C :: Reading Infinite String?

Sep 24, 2013

I have made a program that can take an infinite string:


int main(void) {
int i = 2, j = 0;;
char *string;
printf("Enter any string:

[Code] .....

But there is some problem in it, like its printing extra characters after string. reading infinite characters in a string

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C/C++ :: Infinite Loop While Reading From Pipe?

Oct 31, 2014

Why I have an infinite loop when reading from a pipe?

i = 0;
while(i < 10) {
test_value = read(pipe3[READING], &message, sizeof(struct MESSAGE));
printf("test_value is %d
", test_value);
//printf("Entering infinite loop


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C/C++ :: Addition Of Infinite Numbers Using String

Feb 26, 2013

How exactly did u accept it as a string? i mean did u use ascii values or anything? and what was your code for keeping track of carry?

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C :: Reading Integers That Are In A String?

Dec 3, 2013

I am doing a program and i need to read integers that are in a string and i dont know if i am doing it correctly.

unsigned int j=0, h1;
char num[100] , str1[100], str2[100], a[100], b[100];

sscanf(str1, "%[^;] ; %[^;] ; %d ", a, b, &h1); the string is : "0048915433190;24/10/2013;13h 7m 47s;13h 8m 59s;0;1;"

And what i want to read with sscanf is the hours, minutes and seconds.

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C++ :: Reading Characters From String

Apr 13, 2013

i have a string which is n characters long. i need to read say 20 characters at a time, wait for the user to type OK and then send another 20 characters. wait for the user to type OK and send 20 characters again until we get to the nth character.

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C++ :: Reading String With Space?

Sep 26, 2013

how can I read some strings that contains spaces and put them in a vector of strings, using the push_back() function?

I have a collection of functions, for example: [multiply_by_forty two, add_by_five]. All I want to do is to store the strings like: multiply_by, add_by in a vector of strings, and the arguments:forty two, five etc in another vector of strings, but with spaces. The function convert() converts written numbers to numbers (for ex the output of covert("forty two")is 42;)

Here is the code:

public:void split() {
vector < string > s1;
vector < string > s2;


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C++ :: Reading TXT Line Into A String?

Sep 11, 2014

void login() {
//username, password, option to register, option to exit, link to website
cout << "Would you like to login(1), or press anything else to register.?" << endl;
cin >> loginYorN;
if (loginYorN == 1) {
cout << "Please enter your username: ";
cin >> accountInfo[1];


So as above, I ask them to input 1 for login, anything else for register. Whatever they input, it get's stored into loginYorN, then I check to see what they input. If they put '1' for input, then I ask them for their username, store that into accountInfo[1], and then asking for the password, storing that into accountInfo[2].

Now here is where I need to input line 1(username) from login.csv or login.txt and line2(password) and storage these into accountID and accountPW.

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C/C++ :: Reading In A String And Turning It To Int

Dec 10, 2014

I have a problem with transforming a string, for example

"13 + 19"

and store this in a list as seperate integers,

list = {13, 19};

and another list with the +, -, /:

list2 = {+};

this is my function:

int evaluate(char* formula, int* result) {
struct List *listofintegers = list_create(); //creates a list, this is the structure:
struct ListNode {
int value;
struct ListNode* next;

[Code] ....

This is how i execute my function in my main.c:

int value;
evaluate("19 + 16", value);

This is what i get in my prompt:

I will also have to seperate the +, - and / in another list,

I don't even know how i can get my string when char* formula is given as an argument...

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C :: Reading String And Checking If Integer

Nov 23, 2013

wrote this program to check if a string is an integer. It checks for + or - sign at the front of it, but it spat out some errors.I think I broke it.Here is the code:


int getInteger(char*);
int main(void) {
char str[99];
int x;


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C++ :: Reading Int Choice In With A String Buffer Instead Of Cin?

Sep 25, 2013

How do you read an int choice in with a string buffer instead of cin?

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C++ :: Error Reading Characters Of String

Feb 2, 2013


using namespace std;

void add_matrix(int row1,int row2,int col1,int col2,double m1[30][30],double m2[30][30],double m3[30][30]);

[Code] .....

This program is suppose to read a matrix file , and the first getline is suppose to get the file header but it appears that 'line' doesn't take in any value other than empty thus causing all the problem , I tried to put cin.getline() in front of it to take away the /n created by the cin before it , but it doesn't work . When I debug the program when the arrow points to the string line , this error appears

line<Error reading characters of string.>std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >

I tried to initialize string line=NULL too , doesn't work either.

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C++ :: Reading A File And Storing It In A String

Feb 7, 2013

I know how to do this in c++ with fstream and std::string and getline and so on and so forth. Im writing my code solely in c however. I can't get g++ installed so figured it was a good excuse to learn c instead of using the equivalent c++ abstracts.

My problem is, I'm making a game in c that I have made in c++ but have ran into an issue with my map. I want to read in my map from a file which just looks like this:
Name of Town
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *

so i tried using fscanf to first read in the name of the town (stored in a char*) then read in the characters (in this case '*')(not including white spaces becuase i can just print those) into another char*. what is the better way to do this?

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C++ :: Error Reading Character Of String?

Jan 12, 2013

I am trying to record some information in a file and allow user to delete a record. I am facing this message in Autos section of MVS (Error reading character of string). Here is the code:

int removeRecord(string name, int &row)//remove a record
const string data="database.txt";
fstream records;
const string cpData="temp.txt";


If I delete the any row (except last roe) it works but then add a copy of last record (sometimes fully sometimes partially) at the end of the file!! if i delete the last record it does not do anything.

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C++ :: Reading String 2 Characters At A Time?

May 10, 2013

may i know how do i read a string 2 characters at a time?

lets say i have a for loop like this

for(int i=0;i<stringLen;i++)
for(int j=0;j<???;j++)
//insert code

what i want to do is i want to read a string 2 characters at a time and store them into a vector.

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C++ :: Writing / Reading String Objects To / From Files

Jul 7, 2013

I am using the code below to write a single instance of object "Employee" to a file in Binary mode. The write part seems to work fine, however when I try to read the single employee object from the file into memory I get a double free or corruption error.

I think this has to do with the fact that I am using a string data member in the Employee class but I don't understand what is going wrong. I have read that strings can vary in length and use dynamic memory allocation but if I write a single employee object to a file with data member 'name' equal to "John", it should be the exact same size when I read it back in right?

The code below works with no issues when I omit the string data member. Why is that? Where is the memory for the string object being "double released" when I read the employee object back into memory from the file?

I am using Linux Mint 15, Eclipse June and GCC 4.7.3 with the -std=c++11 option.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>


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C/C++ :: Reading A File And Replacing Characters With Corresponding String

Mar 27, 2014

So I am supposed to create a program that reads a file and replaces "<" with "<" , ">" with ">" , "&" with "&" , and " " " with """.........

The program takes a file "test.txt" and reads it, replaces the characters above with the corresponding strings, and then writes the output to "scrubbed.txt".

A sample input would be: <something>

and the output would be: <something>

for some reason I am getting garbage In my new file. What am I doing wrong with the code?

int main(int argc, char **argv){
char *inFileName = NULL;
char *outFileName = NULL;
FILE *instream = fopen("test.txt", "r");
FILE *outstream = fopen("scrubbed.txt", "w");

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Reading Specific Input Syntax - String Parsing

Apr 21, 2013

I need reading a specific input syntax.

something like

<Input> :: R C <Content>


.3. .15 9.2
.1. ..6 ...
6.5 7.. ...

... .5. ..9
4.7 .8. 1.6
9.. .6. ...

... ..1 7.4
... 6.. .9.
5.1 49. .3.

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C :: Reading Three Digits At A Time As One Number In Long String Of Numbers

Nov 29, 2013

How can I read a file that contains numbers only, but read it by three digits at a time? I have a long string of numbers and every three digits corresponds to a particular number in itself. i.e. a string of 064045154 would need to be read as '064' '045' and '154'. I need to then subtract one from each of these numbers and the new values I need to convert into their ASCII characters and place these in a new file. This is what I have (focusing on the 'Decrypt' function) but all it does is in the new file place a string of the same character repeated over and over a total number of times equal to the number of integers in the numbers file.


#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "limits.h"
int Encrypt(char * FILENAME)


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C :: How To Get Rid Of Infinite Loop

Mar 1, 2013

What I need to do to get rid of the infinite loop?

do {
printf("Enter the number of tests:");
scanf("%d", &test);
if (test< 0 || test> 4)
printf("Wrong number. Please try again!
while (test< 0 || test>4);

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C :: Why Keep Getting Infinite Loops

May 30, 2014

See code below:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main ( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
int P[150] = {}, i, j;
for ( i = 2; i <= 150; i++ ) {

[Code] .....

Using gdb, I noticed that the variable j keep going back to initial value after the interior for loop condition returns false. Why doesn't this for loop terminate right away?

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C/C++ :: Infinite Looping For Map?

Jan 13, 2015

I have been trying to get this piece of code to work but it seems to be running infinitely. What i'm trying to do is that whenever the iterator points to the map element, I check whether the element is 1 or 0. If it is 0, *do something*. But if it isn't, it should not do anything and proceed to the next element in the map.

//infinite loop - not working!
for (MapType::iterator p = pwCounter.begin(); p != pwCounter.end(); ++p) {
if (p->second.second != 1) {


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C++ :: Stuck In Infinite Loop?

Feb 24, 2015

my code seems to enter an infinite loop should a user mistakenly enter a character other than a digit. The code is about selecting from a preset number of options, numbered 1- 4. If the user mistakenly enters a letter for example, instead of a number, the infinite loop kicks in...

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C++ ::  Number Counting Up To Infinite

Mar 1, 2014

#include <windows.h>
int main() {
int i;
int y=6;
int x=9;
//gotoxy(x,y) must be the coordinate that the number lies in.

[Code] ...

How to make this program that the output is a number that counts up to infinite (or we say just like a timer but there's no minute just all whole number counting up ) using for loop ? and when the number changes it also change in color !
and the color of a number is according to the color attribute of console output.

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C/C++ :: Infinite Loop Of Asterisks Or Nothing At All?

Jan 27, 2015

So I have to create a program which will print, among other things, a rectangle made of asterisks. The rectangle has to follow this general format:


* *

but with the width and length of the rectangle being set by the user. I've tried every way I can think of to work this out, but I can't seem to get anything to work. The main errors I'm getting are either an infinite loop of asterisks filling my screen or nothing at all, depending on whether I use an && comparison or ||. A screenshot of my code is included below.

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C++ :: Stopping Infinite Loop?

Feb 20, 2013

The code below gives me the maximum odd number and the minimum even number of a list of numbers that the user type. However, for the loop to stop the user needs to type 1000. Is there a better way (without having to have a "stopping" number, just in case I need this number to be somewhere on the list) to get the same results?

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int x, maxi, mini;


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C++ :: Program Producing Infinite Garbage?

May 1, 2013

// Lab0Inventory.cpp : Starter lab
//Anastasia Glyantseva
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>


I can't figure out why my makeString gets called first and the pString its called with contains garbage. I want my allocateMem to get called first, but my program is not going to that. What is wrong with the order of my code?

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