() function. Or is there another way to do this?

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