C :: Correct Answer Does Not End Game

Feb 21, 2013

Okay so I thought I had this assignment completed properly last week. Last night I found a bug while playing the game.why won't the game end when the player guesses the correct number? The game allows you to finish using the max number of guesses even though you already guessed the correct number.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAXGUESSES 6
#define MAXGAMES 20
#define MAXNUMBER 100


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C++ :: Get Correct Answer For Every Value Of X / N And A

Jun 10, 2014

I am expecting to get correct answer for every value of x, n and a[i] where

-10^9 <= a[i] <= 10^9
1 <= x <= 10^18
and 1 <= n <= 10000

Every value here is an integer value

#include <float.h>

#define sBig long long int

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Correct Answer From File - Cin Getting Wrong User Input

May 31, 2014

So I'm writing a program that will read a text file and it will do certain "functions" the text file will be like a game, and the program will be able to run many different games. The problem i'm having is in one of the "functions" i believe it's the one meant to get a correct choice from a file and a user input and put them into strings, it gets the wrong input. I know this because i tested both strings the "function" writes too. it gets the correct file answer but the user input is always "c" for some reason.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
int progfiles() {

[Code] ....

This is the code, most likely the section that is surrounded with "///" contains the problematic "functions." This is the command Line output...investigate why they're dieing or continue on your journey?(i-investigate/c-continue) got input and answer

Press any key to continue . . .

The got input and answer are tests to make sure it got both, the first 'i' is my input, the 'c' is what it says my input is, and the 'i' is the correct answer from the file. this is the part of the file that the program reads to get that output

"1 Do you want to go investigate why they're dieing or continue on your journey?(i-investigate/c-continue) 2 8 i 7 3 4 You continue on picking up speed to get to the egg first.. and.. Oh No, You accidentally bumped into the walls! 2 12 5 1 You go over, and as you realize the walls are acidic and that's why the other sperm are dieing.. 2 6"

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C++ :: Math Tutor - Guess Correct Answer Of Random Numbers

Jul 11, 2014

Objective: Guess the correct answer of the random numbers

Problem: I guess the correct answer but the program keeps telling me that I'm INCORRECT.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
const int MIN_VALUE = 1; // Constants
const int MAX_VALUE = 200;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Quiz Program - Checking Whether Entered Answer Is Correct From A File

Apr 15, 2014

My code is not moving past the line below...actually i am making a quiz and this piece of code id checking whether the entered answer is correct, from a file..

while(a<1) {
if (saveans == ToString(randNum)) {
if (saveans == ans)

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Correct Guesses Before Game Was Over - Save To A Text File

Feb 12, 2013

cout << "You've made 3 mistakes ! Game is now over !" << endl;
cout << "You had " << correctGuesses << " correct guesses before the game was over" << endl;
this info into a text file...

example of a guessing game code...

#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {

cout << "This is a very simple number guessing game. Each time you will be given a number of the range 0-10." << endl;
cout << "The objective of the game is to guess whether the next number is going to be higher or not. As simple as that." << endl;

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Tic Tac Toe Console Game - If Statement Does Not Make Correct Decision

Feb 18, 2015

I recently wrote a "Tic Tac Toe" console game, and i seem to have a problem in my winning conditions, as when it checks if the player won (should have won) it doesn't take the appropriate action.

The winning conditions are in CoreLogic.cpp

here's the code, might not be the most pretty and clean code ever but it works for me.

there are more files i just didn't feel the need to include them all since the problem is only within CoreLogic.cpp and possibly in main.cpp

pos1-pos9 have been declared in the UserInterface.cpp and are being used to determine the correct decision to do within CoreLogic.cpp

Nothing happens when you win at this point it just exits the program.

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C++ :: End Loop After Answer Is 0

Mar 23, 2014

I am writing a program to tell how long it will take for a loan to be paid off supposing the desired loan is 100,000, the annual percentage rate is 6, and the monthly payment is 1,000. What happens is after I run the program, I get the output of "-24.60" after the last month is paid off. I'm trying to get it to where the last monthly payment is only enough to make the loan 0. Then I want the program to end.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;


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C++ :: How To Randomize Answer Order With Push Back

May 8, 2014

How to now randomize the answer order within this code ? I only included the relevant piece of code of the task in question.

"Question [1]"
" "
"What port does HTTPS use ? "
"1. 25 "
"2. 443 "
"3. 23 ");


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C/C++ :: Instead Of String - Accept Answer With Space In Between Words

Jun 13, 2014

string answer;
cout<<"5.Newton's which law states that F=ma?";
if (answer == "newton's second law")


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C/C++ :: Assigning Variable From Multiple Choice Answer

Oct 29, 2014

I tried to create a multiple choice list and I want to assign the value of the answer option chosen by the user so I can use it later on in the code. Later on in the code i've asked how many people (p) want a drink and multiplied it by the chosen size to calculate the price c = p * n where c is cost, n is price and p is number o of people At the bottom i tried to assign parameters where depending on what option the user has chosen n will be assigned to the chosen value...

printf("SELECT TYPE OF PAINT:"); /*multiple choice of paint */
printf("1. Large ");


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C++ :: Expression Creator That Prints The Work Out Too With Answer

Nov 24, 2014

I am trying to create an expression creator that prints the work out too, not just the answer.


#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;
void p1();
void p2();
void p3();
double P,P2,p,ans,ans2,ans1,restart;

[Code] .....

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Visual C++ :: Finding Temperature At The End Of Interval But Can't Seem To Get Answer?

Oct 30, 2013

I've been trying to get the numbers for hours now but i can seem to get it right. Here's the problem below:

During the initial period, when the heater is not yet functioning at peak efficiency the heating will increase the temperature inside the building at a rate given by the following equations. During the initial period when the air conditioner is not yet functioning at peak efficacy the air conditioner will decrease the temperature inside the building at a rate given by the same equations.

Interval = (Time since turning on / 2.0 ) - 3.0
Factor multiplying Temperature change per minute = exp( Interval) / ( 1 + exp(Interval) )

These equations can also be used after the heating or air conditioner reaches peak efficiency. These equations converge to 1, so after the heating or air conditioner reach peak efficiency these equations will always give a value of 1.

the value of these equations needs to be multiplied by the RATE TEMPERATURE CHANGES. The RATE TEMPERATURE CHANGES is EITHER the change in temperature inside the building in degrees Celsius per minute caused by heat being extracted by the air conditioning OR the change in temperature inside the building in degrees Celsius per minute caused by the heat being generated by the heating .Temperature change in degrees per minute = Factor multiplying Temperature change per minute * RATE TEMPERATURE CHANGES

Temperature at end of this interval = Temperature at the start of the interval + temperature change due to heat escaping during the this interval + temperature change due to heat generated by the heating system during this interval + temperature change due to heat removed by the cooling system during this interval

i have a:

...rate of -.05 for heat escape w/o cooling or heating
...rate of 0.10 for heat escape w/ cooling
...rate of 0.125 for heat increase w/ heating
...Starting temp=38.00
...Time interval 3.50

I can't seem to find the temp at the ending interval? What i tried doing:

using namespace std;
int main () {
double intervals=0.00;
double tempPerMin=0.00;

[Code] ....

The temperature at the end of the interval is suppose to be 37.81 but i can't get the answer. I'm pretty sure this is a logical error from the equations i used but i can't seem to find it.

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C/C++ :: Exponents Solution Do Not Give Right Answer If Last Number Ends In 5

Mar 19, 2014

I have two unassigned variables A,B . My program goes as follows

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdlib.h>  
using namespace std;    
bool die (const string & msg);  

[Code] ....

This a program that makes a calculator in which this is a small portion of it, all the exponent numbers work exceptfor anything ending in 5.

Examples go as follow 2^3=8, 3^2=9, 5^2=24

I want to why this happens, is it because they are unassigned variables?

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C++ :: Program Compiles Successfully But Calculations Give Wrong Answer

Feb 11, 2013

I'm using MSVC++ and it builds sucessfully but somewhere something is obviously messed it. Once i try to debug it just shows weird numbers.

int k=0; //could this be the problem??? since 0 would be over writing any given value. but if i leave int k; it showsa warning and MSVC would count that as an error

#include "stdafx.h" //Header file section
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
//structure declaration
struct menuitemtype

[Code] ......

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C++ :: Game Design Practice For Accessing Container Of Game Objects

Dec 21, 2014

I'm working on my first video game. So far I have a few classes in the game starting with the Game class which includes a list of GameObjects (another class). There are several classes that inherit from GameObjects used to implement things like bullets, explosions, various enemy types, etc.

The game essentially iterates through the list of GameObjects to update/render them. I would like to provide access to the Game's list of GameObjects inside another class (like the Bullet class) so I can put new objects on the list. For example, when a bullet hits, I want to add an explosion to the Game's GameObject list it can be updated/rendered.

How this should be setup? I was considering adding a pointer to the Game or GameObject list to the GameObject class (and methods to access it), but I was wondering if there is a better way to set this up?

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C++ :: Program For Calculating Total Price Of Game Station And Game

Sep 13, 2014

I would like to make a program for calculating the total price of a game station, and a game. I made a program like this for just the price of a game in class, but I want to make one that does the game system as well.

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C++ :: Recursive Function - Prompt User To Input Base And Exponent Then Generate Final Answer

Oct 31, 2014

I am studying about recursion by myself and i want to make a recursive function that prompts the user to input the base and exponent and generate the final answer .

using namespace std;
int recursive(int x, int y);
int main() {
/*int total=1;
int y, x;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: How To Correct The Search In The End Of Program

Jun 1, 2013

class air_line {
char name[5][100],name1;
long double opt,opt1,opt2,cnic[5],ticket_number[5],ticket_number1,cnic1;
void input()


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C :: What Is Correct Way To Print A Float

Feb 17, 2013

I have a program that printf a float that is returned by a function like this:


", myfloat());
float myfloat(void) {

In w32 my program has been running ok, but when run in a w64, it crash at the printf. If I change the definition of the function to return double it runs ok. in printf format string - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia , in the "type" section I see there is no definition to print a float, but %f is for double in fixed point.So the question is what is the correct way to printf a float? must I cast? or is it better to return double? if so, does it have a performance penalty?

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C++ :: Operator Overloading In A Correct Way?

Apr 1, 2013

Well... I observed, as a non-professional programmer that "overloading operators" has some strict rules and some conventions... so any operator can differ from another. In order to have a clearest idea, I'd like to ask you to specify, for every operator, the correct (or best) way to overload it.

There are cases where you define &operator and cases where you define operator (without "&"). There are cases where operator are defined as "friend" inside class, and other cases where operator is declared externally.

example: ostream &operator<<
(why it uses & ??)

So can we have a summary for all kind of operators?

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C/C++ :: Put 2 Marks For Each Question Correct?

Jun 13, 2014

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
void secondq();
void thirdq();


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C++ :: Getting Correct Numbers After Sorting

May 10, 2014

I'm trying to make a number sorting program with other features, but the numbers are all wrong.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
void readData(int list[], int size);
int main() {
int size = 50;
int scores[50] = {0};

[Code] ....


376 389 450 735 600 576 612 700 450 628 778 389 667 500 475 550 687 791 829 344
549 476 400 587 535 657 789 583 340 764 422 826 566 436 565 834 533 423 837 701
847 521 746 356 582 465 493 593 425 421

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C++ :: Giving Score To Correct Player

Jul 22, 2013

I have programmed a game where you guess a number (1-6) and if the number is equal to the random number then give the player score + 10. But if I have selected for example 4 players then if the game will give player 1 a score it gives player 2 a score instead? What can be causing this error?

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
int cube;
int number[4];

[Code] .....

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C :: How To Call Function With Correct Arguments

Sep 13, 2013

I'm not a programmer, at least, not a good one. I'm a researcher and I need to implement this function and test it and use it for my research. I tested some clustering methods in JAVA and Matlab and also I want to test it on C. I don't know too much about programming, especially about C, I know nothing. I tried to implement some basic methods but I failed.

It's all about K-Means Algorithm. I'm working on a disease and I'm trying to find ways to early diagnosis. Anyway, these are details. The thing is, I found a 'free to use' function but I don't know how can I use it. I tried to learn something from Net, I downloaded a compiler, I paste the code and I get many errors... And I heard that I have to do some "calling function" stuff but I don't know how to..

The code is in the link below: URL....It's not imperative that using this function, it can be another one but it had to written in C.

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C :: File Could Not Be Opened While Filename Seems Correct

Feb 10, 2013

I'm new to C and encountered a weird problem. Here's the code:

int main(){
char name[]="";
readname(name) ;
printf("The filename is: %s

[Code] ....

I compile this with no problem, but gives "File could not be opened". the strcmp tells me name and "snazzyjazz.txt" are not equal. but when I print them I get the same output.

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