C++ :: Sort By Age Vector Of Birthday Dates?

Aug 5, 2014

I'm trying to sort by age a vector of birthday dates. I'm using the functions in the <ctime> header to calculate the difference in seconds between two date but it doesn't work! If I try to print 2 different dates with asctime() or ctime() it either prints 2 time the same date or throws an exception! I post my code below: p.s.: I'm using a wrapper class called Date.

#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>


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C++ :: Sort Of Vector Of Custom Objects

Feb 23, 2014

I'm working on a code for ascertaining the minimum penalty of an assignment problem. The basic complication of my code is this: I have a vector of objects of a custom struct. The struct has a member, which is an integer. I need to keep the vector sorted according to that member, even when objects are added to or deleted from the vector. To illustrate the problem, I'll give an example.


typedef struct examplestruct{int i;
char c;
...} es;
int function(void)
{vector<es> ObjectTable;
//insert an object so that the vector remains sorted according to i
insertobject( newobject, &ObjectTable);
//deleting the top element of the vector
return 0;}

I have tried to do it using bubblesort. But it's too slow. How to make a heap out of it.

The detailed premises of the problem is this: There are a number of jobs, and with each job a completion time and a cost coefficient. We are to ascertain the optimal sequence of jobs for which the penalty is minimum. Now, suppose we are given jobs A, B, C, D and E. We find out the lower bound of penalties for all the jobs.

Suppose we find B has the lowest penalty. Then we find out the lower bound of penalties for BA, BC, BD and BE. We continue this until we have the best value and a complete sequence. The way I have implemented this in a code: I have created two structs. One is Job, with the completion time and cost coefficient as members. The other is Node. Nodes have a Job Array and a Penalty as members. Now, we have a vector of Nodes which we need to keep sorted according to the penalty. We need to insert new Nodes and delete the expanded Nodes.

I have included my code. The pushInTable function inserts the new Nodes in a sorted vector. But it slows down remarkably when we give more than 20 jobs as input.

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C++ :: Sort Vector Of Pointers To Objects

Nov 5, 2014

Im creating a program for a race. The Race class has a vector of results and each element of that vector is a pointer to a result. The Result class has a Time and a pointer to a Participant. So in each race there are various results and it is a result for each participant.The Time is a class that has hours, minutes and seconds. How can I sort the vector of results from the result of the participant with the fastest time to the result of the participant with the slowest time?My code is like this:

//.h file:
class Time {
unsigned int hours;
unsigned int minutes;
unsigned int seconds;


What am I missing to get my code to work?

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C/C++ :: Sort Vector Of Pointers To Objects?

Nov 5, 2014

Im creating a program for a race. The Race class has a vector of results and each element of that vector is a pointer to a result. The Result class has a Time and a pointer to a Participant. So in each race there are various results and it is a result for each participant. The Time is a class that has hours, minutes and seconds. How can I sort the vector of results from the result of the participant with the fastest time to the result of the participant with the slowest time?

Im getting some errors in my code. I put the error as comments in the code. Each error is after the line where it occurs. My code is like this:

//.h file:
class Time
unsigned int hours;


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C++ ::  Sort / Find Duplicates And Remove From Vector

Nov 18, 2013

I'm trying to sort my vector, find duplicate values using unique and erase them. Program can compile successfully but the duplicates are not removed.


x: 3
y: 2
x: 6
y: 4
x: 3
y: 2
vector<Point2D> p2dvector;
void readData()


I also have operator== in my Point2D class which I understand it is required to use unique for vector.

bool operator==(const Point2D& lhs, const Point2D& rhs)
return lhs.x == rhs.y;

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C++ :: Sort Vector Of Objects On Member Variable?

Dec 10, 2014

I have a small class and a vector to hold the objects.

class result_holder {
// initialize class members


The purpose is to keep results and be able to sort the results on row_value while keeping the id and name values in registration with the row_value. I am running allot of tests and keeping the top n results. The idea is to sort the vector so that I can just examine the object in the last element to see if it should be replaced by a better result.

I know that this kind of thing is often done with an overloaded operator or a functor, but I am a bit out of my depth with that, especially determining what class variable will be used for the sort. sorting the above objects on the row_value variable?

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C++ :: Program To Maintain Database - Name And Birthday

Oct 16, 2014

Write a program that maintains a database containing data, such as name and birthday, about your friends and relatives. You should be able to enter, remove, modify, or search this data. Initially, you can assume that the names are unique. The program should be able to save the data in a fi le for use later.

Design a class to represent the database and another class to represent the people. Use a binary search tree of people as a data member of the database class. You can enhance this problem by adding an operation that lists everyone who satisfies a given criterion.

For example, you could list people born in a given month. You should also be able to list everyone in the database.

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C++ :: Function To Find Out How Many Days Have Passed Since Last Birthday

Feb 20, 2013

I have to write a c++ program with my own function which consists of two parameters (day, month). Function have to return number of days since the begining of this year. Using this function i have to find out how many days are left till birthday (or how many days have passed since last birthday)

This is how far i am:


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int cikDienu(int diena, int menesis);
int main()

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Calculate Approximate Age Of User Based On Current Date And Their Birthday

Nov 23, 2012

I have an extra credit project where I'm supposed to calculate an approximate the user's age based on the current date and their birthday. My problem is that I am not getting the proper date and time. C++ keeps giving me some random date. I looked up c++ time format on the internet because this is extra credit and not in my book.

I am currently using dev C++ Here is my current code :

// included libraries
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <time.h>
#define cls system("cls")
#define pauseOutput system("pause")
void printM(int x);
void age(int m, int d, int y, int &yearAge, int &monthAge, int &dayAge);

[Code] ....

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C :: Program To State User Chinese Zodiac And Horoscope Sign After Inputting Birthday

Mar 26, 2013

I am a beginner trying to write a program that would state a user's chinese zodiac and horoscope sign after inputing his or her birthday. I have been, however, having trouble getting the program to run correctly.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#define CAPRICORN "G"
#define AQUARIUS "W"
#define PISCES "F"

[Code] ......

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C++ :: Calculate User Birthday In Months / Days / Hours And Minutes From Today Date

Jul 24, 2014

The problem is that I need to figure out the user's birthday in months, days, hours, and minutes from today's date.

Here's what I have so far.

using namespace std;
int main() {
int todayDay, todayMonth, todayYear;
int birthDay, birthMonth, birthYear;

[Code] ....

I haven't initialized all the variables, yet. And it's very unfinished. I need to figure out how to convert years from the age into months only. And I need to figure out how to calculate the hours, seconds, and minutes.

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C/C++ :: Difference Between Two Dates?

Oct 26, 2013

How i can easly calculate the difference between two dates ?

Example :

Date 1 = 12 March(3)
Date 2 = 24 November(11)

Result = 258 days

how to do this in C++ ?Btw i don't want to use date functions or something like that.I want to do it with simple math formula.

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C :: How To Check Dates In Programming

Mar 6, 2015

I'm supposed to make a program that can tell which date, out of any number of dates entered by the user, is the earliest date. However, this is based off another program that I did not do in the last chapter. Since it's a pretty simple program to use as the base for the more "generalized" one, I decided to make the more basic one that can only take two dates, first. If it was just one integer, I could just use date1 for the first date and date2 for the second date, but each date uses 6-8 separate numbers.

how do I tell it something like, "if(date1 < date2)", with date1 and date2 including their month, day, and year. I could do a separate integer name/tag (I forgot what they're called) for each number, but that sounds like doing a lot more adding and subtracting, and like it could easily get messy.Should I, or can I, add all the numbers under the "date" together to see which date has the "lowest number" or "earliest date", or should I somehow handle each number, that is month, day, and year, separately?Here's the code so far:


include <stdio.h>int main(void)
int date1, date2;
printf("Enter first date (mm/dd/yy):
scanf("%d/%d/%d", &date1);
printf("Enter second date (mm/dd/yy):


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C :: Comparing Two Dates Using A Structure

Jul 23, 2013

my problem is naming the function larger() with "int". At least that is what my compiler is leading me to believe.


#include <stdio.h>
struct Date{
int month;
int day;
int year;


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C++ :: Converting Strings To Dates

Feb 8, 2014

Code for converting strings to Dates in C++.

Example: What is the date:
User response: 12/05/14

Any way I can code this to recognize it as a date, and make it so that the date is sortable? Not referring to the system date, but a user input date.

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C++ :: SQLite - Add All The Mileage Between Two Dates

Feb 4, 2013

I have a simple table in SQLite:

Column 1: vistDate (stored as date)
Column 2: mileage

As a test, I created one row,
visitDate = 03/02/2013
Mileage = 10

I want to be able to add all the mileage between two dates but in my SQLite query, it returns zero mileage if the first date is not in the same month.

I am inputting the dates in the dd/mm/yyyy format above. It works fine for

Date 1: 01/02/2013
Date 2: 04/02/2013

i.e. 10 miles is returned as answer

but if Date1: 30/01/2013 I get Null.

Here's the query:

SQLiteExec("SELECT SUM(mileage) FROM mileageTable WHERE visitDate BETWEEN '01/02/2013' AND '04/02/2013')

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C# :: How To Paint Particular Dates In DatePicker WPF

Oct 7, 2014

I want that my DatePicker look like this:

The idea is for example if you a owner of Travel Agency and have website, when client want to go direct on your adrress in city that he or she can see on website that every weekend agency dont work(red color in calendar), other days they work(green) except of period 10.11-20.11 when they have vacation(numbers in calendar from 10.11-20.11 will be in yellow color).

I want to implement painting particular days in calendar by some logic.I suppose that I need to create my own class and inherit DatePicker from WPF, but what to override to get this if the inheritance DatePicker is the solution?

Attached image(s)

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C/C++ :: Calendar Dates Are Not Matching Up

Dec 7, 2014

In this project a user needs to enter a numeric month and a year. The output is a single calendar month with the name of the month followed by a grid of the days. My issue is that my day alignment is off. for example: if you enter the month of December (12) and this year 2014 it says the month started on a Wednesady when in fact it started on a Monday. I am not sure if its my leap year calculaion or what.

using namespace std;
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
char *months[] = {
" ",

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Compare 2 Dates From Strings / Char Or Int

Mar 16, 2014

i have been trying to compare a date format from SYSTEMTIME and a date from a text file(string).But its not working. I tried to change both to string(using osstringstream),char* and int(using sscanf) to do the comparison but with no luck. its pretty simple all i want to do is get the current system date and compare it with the date from the text file. Below is my code:

char szcurrentDate[MAX_PATH] = "";
char szdate_time[MAX_PATH];
GetLocalTime (&st);
GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,NULL,&st,"yyyy-M-d ",szcurrentDate,MAX_PATH); //current system date
//std::ostringstream mm;


note : i tried displaying just szcurrentDate and szdate_time they show the date exactly the same. in string,char* or int formats.

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C# :: Check Input Date Between 2 Dates (not SQL)

Oct 8, 2014

In my WinForm, Our client insists to use Textbox instead of DateTimePicker field, and they want to input in ddmmyy format.

Using Visual Studio 2010 C# 4.0.

PC date time setting: GMT +08:00 dd-MMM-yy.

Assumed today date is 291014 (29-Oct-14).


DateTime inputDate;
// the WinForm allows user to input date not earlier than 2 years before today date and not more than 1 months from today date too.
//Assumed I input date as 261014 (26-Oct-14)
if(DateTime.TryParseExact(input, "ddMMyy", new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"), System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None, out inputDate)) {
DateTime minDate = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-24);//Assumed it is 29-Nov-14
DateTime maxDate = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1);//Assumed it is 29-Oct-12

I tried many methods but none works (I have checked many threads/forums also).

//Method 1
if(inputDate >= minDate && inputDate <= maxDate)
return true

//Method 2: B return true but A ***always*** return false, Why??
if (inputDate >= minDate)
A = true;


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Visual C++ :: Calculating Number Of Days Between Dates

Mar 19, 2014

I have a code that calculates the number of days between dates. It considers leap years and different days among months. The problem I have is when i debug the code nothing comes out.

Here is the code.
using namespace std;
bool wheep();
int daysinmonth();
bool wheep(int yr) {
if (yr % 400 == 0)

[Code] ....

this is the file its reading
1 7 9 1 10 9

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C :: How To Compare Days By Dates Of First Week Of 1997 To 2014

Jan 14, 2014

I want to compare dates of first week of every year input by user to determine that what was the day on 02/01/1998 compare to 02/01/2014, or 04/01/2001 compare to 04/01/2003.

I want to compare from 01/01/1997 , 07/01/2014.

For example user enter first date 04/01/2002 and other date 04/01/2003, then the program show that there was tuesday on 04/01/2002 and monday on 04/01/2003.

[Code] ......

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C++ :: Calculate Number Of Days Between Dates - Program Continuously Runs

Mar 24, 2014

I have an assignment to write a program that will calculate the number of days between two dates (including leap years). We have to read the data from a file and in my current input file I have:

1 1 2000 1 5 2004
5 2 2005 2 5 2009
1 15 1998 1 15 2001

for testing purposes. When I run the program the console runs continuously spouting out "The days between your two dates are 1097." Which would be the correct output for the last set of dates entered, but I need to find out where I've messed up in my main.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
bool isLeap(int x) {
if (x % 400 == 0) {

[Code] .....

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C :: Radix Sort Function To Sort Array Of 64 Bit Unsigned Integers

Aug 19, 2013

Example radix sort function to sort an array of 64 bit unsigned integers. To allow for variable bin sizes, the array is scanned one time to create a matrix of 8 histograms of 256 counts each, corresponding to the number of instances of each possible 8 bit value in the 8 bytes of each integer, and the histograms are then converted into indices by summing the histograms counts. Then a radix sort is performed using the matrix of indices, post incrementing each index as it is used.

typedef unsigned long long UI64;
typedef unsigned long long *PUI64;
PUI64 RadixSort(PUI64 pData, PUI64 pTemp, size_t count) {
size_t mIndex[8][256] = {0};
/* index matrix */
PUI64 pDst, pSrc, pTmp;
size_t i,j,m,n;
UI64 u;


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C++ :: How To Sort A 1D Array Using Function Sort

Mar 22, 2013

how to sort a 1D array using function sort().but if i have a 2D array how do i sort only 1 row of it (or column)?

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C/C++ :: Bubble Sort And Selection Sort?

Feb 19, 2014

You will write a program that uses a multidimensional array having 3 rows and 8 columns and sorts each of the rows using both a bubble sort and a selection sort.

You must declare the array inside of main. You will have a for loop containing the calls to bubbleSort and selectionSort. You need to pass into function bubbleSort and selectionSort the following: 1) each column of the multidimensional array, 2) the size of the column, and 3) a particular row number of the multidimensional array to be used for printing out the "pass" shown on the following pages.

I keep getting an error that the identifier for bubbleSort and selectionSort is not found. (Error C3861) Also, I feel like I'm missing something in int main() to get it to sort properly.

# include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()


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