Visual C++ :: How To Change Client Area Icon During Runtime

Feb 23, 2015

how to change the mouse tracking icon during runtime. I wish to emulate the Microsoft Paint app behavior with respect, for example, to click on a toolbar button such as the 'Fill With Color' bucket and have the mouse pointer icon change to a little bucket. I wish to do this in an MFC SDI app.

Here's a bit of code that does nothing that I can tell, although it compiles and runs. (m_hIcon2 is a member HANDLE, IDI_FLOODFILL is an existing icon in the app resources). I have come across numerous other examples that do not work and/or will not compile using VS 2010 Win7(64).

void CMainFrame::SetNewIcon() {
m_hIcon2 = LoadIcon(AfxGetInstanceHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_FLOODFILL));
SetIcon(m_hIcon2, FALSE);


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C++ :: How Do Games Change Meshes At Runtime

Jun 25, 2014

Right, I'm making a game and I'm not sure how I'm going to do this:

On Skyrim (for example; there are thousands of others), when you equip a helmet, it appears on your character's mesh.

How do they do that? Do they modify the mesh, or simply render the helmet at a location which makes it look like it is on their head, or what?

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C++ :: Resizing Widget - Change Size Of MainWindow During Runtime

Aug 31, 2012

I have QTextEdit in mainWindow. I'm trying to resize QTextEdit so height = mainwindow.height and width = height/2. That should change when I change the size of mainWindow during runtime. How can I do that?

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Visual C++ :: MFC Button With Icon Or Image?

Jul 30, 2014

tell me the EASIEST way to create a button with an image on it.

I am not interested in using the owner draw property with CBitmapButton and then have to create a whole lot of bitmaps for all the different button states.

There must be a way to simply create an ordinary button which displays an image rather than or as well as a caption....?

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Visual C++ :: Setting Icon Of Exe File?

Oct 9, 2013

I have a MFC dialog project, I move all the icons including the IDR_MAINFRAME icon into a resource-only DLL, so there is no icon embedded in the executable file. In the dialog initialization, the dialog loads the icons using LoadIcon(hResdll, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_MYICON))). The icons shows correctly on the dialog.

But in the Windows Explorer, the icon of the .exe file is not the icon of IDR_MAINFRAME, I check the resource file in the resource-only dll project, the ID number of the IDR_MAINFRAME is the lowest one of all icon ID numbers. I also try


But it doesn't work. The IDR_MAINFRAME icon doesn't show in the Explorer window, the system provides a default icon for the .exe file.

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Visual C++ :: How To Make Icon For MSVC Project

Oct 22, 2013

I'm developing a software for Windows using MSVC 2010. My employer sent me 2 png files: 16x16 and 32x32 for the icons.

What I would like to do is to use them as a MSVC icon resource and don't use any code hacks. In the past all I had was an ico file and I just included it in the resource (rc) file for Visual Studio and that was it.

Now my question is: how do I make one ico file out of those 2 png files that will be accepted by MSVC? Is there a tool (preferably free) for it or some online service?

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Visual C++ :: Forcing App Icon To Be Always Shown On Tray In Windows 7 / 8

Sep 24, 2012

Where in registry the Explorer stores tray icons visibility settings? (Always show, show only notifications, or always hide.)

I know that Microsoft doesn't want us to change these from a program, which may be OK for a home computer, but it becomes a major pain in the ___ for an enterprise environment (as there seems to be no GPO to do this either.) I've seen couple commercial products that were able to do this, so I'm sure there's a "hack" somewhere...

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Visual C++ :: Displaying Icon In A Simple Dialog With WinAPI

Feb 27, 2013

I made a dialog to have a customizable msgbox. (custom icon, custom caption on buttons). This is how I try to display an icon on the dialog but it is not working.

HWND hImageCtl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_STATIC);
::SendMessage(hImageCtl, STM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON, (LPARAM)hIcon);
//SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_STATIC, STM_SETICON, (WPARAM) hIcon, 0);

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Visual C++ :: Default File Icon - Unknown Extension

Apr 1, 2013

If I don't assign the icon to my executable file (f.e. it's a DOS application), or I have some unknown extension in the file, Windows Explorer assigns the icon to this file.

Is there a way to somehow get this icon? Either from the registry or by any other means.

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Visual C++ :: How To Use CListCtrl For Show Multiple DialogBoxs Like Items In Icon View

Jan 15, 2014

i can write a mfc program to make a Thumbnail view with image but can not this when change image with CDialogBox.

Thumbnail view with image(chart) like this:

for (int i=0;i<10;i++) {
CChartContainer *cc = new CChartContainer();
this,idDyn)) {

how can i write mfc program to make a Thumbnail view of CDialogBoxs?

do i can use CListCtrl for show multiple DialogBoxs?

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C/C++ :: Client To Client Communication Using Network Programming?

Feb 8, 2015

I am trying to make kind of a messenger using Socket/Network Programming

My program should allow clients to register or sign in, after they are signed in they should see a list of the other signed in people whoever I select from that list I should be able to implement using multiple threads as well.

I have done this much:

User.txt file



#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pthread.h>


Now issue is in this code I am getting error SEGEMENTATION ERROR, CORE DUMP

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Visual C++ :: MDI Application Client Window

Apr 17, 2015

I am developing a MDI application that will contain a RibbonBar and a Properties Pane window. The MDI documents are not tabbed. I am finding that when I try to move the client window around, it gets clipped by the RibbonBar and the Properties Pane window (shown in image). I know the client window cannot go outside the client area, but can the client window be on top of the ribbon bar and the properties pane window?

I am using VStudio 2008.

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Visual C++ :: TCP/IP Program - Display All IP Addresses That Are Connected To Client

Mar 12, 2013

I need to create a TCP/IP program using visual studios MFC that displays all client's IP addresses that are connected to the client.

The MFC application just has a list box and a button. The client can be a simple console application. When the button is clicked, the list box gets populated with all ip addresses of connected clients.

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Visual C++ :: Switch From TXT To RTF During Runtime

May 2, 2015

While running a Doc/View SDI, is there any way to switch from text mode to rtf mode during runtime? Search reveals nothing.

Say I have an editor and I want the app to use text, I can set the ctor as follows.


CEditorDoc::CEditorDoc() {
// TODO: add one-time construction code here

But once I've done that and compiled the app, while it's running, is there a way for the user (or programmer) to change the mode back to RTF? One solution that occurred to me is to use 2 document classes, but that's a hassle.

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C :: Possible To Split Command Console Into 2 Parts - Visual And Text Area

Feb 1, 2015

I have had experience in programming from python (slightly related, html/css) and the computercraft from minecraff (basic i think it is).

My question is mainly about the C and past experience with the computercraft.

1. Is it possible to split the command console into 2 parts (a visual area and a text area)
2. Is it possible to use any form of pixel art or custom characters within any command console using C.

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Visual C++ :: How To Surround Memory Allocation Area By Try-catch Block

Aug 6, 2013

I am using new operator, I don't recall what the allocator's name is. But what is the corresponding Exception (or derived classes) any try-catch block can cope with?

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Visual C++ :: Adding Header And Lib Files At Runtime?

Feb 4, 2013

I was created a dynamic library (Used win32 App) & compiled with no error.

Then i was created my main application (MFC) & paste the .h,.lib,.dll files from the source path(dll App Path) to destination path(Main App Path). If i used the below command in my app means the project working good.

#include "Alg.h"
#Progma Command(lib, "VTAlg.lib")
& also paste the VTAlg.dll in my app path.

here Alg.h contains the some methods , In future i will edit the function like below for my client requirement but no function name & Arguments change. The changes made in inside function(Logically changed) only.

My client contains only .exe file + .dll file.

My requirement, So after change the method i will send only .dll file to my client

If i change my lib file name VTAlg2.lib instead of VTAlg1.lib (But Same Function name & Arg type)means how can i edit the code below

#include "Alg.h"
#Progma Command(lib, "VTAlg.lib")

& How to run my application at client place.

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Visual C++ :: Calling Function From OnDraw - Runtime Assertion

Feb 2, 2014

Following function is causing run-time assertion. I am using VC6.0 professional version. My OS is Win7.0. I am calling the function from OnDraw. OnDraw does not contain any other code other than the function call code:

void CMoireUseCirclesView::UseCircle(CDC* pDC){
int x1, y1, x2, y2;
int color1=0;
int color2=0;

[Code] ....

The assertion is occurring at:

newPen.CreatePen(PS_SOLID,5, RGB(color1,color2,color3+i));

The error message is:

Debug Assertion Failed

Debug is giving following values

Loaded 'ntdll.dll', no matching symbolic information found.
Loaded 'C:WindowsSysWOW64kernel32.dll', no matching symbolic information found.
Loaded 'C:WindowsSysWOW64KernelBase.dll', no matching symbolic information found.
Loaded symbols for 'C:WindowsSysWOW64MFC42D.DLL'

[Code] ...

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Visual C++ :: List DLL Library Functions Signature At Runtime

Dec 31, 2012

I want to know how to list the all the symbols in the shared library(dll or .so file). I dont want commands like nm or objdump or depends.exe . I want to get the list of functions available in shared library programmatically at runtime (after calling loadlibrary/dlopen and GetProcAddress/dlsym). Is there a way to get the complete signature of functions in a shared library?

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Visual C++ :: Using Fstream To Open A File Created Only During Runtime?

Nov 20, 2012

I'm using Visual C++ 6.0 and I'm trying to use fstream to open and read a file that is created only during runtime. This file is written by another function running on another thread, and my program will keep trying to "open" the file until it can be opened, i.e. after it's created, then read 3 numbers from it and execute the rest of its code.

The file test.txt has the content


My program that polls and opens the file is as follows:

ifstream fin;
std::string tfile, snum1, snum2, snum3;
long int num2, num3;
printf("Begin prog %s
", tfile.c_str());


I executed the program by

Code: test_prog.exe "C: est.txt"

and waited about 3 seconds before putting the test.txt file into C:

My output was

Begin prog C: est.txt
Cannot open file C: est.txt
Cannot open file C: est.txt
Cannot open file C: est.txt
Cannot open file C: est.txt
Cannot open file C: est.txt
Cannot open file C: est.txt
fin is open
snum1 =
num2 = 0 num3 = 0
End of prog

The test.txt file disappears after I refresh the C: folder.

So the values for snum1, num2 and num3 are all wrong, as if the file was not read correctly.

If I put a while fin.good() loop after printf("fin is open "); for that entire block (until printing the values of num2 and num3), then I get

Begin prog C: est.txt
Cannot open file C: est.txt
Cannot open file C: est.txt
Cannot open file C: est.txt
Cannot open file C: est.txt
Cannot open file C: est.txt
Cannot open file C: est.txt
fin is open
End of prog

How can I correctly read a file that is only created during runtime?

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Visual C++ :: Runtime Check Failure - Variable Used Without Being Initialized

Nov 10, 2014

Under visual studio, this is a typical run time error,

void func(int x){
x = 3;
int main() {
int x;

When x is passed to the function func, it is not initialized. But my question is that why it should be an error? On the other hand, if I change the definition of func a little bit like this,

void func(int& x) {
*x = 3;
int main() {
int x;

Now in main, x is still not initialized, but this time there isn't a run time error like "the variable is being used without being initialized. Why?

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Visual C++ :: Runtime Check Failure - Value Of ESP Error With Conversions

Dec 2, 2014

I get this error:

run-time check failure #0 - the value of ESP was not properly saved across a function call. This is usually a result of calling a function declared with one calling convention with a function pointer declared with a different calling convention

when i try to run my code. It has compiled fine on another computer, but it simply will not work on this one. This is the part of code where it is receiving the error. it has to do with the stoi

#include <string> // for use of string
#include <fstream> //for file handling
#include <iostream> // for file handling
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip> //for the setprecision used further below
using namespace std;
struct MasterData //struct created named 'MasterData' to hold one line from master file

[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: Runtime Error In Merge Sort Algorithm

May 3, 2013

# include <iostream>
# include <vector>
# include <cstdio>
# include <algorithm>
# define inf 100000

using namespace std;
int cnt;
vector<int> merge( vector<int>& left, vector<int>& right) {

[Code] ....

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Visual C++ :: Game Controlled At Runtime By External Source File

Mar 24, 2013

Is it possible to create a program like Robocode, a game controlled at runtime by an external source file in visual c ++? For example create a checkers game where there would be an external source file, read at runtime, which would play automatically, with artificial intelligence. You can? If yes, how?

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C++ :: Win32 API Icon Loading Error (VS2010)

Jul 9, 2013

I am trying to load an icon I created for my program. Relevant code is below:

#define IDR_MYMENU 103
#define IDR_MYICON 201
#define ID_HELP_NOTICE 40001
#define ID_HELP_ERROR 40002
#define ID_FILE_EXIT 40003

[Code] ....

For some reason, the icon fails to load. I ran a breakpoint at the line for the hIconSm and got this error for the variable:

Code: CXX0030: Error: expression cannot be evaluated

The icon image is in the source folder and was compiled via ImageMagick. Google is not giving me any info regarding the error and the icon combined.

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Visual C++ :: How To Change A Button Colour

Jan 16, 2014

May I know how to change a button colour using visual C++ ? Currently using visual studio 2010.

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