C# :: How To Make Copy And Paste Work With DataGridTemplateColumn

Feb 22, 2014

I have a WPF DataGrid with DataGridTemplateColumns, when I select rows and use Ctrl+C, and then in Excel or any document Ctrl+V, no data is pasted. If I change columns to DataGridTextColumn then copy and paste works fine. What can I do to make work copy & paste with DataGridTemplateColumn? Also when I set ClipboardContentBinding="{Binding FirstName}" for the template column, Null Refrence exception is thrown.

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C :: Best Way To Copy Paste A String Between Two Files

Jun 4, 2013

I have one tab seperated file and i whish to change values in one column and then copy the entire row (including the changed value) into anothe file.

file :

x y z sdfsdgnsdfgndfjgndfbsgdf
x y z dkjfgdsbfvgsdfvg
x y z ksdnfsdfbsdnfsdvjsdbvjsdjfnsdbfubsdfjsdbfuibsdfsdfujbsduf

the way i am doing it right now:

while (fgets(line, sizeof line, list) != NULL){
result = sscanf(line, "%ld %ld %d %10000s", &one,& two, &three,string);
if (results == 4){
// change three
//print: one two three string

the problem is that the string in the file is of variable size and sometimes it is bigger then my char string[10001] array which then i need to resize and it gets messy. Is there a way to somehow , once identified first three numbers (and modified) just to read the rest on a character base and the print it character by character into a new file so that i can avoid string array completly.

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C++ :: Sdl2 Copy And Paste Fallback Renderer

Jul 16, 2014

Well if you don't know, there are multiple renderers in sdl, and on some don't work on certain computers, so people use a fallback ex: "accelerated renderer -> software renderer". Sadly, I haven't came across an example that I could copy and paste.

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C/C++ :: Program To Copy A File From Source And Paste With Different Name

Mar 6, 2014

I have written a program that copies a file from the source and pastes it there (same location), but with a different name. The program works fine, except there is a small bug that i can't seem to fix. Here is the code:

This program copies a file from the current directory and pastes it to the same directory, but with a different name. The file name form the source must include the extension as well.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main() {
char temp, s_file[100], d_file[100],

[Code] ....

This is the flow:

> 1) Enter the name of the file you'd like to copy (Must be from the current directory)
> A: 3.c // This depends if the file exists in the
> current directory
> 2) Enter the name of the destination file (The file will be copied to the same directory)
> A: 4 //The extension isn't necessary here
> Result: The file was copied successfully!

When I run the prg again, and this time input a file name with no extension, like this:

> Enter the name of the file you'd like to copy (Must be from the current directory)
> 3
> You did not enter a valid text. Press "?" to get help or "x" to exit.

I hit "?" and it takes me to

> 1. The file must be from the current directory)
> 2. The location mustn't be empty

Then it asks me

> Try again? (Y/N)

If i give N, it exits. BUT if I give Y, it goes, like this:

> Enter the name of the file you'd like to copy (Must be from the current directory)
> You did not enter a valid text. Press "?" to get help or "x" to exit.

You see, it doesn't give me the option to give it the file name..

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C++ :: Copy And Paste Function From Other Source Program Doesn't Wait For Input

Nov 27, 2013

I'm working on a project that requires to make modifications to certain functions. So, I'll copy and paste the function to a new source code so I'm just working on the function with the entire program running. When I run the function by itself, it works fine. But when I copy and paste the function back to it's spot, the program doesn't wait for input at the cin.getline & it did wait when I ran just the function by itself. I'm using Dev C++ if that makes a difference.

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C/C++ :: String Copy Into Struct Doesn't Work

Nov 1, 2012

i'm right now using C, IO is done via ncurses, but that won't affect the following problem, i think. The relevant code is:

typedef struct {


surprisingly this works, now the new 3rd outputline is correct again. So it seems that the printcommand has some troubles with accessing the struct here. Not sure if that might be ncurses fault. Still feels odd.

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C++ :: How To Get Standalone Copy Of Regex Part Of Boost Library To Work In Project

Feb 18, 2012

So, I have spent the last week looking googling and researching how to get a standalone copy of the regex part of the boost library to work in a project. This project will be compiled on other machines and I CANNOT have the user install it.

Is there any way to do this?

So far, I have built the regex part: I have both .so files and .a files built. The thing that I'm unsure of is that these were built with gcc and I am using/will be using g++.

I have also finally got the bcp tool to work, and extracted the regex part and all of its dependencies.

I can't get it to compile any way I try to work it. I need this to be in a folder "regex/" folder in my directory.

I have used too many commands to paste them all, but the last I tried was this:

g++ -g -pedantic -Wall -o doit test.C -Iregex/boost/ -Wl,-Lregex/libs/regex/build/gcc/ -static -lboost_regex-gcc-1_47

I have also tried many variations of the above command. Such as using -lboost_regex and lots of other things. Is my whole problem because I'm using an .so built by GCC?

The output of the above command was

/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/4.6.1/libstdc++.a(eh_alloc.o): In function `__cxa_allocate_exception':
(.text.__cxa_allocate_exception+0xb4): undefined reference to `pthread_mutex_lock'
/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/4.6.1/libstdc++.a(eh_alloc.o): In function `__cxa_allocate_exception':
(.text.__cxa_allocate_exception+0x111): undefined reference to `pthread_mutex_unlock'
/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/4.6.1/libstdc++.a(eh_alloc.o): In function `__cxa_free_exception':


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C++ :: How To Make Header Files Work

Dec 3, 2013

I'm having with header files, specifically to do with the string data type. The objects work perfectly when I put them inside the .cpp but when I set it to include the exact same code in a .h, I get a string of error messages.

class Topic
string NInfo, SInfo, EInfo, WInfo, Name ;
bool Quest ;


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C/C++ :: How To Make Switch Statement Work

Feb 26, 2014

The program i am trying to make is for practice of using switch. the idea is the user enters a number and the program will print a day of the week corresponding to said number.

the statement is not complete with all cases yet, but i dont want to write all of it until i am sure of it being correct.

errors when compiling (gcc) are as follows

1 warning and 3 errors generated.
Robins-MacBook-Air:array2 RDenton$ gcc array2.c
array2.c:26:9: warning: format string is not a string literal
(potentially insecure) [-Wformat-security]


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C++ :: Make A Function Integrate To Work With Other Functions Given

Mar 10, 2013

We have to make a function integrate to work with the other functions given. I had it working before but I would only get all -4 as my answers but only the first one should be -4. what should more or less be put in my integrate function?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
typedef double (*FUNC)(double, double, double) = (line, square, cube);
double integrate(double FUNC, double a, double b){
for(int i=0; i<a && i<b; i++){
FUNC = a-b;


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C/C++ :: Make A Program Which Can Work As A Backspace Number?

Dec 9, 2013

how work backspace key in c++.i want to make a program which can work as a backspace number

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C++ :: Copy To Make 1D Array A 3D Matrix

Jun 3, 2013

I'm trying to copy my array 'block' to a 'dummy' 3D matrix so I can take out some arbitrary smaller matrix. Shouldn't this be possible with std::copy, where I'm certain the number of elements in the 1D array are equivalent to those in the dummy?

int dummy[210][210][1000];
std::copy(&block[0], &block[block.size()], &dummy);

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C/C++ :: How To Make A Copy Of Pointer Variable

Mar 29, 2014

Suppose you a class declared with a pointer initialization variable. When writing the copy constructor, how would one make a deep copy of the pointer variable? Can it be done in the same manner as automatic variables i.e. in the initialization list or in some other manner?

I am using C++ 11.

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C Sharp :: How To Make Object In Form1 Work In Form2

May 20, 2012

I've got a calendar in Form 1 in my code, and buttons in Form2. I need these buttons to send codes for this calendar in Form1. How may I make these work? My friend told me to do a function as a new class, but I'm not sure how can I do this.

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Visual C++ :: Can't Make Maze Work Correctly With Arrays

Apr 30, 2014

I have to make a maze with arrays, but i cant seem to move down or up or at all. Here is what I have so far

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>


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Visual C++ :: Paste A SetClipboardData Image To Powerpoint?

Jan 21, 2014

I have a VisualC++ program to display image data to the screen. The data is a 24-bit, RGB bitmap that is properly shown using BitBlt().

I have a CopyWindow() function that puts the BITMAPINFO structure and RGB image data on the clipboard as a DIB with the SetClipboardData(CF_DIB,...) call.

My problem happens when I try to paste the image into MS Powerpoint (Office 2010). I've tried Paste and all the options in Paste Special but the image will not appear.

If I open Paint and do a Paste, the image appears properly in that application. Then I can do a Copy from there and am able to Paste that into Powerpoint.

How is Paint able to accept the DIB? And what is different about how Paste puts that bitmap onto the Clipboard so that Powerpoint can see it?

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C++ :: Getline Won't Work

Nov 14, 2013

I've just started learning from "Jumping into C++". Great book. Unfortunately, I've also encountered my first snag. Practice problem number 3 from chapter 4 tells me to make a small calculator that takes one of the four arithmetic operations and its two arguments as input and give the result as output. Here's what my newbie mind came up with:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()

[Code] .....

The thing that I don't get is why doesn't the function "getline" work. It's worked in previous programs. The program seems to work if I simply replace getline with a simple "cin". I could easily use that as a cheap fix but I am interested in knowing why "getline" refuses to work anymore....

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C :: Cannot Get A Division To Work

Feb 7, 2014

what I do I cannot get a division to work:


long double End;
Please enter the start of the range (Lower Bound):


No matter what I input for the values of 'Start', 'End' and 'Interval', the value of 'SizeL' always seems to be -2.

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C :: Can't Get Tic-tac-toe Win Algorithm To Work

Apr 9, 2014

I am writing a simple console-based tic-tac-toe game. I am trying to write a function to check whether someone has won the game.

The board data is saved in an array called board: Code: int board[3][3] with each element corresponding either to an empty spot, an X, or an O, using the numbers 0, 1, and 2, respectively. For clarity:

#define EMPTY 0
#define X 1
#define O 2 Here is my function: Code: int check_state(int board[3][3]) {
int winner = 0;


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C :: Calendar Doesn't Work

Sep 24, 2013

I just dont see what the issue is here. I have stared at this thing forever. Im trying to make a calendar from scratch so I can be prepared for my second test on Friday.

int main(void)
int i, n, s;


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C :: How Strtok Will Work In Beginning

Nov 28, 2013

Assuming that we have the string :

***HELLO&SIR. & and * is the delimiters.

My question is how strtok will work in the beginning?

According to this to determine the beginning and the end of a token, the function first scans from the starting location for the first character not contained in delimiters (which becomes the beginning of the token). And then scans starting from this beginning of the token for the first character contained in delimiters, which becomes the end of the token. The scan also stops if the terminating null character is found.

This end of the token is automatically replaced by a null-character, and the beginning of the token is returned by the function. strtok will replace the first * with '' and the next call will start from the second * puts '' there and again the same with the third * ?

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C :: Cannot Get Strstr To Work Properly

Aug 26, 2014

I am unable to get the string seaching function to work. it always says "Nothing found" I am stumped.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
char tracks[][80] = {
"I left my Heart at Harvard Medical School",
"Newark, Newark, You suck balls",
"Dancing with a dork",
"From Here to maternity",
"The Girl from Iwo Jima",


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C :: How Bounds Annotations Work

Mar 15, 2014

how the -bounds annotations work, and I came up with the following test program.The alloc_char function ensures maxRead/ maxSet(str) == len. This is, in turn, ensured by malloc and memset (see the comments; I found this in /usr/share/splint/lib/standard.h), but SPLint doesn't recognize that.However, SPLint correctly sees that requires maxRead(str) >= i is fulfilled in main.


* splint -strict


(Of course the main function is contrived and I could use puts instead, but that's not the point. The point is to make it see that i is not out of bounds.)I have struggled with -bounds for a very long time. Earlier I gave up and used -likelybounds instead. But now I have written a library which is annotated for splint -strict with -likelybounds, and I want people to be able to use it with the full -bounds checks. I can't get those ensures and requires annotations for maxRead/Set to work.

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C :: Can't Get Mutual Exclusion To Work

Nov 4, 2013

I have a program that spawns a number of threads. Each thread generates a table of output. During the time that it is creating this output, I don't want the other threads to be outputting, so I've attempted to create a mutex semaphore to allow only one thread at time to ouput.


sem_t mutex;
void* node(void *thread_arg) {
// set a mutex lock to allow the output for this next step to complete for this thread
// generate table with various fprintf statements


This approach isn't working.

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C :: Puts Does Not Work For A String

Dec 31, 2014

puts(pd) does not give any output in the below code. Also, the first puts(ps) does give an output, but the second puts(ps) after "while" does not give any output.


#include <stdio.h>
int main()
char source[50]="Alice has apples.";
char destination[60];
char *pd, *ps;


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C++ :: How To Get Boost Libraries To Work With QT IDE

Mar 5, 2013

I have an issue getting boost libraries to work with QT IDE. Here are relevant lines from my .pro file...

INCLUDEPATH += c:/users/bob/desktop/boost_1_53_0/
LIBS += -LC:c:/users/bob/desktop/boost_1_53_0/stage/lib64

After adding #include <boost/filesystem.hpp> I get error...

C:UsersobDesktopqtpuntitled5mainwindow.cpp:3: error: C1083: Cannot open include file: 'boost/filesystem.hpp': No such file or directory

The IDE does not highlight the line. The error only appears on compilation.

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