C++ :: Emulate Mouse Events In Application

Mar 28, 2012

I have looked on this website and stumbled across this link: [URL] .....

My question is can how do I use that code when im console programming?

When I try this code I get errors.

" line |14|error: initializer expression list treated as compound expression|"
" line |17|error: a function-definition is not allowed here before '{' token|"
"line |40|error: expected '}' at end of input|"

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int MouseMove(100,100);
void MouseMove (int x, int y ) {

[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: Main CWnd Class And Mouse Events

Jun 17, 2013

I have a main CWnd class called CMainWnd which is created like this:

CWnd::Create(AfxRegisterWndClass(CS_DBLCLKS), L"", dwStyle, rect, parent, NULL, NULL);

And I draw smaller windows on this main window with a CWnd-dervied class called CClientWnd, which is created like this:

CWnd::Create(AfxRegisterWndClass(CS_DBLCLKS), L"", dwStyle, rect, parent, NULL, NULL);

In the main window I draw lots of background stuff using a memoryDC and BitBlt(). In the child window, I actually am not drawing anything, I just created it to have events like mouse over, etc. In the child window when the mouse is over the window I bring up a pop-up window. This works unless my mouse is over any parts where something is drawn in the main window, then the popup just flickers constantly. Why is the main window affecting my mouse over events if I am not handling any such events for it?

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C Sharp :: Detecting Mouse Button Down And Up Events On The System Menu Of Form

Feb 16, 2014

How do I detect left mouse button down and up events on the 'Close' option of the system menu that appears when the mouse is clicked on the top left corner of a form?

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C++ :: Detecting Application Startup And Exit Events?

Apr 20, 2012

I have written ( using VS2008 c++ ) a windows service which sends information about PC usage to a central database, as part of a PC availability setup. I have been asked to add the following functionality to it:

1) What applications are most used, when and how long for, and

2) What web sites are being accessed, again to find the most popular etc.

My main question is, what functionality is there to trap application start / close events from within my service ( just need the application name ), and secondly I am already using sockets to send information to a PHP script on a server, the best way to see what web pages are being accessed is to build in a packet sniffer, and extract the information from that.

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C# :: Getting Current Mouse Position In WPF Application?

Feb 27, 2015

I have set a variable as follows:

Point clickLocation = new Point(0, 0);

But when I got to use

clickLocation = Cursor.Position;

It gives me an error of position does not exist? Does WPF not support this way?

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C :: How To Emulate Callback Mechanism - Pthreads Join

Jun 19, 2013

I am trying to emulate callback mechanism in C. The code I have is follows:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>

struct fopen_struct {
char *filename;
char *mode;
void *(*callback) (FILE *);

[Code] .....

If I do a pthread_join in fopen_t() it works perfectly fine. But if I do that in main() I get a segmentation fault error. I want to call it in main() because I want it to be non-blocking, is there any solution?

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C++ :: Program To Emulate Full Screen Console

Dec 5, 2013

So, I'm making a program in C++ that emulates a full screen console... I used SetCurrentConsoleFontEx to set the font to 12x16 but it sucks...

Anyway, I read here: [URL] .... that also the console font can be changed, but I can't make it work! How can i set the font to Lucida Console? This is the function I use to change font size:

void setFontSize(int x, int y) {
lpConsoleCurrentFontEx->cbSize = sizeof(CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX);
GetCurrentConsoleFontEx(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), NULL, lpConsoleCurrentFontEx);
lpConsoleCurrentFontEx->dwFontSize.X = x;
lpConsoleCurrentFontEx->dwFontSize.Y = y;
SetCurrentConsoleFontEx(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), NULL, lpConsoleCurrentFontEx);

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C :: How To Emulate Object Orientation With Multiple Files And Make File

Feb 13, 2013

how to structure my classes so that they all "wire together" and inherit the proper functions and data that I want them to. I want to have a Car.c and car.h which are "wired" with body.c/body.h, which in turn is wired with a frame.c/frame.h, wheel.c/wheel.h, and driver.c/driver.h.

Each part of the car holds some type of data, mostly ints: The car has a (total) mass and car_name. The body has a mass and color. The frame has a mass. The wheel(s) have a mass and force. [There will be 4 instances of wheel] The driver has a mass and driver_name. Each of these functionalities must come from their respective .c and .h files, and be amalgamated in the car.c and car.h (which should contain all the functionality of its parts). Then, in my main test program, I am to make an instance of car and hardcode in its values of: mass (which comes from the total mass of all of its parts, this is where i start to lose it.

How will I access its parts' masses in the test program?), color (a character array), current position (an integer), current velocity (an integer), and current acceleration (which comes from the total newton force of the 4 wheels, again this is where I start to get very confused). (Then in the test program I am to print out a simulation of this car over a period of 100 seconds, and show its position, velocity, and acceleration at each point (based on the mass, total newton force, and starting position). This part is of course a simple while loop, and is somewhat trivial.)

From what I understand, I will need to allocate memory for all of the data each class holds. Then, using function pointers, as well as #include "X.h" , I will need to somehow link up all of the classes together so that car has access to all of the parts' functions which set, for example, the newton force of each wheel.

We have learned a slight bit about structs, malloc, sizeof, and pointers, but I have not used them to link functionality or data from separate classes together.

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C/C++ :: Program To Emulate Shopping List - File Not Reading Correctly

Jan 28, 2015

I have written an program to emulate a shopping list. Everything works fine, until I try to read in from a file. Here is my read and write code (the write code looks like it is working ok, but I figured I would include it just in case), and an example of what happens to a list that has been written, then read back in.

I took this list, and wrote it to a file, then read that file back in. The .txt file looks like everything was written out properly, but when I try to read that exact same list back in, this is what I get:

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C# :: Using Lambdas With Events?

Feb 24, 2014

I have a program that has been broken into View/Model/Control plus another class to handle RS232 output.

When the View requests something to be sent via RS232, an event is sent to the control, which then raises an event for the serial class.

Is there a way of using only one event without the serial knowing anything about the view?

If there was, I'd imagine it would be something with Lamdas.

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C++ :: Creating Events And Registering To Them

Mar 16, 2014

I want to build a library using c++ which will serve as an abstraction layer between applications and low-level process. The library will provide some APIs for the applications for some purposes.

For example the low-level process, may send an indication to the library i.e. raise an event, and the library in turns send it to all the applications, which have their registered callbacks to this library.

Any example for the previous scenario in c++ using boost library or the standard library will be perfect in Linux environment? The example that I want is: Generate event from a process and pass it to the library, then let an application register callback to the library.

Initially I know in Linux, I may use signal to send events, but my plan is to have a something more general not tighten to a specific OS.

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C++ :: Build Events Like Another Languages?

Sep 28, 2013

class test {
string name="";
event void changedname();
void setname(string value)


i get error about 'a' and 'b' not be a class. but using a template can i validate these code?

my problem is that i don't know how to use objects outside of functions / these is polymorphism, but not accepted by C++

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C# :: Delegates / Events Are Just Not Sticking

Dec 28, 2014

In my week long quest to understand delegates/events, all the contrived examples have made my understanding worse. I've been trying to make this simple console project work, where you have a Person, Phone and Switchboard class. My thinking was, that the Phone object would broadcast to any SwitchBoard that's listening, the SwitchBoard would broadcast to the proper phone on the other end and the phone would do the same for any person that's listening.

This is what I have so far, and after adding the SwitchBoard.

class Phone {
public delegate void IncomingCallHandler();
public event IncomingCallHandler IncomingCallEvent;

public delegate void OutGoingCallHandler(Phone p);
public event OutGoingCallHandler OutGoingCallEvent;

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: MFC - Button With Right Click Events?

May 23, 2012

How to use button with right click events in mfc?

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C# :: Managing Multiple Button Events Using Array

Apr 19, 2014

I'am creating a 10x10 graph of nodes. Each node is a button object.

Instead of coding the click event procedure for each (As each button will do the same thing when clicked), how would I implement a single click event method for all of the buttons within a Button array.

Picture of the 10x10 grid

EDIT: Each button would return its location (x,y) to the node class.

I'm attempting to write a basic Dijkstra's algorithm using a 10x10 grid.

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C# :: Server Application Using Tcp Protocol And Then Establish Connection With A Client Application

Nov 29, 2014

What happens if I make a server application using tcp protocol and then establish connection with a client application but the server crash and then the client send data. Will the data be lost or the system will continue trying to send it?

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C# :: How To Start Application And Automatically Pass Input To That Application

May 9, 2012

I want to create an application that starts an application and passes input to that application. I know how to start a process using the classes in System.Diagnostics, but I don't know how to pass data to the process.

For example, and this is just an example, I would like to be able to automatically start an application that requires a username and password and automatically enter the username and password. Of course, that might open the door to security vulnerabilities, but that's not the point of the exercise.

How to implement the functionality I described? Is there a general way to go about doing this or does it depend entirely on the idiosyncrasies of the application in question?

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C Sharp :: Run Application When Log Off In Console Application

Oct 4, 2012

i have task scheduling application which execute every 30 minute i want to keep this process when system is log off in c# console application

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C :: Calculator Using Mouse With A Bug While Dragging

Mar 6, 2015

I have an assignment to do a calculator in C, wich will work by clicking the numbers with the mouse, however i have a bug that when i hold the mouse and dragg it, it assumes that I'm clicking multiple times, also, when I click in an empty space the program creates a blank space on the calculator screen.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "..MouseHandler.h" // ajustar o caminho ao seu projecto
#include "..calcSkinLib.h" // ajustar o caminho ao seu projecto
#define PI = 3.1415;


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C :: Detect Mouse Movement

Aug 17, 2013

i was trying to write a program in c language which can detect mouse movement, but the program which i have written can only detect the mouse click or scroll the program which i have written given below..


#include <ncurses.h>
int main() {


run the programme with linked-lncurses. improve my program which also detect when the mouse moves.

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C++ :: How To Use Mouse In Win32 Console

Jan 28, 2014

I want to show and control mouse in Win32 Console. What should I do? And I want to learn MFC programing.

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C++ :: How To Use Mouse In Drawing Shapes

May 3, 2013

i have to make an application called " paint " in c++ . It should facilitate user to draw different shapes using a mouse. Now the biggest hurdle i am facing is the usage of mouse .. what is the header file for usage of mouse ? i am using visual studio 2010 . the syntax is creating problems ..

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C# :: Mouse View In Picturbox?

Jan 22, 2014

i would like to add a image box to my application which shows a view/picture where ever my mouse is pointing. something like windows magnifier but it must not zoom in anything it must just display in picture box what your pointer is on.

So basically you have a picture box 504, 86 okay in a form when you move your cursor of mouse around desktop what ever you look at it will be visible inside picture box.

This is what i have so far.

private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
objPct.Visible = false;
PictureBox objPct = new PictureBox();


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C++ :: Detecting Mouse Clicks With Direct2d

Jan 21, 2014

I have a direct2d application and I want to be able to detect mouse clicks. One example is, (in my borderless window) I would like to have an X at the top right of the screen, that when clicked would close the window. How can I do something like this?

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C++ :: SDL Handle Mouse Motions And Clicks?

Sep 14, 2013

I have a game that I'm trying to create but I don't really know how to handle mouse motions yet. I have read the LazyFoo.net lesson 9. And I have too searched around on Google but haven't find any good article for what I want to do

But what I want is to check if the mouse is OVER the START button of the game and if the user has pressed the LEFT mouse button the game should START.

This works when I am hovering over the area there I want the mouse to do something:

else if (event.type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION)
if (event.motion.x == 0)
quit = true;

I do not know how to check this. The START and QUIT button is in the middle of the screen and I don't know how to position the mouse there either.

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C++ :: SDL - How To Handle Mouse Motion Input

Oct 19, 2013

I am using SDL 2.0. But I don't know how to handle mouse input. Do you think you can explain of how to do that? Or give me a link that explains that really great?

I know how to handle a mouse button that presses down for a sec.

if (event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN){
if (event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT){
// Do something . . .

But not how to handle the mouse input of what the mouse is hovering over and that.

Like in a start menu of a game. I want a button for example to appear blue when I hover over it and when I click on it. It should start the game for example.

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