C++ :: Recursive Function - Prompt User To Input Base And Exponent Then Generate Final Answer

Oct 31, 2014

I am studying about recursion by myself and i want to make a recursive function that prompts the user to input the base and exponent and generate the final answer .

using namespace std;
int recursive(int x, int y);
int main() {
/*int total=1;
int y, x;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Correct Answer From File - Cin Getting Wrong User Input

May 31, 2014

So I'm writing a program that will read a text file and it will do certain "functions" the text file will be like a game, and the program will be able to run many different games. The problem i'm having is in one of the "functions" i believe it's the one meant to get a correct choice from a file and a user input and put them into strings, it gets the wrong input. I know this because i tested both strings the "function" writes too. it gets the correct file answer but the user input is always "c" for some reason.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
int progfiles() {

[Code] ....

This is the code, most likely the section that is surrounded with "///" contains the problematic "functions." This is the command Line output...investigate why they're dieing or continue on your journey?(i-investigate/c-continue) got input and answer

Press any key to continue . . .

The got input and answer are tests to make sure it got both, the first 'i' is my input, the 'c' is what it says my input is, and the 'i' is the correct answer from the file. this is the part of the file that the program reads to get that output

"1 Do you want to go investigate why they're dieing or continue on your journey?(i-investigate/c-continue) 2 8 i 7 3 4 You continue on picking up speed to get to the egg first.. and.. Oh No, You accidentally bumped into the walls! 2 12 5 1 You go over, and as you realize the walls are acidic and that's why the other sperm are dieing.. 2 6"

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C++ :: User Input Data About Percentages To Calculate Final Grade - Addition Error?

Sep 15, 2014

I am trying to code a program that takes in user inputted data about percentages and using it to later on calculate a final grade. 4 percents are inputted, for Assignments, Midterm1, Midterm2, and Finals. If the percents dont add up to 1 (i tell the user to enter the decimal value) I set up and if statement to catch it and end the program. Except that if i type in

Assignments = .3
Midterm1 = .3
Midterm2 = .3
Finals = .1

the program doesn't recognize that they add up to 1. Heres the relevant portion of my code [URL] ....

Here's some examples of how it works [URL] ....

And heres what i dont understand [URL] ....

Why is it saying .3 + .3 + .3 + .1 != 1 when .1 + .3 + .3 + .3 == 1?

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C++ :: How To Prompt User To Input Only Letters

May 12, 2014

I am trying to write a program to get user's input but only accepts alphabetic characters, nothing else and I want it to ask the user to enter a valid word until they have finally entered a valid one. I have the following code for it but it does not work properly.

void CheckBound (char word1[], int SIZE1) {
int i;
int w1[SIZE4]= {0};
int found;
for (i=0;i<strlen(word1);i++) {

[Code] .....

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C++ :: How To Prompt User Input Only Letters (a-z)

Mar 1, 2013

How do I have the user enter only letters?

#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
int getInt() {
int x = 0;
while(!(cin >> x))

[Code] ....

But this function prompts the user to only input integer values. I was thinking if I could maybe try tweaking with this one so that the user could only enter letters..no luck though. So how can I have the user input letters only?

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C++ :: Create A Program That Will Prompt The User For Input?

Dec 28, 2014

I need to create a program that will prompt the user for an input, then it will save their input to a file and then it will prompt the user to input "Open" and then the file containing their first input, will open up and show their input.

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C/C++ :: Prompt User To Input File Name To Open

Aug 31, 2014

I'm trying to develop a programme which, amongst other things, prompts the user to enter the filename which is to be opened. This is what my code looks like currently:

char filename[20];
FILE *myfile;

printf("Enter the full file name you would like to open:");
scanf("%s", filename);

[Code] .....

However, this only ever returns File Not Found - the file is stored in the same directory as the program, and I have tried looking up this issue online, to no avail ....

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C :: Prompt User For Input And Display Character In Every Line

Mar 17, 2013

I am having problems printing "->" on the beginning of each line, im trying to do it as a loop and ending it when the user types "q". also i would like to know how to ignore text from the user when the input begings with a specific character. heres what ive done so far, and not currrently working as expected.

#include <stdio.h>
int main (void) {
char prompt;

[Code] ....

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C/C++ :: UDF To Prompt / Read And Validate User Input And Return A Value?

Aug 5, 2014

I'm having a problem with the two while statements in my UDF.

- 1. It will run both while loops twice...?

- 2. It now goes into a continuous loop.

- 3. When it did work, it would only return 1 value to the main()...?

#include <iostream> // for use of "cin" & "cout", endl...
#include <iomanip> // for formatting setw function
#include <cmath> // for the general math computations
#include <string> // for creating descriptive strings
#include <sstream> // used to convert a string to an integer
//user defined function
int userValue (int);


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C++ :: Prompt User For Two Characters - Output Movies That Begin With Input

Nov 24, 2014

I have trouble printing out the movies starting with inputing only two letters.

#include <iostream> //cout, cin, endl,getline
#include <fstream> //ifstream
#include <cstdlib> // exit
using namespace std;

const int NUM_MOVIES = 116792;
struct Movie {

[Code] ....

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C++ :: List Of Objects - Read Information From Each Object To Compare To User Input Prompt

Apr 19, 2013

I have a list of objects that I need to read information from each object to compare to a user input prompt.

#include "Passenger.h"
#include "Reservation.h"
#include "Aircraft.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
//Function Prototypes
void flightRoster(list<Reservation>&);

[Code] ....

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C :: Generate Words From User Input (Phone Number)

Aug 13, 2013

The basic idea of this exercise is to generate words from a user-input, seven-digit number(a phone number). The code runs, but for some reason, I can't get it to print the numbers into the file.

/*Write a program that will generate a word based on a randomly generated, seven-digit number. there should be 2187 possible words. Avoid "phone numbers" that begin with 0 or 1*/

#define PHONE 7
void wordGenerator(int number[]);
void wordGenerator(int number[]) {
//loop counters for each digit in the number

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Generate Random Number Between Two Numbers (User Input)

Jul 26, 2014

I am trying to generate a random number between two numbers that the user gives me.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
void rand_int(const int &min, const int &max, int &val);

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Generate Report Based On Input Received From Text File - User Defined Namespace

Nov 11, 2014

Write a program to generate a report based on input received from a text file. Suppose the input text file student_status.txt contains the student’s name (lastName, firstName middleName), id, number of credits earned as follows :

Doe, John K.
3460 25
Andrews, Susan S.
3987 72
Monroe, Marylin
2298 87
Gaston, Arthur C.
2894 110

Generate the output in the following format :

John K. Doe 3460 25 Freshman
Susan S. Andrews 3987 40 Sophomore
Marylin Monroe 2298 87 Junior
Arthur C. Gaston 2894 110 Senior

The program must be written to use the enum class_level :


and define two namespace globalTypes (tys and fys) for the function :

class_level deriveClassLevel(int num_of_credits) ;

The function deriveClassLevel should derive the class_level of the student based on the number of credits earned.

The first namespace globalType tys should derive the class level based on a two year school policy.
and the second namespace globalType fys should derive the class level based on a four year school policy.

Four Year School Policy:
Freshman 0-29 creditsSophomore 30-59 credits
Junior 60-89 creditsSenior 90 or more credits

Two Year School Policy:
Freshman 0-29 creditsSophomore 30 or more credits

NOTE : use ignore() function with ifstream objects whenever you want to ignore the newline character.

For example :
ifstream transferSchoolFile ;
transferSchoolFile.open("student_status.txt", ios::in);

while( !transferSchoolFile.eof()) {
getline(transferSchoolFile,name) ;
transferSchoolFile >> id >> credits;
transferSchoolFile.ignore(); //Used here to ignore the newline character.

I did this in parts so I got it working with a four year criteria without the user defined name spaces.

include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

[Code] ....

So that worked fine then I tried with name spaces -

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class_level classLevel;

[Code] ....

I know I have some stuff to mess around with but I am currently stuck with two errors, first -

Error1error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _main referenced in function ___tmainCRTStartupC:UsersstephenDocumentsVisual Studio 2013ProjectsinputConsoleApplication1MSVCRTD.lib(crtexe.obj)ConsoleApplication1

then -

Error2error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externalsC:UsersstephenDocumentsVisual Studio 2013ProjectsinputDebugConsoleApplication1.exeConsoleApplication1

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C/C++ :: Generate Report Based On Input Received From Text File - User Defined Namespace

Nov 11, 2014

Program Description: Write a program to generate a report based on input received from a text file. Suppose the input text file student_status.txt contains the student's name (lastName, firstName middleName), id, number of credits earned as follows :

Doe, John K.
3460 25
Andrews, Susan S.
3987 72
Monroe, Marylin
2298 87
Gaston, Arthur C.
2894 110

Generate the output in the following format :

John K. Doe 3460 25 Freshman
Susan S. Andrews 3987 40 Sophomore
Marylin Monroe 2298 87 Junior
Arthur C. Gaston 2894 110 Senior

The program must be written to use the enum class_level :


and define two namespace globalTypes (tys and fys) for the function :

class_level deriveClassLevel(int num_of_credits) ;

The function deriveClassLevel should derive the class_level of the student based on the number of credits earned.

The first namespace globalType tys should derive the class level based on a two year school policy.
and the second namespace globalType fys should derive the class level based on a four year school policy.

Four Year School Policy:
Freshman 0-29 creditsSophomore 30-59 credits
Junior 60-89 creditsSenior 90 or more credits

Two Year School Policy:
Freshman 0-29 creditsSophomore 30 or more credits

NOTE : use ignore() function with ifstream objects whenever you want to ignore the newline character. For example :

ifstream transferSchoolFile ;
transferSchoolFile.open("student_status.txt", ios::in);
while( !transferSchoolFile.eof()) {
getline(transferSchoolFile,name) ;
transferSchoolFile >> id >> credits;

[Code] ....

I know I have some stuff to mess around with but I am currently stuck with two errors, first -

Error1error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _main referenced in function ___tmainCRTStartupC:UsersstephenDocumentsVisual Studio 2013ProjectsinputConsoleApplication1MSVCRTD.lib(crtexe.obj)ConsoleApplication1

then -

Error2error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externalsC:UsersstephenDocumentsVisual Studio 2013ProjectsinputDebugConsoleApplication1.exeConsoleApplication1

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C/C++ :: Array To Only Print Out Final Average And Final Maximum Score With Final Minimum Score

Aug 27, 2014

#include <stdio.h>
float total, avg, max, min;
float judge[4];
int index;
int array[4];
int main() {
total = 0.0;
max = array[0];
min = array[0];

[Code] ....

I dont understand how to make the array when it prints out only print out the final average and the final maximum score with the final minimum score but what its doing at the moment is just giving an average for each individual score taken...

Minimum and maximum scores are displaying 0.0

And it displays these things 4 times in a row i just want it to be displayed once.

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C :: Exponent Program - Expression Evaluates To A Function Which Is Missing Argument List

Dec 15, 2013

I am new to C programming and I am trying to compile and run an exponent program my instructor posted for us but it is giving me an error saying:

Warning c4550: expression evaluates to a function which is missing an argument list.

Why this is happening (she doesn't seem to find anything wrong with the code). From what I could gather there is some issue with the math but idk. It is supposed to prompt for the number and the exponent to raise it to, then calculate and output the result.

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int base, exp;
long long int value=1;

[Code] .....

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C/C++ :: Final Output Needs To Print Initial And Final Values

Jan 28, 2015

I have a program that is reading six characters from a text file, swapping every other character(ABCD would read BADC), and then adjusting their value based on a user's adjusted value input. If the adjusted value is 5 then letter A becomes F.

The final output line should print the initial six characters followed by the final six characters after the swap and encrypt adjustment.

I can only manage to print the final characters. Am I far off thinking I need to use pointers to point to the original character values?

One more thing: instructor wants us to complete this project as simply as possible meaning without the use of arrays, loops, switch statements, etc.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
char c1,

[Code] ....

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C++ :: Best Way To Prompt User Again After Some Conditions Have Met

Mar 9, 2013

Here is a simple drinks machine programm. It basically consists in the user selecting a drink that it's presented, if the user selects correctly the number representing a certain drink, the machine shows the user what was the drink he selected, after his choise the machine asks for money insertion, if the user inserts the incorrect amount of money, the machine shows an error saying that user need to insert the correct amount of money.

My problem is that, if the user selects a different number other than those presentend, the machine displays an error saying that he needs to choose a valid drink, but i can't find a way to reprompt the user again after the error has been displayed. here's the code.

// ***Drinkins Machine*** by Roxmate
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int main() {
// initializes the variables coca, fanta, iced and drink to be used in switch function,so that the user can choose what drink he wants.
int coca = 1;


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C++ :: Prompt User For All Elements Of 3x3 Matrix

Dec 3, 2014

prompts a User for all elements of a 3x3 matrix. Your program should then print the matrix as well as the transpose of the matrix

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C++ :: Write A Password Prompt That Gives A User Only Certain Attempts

Mar 6, 2015

I'm trying to write this c++ programe:

Write a password prompt that gives a user only a certain number of password entry attempts, so that the user cannot easily write a password cracker.

Using FOR Loop. I know this can be easily done using while loop. But I want to know how to do it with for loop aswell.

Here is what I have so far:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main ()

[Code] ....

I don't see where the problem is.. The program just executes and does nothing.

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C :: Re-prompt User With Switch Statement Menu?

Sep 20, 2013

how to re-prompt a user with a switch statement menu that I prompted them earlier with. There are 4 options and after the user chooses an option the menu is supposed to pop up again unless the user chooses option 4, how do I do this? For reference I'll put up my source code.

int main(){
int init_bal,choice,balance,investment, donation;


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C :: How To Prompt User To Scan Numbers Into Array

May 17, 2013

i need to prompt the user of my program to input numbers into an array so that later on these numbers can be added or subtracted with other numbers to form a new array. My problem is I don't know how to make the user input numbers which will then be saved into the array for later use. Here is the parts of my code that relate to the problem:


float Xv, Yv, Zv, Xu, Yu, Zu ;
float vector1[VECTOR_LENGTH] = {Xv, Yv, Zv} ;
scanf("%1f %1f %1f", &Xv, &Yv, &Zv);
printf("The first element in the array vector1 is: %3f
", vector1[0]);

The point of that printf function is to see if what they have entered is actually registering as what i want it to. This does not work however and the value for this always comes up as 0.

how to scan numbers into an array so that they can be used for later use?

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C++ :: Prompt A User To Enter M For Male Or F For Female

Dec 24, 2014

I am simply trying to prompt a user to enter M for Male or F for Female. However, when I test run the program (what I've got so far below), any letter inputted is accepted and continues the program..?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
char gender;
int maleBodyWeight;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Program That Asks User To Prompt Integer Number

Nov 18, 2013

Write a program that asks the user to prompt an Integer number and then test whether it is Palindrome Numbers or not.

The following are Palindrome numbers:

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C :: Scanf Input By The User Into Function

Apr 19, 2013

I tried to scanf the input by the user into the function but it does not read my input. Read on one of the thread, it said that to scanf a input into a double, need to use %1f instead to %d (which normally used. I tried changing it to %1f and it still did not work.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
/* function main begins program execution */
int main( void )
double amount; /* amount on deposit */

[Code] ....

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