C++ :: Calculate Approximate Age Of User Based On Current Date And Their Birthday
Nov 23, 2012
I have an extra credit project where I'm supposed to calculate an approximate the user's age based on the current date and their birthday. My problem is that I am not getting the proper date and time. C++ keeps giving me some random date. I looked up c++ time format on the internet because this is extra credit and not in my book.
I am currently using dev C++ Here is my current code :
// included libraries
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <time.h>
#define cls system("cls")
#define pauseOutput system("pause")
void printM(int x);
void age(int m, int d, int y, int &yearAge, int &monthAge, int &dayAge);
[Code] ....
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Jul 24, 2014
The problem is that I need to figure out the user's birthday in months, days, hours, and minutes from today's date.
Here's what I have so far.
using namespace std;
int main() {
int todayDay, todayMonth, todayYear;
int birthDay, birthMonth, birthYear;
[Code] ....
I haven't initialized all the variables, yet. And it's very unfinished. I need to figure out how to convert years from the age into months only. And I need to figure out how to calculate the hours, seconds, and minutes.
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Sep 27, 2014
I have an assignment in which i must create a program which prompts for user input of current and birth date, which will compare said dates and output if its your birthday or not. I've completed a large portion of it, but cannot figure out how to get the user input of month as an integer such a 2 into February.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class DayOfYear {
void input();
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Jul 12, 2013
I'm trying to write a program to calculate an approximate value of e using the formula e = 1 + 1/1! + 1/2! + ....... 1/n!...However, I'm always getting nearly 2.291481 as answer.Here is my code :
//Approximate the value of e
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int n, j;
printf("Please enter value of n : ");
scanf("%d", &n);
I know I'm not supposed to use system("PAUSE"), but this is self-study.
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May 24, 2014
I am trying to create a program that will calculate pi based on a user input for accuracy. If the user input .3 then when the leibniz infinite sum value at a particular i becomes less then the input of .3 then the loop will exit.
I have looked at a number of examples on the internet but I feel lost. I have put together working code that will infinitely output sums but I need the loop to stop when the sum value is less then the accuracy value.
My question is what is wrong with my while loop, why will it only give me infinite summations? How do I make it so that the loop will exit when my accuracy input is greater then the sum?
int main () {
double accuracy;
cout<<"Give an accurate number." << flush;//looks nice
int d;//initialize denominator
double pi = 0.0;
while(accuracy < d){
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Dec 12, 2014
I need to add the current date to the end of a string but I only need to add the day and not the year or month.
Put the code This is what i have
char date[9];
cout << date << endl;
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Dec 30, 2014
I am doing a school project. The project basically is that it records the in and out time of an employee(of an particular company).The employee while checking in or out should enter a unique key generated specially for him so that no one else can check in and out for him.Then referring to the employees position( A worker or a manager or something like that) his total working time each day , for a week and a month is calculated. The company starts at 8 am and ends at 5 pm for 1st shift and for second shift from 3.30 pm to 2.30 am. Plus Saturday and Sunday off. Then after a month the program refers to the working time date stored in a file and calculates his pay(For workers its per hour salary and for managers it aint).
If an employee is consistently late the details are forwarded to the HR account( so that necessary steps are taken).This will support the company log the details of their employees duty time plus give enough detail to take action if someones always late. I'm doing this as a school project and it needn't be of enterprise class and all.. But i want the coding to perform as it should. Also i'm forced to use the old Turbo C++. Now i'm struck in the place where the time of the employees in and out time is logged. This coding does the work
void main( ) {
char dateStr [9],timeStr [9];
_strdate( dateStr);
cout<<" The current date is "<<dateStr<<'
[Code] ....
I think the second one is better as it not only gives me date but also gives me the day so i can check easily for the weekends. So, how these time functions work.
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Sep 26, 2014
How can i assign current date as integer ?
for example:
today's date 26 Sep 2014 on a computer
i try to make as below
int day=26
int moth=9
int year=2014
I also research i think i will use time.h library surely
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Jan 14, 2015
I am trying to use to save the current date and time into a char array using this code:
char current_time(char *date){
time_t result = time(NULL);
date = ctime(&result);
return *date;
now when I output the date char array into a txt file I only get gibberish.
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Feb 16, 2013
i need to display the current time and date in my program and use variable to store each of the time values like
a = 10
b = 29
c = 31
printf(``%d : %d : %d``, a,b,c);
which then give the output as - 10:29:31
How to save the time in variables in C....
i am using C in windows 7 and my complier is Bloodshed Dev C++
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Mar 26, 2013
I am a beginner trying to write a program that would state a user's chinese zodiac and horoscope sign after inputing his or her birthday. I have been, however, having trouble getting the program to run correctly.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#define CAPRICORN "G"
#define AQUARIUS "W"
#define PISCES "F"
[Code] ......
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Apr 10, 2012
How do I Convert date as gmt to local from timezone.
I have date like 24-aug-2003 and timezone like CT .
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Feb 28, 2014
I have a problem with my code while trying to simulate a snakes and ladders program. The objective of the program is to simulate many games (100000+) to gain statistics:
1. The most likely number of rolls.
2. The mean value of the number of rolls.
3. The most common square, C, on which a token may come to rest. i.e. move on to.
4. The probability of coming to rest on square C.
5. The least likely square on which a token may come to rest and what is the probability of this occurring.
6. The distribution in the number of rolls needed per game presented as a normalised graph.
7. The minimum number of rolls of the die - called Nmin.
8. How many different paths (unique sequences of die rolls) take Nmin rolls to complete the game?
However my program (on Tenacious C) doesn't seem to run at all...
I have run it on internet compilers and other compilers but it must work on Tenacious C.
Below is the code I have at the moment, it works fine when stepped through or ran on a different compiler.
How to create code to answer the 8 points above. For instance, to get point number 2. I must find the total rolls divided by the total number of games, but am not sure how to do this.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
int GetThePositionOfMovement(int CurrentPosition, int dieValue);
[Code] .....
Attached image(s)
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Oct 26, 2014
So I have a programming assignment which is for getting a user input in the format of m/d/yyyy. This is stored as d/m/yyyy. I have been able to code all the rest of the requirements of the program but the thing that is giving me trouble is this. The year is allowed to go from 1-3000. The format of the displayed date is:
a zero-filled, two-digit day number, a dash, full name of month, a dash, zero-filled, four-digit year.
I am able to use a switch statement in order to get my name of the month. What I am struggling to figure out is the whole zero filled two digit day and zero filled four digit year. From the way the input is store it appears to me that it will be stored as yyyy which means if you were to enter 0001 for year 1 then it should output it as that (this is an assumption based on format). What I don't get is that the day is entered and stored as d which means if you put in 12 how would it be stored. However if you put in 6 to print the output I would need to add a zero and I dont know how to do that either.
Here is the code for getting the input. The function must stay formated this way as per the instructor. The / is stored but ignored hence the char for second and fourth since / is a char
void getDate (int& day, int& month, int& year){
char second;
char fourth;
cout << "Please enter a date in the format of m/d/yyyy" << endl;
cin >> month >> second >> day >>fourth >> year;
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Apr 12, 2012
Some example to validate date accepted by user in variable as follows:
int day;
int month;
int year;
It must validate entered details are correct or not ans
It must check that date is more than System date or not
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Oct 8, 2013
Write a program in C++ that calculates the amount to be paid to an employee based on the hours worked and rate per hour. A user will enter hours worked and rate per hour for an employee. Your program should have a function payCheck that calculates and returns the amount to be paid. The formula for calculating the salary amount is as follows: for the first 40 hours, the rate is the given rate (the rate that a user has entered); for hours over 40, the rate is 1.5 times the given rate.
I had write my own coding, but it keeps error. it is okay. But i still don't think i could share here? Still running... I will update my coding for you alls to check for any syntax or logic error. The problem is i need to calculate if the employee work for more than 40 hours which 1.5 times.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream.h>
using namespace std;
int main(void) {
char *empname, *test, *final_output;
[Code] .....
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Jan 20, 2013
I am writing a C++ program which takes date & time input from the user. This is then parsed into a struct such as:
struct time
short year;
short month;
short day;
short hour;
short min;
My question is: how can I convert such a struct into a time_t object, which is an unsigned long giving the time as the number of seconds elapsed since the epoch Jan 1st 1970, 00:00, as set out in time.h.
I am wondering if this can be achieved using the standard library, or whether I just need to write a function to perform the appropriate arithmetic.
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Mar 22, 2013
I'm having a problem with my homework. The task is to write a program that will take time and date typed by user, and increase it by 1 minute. I should write 3 functions - first calls second function that updates time and calls third function, if time is 00:00.Time update works, but date update does not.My whole written code:
struct DateAndTime {
struct date {
int day;
int month;
int year;
I should check if inputs are numbers only, so I tried including isdigit function from ctype.h library, but that didn't work either, after I was trying it for a good hour or so, but I kinda rage quit that...
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Dec 4, 2014
I don't know how to ask the user to enter the date in this format (DD/MM/YY) and ISBN number with hyphens.
After user enter date and ISBN number, it should look like this:
Date: 5/24/12
ISBN: 0-000-12345-0
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string date;//MM/DD/YY Format
[Code] ....
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Apr 17, 2014
I am doing an assignment that is to calculate the federal tax based on the users input. I am not entirely sure what it is doing, but it is definitely not what I want it to do. I commented out the loops because they seemed to have caused a problem, but there is still problems that are making the program do something else. Here is my code:
using namespace std;
double getData();
double taxAmount();
[Code] ....
Functions just seem like they are not my thing. It never gets to the second function to do the calculations and then return to main to display the results.
I tried changing the code to a switch(status) with a default: at the end that looped the "please try again" but for some reason, that was a fail, it created an endless loop.
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Dec 24, 2014
My assignment is to pixelate an image based on users input. I have a structure that stores the image, and in this structure I'm storing the height and width and a dynamic array of RGBA struct.
This is my function. my main issue (that I've found) is offsetting and figuring out a way to handle the "edge" if the dimensions don't add up to the set pixelation size.
// @------------- Pixelation X
bool filter_pixelation(float percentageX, float percentageY, Picture& pic) {
// URL
/* 50% of 80 = (50/100) * 80 = 40 */
size_t perX = percentageX * (float)pic.width;
size_t perY = percentageY * (float)pic.height;
[Code] ....
Here is the getIndex function:
int getIndex(int x, int y, int width) {
return y * width + x;
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Nov 5, 2014
Okay so I have to draw a square using "c" that draws according to the user input. Also, this has to be a function, and here is the code I have so far:
#include <stdio.h>
void DrawSquare(int length, char symbol);
void DrawSquare(int length, char symbol) {
int row;
int col;
[Code] .....
When I run this program it compiles fine but when the user input is recorded it just draws nothing but makes tons of spaces.
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Oct 21, 2014
How can i repeat a loop based on the number inputted by the user?
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Sep 27, 2013
how to stop outputting data based on a user input. The text file is as follows:
1. a
2. b
3. c
and the code I'm using is as follows:
int main (){
string line;
int search;
cout << "Enter a number from 1-3" << endl;
cin >> search;
ifstream myfile ("example.txt");
What I want to do is to just output number 1 (the whole line) if the user enters number 1. However, I get an error on the second condition w/c is the "&& line!= search"
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Feb 7, 2014
I'm trying to create a function where it allows the user to type in multiple amounts of integers, so if the user wanted to have 3 different storages that hold different integers, the input would look something like this:
97 12 31 2 1 //let's say this is held in variable "a"
1 3 284 3 8 // "b"
2 3 482 3 4 // "c"
2 3 4 2 3 // "d"
99 0 2 3 42 // "e"
Since we don't know what number the user will input every time, I'm not sure how to create a dynamically allocated array that will create an x amount of arrays every time.. I want to be able to access each index of a, b, c, d, e or however many arrays there are.
So far, this is what I have, but I'm having trouble creating the arrays since it's unpredictable. I'm purposely not using vectors because I don't really get how pointers work so I'm trying to play around with it.
int* x;
int length, numbers;
cin >> length;
x = new int[length]
for (int i=0;i<length;i++)
cin >> numbers; //this doesn't work because it only grabs the first line for some reason
x[i] = numbers
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Feb 14, 2013
i can't seem to get my program to save the Set.savv file and encrypt it and decrypt it when user logs back on to there virtual file on a CD and writing it to the disk its self and closing the session
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