C++ :: Convert Input String Into A Form - Capital And Lower Case Letters

Mar 27, 2013

How can I write program that can convert an input string into a form that only the first letter of the string is a capital letter and the rest is lower-case?

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C++ :: Input String And Then Convert Each 1st Letter Of Word Into Capital Case

Dec 10, 2014

Write a program that inputs a string and then converts each 1st letter of a word in the string into capital case. An example run of the program is shown below:

Enter string: introduction to programming
Output string: Introduction To Programming

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C :: Find Number Of Capital Letters And Punctuations In A String

Jan 28, 2015

write a C program which repeatedly reads in sentences from the user and reports on how many capital letters are in the sentence and how many punctuation characters. Your program will stop asking for input once the user has entered in a blank line. Consider the following example usage with the program. User input is marked in underline:

Enter a sentence: John and Mary went to Fred's house.
You used 3 capital letters and 2 punctuation characters.
Enter a sentence: I like A&W more than McDonald's.
You used 5 capital letters and 3 punctuation characters.
Enter a sentence:
Good bye!

Hint: make use of the standard C functions ispunct and isupper. Other requirements. You must make two functions.

Make a function called find_characters, which has a return type of void, and which has three parameters: one of type char * (a string to find characters in), one of type int * (a reference to int variable indicating how many capital letters are in the string) and the last one also of type int * (a reference to an int variable indicating how many punctuation characters are in the string). Your find_characters function should scan the string and update the two variables it has references to.Make a main function.

This function should repeatedly read in a string from the user, call your find_characters function, and output the information returned to it by the find_characters function indicating how many capital letters and how many punctuation characters were in the string. Your main function should stop reading in input when the user enters in a blank string (i.e., the user just hits enter without entering anything else in). You may assume that the user will not enter in a sentence longer than 100 characters


int main(void) {

[Code] .....

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C++ :: Function To Change Char Array String To Lower Case

Feb 17, 2014

This code ran well until i added in the ToLower function which is supposed to convert the char array string to lower case (based off ascii strategy -32). correct this function so it converts string to lower case and doesn't get errors.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
const int MAX = 81; //max char is sting is 80
void ToLower(char s[]);
int main(){
string y_n;


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C :: How To Get Upper Case And Lower Case Equal

Feb 18, 2015

I just dont know how to get my upper case and lower case equal...heres the program: Write a program to calculate utility cost for ACME UTILITY COMPANY. The company has 3 types of customers (R) residential, (C) Commercial and (G) government. Customers are billed based on the number of kilowatts used and they type of customer they are (R,C,or G).

Residential cusstomers are charged 0.25 cents per kilowatt hour for the first 500kw used, and 0.35 cent per kwh for all kw used over 500.Commercial customers are charged 0.22 cents per kilowatt hour for the first 999kw used, 0.29 cents per kwh for all kw used over 999 kw up to 1999 and 0.45 cents per kwh for all kilowatts used greater than 1999. Commercial customers that use over 2000 kw are charged a special surcharge of 100.0 in addition to the regular charges.

Government customers are charged 0.34 cents for the first 1500 kwh used(<=1500). 0.30 cent for the next 1000 kwh(1501-2500) and 0.25 cents for all kwh used over (>=2501)

in addition residential customer are charged .5% tax on the cost utilities while Commercial customers are 5% tax on the cost of utilities not including the special surcharge Government customers are not charged a tax


#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(void)
int R;
int ct;
int kwh;
int taxes;
int surcharge;
int charge


the program should quit with Q and calculate the amount owed, utility charge, and surcharge

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C++ :: Capital And Lowercase Letters?

Sep 26, 2013

I am writing a code that requires the user to input either B or b for bright or D or d for dim. Basically, B is bright and D is dim but I have to code the program such that it allows for both he capital letter and the lowercase letter to be recognized.

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C++ :: Text Format - Displaying Capital Letters

Jul 4, 2013

Provide three menu options to format the text entered in QTextEdit to

(1) display the letters in capital letters
(2) display the text in red
(3) align the text in the center

I did the 2nd and the 3rd part but I can't find the capital letter part

if (name == "Color") {
if (name == "Capital") {
if (name == "Center") {

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C :: Way To Check If Letter Is Upper Or Lower Case

Jul 7, 2014

can i do in this way to check if letter is upper case or lower case is it better to using casting or i can do without casting.


if(selectOption == (char)81){
selectOption = (char)113;

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C++ :: Enter Name Of Your Favorite City In Lower Case

Oct 1, 2013

Please enter the name of your favorite city in lower case: (user for example enters) chicago

chicago is supposed to be data entered by the user.

My question is what code should i enter to enable the user to enter such data and how can i use that data (chicago) with the rest of my code.

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C :: Converting Two Strings To Upper And Lower Case Using Function

Dec 6, 2014

My code so far


#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>


I keep getting these 3 errors :

error expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before '{' token|.
error expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before '{' token|.
error expected '{' at end of input|.

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Visual C++ :: Convert String Of Uppercase Letters Into Its Corresponding Lowercase

Apr 26, 2014

Write A Program which converts a string of uppercase letters into its corresponding lowercase.Using pointers to access the members of the Array.

Write A program that reads eight float numbers into an array and then print out the second,fourth,sixth and eight members of the array,

And Sum of the first,third,fifth,and seventh. Using pointers to access the members of the array.

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C++ :: Convert Passed String Into Proper Alpha Case And Sort Array Of Names

Apr 25, 2013

I want to create 2 functions to (1) convert a passed string into proper case (capitalize the first alpha character of a string and every alpha character that follows a non-alpha character); (2) sort the array of names (after it has been converted to proper case).

I tried these two:

console.writeline (lower.toUpper());
void bubblesort (string array[],int length);

but I don't know if they are good.

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C :: How To Restrict Input Of A String To 2 Letters

Mar 6, 2015

I'm doing error checks in C and I'd like to know how to restrict the input of a string to 2 letters and if it is exceeded, i'd like to loop and ask for the code to be re-entered.


for (i = 0; i < code7; i++)
printf("Enter number of items: ");
scanf("%d", &item_qty[i]);


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C++ :: How To Search Form Insensitive To Case Sensitive - File Handling

May 23, 2014

How to search form insensitive to case sensitive? I'm trying to emulate the behavior of the function "grep" in Unix.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <ctype.h>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {

[Code] .....

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C++ :: What Data Type That Will Read In Letters And Numbers Form Fstream

Sep 11, 2013

What data_type will read in a string of letters mixed with numbers using fstream :);

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C/C++ :: Loading TXT File To Convert Letters To Numbers And Export Again

Feb 5, 2015

I have been playing around with .txt and .dat files lately. I only manage to load the files, but I don't seem to be able to load files using a variable.

Also modifying the data after it is imported is also currently problematic. I know how to go about the process without the need to import anything, but whenever I import the data I am having trouble modifying/ editing the ".txt" or ".dat" data.

Below is my current code:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
ifstream file;
ofstream result;
char in_file_name[8], out_file_name[8];

[Code] ....

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C++ :: How To Convert Compact Form Of Matrix Into Matrix Form

Oct 4, 2014

3 3
2 1 3 2 3
1 0 2
1 2 6

First line shows row and column number

First index of the second line tells the number of non-zero entries of the first row and second index tell the column number where the non zero entry is placed

for 1st row of matrix:

non-zero entries=2
column number=1
non-zero entry=3
column number=2
non-zero entry=2

covert this in the given form
0 3 3
2 0 0
0 0 6

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C++ :: How To Convert Large Valuge Form Single Integer To Array

Jun 3, 2013

i have mathematic operation and the result is near 70 digits....single variable cannot hold it....

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C++ :: How To Prompt User To Input Only Letters

May 12, 2014

I am trying to write a program to get user's input but only accepts alphabetic characters, nothing else and I want it to ask the user to enter a valid word until they have finally entered a valid one. I have the following code for it but it does not work properly.

void CheckBound (char word1[], int SIZE1) {
int i;
int w1[SIZE4]= {0};
int found;
for (i=0;i<strlen(word1);i++) {

[Code] .....

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C++ :: How To Prompt User Input Only Letters (a-z)

Mar 1, 2013

How do I have the user enter only letters?

#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
int getInt() {
int x = 0;
while(!(cin >> x))

[Code] ....

But this function prompts the user to only input integer values. I was thinking if I could maybe try tweaking with this one so that the user could only enter letters..no luck though. So how can I have the user input letters only?

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C/C++ :: How To Swap First And Last Letters Of Input Stream

Sep 22, 2014

I simply need to know how I could swap the first and last letters of the input in this program:

int main() {
    cout << "---------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
    cout << "              Letter Swapping Program" << endl;
    cout << "---------------------------------------------------------" << endl;  
    string word;
    cout << "Please enter a word at least 3 letters long: ";
    cin >> word;

[Code] ....

By all means, I know this is a messy program and is not the most concise way to write it....

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C :: How To Make A Switch Case Loop After Input Entered

Dec 31, 2013

I'm working on a code that needs to loop a switch case back to the beginning after a certain input is entered.

ex) Code:

printf("Select an option);
printf("1. Play game");
printf("2. Status");
printf("3. Exit");
scanf("%i", &userinput);


For my program, I want option 2 to display something, then loop back to "select and option" after the user presses enter. How would I write that? Would i use a while? do while?

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C :: Program That Counts Letters Of 3 Lines Of Input From User

May 26, 2013

So I am writing a program that counts the letters of 3 lines of input from the user. I am using a 3 x 80 character array as the "notepad". Upper and lower case characters are incremented on the same counter array.


/*Letters in a string*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
void countAlphabet(char *);
/*Character counting array*/
int alphabet[26] = {0};


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C++ :: How To Error Check If User Input Is Letters And Not Numbers

Jun 9, 2014

How do I error check if the user is inputting letters and not numbers? For example, if the user inputs "Lab.txt" I need to display an error message. If they input "Lab2part2.txt" then this is correct and what I want.

I've found a lot of information online on how to error check for numbers or a single letter (EX: 1,2,3, etc. or 'A' 'B' 'C') but nothing for actual WORDS or maybe I should refer to it as a string of characters?

Is there any way to do this? Because my program requires I ask the user to input the name of the file. But the way my code is currently set up is even when the user inputs the wrong file name it still opens the file. I want to prevent this from happening so my thought was to error check user input.

/*Program to determine company's weekly payroll*/

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
void OpenTheFile() {
ifstream inputFile;
string filename;
char letter;
int number;

[Code] .....

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C++ :: How Is A Program Written To Ignore Case Sensitivity When Dealing With Input

Nov 9, 2014

I've written a simple program, which asks the user to respond to a YES or NO question using the character Y/y for YES and the character N/n for NO. The foundation of this program is based around several IF statements implemented to aid in finding the ASCII value of the character entered before invoking the corresponding cout statement that informs the user which character they entered. My Question: How should a program be written to deal with ignoring case sensitivity in regards to the users' input?

Here is my amateurish attempt,

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()

[Code] .....

The following are IF statements written for the program to determine whether the user answered YES or NO. The program then performs the cout statement that contains the corresponding character to the ASCII value found.

if(user_input == 121 || user_input == 89)
if(user_input == 121)
cout << "


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C++ :: Reads User Input And Arrange Letters In Ascending Order?

Apr 21, 2014

I am trying to build a c++ that reads user input and arrange letters in ascending order.

for example, if the user input: Hello my name is Moe! the output will be: !aeeehillmmmnoos (ascending order)

my problem is that when i input hello my name is moe the output will be ehllo (not completing other letters) also when i change class size to 50, it outputs unknown weird letters.

This is my code:

#define CLASS_SIZE 10
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
void bubbleSortAWriteToB(const char a[], char b[]);
using namespace std;
int main(void){
int i;


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