Visual C++ :: Converting Time Into Slandered And Military
Mar 3, 2015
This program is suppose to store input from a user (example 14 15 27) and output it three times. Once to confirm the input using the get function to recall the data, once to look like military time (14:15:27), and once to look like slandered time (2:15:27 p.m.).
The program runs, but this is what I'm getting:
I'm thinking its because I'm using the same integers to store two sets of data. I tried to create different integers for every set of data it didn't seem to fix the problem. The fact that the program is running makes trying to figure out where the problem quite confusing to say the least.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class time {
int hr, min, sec;
basically my program lets the user inputs military time( in hour, minute, and seconds). I need to convert this to standard time and have am/pm at the end. Here is what I have so far.
I have a 3 files, time.h, time.cpp (defines functions), and main.cpp (testing). I have a problem in my main function under main.cpp. I don't understand how to set the parameters of the two time objects; t and test. When i do test( hr, min, sec) it shows random numbers when it prints out in standard time.
I've search the web, and solved all the errors that appeared till I got a clean build. Now any time I run the code I run into this issue.
enter hour of mtime : 19 Mmin: 26 Msec: 05 standard time is 12:00:00 AM military time is 00:00:00
I can't figure out why this isn't displaying any of my inputs.
#ifndef TIME_H #define TIME_H class Time { public: Time(int = 0, int = 0, int = 0); ~Time(); int hour; // valid values are 0 to 23 int minute; // valid values are 0 to 59
Write a program to convert the time from 24-hour notation and vice versa. Your program must be menu driven, giving the user the choice of converting the time between the two notations. Furthermore your program must contain at least the following function : a function to convert the time from 24-hour notation to 12-h notation, a function to convert the time from 12-hour notation to 24-hour notation, a function to display the choices, function(s) to get the input, and function(s) to display the results.
I have a vector<string> of times that I want to convert to vector<double>. The time string is in the form 00:00.000. Is there a STL or something like it algorithm or function to do this, otherwise what would be the best way to do this with a function.
I have an assignment that is due on monday I am stuck on this function. I have to convert my netpay which is a float to a string So if i have 356.26 it should output the sum of three hundred fifty-six and 26/100 dollars my program function works for the sum of three hundred but after that it spits out garbage.
As a starter project I want convert a Neural net app from "AI Techniques for Game Programming (2002 Buckland)" to a Visual C++ CLI Forms application. I have created the interface and now I have to rewrite the in/output routines, amongst other things.
First question I have has to do with variable initialization used by Buckland. Code looks like this:
Excerpt from header file (CNeuralNet.h):
//------------------------------------------------------------------- //define neuron struct //------------------------------------------------------------------- struct SNeuron { //the number of inputs into the neuron int m_NumInputs; //the weights for each input vector<double>m_vecWeight;
Question I have: what is the the function of ": m_NumInputs(NumInputs+1)" after the method declaration? Buckland does this in many places in his code. In this case it's a struct, but he does it with classes too.
I followed a tutorial to load a bitmap from file and convert it to a array of bytes to access it directly. Now to display the bitmap on screen do I have to convert it to a HBITMAP or can I display it from the array of bytes?
Also the program I am building is a calendar program and I need to know if I can manipulate the bitmaps pixels in the byte array (e.g change color and resize image)
Store the result into an array D of 8 elements. Your program should show the decimal numbers for every binary number. Print screen of 6 answers. This means you should try your program six times with different numbers in every run and show the printed screen result.
I am trying to automatically extract all time stamps in a pdf file. These are typically in a line like:
For this I was thinking of using CStdioFile and the ReadString function. Somehow this doesn't work. My example code is below. Is this because pdf is not a true text file, because strings read can be longer than some max,...? Any quick way of reading the file and extracting the desired text between the brackets?
Code: CStdioFile InputFile; if (InputFile.Open(FileName,CFile::modeRead)) {
I need using CSemaphore class in MFC C++ application. I have an edit1 box with multil ine and each line has a string. I'm trying to loop through edit1 box and for each string to start a thread that is using the string for specific function. I'm trying to limit the run of only one thread at the same time with semaphores but all treads start at the same time.
So when i click button1 i loop through edit1 box and start threads:
Code: void CMFCApplication1Dlg::onButton1Click() { int i, nLineCount = edit1.GetLineCount(); CString strText, strLine, mesaj; for (i = 0; i < nLineCount; i++) {
[Code] ....
While looping through edit1 box multi line and starting the threads:
Code: UINT CMFCApplication1Dlg::StartThread(LPVOID param) { WaitForSingleObject(semafor, INFINITE); // wait for semafor to signal THREADSTRUCT* ts = (THREADSTRUCT*)param; // here i'm doing some operations with the string from edit1 box ReleaseSemaphore(semafor, 1, NULL); //release the semaphore for next thread to begin }
Instead of running only one thread at a time all threads start. What am i doing wrong ?
I have been given a task to debug a C++ project. I have not written a single line of code in this project!!
This project executes for about 5 minutes without problem. Then it ends with an exception "Unhandled exception at (some .dll name) in EITos.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location "
Now every time I execute the program. The error is from a different dll. Sometimes it is a dll created by other programmers, sometimes it is related to QT. So I don't think this is a code problem. Is there any project setting that would affect this?
Im working on my project for college and i want to know how to add sth similar to a chronometer for user to see how much time have passed while entering some characters using cin.getline function.
Any application or open source software (vc++ or or that can display a high resolution map and i can input real time latitude and longitude of points through an external file and those points can be displayed on map in real time..... I am all new to this plotting on map stuff....
I was assigned a project to implement a real time graph to an application which continuously outputs data numerically through the GUI. The application that was created to do this is written in C.
I have to turn those numerical numbers into a graphical display that is periodically updated to appear as real time.
My adviser suggested using NTgraph [URL] ...... I had no clue how to implement this to my code and was finally able to understand that the .OCX needs to be registered as a COM and then imported to the application using visual studios. However, I get an error when I try importing it since it is in C (Visual Studios 8) and not an MFC application.
So my question is if it would be possible to implement the ActiveX control to my application even though it is not an MFC application and how to go about it.
Processing time for the above code takes 9500 to 9900 microseconds (Used QueryPerformanceCounter).
Code: TempArr[0] = ((BYTE*) pvData) [0];
This code takes 1100 to 1200 microseconds. My doubt is, The processing time of PVOID data into byte array conversion takes time like above? Or any other easy way(PVOID data into byte array conversion) to reduce the processing time?
I like to read the table and get the all PNAME into the combo box.
Using the below code i can read the table, but while loop takes 2 seconds to read 10 records in the Profilemaster table. How can i reduce the reading time?
My Code is void MainScreen::OnreadProfileName() { CDatabase database; CString SqlString; CString sDsn; CString pname;
This is a round robin execution. with gantt chart. arrival time and burst time. I think there is an error in my formula to get the right answer,i cant resolve it but my program is running. What is the code or the right formula??
#include<stdio.h> int main(){ int i,j=0,n,time,remain,flag=0,ts; int sum_wait=0,sum_turnaround=0,at[10],bt[10],rt[10]; int ganttP[50],ganttStartTime[50]; printf("Enter no of Processes : "); scanf("%d",&n); remain=n;