C :: Program That Adds All Digits Of Integer

May 5, 2013

Just wanted to share a program I made. It was the answer to one of the end chapter exercises in the C programming book I'm using, asking the reader to create a program that adds all the digits of an integer.


/* Program to calculate the sum of the digits in an integer */
#include <stdio.h>
int main () {
int number, right_digit, sum = 0;


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C++ :: Input Integer Then Output Both Individual Digits Of The Number And Sum Of Digits

Oct 11, 2014

My problem needs to prompt the user to input an integer and then outputs both the individual digits of the number and the sum of the digits. An example would be entering 8030 and it spits out 8 0 3 0 as well as 8+0+3+0=11 and it needs to work with negative numbers.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int base;

[Code] ....

Now I don't know if any of this is right a hint my professor gave us is that to get the fourth digit you would do base mod 10 and to get the first digit you do base divided 1000...


int power;
int counter=0;
int value=1;
cout << "Enter the power of 10 you want: ";

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Converting Integer To String Based On Digits

Apr 23, 2013

I want to convert the integer into a string.

int x = 693;
char chararr[max];

In my homework, x is unknown. but don't worry, I wont ask for the full code. I just need the part where you change the int into a string/array of char.

I'm thinking in circles from where to start?

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C++ :: Function Which Take An Integer And Return Number Of Digits In It

Jan 31, 2013

I want to write a function which take an integer and return the number of digits in it i.e

int i = 123456
func(i) {
some code

the number of the digits are 6

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C++ :: Turning Digits Of Integer Into Array Elements?

Nov 19, 2013

I have an integer that the user enters. I need each digit of the integer to be set as an element of an array. the integer could also be entered as an array, but I need the user not to have to enter each element and press ENTER.

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C++ :: Program Which Adds Text Onto Image?

Jan 28, 2013

I want to create a program using c++ which will accept text from the user and then adds it onto a image of a form in specific locations (if that makes sense?)

and what libraries will be required?

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C++ :: Separate Input Integer Into Its Individual Digits And Print

Apr 18, 2013

Write a full C++ program that inputs three-digit integer, separates the integer into its individual digits and prints the digits separated from one another. For example, if the user types 549, the program should print;

5 4 9

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C++ :: Program That Adds Matrices And Edits The Result

Jun 24, 2013

The program adds 2 matrices that are 3x3 using arrays and then stores them into another matrix (array) and then it's edited to show a diagonal line of "0" through it, btw I'm pretty new to programming....

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int x[3][3],y[3][3],c[3][3],i,j;
cout<<"Enter your numbers"<<endl;

[Code] .....

It works almost just fine lol, Except that the first portion of the diagonal line does not become zero and instead displays the normal addition result.....

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C/C++ :: Write A Program That Adds Numbers To Array

Jan 18, 2015

I am trying to write a program that adds numbers to an array. The array capacity starts out at 2, then doubles whenever the size reaches capacity. The program works perfectly fine when the array needs to be expanded. So I have narrowed down the issues into this one function (_dynArrSetCapacity)

Creates original array
DynArr* createDynArr(int cap) {
assert(cap > 0);
DynArr *r = (DynArr *)malloc(sizeof( DynArr));
assert(r != 0);


If i do createDynArr(10) for instance in the main, the program works perfectly, as it never gets expanded

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C++ :: Function That Should Return Number Of Digits In Integer Returns Last Digit

Feb 18, 2015

int exploder(int number,int array[]) {
int functi = 0;
int digit = number % 10;
while (number > 0) {

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Universal Order / Spacing Of Character Encoding For Integer Digits?

Feb 7, 2012

I have a char *pch that points to an integer digit 1 or 2 or ... 9. To get the character that's 1 less, instead of converting to int, minus 1, then converting back to char, I tried (*pch -1) and that seemed to work. I suppose that's because the particular character encoding on my system is such that the digits are encoded in the same order and spacing as the integers they represent. So the question is does this "convenience" feature hold true for all character encoding systems?

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C++ :: Program That Asks User For Numbers And Adds Odd Ones Doesn't Work

Nov 12, 2014

Title is self-explanatory.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ( ) {
float number;
float sum;
float divi;
while(number != -1) {

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Program That Adds Feet As Well As Inches And Outputs In Inches?

Apr 4, 2015

This program must take user input(from stdin) that contains both a number and then a punctuation character, either a single quote(') or double quote(") that specifies feet or inches. It keeps prompting the user to enter a length until the user enters the sentinel value of 0. For example:

Enter a measurement and unit: 1'
Enter a measurement and unit: 2"
Enter a measurement and unit: 0
Total: 14 inches

The ultimate goal of this program is to then write an Assembly language program that is structurally similar and makes use of these 4 functions:

void printStr(char *)
edi = address of null-terminated string to print

[Code] ...

So here is what I have:

int main() {
char value[50];
char *end;
int sum = 0;
long conv;
while(conv !=0)

[Code] .....

I was told to use fgets instead of scanf for for stdin to parse the number and the quotation marks. I think I converted the number from string to integer correctly with strtol, but I really do not know how to obtain the (") or (') from user input so the program knows whether to convert the number to feet or just inches. No matter what I type in, even if it's without a quotation mark, it still multiplies the number by 12. In the IF and ELSE IF statement, it should state

if(value = ''')
else if(value = '"')

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C :: Program That Reads Number Of Digits From File?

Jan 16, 2014

I've been working on a program that displays the number of digits in each line of a file, but I feel stuck. Take for example a file that contains these characters:


And I'm trying to display a result like this

1 //that's the number of the line 5 //the number of digits
2 2
3 6
4 1
5 3

Here's what I've written so far:

int main() {
char a=0;
int number_of_digits=0, linescount=0, num, number_of_digits_per_line=0;
FILE *inputFile;


I also thought of using fgets and strlen but I am not very good with them and couldn't get the program to work correctly. It did work but it displayed all characters, letters included, not only digits.

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C++ :: Program That Reads In A Sequence Of Binary Digits?

May 11, 2013

c++ program that reads in a sequence of binary digits (values 0 and 1) and stores them into a STL container. The input should terminate on any input that is not a 0 or 1. After finishing the read-process, apply a "bit-stuffing" algorithm to the container. In this case the bit stuffing should occur after four consecutive bits of the same value.i,e. four 0's or four 1's.. Also write the de-stuffing code to process the stuffed data to recreate the original data and verify that the original data is recovered correctly.

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C++ :: Program To Swap Positions Of Digits Of User

Oct 11, 2014

I'm using code blocks ....

1.Write a program to swap positions of digits of a user entered three-digit integer N, where N is equal or between 101 and 999. (i.e. if user enters 389 your program should print 983. If user enters 300 program should print 003). Repeatedly ask user for correct N, if he/she enters an integer N which is not in the range.

2. Given that y= 4*( 1- 1/3 + 1/5- 1/7+ 1/9-...plus or minus 1/N) Write a program using a for-loop or a while-loop to compute and print the sum of first 50 terms of y.

3. a) Write a user-defined function funGx to compute G(x), where

5 if x<-10

x^2 +(5/x) if -10 <=x<-5

x^2 - (5/x-5) if -5<=x<5

x^2 -(5/x) if 5<=x<10

-5 if x>=10

b) Call the user-defined function funGx in main function to compute and print G(x)values for x= -15.5 , x=5, and x= 0.5 in an informative sentence.

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C/C++ :: Program That Read A Number From Keyboard And Print Separated Digits To Screen

Feb 18, 2015

Basically this is what i need to do. Write a program that reads a number from the keyboard, separates it into its individual digits and prints the digits to screen, each on its own line followed by the same number of stars as itself.

For example, if the number is 2339 the program should print

9 *********
3 ***
3 ***
2 **

So far i have managed to separate the number and have them on different lines, but how to implement the stars onto each line with the number!

My code so far:

int main() {
int n;
printf("number? ");
scanf("%d", &n);
while (n > 0) {


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C++ :: Getline Function Adds Another Line To Output

Aug 10, 2014

Taken from Accelerated C++ book, I modified those code to use getline() instead of std::cin >> only to find out that the output has extra line. Why is that so?

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main() {
std::cout << "What is your name?" << std::endl;
std::string name;

[Code] .....

What is your name?
* *
* Hello, Naruto
* *

Notice one asterisk after the greeting where it should be in the same line as the greeting.

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Visual C++ :: Fstream Adds Extra Byte?

Feb 7, 2014

I've been having this odd problem when I write a file byte by byte, when I write a byte (dec)10 it adds a (dec)13 in front of it, and as far as I can tell, this is the only byte value that does this.

and most annoyingly, I can't read that (dec)13 with fstream, the only reason I know it's adds it, is because I used an external hex editor.

here is the code that causes the problem:

#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()


but the output file reads '0D 0A' (that's in hex, '13 10' in decimal) when viewed in a hex editor. no other number (that I've tried) adds that extra 13.

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C++ :: Reading Integers Out Of A Text File And Only Adds Positive Ones?

Sep 26, 2014

I'm basically trying to make a simple program that reads integers out of a text file and only adds the positive ones and not the negatives.

All is well except it won't take the last integer (the last line, I presume.) I took the negative out, nothing to do with that. I put more numbers in and I made the txt file less, no answer. No matter what the last number is, the program won't read it. I've been researching online and I've been seeing that it might be an issue with "while "!inFile.eof())".

Anyway here's the program:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
ifstream inFile;
ofstream outFile;

[Code] .....

Here's the txt file:

I'm always getting 32 for some reason.

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C++ :: Tree Arrays Of Same Even Lengths And Adds Values At Odd Indexes

Oct 22, 2013

I am trying a program with that takes tree arrays of same even lengths and adds the values at odd indexes and save at even index of 3rd array and voice versa........

what will be the logic i have tried it a lot of time not worked................

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C/C++ :: Program To Find Number Of Digits In Number?

Aug 20, 2014

In the c pgm to find number of digits , if I am giving 001 as the input number ,why I am not getting the no. of digits as 3?

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C :: Get 20 Integer Type Value In Program

Feb 5, 2013

I am trying to send 0x20 from arduino and get the hex in c program on the pc iam using RS-232 for Linux and Windows lirary for rs232 communication and when i send 0x20 i get 28ef30 i dont know why.. but i want to get 20 integer type value in c program the code that i use in c is


n = PollComport(cport_nr, buf, 4095);
if(n > 0)
buf[n] = 0; /* always put a "null" at the end of a string! */


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C :: How Program Works If Integer Is More Than One Digit

Mar 15, 2013

Assignment: Take an integer keyed in from the terminal and extract and display each digit of the integer in English. Ex. 932 --> nine three two


/*This program takes an integer keyed in from the terminal and extracts and displays each digit of the integer in English.*/
int main(void)
int num;


I don't know how the program works if the integer is more than one digit.

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C++ :: Program To Generate Integer Array?

Jul 14, 2014

Iam new to c++ and i want to write a program to generate an integer array. I keep getting the error at line 25: invalid types 'int[int]' for array .

int main() {
int rows;
int cols;
int test[rows][cols];

[Code] .....

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C :: Program That Sorts Array Of 5 Integer Numbers

Oct 6, 2013

Write a C program that sorts an unsorted array of 5 integer numbers in ascending order by swapping numbers repeatedly. Specifically, first prompt the user to input 5 numbers and store the numbers in an array. Then, if the numbers in the array are not in ascending order, ask the user to provide the indices of two numbers in the array that the user wants to swap. If the user does not enter valid indices (i.e., outside 0 to4), then re-prompt the user to enter new indices. Continue prompting the user to provide indices of numbers to swap until the array becomes sorted in ascending order. Finally, when the array becomes sorted, the program should print "The array is now sorted in ascending order".

Implementation Requirements

Use the #define directive to define the size of the array.

Implement a function called "checkArrayOrder" to check whether an array is in ascending order or not. The prototype of the function is

"intcheckArrayOrder(int arr[], int size);". The function should return

1 if the array passed to the function is in ascending order0 if the array passed to the function is not in ascending order

Define the function prototype in your program.

Implement a function called "swap", whose prototype is "int swap(int arr[], int size, int i, int j);" which swaps the numbers in positions "i" and "j" of the array passed to the function and returns

1 if the indices"i" and "j" are within bounds (i.e., between 0 and 4) and the swap operation is performed correctly.
0 if the indices"i" and "j" are outside bounds so that the swap operation cannot be performed.

Define the function prototype in your program.

Use the function "checkArrayOrder" whenever your program needs to check whether an array is in ascending order or not; and the function "swap" to swap the numbers the user specifies (Note that, you should check whether the user provided indices are valid inside the function "swap" and not inside "main").

here is my code so far

#define ARRAY_SIZE 5
void main()
int i, array[ARRAY_SIZE];

printf("Enter %d numbers
for(i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE; ++i)
scanf("%d", &array[i]);

[Code] .....

I'm just not sure how to proceed. I'm not really sure how to progress the checkArrayOrder function to the swap function (in the if statement).

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