C/C++ :: How To Draw A Square Based On User Input
Nov 5, 2014
Okay so I have to draw a square using "c" that draws according to the user input. Also, this has to be a function, and here is the code I have so far:
#include <stdio.h>
void DrawSquare(int length, char symbol);
void DrawSquare(int length, char symbol) {
int row;
int col;
[Code] .....
When I run this program it compiles fine but when the user input is recorded it just draws nothing but makes tons of spaces.
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Dec 15, 2014
I have to make a program that displays a square of asterisks based on the users input. Here is what I have so far.
using namespace std;
int main(){
int number;
cout << "Enter a number: ";
cin >> number;
for (int i = 0; i < number; i++){
[Code] ....
But the square needs to be hollow like this. So if the user enters 5 then the following square will be shown.
* *
* *
* *
How to make it do this.
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Oct 25, 2013
I know how to draw a square hollow or filled but i need to draw an alternating pattern ....
iPatternHeight = 1
iPatternHeight = 3
[Code] .....
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Oct 25, 2013
I know how to draw a square hollow or filled but I need to draw an alternating pattern
iPatternHeight = 1
iPatternHeight = 3
[Code] ......
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Aug 23, 2014
I have tried writing a code which takes two numbers from the user and calculates their square root then the roots are added up to return the sum. The program is coming out with loads of errors.
float main(){
using namespace std;
float m1,m2,m3,m4,m5;
[Code] ....
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Oct 7, 2014
I am trying to draw a grid for checkers. I could draw a square at the starting point from origin with the code below(attached the pic below how it looks) however I am not being able to draw a grid when the program runs.
#include "ccc_win.h"
// GameDemo.cpp
// Shows how to place a piece accurately on a grid after a mouse click.
#include "ccc_win.h" // for graphics classes and functions
using namespace std;
int ccc_win_main(void) // main function for graphics program
[Code] ....
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Apr 17, 2014
I am doing an assignment that is to calculate the federal tax based on the users input. I am not entirely sure what it is doing, but it is definitely not what I want it to do. I commented out the loops because they seemed to have caused a problem, but there is still problems that are making the program do something else. Here is my code:
using namespace std;
double getData();
double taxAmount();
[Code] ....
Functions just seem like they are not my thing. It never gets to the second function to do the calculations and then return to main to display the results.
I tried changing the code to a switch(status) with a default: at the end that looped the "please try again" but for some reason, that was a fail, it created an endless loop.
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Dec 24, 2014
My assignment is to pixelate an image based on users input. I have a structure that stores the image, and in this structure I'm storing the height and width and a dynamic array of RGBA struct.
This is my function. my main issue (that I've found) is offsetting and figuring out a way to handle the "edge" if the dimensions don't add up to the set pixelation size.
// @------------- Pixelation X
bool filter_pixelation(float percentageX, float percentageY, Picture& pic) {
// URL
/* 50% of 80 = (50/100) * 80 = 40 */
size_t perX = percentageX * (float)pic.width;
size_t perY = percentageY * (float)pic.height;
[Code] ....
Here is the getIndex function:
int getIndex(int x, int y, int width) {
return y * width + x;
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Sep 27, 2013
how to stop outputting data based on a user input. The text file is as follows:
1. a
2. b
3. c
and the code I'm using is as follows:
int main (){
string line;
int search;
cout << "Enter a number from 1-3" << endl;
cin >> search;
ifstream myfile ("example.txt");
What I want to do is to just output number 1 (the whole line) if the user enters number 1. However, I get an error on the second condition w/c is the "&& line!= search"
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Feb 7, 2014
I'm trying to create a function where it allows the user to type in multiple amounts of integers, so if the user wanted to have 3 different storages that hold different integers, the input would look something like this:
97 12 31 2 1 //let's say this is held in variable "a"
1 3 284 3 8 // "b"
2 3 482 3 4 // "c"
2 3 4 2 3 // "d"
99 0 2 3 42 // "e"
Since we don't know what number the user will input every time, I'm not sure how to create a dynamically allocated array that will create an x amount of arrays every time.. I want to be able to access each index of a, b, c, d, e or however many arrays there are.
So far, this is what I have, but I'm having trouble creating the arrays since it's unpredictable. I'm purposely not using vectors because I don't really get how pointers work so I'm trying to play around with it.
int* x;
int length, numbers;
cin >> length;
x = new int[length]
for (int i=0;i<length;i++)
cin >> numbers; //this doesn't work because it only grabs the first line for some reason
x[i] = numbers
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May 24, 2014
I am trying to create a program that will calculate pi based on a user input for accuracy. If the user input .3 then when the leibniz infinite sum value at a particular i becomes less then the input of .3 then the loop will exit.
I have looked at a number of examples on the internet but I feel lost. I have put together working code that will infinitely output sums but I need the loop to stop when the sum value is less then the accuracy value.
My question is what is wrong with my while loop, why will it only give me infinite summations? How do I make it so that the loop will exit when my accuracy input is greater then the sum?
int main () {
double accuracy;
cout<<"Give an accurate number." << flush;//looks nice
int d;//initialize denominator
double pi = 0.0;
while(accuracy < d){
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Mar 10, 2014
i want to display all the contents of a file excluding one based on user input say i have 4 records in the file numbered 1 to 4....the user chooses 2 to exclude it outputs records 1,3,4,4 when it should be records 1,3,4 what am i doing wrong here is the code.its basically displaying the last record in the file twice
void excludeRecord()
ifstream read;
int recordC =0;
string fnameC = " ";
string lnameC = " ";
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Apr 12, 2015
I need to create a program that prints a certain number of asterisks based on user input. The user inputs 5 and I want my program to output "*****". How would I do this in C? I've tried printf("%#**", myvariable) but this does not work it only prints "*".
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Nov 11, 2014
Write a program to generate a report based on input received from a text file. Suppose the input text file student_status.txt contains the student’s name (lastName, firstName middleName), id, number of credits earned as follows :
Doe, John K.
3460 25
Andrews, Susan S.
3987 72
Monroe, Marylin
2298 87
Gaston, Arthur C.
2894 110
Generate the output in the following format :
John K. Doe 3460 25 Freshman
Susan S. Andrews 3987 40 Sophomore
Marylin Monroe 2298 87 Junior
Arthur C. Gaston 2894 110 Senior
The program must be written to use the enum class_level :
and define two namespace globalTypes (tys and fys) for the function :
class_level deriveClassLevel(int num_of_credits) ;
The function deriveClassLevel should derive the class_level of the student based on the number of credits earned.
The first namespace globalType tys should derive the class level based on a two year school policy.
and the second namespace globalType fys should derive the class level based on a four year school policy.
Four Year School Policy:
Freshman 0-29 creditsSophomore 30-59 credits
Junior 60-89 creditsSenior 90 or more credits
Two Year School Policy:
Freshman 0-29 creditsSophomore 30 or more credits
NOTE : use ignore() function with ifstream objects whenever you want to ignore the newline character.
For example :
ifstream transferSchoolFile ;
transferSchoolFile.open("student_status.txt", ios::in);
while( !transferSchoolFile.eof()) {
getline(transferSchoolFile,name) ;
transferSchoolFile >> id >> credits;
transferSchoolFile.ignore(); //Used here to ignore the newline character.
I did this in parts so I got it working with a four year criteria without the user defined name spaces.
include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
[Code] ....
So that worked fine then I tried with name spaces -
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class_level classLevel;
[Code] ....
I know I have some stuff to mess around with but I am currently stuck with two errors, first -
Error1error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _main referenced in function ___tmainCRTStartupC:UsersstephenDocumentsVisual Studio 2013ProjectsinputConsoleApplication1MSVCRTD.lib(crtexe.obj)ConsoleApplication1
then -
Error2error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externalsC:UsersstephenDocumentsVisual Studio 2013ProjectsinputDebugConsoleApplication1.exeConsoleApplication1
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Nov 11, 2014
Program Description: Write a program to generate a report based on input received from a text file. Suppose the input text file student_status.txt contains the student's name (lastName, firstName middleName), id, number of credits earned as follows :
Doe, John K.
3460 25
Andrews, Susan S.
3987 72
Monroe, Marylin
2298 87
Gaston, Arthur C.
2894 110
Generate the output in the following format :
John K. Doe 3460 25 Freshman
Susan S. Andrews 3987 40 Sophomore
Marylin Monroe 2298 87 Junior
Arthur C. Gaston 2894 110 Senior
The program must be written to use the enum class_level :
and define two namespace globalTypes (tys and fys) for the function :
class_level deriveClassLevel(int num_of_credits) ;
The function deriveClassLevel should derive the class_level of the student based on the number of credits earned.
The first namespace globalType tys should derive the class level based on a two year school policy.
and the second namespace globalType fys should derive the class level based on a four year school policy.
Four Year School Policy:
Freshman 0-29 creditsSophomore 30-59 credits
Junior 60-89 creditsSenior 90 or more credits
Two Year School Policy:
Freshman 0-29 creditsSophomore 30 or more credits
NOTE : use ignore() function with ifstream objects whenever you want to ignore the newline character. For example :
ifstream transferSchoolFile ;
transferSchoolFile.open("student_status.txt", ios::in);
while( !transferSchoolFile.eof()) {
getline(transferSchoolFile,name) ;
transferSchoolFile >> id >> credits;
[Code] ....
I know I have some stuff to mess around with but I am currently stuck with two errors, first -
Error1error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _main referenced in function ___tmainCRTStartupC:UsersstephenDocumentsVisual Studio 2013ProjectsinputConsoleApplication1MSVCRTD.lib(crtexe.obj)ConsoleApplication1
then -
Error2error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externalsC:UsersstephenDocumentsVisual Studio 2013ProjectsinputDebugConsoleApplication1.exeConsoleApplication1
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Feb 24, 2014
I create the dialog based application and draw the line inside the picture box. if line is drawn then display the msgbox, if not close the msg box and resize the window then the line is disappear and blank area is shown in picturbox.blem
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Feb 11, 2013
B. Circle in a Square Write a C++ program that will ask the user to enter the area of a square. Then the program will display the biggest area of a circle that will fit in a given square. Using math.h library is not allowed.
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Nov 21, 2014
Create a user-defined program that will compute the price per square inch of a cake using an “overloading”. The cake could be a circle or a square type. In the main function, ask for the price of a circle cake and its diameter, while for the square cake, ask for the price, its length and width. The process must be done inside the different function of each cake. (Note: two sub function for the computation of a circle and a rectangle)
Note that when I made this program something weird happen. After inserting the name, all things follow.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
double areaRectangle(int l, int w);
double radiusCircle(int r);
[Cpde] .....
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Feb 28, 2015
I am able to display a filled and hollow square by themselves, but I can't seem to be able to get them side by side.
So this is my code so far:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
I can get the hollow square to show up, but the first square just shows up as a single line instead of a square. It seems that it ignores the first if statement in the second loop. I've tried not using an if statement in the second loop but it didn't seem to work either.
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Oct 21, 2014
How can i repeat a loop based on the number inputted by the user?
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Feb 14, 2013
i can't seem to get my program to save the Set.savv file and encrypt it and decrypt it when user logs back on to there virtual file on a CD and writing it to the disk its self and closing the session
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Feb 7, 2014
Player is given choice of x number of Races This choice changes the player's base stats. Then player is given a choice of x number of Classes (archer, warrior, etc.) This choice determines how the player's stats will change upon leveling up.
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
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Sep 10, 2013
I'm trying to get the hang of the declaration and use of char. I'm trying to write a program that reads sentences from the user and changes them based on their character choices, I keep getting load of compiler errors.......am I off to a good start or am I way off?
using namespace std;
int main() {
char *quit*;
char sentance [100];
[Code] ....
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Nov 23, 2012
I have an extra credit project where I'm supposed to calculate an approximate the user's age based on the current date and their birthday. My problem is that I am not getting the proper date and time. C++ keeps giving me some random date. I looked up c++ time format on the internet because this is extra credit and not in my book.
I am currently using dev C++ Here is my current code :
// included libraries
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <time.h>
#define cls system("cls")
#define pauseOutput system("pause")
void printM(int x);
void age(int m, int d, int y, int &yearAge, int &monthAge, int &dayAge);
[Code] ....
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Jul 9, 2013
I will sketch the scenario I would like to get working below. I have one main application.
That application, based on user interactions, can load other applications in a secure shell. This means these child applications cannot interact with the OS anymore, nor with each other.
The parent program can at any time call functions of these child programs.
The child program can at any time call functions of these parent programs.
How to implement this in C++? Preferably both parent and child should be written in C++.
The performance of loading the child applications doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is the performance of the communication between child and parent.
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Oct 5, 2014
I just don't understand how you would have it count how many negatives and positives there are based on the user's input? Here's the problem and the code it provides:
Modify the program so that is displays the average of the positive and negative numbers. (Hint: be careful not to count the number 0 as a negative number.)
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAXNUMS 5
int main() {
int i;
float number;
float postotal = 0.0f;
float negtotal = 0.0f;
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