So this is the code I have so far which puts a bitmask seperator base on what I choose. My problem is when Im trying to do them in this manner.
1. 0 to 31, with minimum width set to 8, and separating between every 4 digits. 2. 2^0 to 2^16, with minimum width set to 17, separating between every 8 digits. 3. (2^0-1) to (2^16-1) with minimum width set to 16, and no seperation between digits.
I try doing number 2 called "String multyplyByTwo" but seems to be getting errors.
#include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; string binToChar( const int n, unsigned minWidth = 8, unsigned sepMask = 0x11111110 ) {
I have two class GameOfLife and Cell and i want to overload square braket for class GameOfLife."if g is a GameOfLife object, g[10][5] will return the Cell at row 10 and column 5. If there is no such Cells, then it will return a new Cell with position (-1000,- 1000)."
but if g[10][1000] and 1000>cols,then it returns different Cell exp (3,2) How i do control the col ( [row][col] )?
I have a small piece of code that used the set::insert function on a set of myClass. For that, I need to overload the < and > operators, which I have, but I still get a huge error saying it can't compare.
set<MyClass> mySet; MyClass myClass
All the class information gets filled in. Then, I try to insert... mySet.insert(myClass);
bool operator<(MyClass &lhs, MyClass &rhs) { return <; //name is a string }
The error says ...stl_function.h:230:22: error: no match for 'operator<' in '__x < __y' MyFile.h:80:6: note: candidate is bool operator<(MyClass&, MyClass&)
I made a program that allows the user to enter information of credit cards on an array of size 5, however I need to allow the user to compare the five credit cards with each other and I am having problems with this particular part. I made my bool operator functions for the operator< and the operator> but how to make the user be able to select which cards he wants to compare and how to compare them. My code is the following:
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; const int SIZE = 5; enum OPCIONES {CARGAR=1, ABONAR, NADA};
I must overload [] but at the same time I must use polymorphism. I wonder if using polymorphism affects operators overloading since when I modified the first class by writing "virtual":
S I want to have different >> operators for several derived classes. Has I tested...
Code: class base{ friend std::istream & operator>>(std::istream & in, base & v); public: base();
I noticed that the base operator is the only one being called for all 3 objects. which makes sense and now that I think about it I am more surprised that the "derived operators" compiled at all.
Still, how would I go about declaring different overloaded operators for the different classes?
I am stucked in a problem of overloading arithmetic operators such as "+,*" for a class in the form
class Point { int N; // dimension of the point double *Pos; // length of N }
My assign operator is : Point& Point::operator= (const Point& pt) { N= pt.N; if(Pos == NULL) Pos = new double[N]; memcpy(Pos, pt.Pos, N*sizeof(double));
[Code] ....
The add operator "+" is: Point operator+( const Point& pt1, const Point& pt2 ) { Point ptr = Point(pt); // this is a constructor for (int i=0; i<pt1.N; i++) ptr.Pos[i] += pt2.Pos[i]; return ptr; }
Based on the above overloading, What I am going to do is :
P = alpha*P1 + beta*P2; // alpha and beta are double constants, P1 and P2 are Points objes
It is ok with Intel C++ 14.0 compiler, but does not work with the microsoft visual c++ 2012 compiler in debug mode in visual studio 2012.
I stepped in those operators and found that visual c++ compiler deconstructs the ptr in operators "*" and "+" before its return while intel c++ finished the operation P = alpha*P1 + beta*P2; and delete those ptrs at last.
Portability of my operator overloading is worse. How to get those arithmetic operators overloading for class with pointers in it.
For my project, my professor is going to test each of our functions. And the functions of type string, he is going to input a value from 1-1 billion(from our calling program) and it should work. However it is not working. I tried putting in a value greater than 9, but it only prints out 1 + x. It should print whatever value I decided to input.
// COverloadingProj.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. #include "stdafx.h" #include "OverLoadingHeader.h"
How you would overload an operator for Common Data-types like "char" and "int".
I often use bool arrays to create a multilevel-trigger-systems, when iterating over multiple containers or waiting for two events to occur at the same time.
For example: I would define.. bool trigger[2] = {0, 0};
And when doing work via a loop, I use it like so: while(trigger[0] != 1 && trigger[1] != 1)
You can probably see where I'm going with this. I want to be able to use my bool array with the "!" operator.
So if "trigger == 0" (as a whole), it returns false.
How can I achieve this?
Can you create custom operators? Say if I wanted to create "or-gates" or "xor-gates" etc.
I have a calculator with buttons, and when I click the numbers or operators, it goes to a string array. So;
Press 3 Press + Press 2 Press =
and my array is str[0]='3' str[1]=.... so on...
And also I have a C code which calculates the string you entered with some algorhytms and gives a double value as a result. So the question is;
How can I send my STR array in C# to my C program? I mean I want to use my C program as a source code. and How to return that double value to my C# program?
For now, I don't want to change my C codes into C# codes. I want it to keep as is. Just use it as a source code. Is that possible?
I have the codes for such a problem where, to create a program that counts how many times the second string appears on the first string. Yes it counts if you put 1 letter only, but if you put 2, it is an error. As an example. If the first string is Harry Partear, and the second string is ar, it must count as 3. Here's the code:
#include <iostream> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; int main ()
I'm trying to "tokenize" a string using std::string functions, but I stored the text in a char array. When I try to convert it to a string, the string has the first character right but the rest is garbage.
// Get value from ListBox. char selectedValue[256]; memset(selectedValue, NULL, 256); SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_LB_CURRENTSCRIPT), LB_GETTEXT, selectedIndex, (LPARAM)selectedValue); // Convert to string. string val(selectedValue);
Above is the code I have tried using and it stores data under *chr, it however only stores one letter rather than the entire word like for example string.
This sends the buffer to a LIN modem. My question is: can this be done better. If I have a astring of hex numbers like "09 98 88 55 42 FF 00 00 FF BD 89". How could I send this without manually makng a char with hex numbers?
I have a question on conversion between char & string. I have cut & pasted the part of the code from my C++ code and my function "decryptPwd" uses C style code with "char" etc.
I need to pass a string (mypwd) somehow to this function after conversion & then compare it to another string (newmypwd).
I tried - "decryptPwd(mypwd.c_str())==newmypwd.c_str()" but it did not work.
.. #include <string> .. char* decryptPwd(char hash[64]); main () { string mypwd; string newmypwd; if (decryptPwd(mypwd)==newmypwd)