Visual C++ :: OBJ Conversion - XML Structure

Jun 14, 2013

I'm trying to make OBJ converter. The file structure of which I am trying to convert is an XML structure. Here's an example. I currently have a lua script that does this for me. But it always crashes on big objects. It's for a game called "ROBLOX" The only information I need to convert is.

<int name="BrickColor">194</int> <-- Brick Color
<CoordinateFrame name="CFrame"> <-- Position


Vector3 name="size"> <-- Part size.

Here's the lua script. [URL] .....

This currently grabs all of the ClassNames in the place and converts them to OBJ wavefront gemotry.

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C/C++ :: Conversion Of Time In Seconds Using Structure?

Sep 25, 2013

i create a structure called time. Its three members, all type int called hours, minutes, and seconds. This is in 12:59:59 format and i finally want to print out the total number of seconds represented by this time value.

long totalsecs = t1.hours*3600 + t1.minutes*60 + t1.seconds

i am using this formula but facing errors?

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Visual C++ :: String To Double Conversion?

Nov 22, 2013

I have the following piece of code:

string ss = findNodeValue( str, "Horizon");
cout << "ss is: " << ss << endl;
double dd = atof( ss.c_str());
cout << "dd is: " << dd << endl;

When the value of 'ss' is printed, I find it prints 1.0, but when the value of 'dd' is printed, it prints 1 whereas it is supposed to print 1.0.

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Visual C++ :: Failure During Conversion To COFF

Dec 10, 2013

I encountered error when compiling a simple project on my PC. However, other PC is working fine. Wonder what is missing from my PC?

1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: Test01, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1>Build started 12/10/2013 5:30:01 PM.
1> Deleting file "DebugTest01.lastbuildstate".

[Code] .....

int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR* argv[], TCHAR* envp[]) {
int nRetCode = 0;
HMODULE hModule = ::GetModuleHandle(NULL);
if (hModule != NULL) {
// initialize MFC and print and error on failure

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: How To Use ATL 7.0 String Conversion Macros

Feb 5, 2014

I have a problem in using ATL 7.0 string conversion macros.

My codes looks like this, which uses ATL 3.0 string conversion macros in the past:

Void Myfunc()

LPSTR lpszA;
If (...) {
CString strText;
If (...) {
If (bUnicode)


But since 3.0 macros do not support large strings, I want to switch to 7.0 macros, but have problems. Based on the [URL]... samples, I should declare CT2A pszA(strText) or CT2W pszW(strText) within the if and else bodies, as below:

Void Myfunc()
LPSTR lpszA;
If (...) {


However, in such a case, after running to the codes using lpszA or lpszW, both CT2A and CT2W will be destructed so lpszA and lpszW will be invalid. How to solve this problem?

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C++ :: Compiler / Linker Differences In Visual Studio Conversion?

Mar 18, 2014

I have a project that is essentially a hot pot of C/asm (naked functions etc). The code gets injected into another EXE. It works fine when compiled in Visual C++ 6 but when compiled in Visual Studio 2008 it compiles fine but falls over in use.

Are there certain settings I need to look out for? I have optimization disabled and as far as I can tell the command line options for compiler/linker are the same (given the differences).

I have opened both builds in IDA and the 2008 build has more import and offset jumps are in different places.

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Visual C++ :: Processing Time For PVOID Into Byte Array Conversion

Mar 12, 2013

In my project I'm using PVOID pointer to store real time data. After getting this data I will convert the data into byte array, like below

byte *bPoint = NULL;
PVOID pvData;
byte TempArr[1024];
bPoint = (byte*) pvData;
for(int i=0;i<1024;i++)
TempArr[i] = (byte) (*bPoint + i);

Processing time for the above code takes 9500 to 9900 microseconds (Used QueryPerformanceCounter).

TempArr[0] = ((BYTE*) pvData) [0];

This code takes 1100 to 1200 microseconds. My doubt is, The processing time of PVOID data into byte array conversion takes time like above? Or any other easy way(PVOID data into byte array conversion) to reduce the processing time?

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Visual C++ :: Prompt User To Enter Integer Value And Character Code To Indicate Conversion

Sep 14, 2013

I'm expected to write a c program for this question :

Using these header files
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

Question : Write a program that will prompt the user to enter an integer value and a character code to indicate whether they want to do a Kilogram to Pounds conversion (A) or a Pounds to Kilogram (B) conversion. Note that 1 kg = 2.2 pounds. The program should then do the necessary conversion indicated by the code and display the newly converted value to the screen.

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Visual C++ :: How Can Insert Value In Structure Vector

Mar 7, 2013

Here I have given my sample code, but it gave error. How can insert value in structure vector?

struct Hough_Transform_3D_Accumulator {
long int i;
long int j;
long int k;
long int count;


Error Message:error C2661: 'std::vector<_Ty>:ush_back' : no overloaded function takes 4 arguments

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Visual C++ :: Writing Structure To CSV File Won't Work

Jan 23, 2013

I need to compute some values, place them in a structure containing two vector variables, and save them in a CSV file. Right now, I can't even generate a file. I wrote the structure definition and file writing code in a header file (after first borrowing it). I have a "button" that is supposed to trigger all of the activity. I'll attach the code below:

#ifndef EINSTEIN_H
#define EINSTEIN_H
#include <stdio.h>
struct SizeAll{
int year;
double R;
int write_to_file(int count, struct SizeAll *data, char const *fileName)


My grasp of pointers and how and when to use them evaporated long ago.

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Visual C++ :: Print Sequence Data Structure

Sep 15, 2012

Printing out a sequence data structure. I am using a PC running Windows 7 with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. This sequence has a dynamic array which stores a value_type which can be any of the built in data types for C++. Initially the sequence is 30 slots long. When the program starts the user starts at the beginning of the sequence by choosing the "!" option from the menu. The user will then insert a number such as 11 by selecting the "I" option (upper or lower case). Then the user will go to the next position in the sequence by selecting the "+" option then insert 22, then go to the next position and insert 33.

To show that the numbers are actually in the sequence the user goes back to the beginning of the array by selecting "!" and then select "C" to display the current number of 11. Then the user goes to the next position by selecting "+" and then "C" to display 22 and so forth. At this point the member function called current() works just find , but when trying to print the contents of the entire sequence the program displays garbage. Why?

// FILE: sequence_test.cpp
// An interactive test program for the new sequence class
#include <cctype> // Provides toupper
#include <iostream> // Provides cout and cin
#include <cstdlib> // Provides EXIT_SUCCESS
#include "sequence2.h" // With value_type defined as double
using namespace std;
using namespace CISP430_A2;


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Visual C++ :: Data Structure For Text Predictor Using Qwerty Keyboard?

Oct 30, 2014

i got project to make a program of text predictor. i know the concepts of c++. array, classes , recursion, in data structure linked list, stack, queues and trees etc.. but i still need to make fast and efficient program of text predictor.

i got data in file.txt , in fact it is a dictionary data.....

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Visual C++ :: Control Structure Outputting Wrong Iterations Via Ints?

Mar 18, 2013

I have this:

for (chr_min = 0; chr_min <= 24; chr_min += 3) {
strOut = "";
for (ctr_row = 1; ctr_row <=3; ctr_row++) {
switch (ctr_row) {
case 1:
strOut = strOut + Line1.substr(chr_min, 3);

[Code] ....

it is outputting to the shell window, this:


and that pattern apparently repeats for every iteration that's specified in the outer loop. am I missing something here?

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Visual C++ :: What Is The Best Matching Data Structure For C# Binary Heaps With Boost

May 5, 2015

I wonder are there boost available structures that act pretty much the same as binary heaps of C# in VC++?

like this code snippet in C#


BinaryHeap<Node> OpenList = new BinaryHeap<Node>();
BinaryHeap<Node> ClosedList = new BinaryHeap<Node>();


namespace LibAStar {
/// <summary>
/// A binary heap, useful for sorting data and priority queues.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"><![CDATA[IComparable<T> type of item in the heap]]>.</typeparam>
public class BinaryHeap<T> : ICollection<T> where T : IComparable<T> {
// Constants


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C/C++ :: Not Able To Initialize Structure Variable Inside Main Whose Structure Defined GL

Aug 27, 2013

I am trying to run a programme implementing a function with structures in c... which is:

struct store  {
        char name[20];
        float price;    
        int quantity;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: How To Use Structure Pointer Through A Structure Public Member Definition

Dec 7, 2014

Why doesn't this compile?

struct hi(){
void other();

void hi::other(){
std::cout << "Hi!" << std::endl;

[Code] ....

Makes no sense the structure is written before the structure member function is called so why is there compile errors ??...

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C/C++ :: Value Assignment To Structure Member Inside The Structure?

Oct 7, 2014

Is it possible to assign a value to structure member inside the

struct control{  
char tbi:2 =0;
char res:1 =0;

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C :: How To Create A Structure That Pointing To Another Different Structure

Mar 17, 2013

how I can create a structure that pointing to another different structure. And also passing structure to function.

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C++ :: Zip To City Conversion

Apr 9, 2014

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int displayMenu ();
void addRecords ();
void zip ();
void city ();

[Code] ...

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C/C++ :: Time Conversion Between EST And UTC

Apr 1, 2013

I want to convert time from est to utc. Is there any function for this.

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C++ :: 32 / 64 / 80 Bit Float Conversion?

Feb 14, 2012

I am looking for a math/big num library, that allows me to convert 32/64/80 bot float numbers to string and vice versa.

Precision & accuracy is of importance here, and since this is an IEEE standard, i have high hopes that there are libraries for this out there, which would save me the hassle of trying to implement this myself...

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C :: Lowercase / Uppercase Conversion

Oct 15, 2014

I am having trouble in creating a program (named "up.c") that should do the following:

- if you run the command ("up") with no arguments, it should read input from stdin and display it on stdout, converting lowercase letters to uppercase.

- if you run the command with one or more files (as arguments to the "up" command), your program should read input from each file and display it on stdout, again converting lowercase letters to uppercase.

I'm trying to create a single program that can do both of these, and handle errors gracefully. I've found that some codes work to convert the letters, but they seem overly simple and aren't giving me what I'm looking for in my program.

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C :: Float / Integer Conversion

Oct 14, 2013

why does the following code output "0.000000" instead of "1.000000"?


#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int x=3, y=2;
printf("3/2 is %f
", x/y);
return 0;

the code was compiled and run using gcc 4.4.7 and glibc 2.17 on linux kernal 2.6.32 running on a PC with an intel i5-2500k cpu(sandy bridge)

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C++ :: Conversion From PDF To Text File

Feb 25, 2013

I have this project, How do I ever Convert a .Pdf file to .txt file using C++.

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C/C++ :: Number Conversion To String

May 22, 2014

I'm writing a small pice of code that takes numbers and convert it to string. So that's what I got

int main() {
char letter;
char letter1;
char letter2;
cin >> letter;
cin >>letter1;
int sum = letter * 128 + letter1;

[Code] ....

Then it asks the user to enter a letter, say 'w' , which it's value is 119

Then enter another letter, say 'o' which value is 111

then it do the equation, which is take the value of the first letter multiple it by 128 then add it to the value of the second letter.

How can I make it does this process in a For loop, or any kind of loop??

Then I have the second part which is the other way around. That is when the user enter a numbers then the code convert these numbers to a string.

251394404 - "d"
1964018 - "rd"
15343 - "ord"
119 - "word"

so what's happening here is the it divide each time by 128. But I can't do that in a code.

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C++ :: Conversion Between Char And String

Jun 7, 2013

I have a question on conversion between char & string. I have cut & pasted the part of the code from my C++ code and my function "decryptPwd" uses C style code with "char" etc.

I need to pass a string (mypwd) somehow to this function after conversion & then compare it to another string (newmypwd).

I tried - "decryptPwd(mypwd.c_str())==newmypwd.c_str()" but it did not work.

#include <string>
char* decryptPwd(char hash[64]);
main () {
string mypwd;
string newmypwd;
if (decryptPwd(mypwd)==newmypwd)

[Code] ...

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